19 resultados para Arthroscopic hip surgery
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Potilaiden käsitys terveyteen liittyvästä elämänlaadusta lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeisenä toipumisaikana – kuuden kuukauden seurantatutkimus Tässä kaksivaiheisessa seurantatutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin potilaiden käsitystä terveyteen liittyvästä elämänlaadusta lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeisenä toipumisaikana. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tarkoituksena oli sekä kuvailla potilaiden kokemuksia potilaana olosta, saamastaan hoidosta ja terveyspalveluorganisaatiosta että analysoida aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella leikkauksen tuloksia potilaan kannalta. Toisessa vaiheessa tarkoituksena oli arvioida potilaiden kokemaa elämänlaatua leikkauksen jälkeen, ja sitä vaikuttivatko primaaritulokset (fyysinen toimintakyky, kipu, ahdistus) tai taloudelliset seuraukset (potilaiden itsensämaksamat kustannukset, palvelujen käyttö) terveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää mahdolliset kriittiset ajankohdat tai tekijät, jotka saattavat hidastaa toipumista ja siten huonontaa potilaiden elämänlaatua. Tätä tietoa voidaan käyttää hoitotyössä kun suunnitellaan sopivaa hoitoa ja tukea toipumisajalle. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa primaarileikkaukseen tulevat potilaat (n = 17) kuvailivat teemahaastatteluissa kokemuksiaan kahdesti leikkauksen jälkeen. Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla. Lisäksi 17 tutkimusartikkelista analysoitiin deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla leikkauksen tuloksia potilaalle, tuloksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja käytetyt tutkimusmetodit. Toisessa vaiheessa primaari- tai revisioleikkaukseen tulevat potilaat (n = 100) arvioivat leikkauksen tuloksia kuuden kuukauden ajan leikkauksen jälkeen: terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua, primaarituloksia ja taloudellisia seurauksia. Aineisto kerättiin erilaisilla mittareilla: Sickness Impact Profile, Finnish Version, Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory, ja Numeric Rating Scale. Lisäksi käytettiin tätä tutkimusta varten tehtyjä kyselylomakkeita: Fyysinen toimintakyky-mittari, Palvelujen käyttö-mittari ja Kustannusmittari. Tutkimuksen toiseen vaiheen tulokset analysoitiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä. Potilaiden terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu parani ja kipu lievittyi leikkauksen jälkeen ja fyysinen toimintakyky lisääntyi toipumisaikana. Positiivisista muutoksista huolimatta potilaat kokivat ahdistusta samassa määrin kuin ennen leikkaustakin. Palvelujen käyttö vaihteli toipumisajan kuluessa ja potilaiden maksamissa kustannuksissa oli suuria vaihteluita. Fyysisen toimintakyvyn lisääntyminen ja kivun lieveneminen paransivat terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua. Sen sijaan huonompi elämänlaatu toipumisaikana oli yhteydessä suurempaan palvelujen käyttöön, kun taas kustannuksilla ei ollut yhteyttä elämänlaatuun. Potilaiden ominaispiirteet tulisi ottaa enemmän huomioon suunniteltaessa sopivaa leikkauksenjälkeistä hoitoa ja tukea. Potilaat tarvitsevat yksilöllisiä ohjeita, sillä monet taustatekijät (esim. ikä, sukupuoli, preoperatiivinen kipu, siviilisääty, ja leikkaustyyppi) vaikuttavat toipumiseen.
Hip fractures are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Cervical and trochanteric fractures have a different morphometry, surgical treatment, and outcome. Polypharmacy, common in older people, is associated with increased mortality. The risk factors for mortality can be identified based on cause-of-death analysis. In this population-based study, 461 older, surgically in 1999-2000 treated hip fracture patients were enrolled. Incidence, morphometry, medication, mortality, and cause-of-death were analysed. Hip fractures were most commonly sustained by women, occurred mostly indoors, and often in institutions. One in four patients had sustained a previous fracture. Routine clinical radiographs revealed no differences in the hip geometry between hip fracture types. Age-adjusted mortality was higher in men than in women during the follow-up. Chronic lung disease and male sex were predictors of mortality after cervical fracture. In men, potent anticholinergics were associated with excess age-adjusted mortality. Men were more likely to die from circulatory disease and dementia after hip fracture than women. Mortality after hip fracture was 3-fold higher than that of the general population, including every cause-of-death class. Fracture prevention in institutions and homes, indoor safety measures, and treatment of chronic lung diseases should be encouraged. Hip morphometry analyses require more accurate measures than that provided by routine radiographs. Careful use of potent anticholinergics may reduce mortality. Compared to the general population, excess mortality after hip fracture was evident up to 9 years after hip fracture. Cause-of-death analysis indicates that all major comorbidities require optimal treatment after hip fracture surgery.
Hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) and large head metal-on-metal total arthroplasty (LDH MoM THA) gained popularity during the last decade. Adverse reaction to metal debris (ARMD) is a unique complication of metal bearings. ARMD is a complex reaction caused by metal debris from metal-on- metal bearing surfaces and from trunnion corrosion of modular junctions. We analyzed survivorship of 8059 LDH MoM THAs based on data of the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. We found relatively high short-term survivorship for some LDH MoM THAs, but there were remarkable differences between the devices studied. After some alarming reports of failing MoM THAs, we studied the first 80 patients who had received a ReCap-M2a-Magnum implant at our institution and evaluated the prevalence of ARMD. We found a high prevalence of pseudotumors, and, because of this, we discontinued the use of MoM bearings and followed up all patients with a MoM THA. Bone loss due infection, osteolysis or fracture poses a great challenge for reconstructive and fracture surgery. Onlay allografting for both revision and fracture surgery provides mechanical stability and increases bone stock. Bone loss and implant stability must be assessed preoperatively and adequately classified; this provides guidelines for the operative treatment of periprosthetic fractures and revision THA. In our studies on structural allografts union rates were high, although the rates of infections and dislocations were marked. In summary, early results of the use of LDH MoM devices were encouraging. However, the survival of the LDH MoMs varied. The prevalence of adverse reaction to metal debris was high after application of the ReCap-Magnum THA. New implants should be introduced carefully and under close surveillance by University clinics and arthroplasty registers.
Tiedollista voimavaraistumista tukeva internet-perustainen ohjaus päiväkirurgisille ortopedisille potilaille Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää tiedollista voimavaraistumista tukeva Internetperustainen potilasohjausohjelma sekä arvioida sitä. Tutkimusprosessi jaettiin kahteen vaiheeseen. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa luotiin sisältö tiedollista voimavaraistumista tukevalle Internet-perustaiselle ohjaukselle päiväkirurgisia ortopedisia potilaita varten. Toisessa vaiheessa arvioitiin Internet-perustaisen ohjauksen (koeryhmä) hyväksyttävyyttä käyttäjien arvioimana ja ohjauksen tuloksia sekä verrattiin Internet-perustaisen ohjauksen (koeryhmä) tuloksia tiedollisesti voimavaraistumista tukevan sairaanhoitajan välittämään ohjauksen (kontrolliryhmä) tuloksiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda uusi potilasohjausmuoto joka tarjoaa yksilöllisen, osallistavan ja aikaan ja paikkaan sitomattoman ohjauksen päiväkirurgiseen ortopediseen leikkaukseen tulevalle potilaalle. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa käytettiin kuvailevaa ja vertailevaa tutkimusmenetelmää (ennen ja jälkeen testaus). Tutkimukseen osallistui 120 päiväkirurgista ortopedista potilasta joiden tiedon odotuksia ja heille välitettyä tietoa tarkasteltiin. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisen vaiheen tuloksien ja aikaisemman voimavaraistumista käsittävän tiedon perusteella luotiin sisältö tiedollista voimavaraistumista tukevalle Internet-perustaiselle ohjaukselle. Sisältö rakentui voimavaraistavan tiedon kuudesta eri osa-alueesta. Tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa käytettiin randomoitua kokeellista tutkimusasetelmaa. Päiväkirurgiseen ortopediseen leikkaukseen tulevat potilaat randomoitiin koeryhmään (n=72) Internetperustaiseen ohjaukseen ja kontrolliryhmään (n=75) sairaanhoitajan välittämään ohjaukseen. Aineisto kerättiin strukturoitujen mittareiden avulla ja tulokset analysoitiin tilastollisesti. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kehitettyä tiedollisesti voimavaraistumista tukevaa Internet-perustaista potilasohjausmenetelmää voidaan suositella käytettäväksi ortopedisten päiväkirurgisten potilaiden ohjauksessa ja potilailla on hyvät mahdollisuudet voimavaraistua tiedollisesti sen avulla. Monipuolista tietoa sisältävä Internet-perustainen ohjaus osoittautui käyttäjien näkökulmasta hyväksyttäväksi. Vaikka Internet ohjauksen hyväksyttävyys koettiin osittain heikommaksi kuin sairaanhoitajan välittämän ohjauksen, potilaat käyttivät nettisivustoa ongelmitta ja arvioivat sen helppokäyttöiseksi. Ohjausmuodolla ei ollut vaikutusta hoidosta aiheutuneisiin kustannuksiin. Sen sijaan kustannuksista organisaatiolle voitiin puolittaa sairaanhoitajan ohjaukseen käyttämä aika Internet-perustaisen ohjauksen avulla. Internet-perustaiseen ohjaukseen osallistuneiden potilaiden tiedon taso ja kokemus tiedon riittävyydestä lisääntyivät ohjauksen jälkeen enemmän kuin sairaanhoitajan välittämään potilasohjaukseen osallistuneiden potilaiden tiedot. Ohjausmuodolla ei ollut vaikutusta potilaiden kokemien tunteiden ja oireiden voimakkuuteen. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että tiedollisesti voimavaraistava Internet-perustaista ohjausta voidaan suositella vaihtoehtoiseksi menetelmäksi sairaanhoitajan välittämälle ohjaukselle päiväkirurgiseen ortopediseen leikkaukseen tuleville potilaille.
This study analyzed the feasibility and efficacy of surgical therapies in patients with sleep-disordered breathing ranging from partial upper airway obstruction during sleep to severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The surgical procedures evaluated were tracheostomy, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LUPP) and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) with laser or ultrasound scalpel. Obstructive sleep apnea and partial upper airway obstruction during sleep were measured with the static charge-sensitive bed (SCSB) and pulse oximeter. The patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome were treated with tracheostomy. Palatal surgery was performed only if the upper airway narrowing occurred exclusively at the soft palate level in patients with partial upper airway obstruction during sleep. The ultrasound scalpel technique was compared to laser-assisted UPPP. The efficacy of LUPP to reduce partial upper airway obstruction during sleep was assessed and histology of uvulopalatal specimen was compared to body fat distributional parameters and sleep study findings. Tracheostomy was effective therapy in severe obstructive sleep apnea. Partial upper airway obstruction and arterial oxyhemoglobin desaturation index during sleep decreased significantly after LUPP. The minimal retropalatal airway dimension increased and soft palate collapsibility decreased at the level where the velopharyngeal obstruction had occurred before the surgery. Ultrasound scalpel did not offer any significant benefits over the laser-assisted technique, except fewer postoperative haemorrhage events. The loose connective tissue as a manifestation of edema was the only histological finding showing correlation with partial upper airway obstruction parameters of SCSB. Tracheostomy remains a life-saving therapy and also long-term option when adherence to CPAP fails in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. LUPP effectively reduces partial upper airway obstruction during sleep provided that obstruction at the other levels than the soft palate and uvula were preoperatively excluded. Technically the ultrasound scalpel or laser surgeries are equal. In patients with partial upper airway obstruction the loose connective tissue is more important than fat accumulation in the soft palate. This supports the hypothesis that edema is a primary trigger for aggravation of upper airway narrowing during sleep at the soft palate level and evolution towards partial or complete upper airway obstruction during sleep.
Factors affecting outcome after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair are unclear and there is still insufficient evidence of efficacy of any treatment modality for rotator cuff tears. The purpose of the current study was to determine in a prospective randomized multicenter trial whether there is a difference in clinical outcome between three different treatment modalities in the treatment of degenerative, atraumatic supraspinatus tendon tear in elderly patients. 180 shoulders were randomized into three treatment groups: 1) physiotherapy, 2) arthroscopic acromioplasty and physiotherapy, 3) arthroscopic rotator cuff reconstruction, acromioplasty and physiotherapy. The objective of this study was also to evaluate retrospectively the effect of trauma, the size of the rotator cuff tear, smoking habits and glenohumeral osteoarthritis on the clinical treatment outcome after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in a consecutively prospectively collected series of patients. The patient data was gathered to the electronic database. The Constant score was used as a primary outcome measure. The follow‐up time was one year. The main finding was that operative treatment did not provide benefit over conservative regimen in elderly patients with atraumatic supraspinatus tear. Trauma did not affect on the clinical outcome and there was neither difference in the age of patients with traumatic vs. non‐traumatic rotator cuff tears. The size of the rotator cuff tear correlated significantly with the clinical results. The outcome was significantly poorer in tears with infraspinatus involvement compared to anterosuperior tears. Operatively treated rotator cuff tear patients who smoked were significantly younger than non‐smokers, and smoking was associated with poorer clinical outcome. Concomitant osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint was found to be a relatively common finding in supraspinatus tear patients. Osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint in operatively treated supraspinatus tear patients predicted poorer clinical results comparing to patients without osteoarthritis.
Large-headed total hip arthroplasty (THA) and hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) with metal-on-metal (MoM) bearings became popular during the last decade. Recently, it has become evident that the large-head MoM hip implants are associated with increased revision rates despite their theoretical advantages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the early results of primary MoM hip replacements and of acetabular revisions. I analyzed retrospectively the results of four MoM implant designs and the survival rate of acetabular revisions with impaction bone grafting, as documented in the Turku University Hospital database. Further, I evaluated the correlation between femoral head size and dislocation rate, and used the Finnish Arthroplasty Register data to compare the survival of three large-head MoM THAs to analogous HRAs. The early results for the Magnum M2A–ReCap THA were good. A larger head size decreased the risk of dislocation. Articular surface replacement (ASR) THA yielded inferior results compared to analogous HRA. For two other designs the results were similar. The R3–Synergy THA yielded inferior results compared to the reference implants. The survival of acetabular reconstructions with impaction bone grafting was inferior compared to previous reports. In conclusion, the early results of the Biomet ReCap–Magnum design were promising, and large head sizes decreased the dislocation rate. The survival of different MoM hip implant designs varied. The survival of new designs and techniques may be inferior to those reported by the clinics where implants are developed. An important caveat is that early promising results of new devices may rapidly worsen. New implants need to be introduced in a controlled fashion to the market; here, arthroplasty registers are a valuable tool that needs to be used.
Day surgery has gained a large popularity during the last decades. In Finland, 57% of the elective procedures, and 50% at Turku University Hospital, were already conducted on day basis during 2012. The steady growth of day surgery is mostly due to an increased safety in perioperative care and cost-effectiveness. The development of surgical techniques and anaesthetic methods has advanced the modern day surgery and extended the repertory of the procedures for use in day surgery operations. Day surgery also offers certain benefits like reduced risk for hospital-related infections, stress and confusion. Patient satisfaction, regarding several issues, is high. Most concerns and complaints are related to postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting pain and nausea. Pain can hamper recovery and pain management is a crucial factor for hospital discharge. Appropriate pain treatment is effective, safe, easy and economical. A procedure-specific approach and an individually planned, multimodal analgesia should be the basis of modern pain management. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of anaesthetic technique and methods in pain treatment of orthopaedic day case surgery, and following conclusions were made. Unilateral spinal block was achieved using hyperbaric bupivacaine with a small dose of clonidine but clonidine prolonged the block. Continuous subacromial bupivacaine was found to be safe but conferring only moderate efficacy in pain care after shoulder arthroscopy. Transdermal fentanyl, 12 g/h, as part of multimodal analgesia, offered a safe and easy option to pain management in this patient group. However, after forefoot surgery, it did not reduce pain any further. In general, pain scores in all patient groups were low and the need for rescue opioid moderate.
Background: Controversy exists concerning indications and outcomes of major bariatric surgery procedures. Massive weight loss after bariatric surgery leads to excess skin with functional and aesthetic impairments. The aim of this study was to investigate the major bariatric surgery procedures and their outcomes in two specific subgroups of morbidly obese patients, ≥55-year-olds and the superobese. Further aims were to evaluate whether the preoperative weight loss correlates with laparoscopic gastric bypass complications. The prevalence and impact of excess skin and the desire for body contouring after bariatric surgery were also studied. Patients and Methods: Data from patients who underwent Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) and Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) at Vaasa Central Hospital were collected and postoperative outcomes were evaluated according to the BMI, age and preoperative weight loss. Patients who had undergone bariatric surgery procedures were asked to complete a questionnaire to estimate any impairment due to redundant skin and to analyse each patient’s desire for body contouring by area. Results: No significant difference was found in operative time, hospital stay, or overall early postoperative morbidity between LAGB and LRYGB. Mean excess weight loss percents (EWL%) at 6 and 12 months after LRYGB were significantly higher. A significant difference was found in operative time favouring patients <55 years. Intraoperative complications were significantly more frequent in the group aged >55 years. No significant difference was detected in overall postoperative morbidity rates. A significant difference was found in operative time and hospital stay favouring all patients who lost weight preoperatively. Most patients reported problems with redundant skin, especially on the abdomen, upper arms and rear/buttocks, which impaired daily physical activity in half of them. Excess skin was significantly associated with female gender, weight loss and ΔBMI. Patients with a WL >20 kg, ΔBMI ≥10 kg/m2 and an EWL % > 50 showed a significantly surplus skin discomfort (p < 0.001). Most patients desired body contouring surgery, with high or very high desire for waist/abdomen (62.2%), upper arm (37.6%), chest/breast (28.3%), and rear/buttock (35.6%) contouring. Conclusions: LRYGB is effective and safe in superobese (BMI >50) and elderly (>55 years) patients. A preoperative weight loss >5% is recommended to improve the outcomes and reduce complications. A WL >20 kg, ΔBMI ≥10 kg/m2 and an EWL % > 50 are associated with a higher functional discomfort due to redundant skin and to a stronger desire for body contouring plastic surgery.
Non-metallic implants made of bioresorbable or biostable synthetic polymers are attractive options in many surgical procedures, ranging from bioresorbable suture anchors of arthroscopic surgery to reconstructive skull implants made of biostable fiber-reinforced composites. Among other benefits, non-metallic implants produce less interference in imaging. Bioresorbable polymer implants may be true multifunctional, serving as osteoconductive scaffolds and as matrices for simultaneous delivery of bone enhancement agents. As a major advantage for loading conditions, mechanical properties of biostable fiber-reinforced composites can be matched with those of the bone. Unsolved problems of these biomaterials are related to the risk of staphylococcal biofilm infections and to the low osteoconductivity of contemporary bioresorbable composite implants. This thesis was focused on the research and development of a multifunctional implant model with enhanced osteoconductivity and low susceptibility to infection. In addition, the experimental models for assessment, diagnostics and prophylaxis of biomaterial-related infections were established. The first experiment (Study I) established an in vitro method for simultaneous evaluation of calcium phosphate and biofilm formation on bisphenol-Aglycidyldimethacrylate and triethylenglycoldimethacrylate (BisGMA-TEGDMA) thermosets with different content of bioactive glass 45S5. The second experiment (Study II) showed no significant difference in osteointegration of nanostructured and microsized polylactide-co-glycolide/β-tricalcium phosphate (PLGA /β-TCP) composites in a minipig model. The third experiment (Study III) demonstrated that positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with the novel 68Ga labelled 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) CD33 related sialic-acid immunoglobulin like lectins (Siglec-9) tracer was able to detect inflammatory response to S. epidermidis and S. aureus peri-implant infections in an intraosseous polytetrafluoroethylene catheter model. In the fourth experiment (Study IV), BisGMATEGDMA thermosets coated with lactose-modified chitosan (Chitlac) and silver nanoparticles exhibited antibacterial activity against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa strains in an in vitro biofilm model and showed in vivo biocompatibility in a minipig model. In the last experiment (Study V), a selective androgen modulator (SARM) released from a poly(lactide)-co-ε-caprolactone (PLCL) polymer matrix failed to produce a dose-dependent enhancement of peri-implant osteogenesis in a bone marrow ablation model.
The objective of this thesis was to identify the determinants of bone strength and predictors of hip fracture in representative samples of Finnish adults. A secondary objective was to construct a simple multifactorial model for hip fracture prediction over a 10-year follow-up period. The study was based on the Health 2000 Survey conducted during 2000 to 2001 (men and women aged 30 years or over, n=6 035) and the Mini-Finland Health Survey conducted during 1978 to 1980 (women aged 45 years or over, n=2 039). Study subjects participated in health interviews and comprehensive health examination. In the Health 2000 Survey, bone strength was assessed by means of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound (QUS). The follow-up information about hip fractures was drawn from the National Hospital Discharge Register. In this study, age, weight, height, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (S-25(OH)D), physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption as well as menopause and eventual HRT in women were found to be associated with calcaneal broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and speed of sound (SOS). Parity was associated with a decreased risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. Age, height, weight or waist circumference, quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), S-25(OH)D and fall-related factors, such as maximal walking speed, Parkinson’s disease, and the number of prescribed CNS active medication were significant independent predictors of hip fracture. At the population level, the incremental value of QUS appeared to be minor in hip fracture prediction when the fall-related risk factors were taken into account. A simple multifactorial model for hip fracture prediction presented in this study was based on readily available factors (age, gender, height, waist circumference, and fallrelated factors). Prospective studies are needed to test this model in patient-based study populations.