8 resultados para Acrylic resin denture teeth
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Fiber-reinforced composite fixed dental prostheses – Studies of the materials used as pontics University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry, Department of Biomaterials Science, Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences – FINDOS, Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Turku, Finland 2015 Fiber-reinforced composites (FRC), a non-metallic biomaterial, represent a suitable alternative in prosthetic dentistry when used as a component of fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). Some drawbacks have been identified in the clinical performance of FRC restorations, such as delamination of the veneering material and fracture of the pontic. Therefore, the current series of studies were performed to investigate the possibilities of enhancing the mechanical and physical properties of FRC FDPs by improving the materials used as pontics, to then heighten their longevity. Four experiments showed the importance of the pontic design and surface treatment in the performance of FRC FDPs. In the first, the load-bearing capacities of inlay-retained FRC FDPs with pontics of various materials and thicknesses were evaluated. Three different pontic materials were assessed with different FRC framework vertical positioning. Thicker pontics showed increased load-bearing capacities, especially ceramic pontics. A second study was completed investigating the influence of the chemical conditioning of the ridge-lap surface of acrylic resin denture teeth on their bonding to a composite resin. Increased shear bond strength demonstrated the positive influence of the pretreatment of the acrylic surfaces, indicating dissolution of the denture surfaces, and suggesting potential penetration of the monomer systems into the surface of denture teeth. A third study analyzed the penetration depth of different monomer systems on the acrylic resin denture teeth surfaces. The possibility of establishing a durable bond between acrylic pontics and FRC frameworks was demonstrated by the ability of monomers to penetrate the surface of acrylic resin denture teeth, measured by a confocal scanning type microscope. A fourth study was designed to evaluate the load-bearing capacities of FRC FDPs using the findings of the previous three studies. In this case, the performance of pre-shaped acrylic resin denture teeth used as pontics with different composite resins as filling materials was evaluated. The filling material influenced the load-bearing capacities, providing more durable FRC FDPs. It can be concluded that the mechanical and physical properties of FRC FDPs can be improved as has been shown in the development of this thesis. The improvements reported then might provide long lasting prosthetic solutions of this kind, positioning them as potentially permanent rehabilitation treatments. Key words: fiber-reinforced composite, fixed dental prostheses, inlay-retained bridges, adhesion, acrylic resin denture teeth, dental material.
Polymeric materials have been used in dental applications for decades. Adhesion of polymeric materials to each other and to the tooth substrate is essential to their successful use. The aim of this series of studies was two-folded. First, to improve adhesion of poly(paraphenylene) based rigid rod polymer (RRP) to other dental polymers, and secondly, to evaluate the usability of a new dentin primer system based on RRP fillers. Poly(paraphenylene) based RRP would be a tempting material for dental applications because of its good mechanical properties. To be used in dental applications, reliable adhesion between RRP and other dental polymers is required. In this series of studies, the adhesion of RRP to denture base polymer and the mechanical properties of RRP-denture base polymer-material combination were evaluated. Also adhesion of BisGMA-TEGDMA-resin to RRP was determined. Different surface treatments were tested to improve the adhesion of BisGMA-TEGDMA-resin to RRP. Results were based on three-point bending testing, Vickers surface hardness test and scanning electron microscope analysis (SEM), which showed that no reliable adhesion between RRP and denture base polymer was formed. Addition of RRP filler to denture base polymer increased surface hardness and flexural modulus but flexural strength decreased. Results from the shear bond strength test and SEM revealed that adhesion between resin and RRP was possible to improve by surface treatment with dichloromethane (DCM) based primer and a new kind of adhesive surface can be designed. The current dentin bonding agents have good immediate bond strength, but in long term the bond strength may decrease due to the detrimental effect of water and perhaps by matrix metalloproteinases. This leads to problems in longevity of restorations. Current bonding agents use organic monomers. In this series of studies, RRP filled dentin primer was tested in order to decrease the water sorption of the monomer system of the primers. The properties of new dentin primer system were evaluated in vitro by comparing it to commercial etch and rinse adhesive system. The results from the contact angle measurements and SEM showed that experimental primer with RRP reinforcement provided similar resin infiltration to dentin collagen and formed the resin-dentin interface as the control primer. Microtensile bond strength test and SEM revealed that in short term water storing, RRP increased bond strength and primer with BMEP-monomer (bis[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethyl]phosphate) and high solvent concentration provided comparable bonding properties to the commercial control primers. In long term water storing, the high solvent-monomer concentration of the experimental primers decreased bond strength. However, in low solvent-monomer concentration groups, the long-term water storing did not decrease the bond strength despite the existence of hydrophilic monomers which were used in the system. These studies demonstrated that new dentin primer system reached the mechanical properties of current traditional etch and rinse adhesive system in short time water storing. Improved properties can be achieved by further modifications of the monomer system. Studies of the adhesion of RRP to other polymers suggest that adhesion between RRP and other dental polymers is possible to obtain by certain surface treatments.
Reconstruction of defects in the craniomaxillofacial (CMF) area has mainly been based on bone grafts or metallic fixing plates and screws. Particularly in the case of large calvarial and/or craniofacial defects caused by trauma, tumours or congenital malformations, there is a need for reliable reconstruction biomaterials, because bone grafts or metallic fixing systems do not completely fulfill the criteria for the best possible reconstruction methods in these complicated cases. In this series of studies, the usability of fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) was studied as a biostable, nonmetallic alternative material for reconstructing artificially created bone defects in frontal and calvarial areas of rabbits. The experimental part of this work describes the different stages of the product development process from the first in vitro tests with resin-impregnated fibrereinforced composites to the in vivo animal studies, in which this FRC was tested as an implant material for reconstructing different size bone defects in rabbit frontal and calvarial areas. In the first in vitro study, the FRC was polymerised in contact with bone or blood in the laboratory. The polymerised FRC samples were then incubated in water, which was analysed for residual monomer content by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was found that this in vitro polymerisation in contact with bone and blood did not markedly increase the residual monomer leaching from the FRC. In the second in vitro study, different adhesive systems were tested in fixing the implant to bone surface. This was done to find an alternative implant fixing system to screws and pins. On the basis of this study, it was found that the surface of the calvarial bone needed both mechanical and chemical treatments before the resinimpregnated FRC could be properly fixed onto it. In three animal studies performed with rabbit frontal bone defects and critical size calvarial bone defect models, biological responses to the FRC implants were evaluated. On the basis of theseevaluations, it can be concluded that the FRC, based on E-glass (electrical glass) fibres forming a porous fibre veil enables the ingrowth of connective tissues to the inner structures of the material, as well as the bone formation and mineralization inside the fibre veil. Bone formation could be enhanced by using bioactive glass granules fixed to the FRC implants. FRC-implanted bone defects healed partly; no total healing of defects was achieved. Biological responses during the follow-up time, at a maximum of 12 weeks, to resin-impregnated composite implant seemed to depend on the polymerization time of the resin matrix of the FRC. Both of the studied resin systems used in the FRC were photopolymerised and the heat-induced postpolymerisation was used additionally.
In this thesis, the sorption and elastic properties of the cation-exchange resins were studied to explain the liquid chromatographic separation of carbohydrates. Na+, Ca2+ and La3+ form strong poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) (SCE) as well as Na+ and Ca2+ form weak acrylic (WCE) cation-exchange resins at different cross-link densities were treated within this work. The focus was on the effects of water-alcohol mixtures, mostly aqueous ethanol, and that of the carbohydrates. The carbohydrates examined were rhamnose, xylose, glucose, fructose, arabinose, sucrose, xylitol and sorbitol. In addition to linear chromatographic conditions, non-linear conditions more typical for industrial applications were studied. Both experimental and modeling aspectswere covered. The aqueous alcohol sorption on the cation-exchangers were experimentally determined and theoretically calculated. The sorption model includes elastic parameters, which were obtained from sorption data combined with elasticity measurements. As hydrophilic materials cation-exchangers are water selective and shrink when an organic solvent is added. At a certain deswelling degree the elastic resins go through glass transition and become as glass-like material. Theincreasing cross-link level and the valence of the counterion decrease the sorption of solvent components in the water-rich solutions. The cross-linkage or thecounterions have less effect on the water selectivity than the resin type or the used alcohol. The amount of water sorbed is higher in the WCE resin and, moreover, the WCE resin is more water selective than the corresponding SCE resin. Theincreased aliphatic part of lower alcohols tend to increase the water selectivity, i.e. the resins are more water selective in 2-propanol than in ethanol solutions. Both the sorption behavior of carbohydrates and the sorption differences between carbohydrates are considerably affected by the eluent composition and theresin characteristics. The carbohydrate sorption was experimentally examined and modeled. In all cases, sorption and moreover the separation of carbohydrates are dominated by three phenomena: partition, ligand exchange and size exclusion. The sorption of hydrophilic carbohydrates increases when alcohol is added into the eluent or when carbohydrate is able to form coordination complexes with the counterions, especially with multivalent counterions. Decreasing polarity of the eluent enhances the complex stability. Size exclusion effect is more prominent when the resin becomes tighter or carbohydrate size increases. On the other hand,the elution volumes between different sized carbohydrates decreases with the decreasing polarity of the eluent. The chromatographic separation of carbohydrateswas modeled, using rhamnose and xylose as target molecules. The thermodynamic sorption model was successfully implemented in the rate-based column model. The experimental chromatographic data were fitted by using only one adjustable parameter. In addition to the fitted data also simulated data were generated and utilized in explaining the effect of the eluent composition and of the resin characteristics on the carbohydrate separation.
Mutansstreptokokkitartunnan ehkäisemisen pitkäaikaisvaikutukset maitohampaiden terveyteen. Kohorttitutkimus korjaavan hoidon määrästä ja kariesehkäisyn kustannuksista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaisen mutansstreptokokki (MS)-kolonisaation ehkäisyn pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia korkean kariesriskin omaavien lasten maitohampaistossa sekä tarkastella MS-tartunnan estämisen kustannuksia. Tiedot lasten hampaiden terveydestä ja hammashoitotoimenpiteistä syntymästä 10-vuotiaaksi sekä äiteihin kohdistuneen kariesehkäisyn kustannuksista kerättiin Ylivieskan terveyskeskuksen asiakirjoista. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana yhteensä 507 lasta, heistä 148 oli osallistunut aikaisempaan Ylivieskan äiti-lapsitutkimukseen, jossa verrattiin äitien käyttämän ksylitolipurukumin ja äidille tehtyjen fluori- tai klooriheksidiinilakkausten vaikutusta pikkulasten hampaiden terveyteen. Maitohammaskariesta esiintyi 10-vuotiaaksi asti merkitsevästi vähemmän lapsilla, jotka eivät olleet saaneet MS-tartuntaa alle 2-vuotiaana, heidän maitohampaansa säilyivät 3,4 vuotta kauemmin täysin ehjinä (p<0.001) ja he tarvitsivat vähemmän maitohampaiden korjaavaa hoitoa (p=0.005) kuin lapset, joiden hampaisto oli kolonisoitunut MS-bakteerilla jo 2-vuotiaana. Koska ksylitoliryhmän lasten MS-kolonisaatio oli vähäisintä, heidän maitohampaissaan oli vähemmän kariesta ja korjaavan hoidon tarvetta kuin kahden muun korkeariskisen ryhmän lapsilla. Äitien käyttämän ksylitolipurukumin kustannukset olivat yhteensä 116 euroa ja lapsen maitohampaiden säilyminen täysin ehjinä vuoden pidempään maksoi 37 euroa. Kun MS-tartunta oli saatu estettyä, korkean kariesriskin omaavien lasten hampaiden terveys oli samalla tasolla kuin keskimäärin koko ikäkohortilla. Lapsen maitohampaat säilyvät terveinä pidempään ja korjaavan hoidon tarve vähenee, kun MS-kolonisaatio alle 2-vuotiaana saadaan estettyä. Lapsen MS-kolonisaatio vähenee merkitsevästi, kun äiti käyttää ksylitolipurukumia lapsen ollessa 0-2 vuoden ikäinen, siten pikkulapsen äidin säännöllinen ksylitolipurukumin käyttö saattaa olla julkisen tereydenhuollon kannalta tarkoituksenmukainenterveyttä edistävä menetelmä.
Dental oxide ceramics have been inspired by their biocompability and mechanical properties which have made durable all-ceramic structures possible. Clinical longevity of the prosthetic structures is dependent on effective bonding with luting cements. As the initial shear bond strength values can be comparable with several materials and procedures, long-term durability is affected by ageing. Aims of the current study were: to measure the shear bond strength of resin composite-to-ceramics and to evaluate the longevity of the bond; to analyze factors affecting the bond, with special emphasis on: the form of silicatization of the ceramic surface; form of silanization; type of resin primer and the effect of the type of the resin composite luting cement; the effect of ageing in water was studied regarding its effect to the endurance of the bond. Ceramic substrates were alumina and yttrium stabilized zirconia. Ceramic conditioning methods included tribochemical silicatization and use of two silane couplings agents. A commercial silane primer was used as a control silane. Various combinations of conditioning methods, primers and resin cements were tested. Bond strengths were measured by shear bond strength method. The longevity of the bond was generally studied by thermocycling the materials in water. Additionally, in one of the studies thermal cycling was compared with long-term water storaging. Results were analysed statistically with ANOVA and Weibull analysis. Tribochemical treatment utilizing air pressure of 150 kPa resulted shear bond strengths of 11.2 MPa to 18.4 MPa and air pressure of 450 kPa 18.2 MPa to 30.5 MPa, respectively. Thermocycling of 8000 cycles or four years water storaging both decreased shear bond strength values to a range of 3.8 MPa to 7.2 MPa whereas initial situation varied from 16.8. Mpa to 23.0 MPa. The silane used in studies had no statistical significance. The use of primers without 10-MDP resulted spontaneous debonding during thermocycling or shear bond strengths below 5 MPa. As conclusion, the results showed superior long-term bonding with primers containing 10-MDP. Silicatization with silanizing showed improved initial shear bond strength values which considerably decreased with ageing in water. Thermal cycling and water storing for up to four years played the major role in reduction of bond strength, which could be due to thermal fatigue of the bonding interface and hydrolytic degradation of the silane coupled interface.
Permanent magnet synchronous machines with fractional-slot non-overlapping windings (FSPMSM), also known as tooth-coil winding permanent magnet synchronous machines (TCW PMSM), have been under intensive research during the latest decade. There are many optimization routines explained and implemented in the literature in order to improve the characteristics of this machine type. This paper introduces a new technique for torque ripple minimization in TCW PMSM. The source of torque harmonics is also described. The low order torque harmonics can be harmful for a variety of applications, such as direct drive wind generators, direct drive light vehicle electrical motors, and for some high precision servo applications. The reduction of the torque ripple harmonics with the lowest orders (6th and 12th) is realized by machine geometry optimization technique using finite element analysis (FEA). The presented optimization technique includes the stator geometry adjustment in TCW PMSMs with rotor surface permanent magnets and with rotor embedded permanent magnets. Influence of the permanent magnet skewing on the torque ripple reduction and cogging torque elimination was also investigated. It was implemented separately and together with the stator optimization technique. As a result, the reduction of some torque ripple harmonics was attained.
Hammaslääketieteessä käytetettävien komposiittien valonläpäisevyys vaihtelee. Samoin LED-valokovettimet eroavat toisistaan valotehonsa ja muotoilunsa perusteella. On yleisesti tiedossa, että valokovettimesta tulevan valon intensiteetti pinta-alayksikköä kohden heikkenee, kun kovettimen etäisyys kasvaa. Toisaalta ei ole tiedossa, miten valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin sijoitettu materiaali tarkalleenottaen vaikuttaa valon intensiteettiin eri etäisyyksiä käytettäessä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin asetettava etukäteen polymerisoitu materiaali vaikuttaa valon intensiteettiin eri etäisyyksillä. Tutkimus suoritettiin käyttämällä kahta eri valokovetinta. Jotta etäisyyden vaikutusta valotustehoon voitiin demonstroida, vaihdettiin kovettimen etäisyyttä sensorista 0,2,4,6,8,10mm välillä. Valotehot rekisteröitiin MARC resin calibrator -laitteella. Sensorin ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin asetettavat erilaiset komposiittilevyt olivat valmiiksi kovetettuja,1mm paksuisia, filleripitoisuuksiltaan neljää erilaista muovia. Valotehot rekisteröitiin jokaiselta etäisyydeltä komposiitin ollessa sensorin päällä. Rinnakkaisesti verrattiin myös etäisyyden vaikutusta valotehoon ilman esikovetettua materiaalia kovettimen kärjen ja valoa mittaavan sensorin välissä. Vertailun suorittamiseksi laskettiin intensiteettisuhdeluku muovillisen ja muovittoman arvon välillä aina tietyllä etäisyydellä Valokovettimen kärjen etäisyyden kasvattaminen sensorista (eli valokovetettavasta kohteesta) odotusten mukaisesti pienensi valotehoa. Laittamalla sensorin ja kovettimen väliin komposiittilevy, valoteho pieneni odotetusti vielä enemmän. Tutkittaessa intensiteettisuhdetta (valoteho muovin kanssa : valoteho ilman muovia) kuitenkin huomattiin, että 4-6mm:n kohdalla suhdeluku oli suurempi kuin 0,2,8 ja 10mm kohdalla. Johtopäätöksenä oli, että suurin mahdollinen valokovetusteho saavutetan laittamalla kovetuskärki mahdollisimman lähelle kohdetta. Jos valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen välissä oli kiinteä komposiittipalanen, suurin mahdollinen valokovetusteho kohteeseen saavutetaan edelleen laittamalla kovetuskärki kiinni muoviin. Jos etäisyyttä muovin pinnasta sen sijaan kasvatettiin, valokovetusteho ei laskenutkaan niin nopeasti kuin oli odotettu. Tämä voi liittyä siihen, että tehokkaan valokeilan halkaisijan koko on suurempi verrattuna komposiitin sekä sensorin halkaisian kokoon. Toiseksi on arvioitu, että resiinikomposiitin täyteaineet voisivat fokusoida läpi kulkevaa valoa sensoriin. Se, pitääkö tämä ilmiö paikkansa, vaatii kuitenkin enemmän tutkimusta