11 resultados para 826

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Kirje 1.11.1974


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The purpose of this study was to clarify the concept of advocacy in context of procedural pain care and to investigate the implementation of advocacy in that context. First, the concept of advocacy was described on the basis of a literature review (n = 89 empirical studies from 1990 to 2003). Then, the concept was described in the context of procedural pain care on the basis of interview data (n = 22 patients, 21 nurses) in a medical and surgical context. In the second phase, an instrument exploring the content of advocacy and the implementation of advocacy in context of procedural pain care was developed and validated. Then, the content of advocacy and implementation of it was explored in a sample of otolaryngeal patients (n = 405) and nurses (n = 118) in 12 hospitals. In the third phase, an update literature review (n = 35 empirical studies from 2003 to 2007) was conducted, and all data from phases one and two were reviewed in order to refine the elements the concept of advocacy, and the relationships between these elements. As a result of this study, advocacy in context of procedural pain care was defined as consisting of the dual aspects of patient advocacy and professional advocacy, and called nursing advocacy. It was divided into dimensions and subdimensions in which patient and nurse empowerment seems to play a vital role. All the data obtained lend support to this definition of nursing advocacy. Patients and nurses felt that nearly all of the activities that they considered as advocacy were implemented.


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Power electronic converter drives use, for the sake of high efficiency, pulse-width modulation that results in sequences of high-voltage high-frequency steep-edged pulses. Such a signal contains a set of high harmonics not required for control purposes. Harmonics cause reflections in the cable between the motor and the inverter leading to faster winding insulation ageing. Bearing failures and problems with electromagnetic compatibility may also result. Electrical du/dt filters provide an effective solution to problems caused by pulse-width modulation, thereby increasing the performance and service life of the electrical machines. It is shown that RLC filters effectively decrease the reflection phenomena in the cable. Improved (simple, but effective) solutions are found for both differential- and common-mode signals; these solutions use a galvanic connection between the RLC filter star point and the converter DC link. Foil chokes and film capacitors are among the most widely used components in high-power applications. In actual applications they can be placed in different parts of the cabinet. This fact complicates the arrangement of the cabinet and decreases the reliability of the system. In addition, the inductances of connection wires may prevent filtration at high frequencies. This thesis introduces a new hybrid LC filter that uses a natural capacitance between the turns of the foil choke based on integration of an auxiliary layer into it. The main idea of the hybrid LC filter results from the fact that both the foil choke and the film capacitors have the same roll structure. Moreover, the capacitance between the turns (“intra capacitance”) of the foil inductors is the reason for the deterioration of their properties at high frequencies. It is shown that the proposed filter has a natural cancellation of the intra capacitance. A hybrid LC filter may contain two or more foil layers isolated from each other and coiled on a core. The core material can be iron or even air as in the filter considered in this work. One of the foils, called the main foil, can be placed between the inverter and the motor cable. Other ones, called auxiliary foils, may be connected in star to create differential-mode noise paths, and then coupled to the DC link midpoint to guarantee a traveling path, especially for the common-mode currents. This way, there is a remarkable capacitance between the main foil and the auxiliary foil. Investigations showed that such a system can be described by a simple equivalent LC filter in a wide range of frequencies. Because of its simple hybrid construction, the proposed LC filter can be a cost-effective and competitive solution for modern power drives. In the thesis, the application field of the proposed filter is considered and determined. The basics of hybrid LC filter design are developed further. High-frequency behaviour of the proposed filter is analysed by simulations. Finally, the thesis presents experimental data proving that the hybrid LC filter can be used for du/dt of PWM pulses and reduction of common-mode currents.


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Invocatio: D.D.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.


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Iijoen vesistö on ollut merkittävä puutavaran kuljetusreitti 1980-luvulle saakka. Uittoa varten vesistöalueella on mm. tehty laajoja koskiperkauksia ja noin 140 säännöstelypatoa sekä paljon muita rakenteita. Uiton aikana vesistöön jäi paljon uppopuita. Uiton loputtua aloitettiin Iijoella uittoa ohjanneiden uittosääntöjen kumoaminen ja sen jälkeen vuonna 1988 koskien kunnostaminen, laskettujen järvien vedenkorkeuden palauttaminen ja muut uittoväylien purkamiseen liittyvät työt. Entisöintityöt saatiin valmiiksi vuonna 2012. Tässä raportissa on kuvattu uittoväylien kuntoonpanoa ja puutavaran uiton eri vaiheita Iijoella. Pääosa raportista keskittyy uittoväylien entisöintitöiden kuvaamiseen. Töitä ja työmenetelmiä on kuvattu sekä yleisesti, että osa-alueittain. Raporttiin on koottu myös tiivistelmä entisöintitöiden yhteydessä tehdystä mittavasta tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminnasta sekä seurannoista. Ne liittyvät mm. kalakantoihin ja kalojen elinalueiden laatuun, pohjaeläimiin ja vesistöjen käyttäjien asenteisiin. Raporttia varten on haastateltu eri intressiryhmien edustajia. Raportin tarkoitus on dokumentoida Iijoen uiton noin 25 vuotta kestänyt purkamistyö ja välittää siitä saadut kokemukset muiden hyödynnettäviksi.


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This research report applies the customer value hierarchy model to forestry in order to determine strategic options to enhance the value of LiDAR technology in Russian forestry. The study is conducted as a qualitative case study with semi-structured interviews as a main source of the primary data. The customer value hierarchy model constitutes a theoretical base for the research. Secondary data incorporates information on forest resource management, LiDAR technology and Russian forestry. The model is operationalised using forestry literature and forms a basis for analyses of primary data. Analyses of primary data coupled with comprehension of Russian forest inventory system and knowledge on global forest inventory have led to conclusions on the forest inventory methods selection criteria and the organizations that would benefit the most from LiDAR technology use. The report recommends strategic options for LiDAR technology’s value enhancement in Russian forestry. This work has been conducted as a part of the project ‘Finnish-Russian Forest Academy 2 - Exploiting and Piloting’, which has been supported financially by the South-East Finland- Russia ENPI CBC 2007-2014 Programme.


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The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the learning experiences of upper secondary school students in a virtual learning environment. The focus of the study is younger students aged 16–18. Virtual learning environments are defined as collaborative, interactive and communicative digital environments. The main research question was to distinguish the meaning of learning given by the participants. Did the participants perceive learning potential in the virtual learning environment, and if so, what signifies learning potential? Sub-questions were: What enhances learning? What might inhibit learning in a distance course? How do the participants relate to their role as distant learners? Four upper secondary schools in Finland took part in the study. Thirteen upper secondary students were interviewed after a distance course in social studies. During the analysis, four main categories were identified: responsibility, freedom, time and communication. A constructivist approach to learning was adopted while analysing the interviews, and the categories were understood through cognitive, affective and social dimensions of learning. The implications of the study are that a student-centred pedagogy and a social constructivist course design have the potential to motivate students to interact to learn, while the software, such as Second Life, Google+ and Wikibooks, offers them the possibility to do so. The study introduces an empirically supported concept, virtual learning. Virtual learning assumes an active learner who manages different learning spaces while communicating with people and metacognitively assessing the learning process. At the same time, students get used to the virtual and everchanging nature of information and knowledge.