5 resultados para Antecedents

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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People understand life and events around them through narratives. Narratives are a new way for marketers to convey messages to consumers about their brands and products. Brand narratives are an effective way to reach out to people due to their influential nature. Narratives have a power to change beliefs and attitudes, making them relevant and interesting for any marketer. The power of narratives has to do with narrative transportation, which narratives can trigger in people. A transported person is more likely to perceive brand or product in a more positive light. The creators of the narrative are able to influence the content of the narrative through message factors that work as antecedents for narrative transportation. This study explored narrative transportation qualities of well established advertisements. The study uses qualitative content analysis to analyze and identify narrative transportation antecedents among Cannes Lion grand prix winners in the film category between years 2005 to 2015 (15 in total). The narrative transportation antecedents are identifiable characters, imaginable plot and verisimilitude, which were used in the analysis of the data. The study analyzes the winners to make judgment on whether they can trigger narrative transportation or not. It was found that the Cannes Lion grand prix winner advertisement mostly had identifiable narratives in them. In most of the advertisement (ten out of fifteen) at least two out of three antecedents were found, thus most of them are able to trigger narrative transportation. The study also found that most narratives in the advertisement were able to be linked to the main brand narrative of the advertiser. In four of the advertisements the link to the brand narrative was not able to be established. The study concludes by discussing certain factors and aspects of the advertisements that were identified to further enhance the narrative transportation qualities of the advertisement.


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The purpose of the study was to explore how a public, IT services transferor, organization, comprised of autonomous entities, can effectively develop and organize its data center cost recovery mechanisms in a fair manner. The lack of a well-defined model for charges and a cost recovery scheme could cause various problems. For example one entity may be subsidizing the costs of another entity(s). Transfer pricing is in the best interest of each autonomous entity in a CCA. While transfer pricing plays a pivotal role in the price settings of services and intangible assets, TCE focuses on the arrangement at the boundary between entities. TCE is concerned with the costs, autonomy, and cooperation issues of an organization. The theory is concern with the factors that influence intra-firm transaction costs and attempting to manifest the problems involved in the determination of the charges or prices of the transactions. This study was carried out, as a single case study, in a public organization. The organization intended to transfer the IT services of its own affiliated public entities and was in the process of establishing a municipal-joint data center. Nine semi-structured interviews, including two pilot interviews, were conducted with the experts and managers of the case company and its affiliating entities. The purpose of these interviews was to explore the charging and pricing issues of the intra-firm transactions. In order to process and summarize the findings, this study employed qualitative techniques with the multiple methods of data collection. The study, by reviewing the TCE theory and a sample of transfer pricing literature, created an IT services pricing framework as a conceptual tool for illustrating the structure of transferring costs. Antecedents and consequences of the transfer price based on TCE were developed. An explanatory fair charging model was eventually developed and suggested. The findings of the study suggested that the Chargeback system was inappropriate scheme for an organization with affiliated autonomous entities. The main contribution of the study was the application of TP methodologies in the public sphere with no tax issues consideration.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää tietojohtamisen eri käytäntöjen vaikutusta oppimiseen, uudistumiseen sekä yrityksen innovaatiokyvykkyyteen. Työssä on keskitytty erityisesti sellaisiin tietojohtamisen käytäntöihin, jotka edistävät oppimista ja uusiutumista yrityksissä. Työssä on käytetty tilastollisia menetelmiä, muun muassa faktorianalyysia, korrelaatioanalyysia sekä regressiota, analysoitaessa 259 suomalaisesta yrityksestä kerättyä kyselydataa niiden tietojohtamisen käytöntöihin ja aineettomaan pääomaan liittyen. Analyysi osoittaa, että useat tietojohtamisen käytännöt vaikuttavat positiivisesti yrityksen uudistumiseen ja sitä kautta innovaatiokyvykkyyteen. Henkilöstön kouluttaminen sekä parhaiden käytäntöjen kerääminen ja soveltaminen yrityksessä ovat positiivisesti yhteydessä innovaatiokyvykkyyteen. Henkilöstön kouluttamisella on merkittävin suora vaikutus innovaatiokyvykkyyteen ja tässä työssä on esitetty, että koulutuksen tarjoamisen suurin vaikutus on oppimismyönteisen kulttuurin kehittyminen yrityksiin sen sijaan, että koulutuksella pyrittäisiin vain parantamaan tehtäväkenttään liittyviä taitoja ja tietoja. Henkilöstön kouluttaminen, parhaat käytännöt sekä sosialisaatiossa tapahtuva tiedon vaihto ja suhteiden solmiminen vaikuttavat positiivisesti uudistumispääomaan. Työn tulosten perusteella uudistumispääomalla on merkittävä rooli innovaatioiden syntymisessä yrityksissä. Uudistumispääoma medioi koulutuksen, parhaiden käytäntöjen ja mahdollisesti myös sosialisaation vaikutusta innovaatiokyvykkyyteen ja on näin merkittävä osa innovaatioiden syntyä yrityksissä. Innovaatiokyvykkyyden osatekijöiden ymmärtäminen voi auttaa johtajia ja esimiehiä keskittämään huomionsa tiettyihin tietojohtamisen käytäntöihin edistääkseen innovaatioiden syntymistä yrityksessä sen sijaan, että he pyrkisivät vain vaikuttamaan innovaatioprosessiin.


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Entrepreneurship attracts people with high job satisfaction and financial independence. Unfortunately, being deceived by this image, people do not pay attention to side effects of entrepreneurship. This ignorance usually turns into devastating results for entrepreneur’s health and venture performance. Therefore, it is required to seek ways to avoid these situations. The interest of the study lies in understanding of stress influence on international entrepreneurs by considering stress as a negative side effect of international entrepreneurship. To cover the concept of entrepreneurial stress completely, the study was divided into three section presented by following research questions: 1. What are the antecedents of entrepreneurial stress? 2. What are the consequences of entrepreneurial stress? 3. What coping strategies are applied to address entrepreneurial stress? Systematic literature review has been chosen as scientific approach to answer above questions due to the reason that it enables to minimise inconsistencies of both concepts of international entrepreneurship and stress. This method has afforded an opportunity to distinguish such stress causes as role conflict, overload, and ambiguity. Additionally, the study has covered the notion of stress moderators. The author argues that entrepreneurial traits, venture environment, and social support can have influence on degree of stress perception. Further, it has been proven that unaddressed stress could lead to reduction of entrepreneur’s psychological and physiological health. It should be taken into consideration that degree of both job satisfaction and performance would depend on the level of perceived stress. The last part of study emphasises the coping strategies. The author argues that it is important for an international entrepreneur to comprehend his or her and others’ emotions in order to overcome negative consequences of stress. In addition, the author suggests that an international entrepreneur needs to practise job sharing to reduce the amount of work to be completed. Moreover, it is believed that job sharing can help to overcome work-family conflict that prevails among entrepreneurs. The author anticipates that results of study can be beneficial for entrepreneurs who aim to achieve great results.


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Why are some companies more successful than others? This thesis approaches the question by enlisting theoretical frameworks that explain the performance with internal factors, deriving from the resource-based view, namely the dynamic capabilities approach. To deepen the understanding of the drivers and barriers towards developing these higher order routines aiming at improving the operational level routines, this thesis explores the organisational culture and identity research for the microfoundational antecedents that might shed light on the formation of the dynamic capabilities. The dynamic capabilities framework in this thesis strives to take the theoretical concept closer to practical applicability. This is achieved through creation of a dynamic capabilities matrix, consisting of four dimensions often encountered in dynamic capabilities literature. The quadrants are formed along internal-external and resources-abilities axes, and consist of Sensing, Learning, Reconfiguration and Partnering facets. A key element of this thesis is the reality continuum, which illustrates the different levels of reality inherent in any entity of human individuals. The theoretical framework constructed in the thesis suggests a link between the collective but constructivist understanding of the organisation and both the operational and higher level routines, evident in the more positivist realm. The findings from three different case organisations suggest that the constructivist assumptions inherent to an organisation function as a generative base for both drivers and barriers towards developing dynamic capabilities. From each organisation one core assumption is scrutinized to identify its connections to the four dimensions of the dynamic capabilities. These connections take the form of drivers or barriers – or have the possibility to develop into one or the other. The main contribution of this thesis is to show that one key for an organisation to perform well in a turbulent setting, is to understand the different levels of realities inherent in any group of people. Recognising the intangible levels gives an advantage in the tangible ones.