3 resultados para Anorexia nerviosa restrictiva
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Background: Eating disorders are serious psychiatric disorders, which usually have their onset in adolescence. Body dissatisfaction and dieting, both common among adolescents, are recognised risk factors for eating disorders. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of eating disorders in the general adolescent population, assess the risk of developing eating disorders in subgroups of dieters, and analyse longitudinal concomitants of incorrect weight perception. Method: A prospective follow-up study on 595 adolescents, aged 15 at baseline, was conducted in western Finland. The study comprised questionnaires directed at the whole study population and subsequent personal interviews with adolescents found to be screen-positive for eating disorders, at both baseline and three-year follow-up. Results: The lifetime prevalence rates for 18 year old females were 2.6 % for anorexia nervosa, 0.4 for bulimia nervosa, and 9.0 % for eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS). No prevalent case of DSM-IV eating disorders was found among the male participants. Eating disorders, as well as depressive symptoms, social anxiety, and low self-esteem, was more prevalent among females who perceived themselves as being overweight, despite being normal or underweight, when compared to females with a correct weight perception. An incorrect weight perception was associated in males with social anxiety. Female adolescents dieting due to psychological distress, rather than vanity or overweight, had a fifteen-fold risk of developing an eating disorder. Conclusions: Eating disorders are common among female adolescents, and adolescents choosing to diet due to psychological distress show a markedly increased risk of developing an eating disorder. Promotion of general well-being as well as the prevention of body dissatisfaction and misdirected dieting, accompanied by early detection and proper treatment of eating disorders, is needed to reduce the incidence of and facilitate recovery in adolescents suffering from eating disorders.
Tutkielma käsittelee hampaiden kulumista potilastapauksen avulla. Kyseessä on kirjallisuuskatsaus hampaiston eri kulumistyypeistä: eroosiosta, attritiosta, abraasiosta ja abfraktiosta, sekä myös niiden hoidosta ja ehkäisystä. Tutkielmassa käsitellään lisäksi hampaiston kulumisen etiologisia tekijöitä, joihin kuuluvat muun muassa syömishäiriöt Anorexia nervosa ja Bulimia nervosa. Katsauksessa käsitellään myös kuluneen purennan kuntouttamista asiantuntijahoidon avulla.
Tutkielma käsittelee hampaiden kulumista potilastapauksen avulla. Kyseessä on kirjallisuuskatsaus hampaiston eri kulumistyypeistä: eroosiosta, attritiosta, abraasiosta ja abfraktiosta, sekä myös niiden hoidosta ja ehkäisystä. Tutkielmassa käsitellään lisäksi hampaiston kulumisen etiologisia tekijöitä, joihin kuuluvat muun muassa syömishäiriöt Anorexia nervosa ja Bulimia nervosa. Katsauksessa käsitellään myös kuluneen purennan kuntouttamista asiantuntijahoidon avulla.