6 resultados para Antigens, Tumor-Associated, Carbohydrate

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Suusyöpä on yleisin pään ja kaulan alueen pahanlaatuisista kasvaimista. Niistä yli 90 % on levyepiteelikarsinoomia. Koska suusyöpäpotilaan viisivuotisennuste on vain noin 50 %, on jatkuva tarve löytää keinoja ennustamaan potilaan selviytymistä ja ohjaamaan hoitoa. Suun levyepiteelikarsinooman ympäristössä havaitaan säännöllisesti eosinofiilejä. Eosinofiili on ihmisen immuunijärjestelmän erikoistunut solu, joiden määrä lisääntyy sekä tulehdusreaktioissa että syöpien läheisyydessä. Toistaiseksi ei tiedetä, miten eosinofiilit liittyvät suun levyepiteelikarsinoomaan, mutta oletuksena on, että suusyöpään liittyvällä eosinofilialla, TATE (tumor-associated tissue eosinophilia), voisi olla vaikutusta suun levyepiteelikarsinoomapotilaan ennusteeseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää TATE:n ilmenemistä ja vaikutusta potilaan ennusteeseen suun levyepiteelikarsinoomassa. Lisäksi tutkimus käsittelee potilaan ennusteen kannalta optimaalista eosinofiilimäärän raja-arvoa, jota voitaisiin käyttää patologin työkaluna ennusteen arvioinnissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostui Turun yliopiston Suupatologian laitoksella vuosina 2002-2010 tutkituista 122 suuontelon ja huulen limakalvokoepalasta, jotka oli otettu diagnostisia tarkoituksia varten 99 potilaalta. Tutkimuksen potilaista 44 oli naisia ja 55 miehiä, ja heidän keski-ikänsä oli 65,3 vuotta. Seuranta-aika oli keskimäärin 40,7 kk. Kaksi tutkijaa analysoivat hematoksyliini-eosiinilla värjätyt näytteet suurentamalla ne 400-kertaisiksi valomikroskoopilla. Eosinofiilien määrä laskettiin yhteensä kuudelta edustavimmalta syövän ja strooman alueelta. TATE:n suhde potilaan kliinispatologisiin piirteisiin ja selviytymiseen selvitettiin Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan potilastiedoistoista ja analysoitiin tilastollisesti käyttämällä Fischerin testiä. Työllä oli Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin eettisen toimikunnan lupa (nro T10/2011, päätös O31/11). Levyepiteelikarsinooman kliininen kuva vaihteli haavaisen muutoksen ollessa yleisin. Yleisin sijainti levyepiteelikarsinoomalle oli kieli. TATE:a löydettiin 61,5 %:sta (78/122) levyepiteelikarsinoomanäytteitä. Mikäli TATE:a ei löydetty tai sen määrä oli korkea, oli potilaan selviytyminen tilastollisesti merkitsevästi parempi kuin potilailla, joilla TATE oli matala. Lisäanalyyseissä havaittiin, että potilaan ennuste oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi huonompi, mikäli TATE:n raja-arvo oli vähemmän kuin neljä eosinofiiliä per tutkittu mikroskooppinäkymä (HPF). TATE on täten merkki suun levyepiteelikarsinoomapotilaan paremmasta ennusteesta erityisesti, kun havaitaan enemmän kuin neljä eosinofiiliä/HPF. Tutkimustulosten varmistamiseksi tarvitaan kuitenkin jatkossa laajempia tutkimuksia.


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Prostate cancer is generally a slowly developing disease. However, some cancers develop into an aggressive, metastasic and consequently life-threatening state. The mechanisms of prostate cancer spread are still mainly unidentified but hormones and growth factors are known to been involved. The forming of new blood vessels i.e. angiogenesis is crucial for tumor growth. Blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are also prominent routes for metastasis. Both angiogenic and lymphangiogenic factors are overexpressed in prostate cancer. We established an in vivo model to study the factors effecting human prostate cancer growth and metastasis. Tumors were produced by the orthotopic inoculation of PC-3 prostate cancer cells into the prostates of immunodeficient mice. Like human prostate tumors, these tumors metastasized to prostate-draining lymph nodes. Treatment of the mice with the bisphosphonate alendronate known to decrease prostate cancer cell invasion in vitro inhibited metastasis and decreased tumor growth. Decreased tumor growth was associated with decreased angiogenesis and increased apoptosis of tumor cells. To elucidate the role of angiogenesis in prostate cancer progression, we studied the growth of orthotopic PC-3 tumors overexpressing fibroblast growth factor b (FGF8b) known to be expressed in human prostate cancer. FGF8b increased tumor growth and angiogenesis, which were both associated with a characteristic gene expression pattern. To study the role of lymphangiogenesis, we produced orthotopic PC-3 tumors overexpressing vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C). Blocking of VEGF-C receptor (VEGFR3) completely inhibited lymph node metastasis whereas overexpression of VEGF-C increased tumor growth and angiogenesis. VEGF-C also increased lung metastases but, surprisingly, decreased spread to lymph nodes. This suggests that the expanded vascular network was primarily used as a route for tumor spreading. Finally, the functionality of the capillary network in subcutaneous FGF8b-overexpressing PC-3 tumors was compared to that of tumors overexpressing VEGF. Both tumors showed angiogenic morphology and grew faster than control tumors. However, FGF8b tumors were hypoxic and their perfusion and oxygenation was poor compared with VEGF tumors. This suggests that the growth advantage of FGF8b tumors is more likely due to stimulated proliferation than effective angiogenesis. In conclusion, these results show that orthotopic prostate tumors provide a useful model to explore the mechanisms of prostate cancer growth and metastasis.


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This study is part of the STRIP study, which is a long-term, randomized controlled trial, designed to decrease the exposure of children in the intervention group (n=540) to known risk factors of atherosclerosis. The main focus of the intervention was the quality of dietary fat. The control group (n=522) did not receive any individualized counselling. Food consumption was evaluated with food records, and blood samples were drawn and growth was measured regularly for all participating children from 13 months to 9 years. A subsample of 66 children participated in a dental health survey. The number of studies on children’s carbohydrate intake, especially fibre intake, is insufficient. The current international recommendations for fibre intake in children are based on average assumptions and data extrapolated from intakes in adults and intake recommendations for adults. Finnish nutrition recommendations lack strict recommendations for dietary fibre in children. Due to fibre’s high bulk volume, excessive dietary fibre is considered to decrease energy density and hence it may have an adverse effect on growth. If fats are reduced from the diet, the low-fat diet may become high in sucrose. Therefore, especially in the STRIP study, it is important to determine the use of fibre and sucrose in children and possible associations with growth and nutrition as well as dental health. The results of the present study indicate that a high fibre intake does not displace energy or disturb growth in children and that children with high fibre intake have better quality of diet than those with low fibre intake. Additionally, dietary fibre intake associated inversely with serum cholesterol concentration. Other carbohydrates also affected serum lipid levels as well, since total carbohydrates, sucrose, and fructose increased serum triglyceride concentration. Total carbohydrate intake reduced HDL cholesterol concentration only in children with apoE3 or apoE4 phenotype. Over the period from the 1970s to the 1990s the dental health of children in Finland has substantially improved despite an increase in sucrose intake. The improvement was thought to be due to improved dental hygiene and the use of fluorine. However, during the past twenty years improvement in dental health has stopped. The present study showed that high long-term sugar intake increases risk of caries in children. High intake of sugar had also negative effects on the diet of children, because it worsens dietary quality by displacing essential nutrients. Furthermore, the quality of dietary fat was worse in children with high sucrose intake. In this study the children’s high sucrose intake was not associated with overweight, but interestingly, it associated inversely with growth.


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Carbohydrates are one of the most abundant classes of biomolecules on earth. In the initial stages of research on carbohydrates much effort was focused on investigation and determination of the structural aspects and complex nature of individual monosaccharides. Later on, development of protective group strategies and methods for oligosaccharide synthesis became the main topics of research. Today, the methodologies developed early on are being utilized in the production of carbohydrates for biological screening events. This multidisciplinary approach has generated the new discipline of glycobiology which focuses on research related to the appearance and biological significance of carbohydrates. In more detail, studies in glycobiology have revealed the essential roles of carbohydrates in cell-cell interactions, biological recognition events, protein folding, cell growth and tumor cell metastasis. As a result of these studies, carbohydrate derived diagnostic and therapeutic agents are likely to be of growing interest in the future. In this doctoral thesis, a journey through the fundamentals of carbohydrate synthesis is presented. The research conducted on this journey was neither limited to the study of any particular phenomena nor to the addressing of a single synthetic challenge. Instead, the focus was deliberately shifted from time to time in order to broaden the scope of the thesis, to continue the learning process and to explore new areas of carbohydrate research. Throughout the work, several previously reported synthetic protocols, especially procedures related to glycosylation reactions and protective group manipulations, were evaluated, modified and utilized or rejected. The synthetic molecules targeted within this thesis were either required for biological evaluations or utilized to study phenomena occuring in larger molecules. In addition, much effort was invested in the complete structural characterization of the synthesized compounds by a combination of NMR spectroscopic techniques and spectral simulations with the PERCH-software. This thesis provides the basics of working with carbohydrate chemistry. In more detail, synthetic strategies and experimental procedures for many different reactions and guidelines for the NMR-spectroscopic characterization of oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates are provided. Therefore, the thesis should prove valuable to researchers starting their own journeys in the ever expanding field of carbohydrate chemistry.


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Breast cancer is the most frequent solid tumor among women and the leading cause of cancer related death in women worldwide. The prognosis of breast cancer patients is tightly correlated with the degree of spread beyond the primary tumor. In this thesis, the aim was to identify novel regulators of tumor progression in breast cancer as well as to get insights into the molecular mechanisms of breast cancer progression and metastasis. First, the role of phospholipid remodeling genes and enzymes important for breast cancer progression was studied in breast cancer samples as well as in cultured breast cancer cells. Tumor samples displayed increased de novo synthesized fatty acids especially in aggressive breast cancer. Furthermore, RNAi mediated cell based assays implicated several target genes critical for breast cancer cell proliferation and survival. Second, the role of arachidonic acid pathway members 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (HPGD) and phospholipase A2 group VII (PLA2G7) in tumorigenesis associated processes was explored in metastatic breast cancer cells. Both targets were found to contribute to epithelial-mesenchymal transition related processes. Third, a high-throughput RNAi lysate microarray screen was utilized to identify novel vimentin expression regulating genes. Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 2 (MTHFD2) was found to promote cellular features connected with metastatic disease, thus implicating MTHFD2 as a potential drug target to block breast cancer cell migration and invasion. Taken together, this study identified several putative targets for breast cancer therapy. In addition, these results provide novel information about the mechanisms and factors underlying breast cancer progression.


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Camilla Pelo Collagen Binding Integrins and Cancer Testis Antigens in Prostate Cancer and Melanoma Department of Biochemistry, MediCity Research Laboratory, University of Turku, Finland Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2016 ABSTRACT Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide. The incidence of melanoma, in turn, is increasing faster than any other cancer incidences. In Finland, more than 5000 prostate cancer and 1200 new melanoma cases are diagnosed each year. One approach to further understand the cellular processes involved in prostate cancer and melanoma is to gain better knowledge about alterations in gene expression and their potential impact on the progression of the diseases. This thesis is focused on expression studies in two gene families; integrins and cancer testis antigens (CT antigens), in human prostate adenocarcinoma and advanced human melanoma. Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane receptors which regulate many important cellular processes such as cell proliferation, migration and survival. CT antigens are frequently expressed in different types of cancers, but are only expressed in testis in healthy individuals. CT antigens are also highly immunogenic proteins. Due to the properties mentioned above, integrins and CT antigens can function as target molecules for the development of cancer diagnostics and drugs. One of the main purposes of this thesis was to study the expression of the four collagen binding integrins α1β1, α2β1, α10β1, α11β1 and the cancer testis antigen 16 (CT16) in cancer cell lines and human tissues of prostate cancer and metastatic melanoma. Additional aims included studies on the biological role of CT16 and the abundance of CT16 in sera of advanced melanoma patients. The prognostic and diagnostic significance of CT16 and the collagen binding integrins were also evaluated. Expression studies on collagen binding integrins and the CT antigen CT16 in melanoma and prostate cancer were limited and the biological role of CT16 was unknown. In this thesis, the expression levels of α2β1 and α11β1 were found to be significantly altered in prostate cancer tissues. Integrin α2β1 decreased gradually during disease progression while α11 was elevated in prostate carcinoma compared to healthy tissues. In advanced melanoma, enhanced levels of α2 were associated with a significant shorter overall survival in advanced melanoma. In this thesis, CT16 was identified as a frequently expressed melanoma CT antigen with an anti-apoptotic function. To conclude, this thesis presents α2β1 and CT16, as potential and promising biomarkers for advanced melanoma. This thesis reports also the first functional study of CT16. Keywords: Collagen binding integrins, α1β1, α2β1, α10β1, α11β1, Cancer Testis antigens, CT16, melanoma, prostate cancer, expression