13 resultados para 819
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Kirje 29.9.1974
An accidental burst of a pressure vessel is an uncontrollable and explosion-like batch process. In this study it is called an explosion. The destructive effectof a pressure vessel explosion is relative to the amount of energy released in it. However, in the field of pressure vessel safety, a mutual understanding concerning the definition of explosion energy has not yet been achieved. In this study the definition of isentropic exergy is presented. Isentropic exergy is the greatest possible destructive energy which can be obtained from a pressure vessel explosion when its state changes in an isentropic way from the initial to the final state. Finally, after the change process, the gas has similar pressure and flow velocity as the environment. Isentropic exergy differs from common exergy inthat the process is assumed to be isentropic and the final gas temperature usually differs from the ambient temperature. The explosion process is so fast that there is no time for the significant heat exchange needed for the common exergy.Therefore an explosion is better characterized by isentropic exergy. Isentropicexergy is a characteristic of a pressure vessel and it is simple to calculate. Isentropic exergy can be defined also for any thermodynamic system, such as the shock wave system developing around an exploding pressure vessel. At the beginning of the explosion process the shock wave system has the same isentropic exergyas the pressure vessel. When the system expands to the environment, its isentropic exergy decreases because of the increase of entropy in the shock wave. The shock wave system contains the pressure vessel gas and a growing amount of ambient gas. The destructive effect of the shock wave on the ambient structures decreases when its distance from the starting point increases. This arises firstly from the fact that the shock wave system is distributed to a larger space. Secondly, the increase of entropy in the shock waves reduces the amount of isentropic exergy. Equations concerning the change of isentropic exergy in shock waves are derived. By means of isentropic exergy and the known flow theories, equations illustrating the pressure of the shock wave as a function of distance are derived. Amethod is proposed as an application of the equations. The method is applicablefor all shapes of pressure vessels in general use, such as spheres, cylinders and tubes. The results of this method are compared to measurements made by various researchers and to accident reports on pressure vessel explosions. The test measurements are found to be analogous with the proposed method and the findings in the accident reports are not controversial to it.
This study evaluated the effect of menopause, hormone therapy (HT) and aging on sleep. Further, the mechanisms behind these effects were examined by studying the associations between sleep and the nocturnal profiles of sleep-related hormones. Crosssectional study protocols were used to evaluate sleep in normal conditions and during recovery from sleep deprivation. The effect of initiation of HT on sleep and sleeprelated hormones was studied in a prospective controlled trial. Young, premenopausal and postmenopausal women were studied, and the methods included polysomnography, 24-h blood sampling, questionnaires and cognitive tests of attention. Postmenopausal women were less satisfied with their sleep quality than premenopausal women, but this was not reflected in sleepiness or attention. The objective sleep quality was mainly similar in pre- and postmenopausal women, but differed from young women. The recovery mechanisms from sleep deprivation were relatively well-preserved after menopause. HT offered no advantage to sleep after sleep deprivation or under normal conditions. The decreased growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) levels after menopause were reversible with HT. Neither menopause nor HT had any effect on cortisol levels. In premenopausal women, HT had only minor effects on PRL and cortisol levels. The temporal link between GH and slow wave sleep (SWS) was weaker after menopause. PRL levels were temporally associated with sleep stages, and higher levels were seen during SWS and lower during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. Sleep quality after menopause is better determined by age than by menopausal state. Although HT restores the decreased levels of GH and PRL after menopause, it offers no advantage to sleep quality under normal conditions or after sleep deprivation.
The amount of water available is usually restricted, which leads to a situation where a complete understanding of the process, including water circulations and the influence of water components, is essential. The main aim of this thesis was to clarify the possibilities for the efficient use of residual peroxide by means of water circulation rearrangements. Rearranging water circulations and the reduction of water usage may cause new problems, such as metal induced peroxide decomposition that needs to be addressed. This thesis introduces theoretical methods of water circulations to combine two variables; effective utilization of residual peroxide and avoiding manganese in the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. Results are mainly based on laboratory and mill site experiments concerning the utilization of residual peroxide. A simulation model (BALAS) was used to evaluate the manganese contents and residual peroxide doses. It was shown that with optimum recirculation of residual peroxide the brightness can be improved or chemical costs can be decreased. From the scientific perspective, it was also very important to discover that recycled peroxide was more effective pre-bleaching agent compared to fresh peroxide. This can be due to the organic acids i.e. per acetic acid in wash press filtrate that have been formed in alkaline bleaching stage. Even short retention time was adequate and the activation of residual peroxide using sodium hydroxide was not necessary. There are several possibilities for using residual peroxide in practice regarding bleaching. A typical modern mechanical pulping process line consist of defibering, screening, a disc filter, a bleach press, high consistency (HC) peroxide bleaching and a wash press. Furthermore there usually is not a particular medium consistency (MC) pre-bleaching stage that includes additional thickening equipment. The most advisable way to utilize residual peroxide in this kind of process is to recycle the wash press filtrate to the dilution of disc filter pulp (low MC pre-bleaching stage). An arrangement such as this would be beneficial in terms of the reduced convection of manganese to the alkaline bleaching stage. Manganese originates from wood material and will be removed to the water phase already in the early stages of the process. Recycling residual peroxide prior to the disc filter is not recommended because of low consistencies. Regarding water circulations, the novel point of view is that, it would be beneficial to divide water circulations into two sections and the critical location for the division is the disc filter. Both of these two sections have their own priority. Section one before the disc filter: manganese removal. Section two after the disc filter: brightening of pulp. This division can be carried out if the disc filter pulp is diluted only by wash press filtrate before the MC storage tower. The situation is even better if there is an additional press after the disc filter, which will improve the consistency of the pulp. This has a significant effect on the peroxide concentration in the MC pre-bleaching stage. In terms of manganese content, it is essential to avoid the use of disc filter filtrate in the bleach press and wash press showers. An additional cut-off press would also be beneficial for manganese removal. As a combination of higher initial brightness and lower manganese content, the typical brightness increase varies between approximately 0.5 and 1% ISO units after the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. This improvement does not seem to be remarkable, but as it is generally known, the final brightness unit is the most expensive and difficult to achieve. The estimation of cost savings is not unambiguous. For example in GW/TMP mill case 0.6% ISO units higher final brightness gave 10% savings in the costs of bleaching chemicals. With an hypothetical 200 000 ton annual production, this means that the mill could save in the costs of bleaching chemicals more than 400 000 euros per year. In general, it can be said that there were no differences between the behavior of different types of processes (GW, PGW, TMP and BCTMP). The enhancement of recycling gave a similar response in all cases. However, we have to remember that the utilization of residual peroxide in older mills depends a great deal on the process equipment, the amount of water available and existing pipeline connections. In summary, it can be said that processes are individual and the same solutions cannot be applied to all cases.
Invocatio: D.D.
Soitinnus: piano.
This study examines the structure of the Russian Reflexive Marker ( ся/-сь) and offers a usage-based model building on Construction Grammar and a probabilistic view of linguistic structure. Traditionally, reflexive verbs are accounted for relative to non-reflexive verbs. These accounts assume that linguistic structures emerge as pairs. Furthermore, these accounts assume directionality where the semantics and structure of a reflexive verb can be derived from the non-reflexive verb. However, this directionality does not necessarily hold diachronically. Additionally, the semantics and the patterns associated with a particular reflexive verb are not always shared with the non-reflexive verb. Thus, a model is proposed that can accommodate the traditional pairs as well as for the possible deviations without postulating different systems. A random sample of 2000 instances marked with the Reflexive Marker was extracted from the Russian National Corpus and the sample used in this study contains 819 unique reflexive verbs. This study moves away from the traditional pair account and introduces the concept of Neighbor Verb. A neighbor verb exists for a reflexive verb if they share the same phonological form excluding the Reflexive Marker. It is claimed here that the Reflexive Marker constitutes a system in Russian and the relation between the reflexive and neighbor verbs constitutes a cross-paradigmatic relation. Furthermore, the relation between the reflexive and the neighbor verb is argued to be of symbolic connectivity rather than directionality. Effectively, the relation holding between particular instantiations can vary. The theoretical basis of the present study builds on this assumption. Several new variables are examined in order to systematically model variability of this symbolic connectivity, specifically the degree and strength of connectivity between items. In usage-based models, the lexicon does not constitute an unstructured list of items. Instead, items are assumed to be interconnected in a network. This interconnectedness is defined as Neighborhood in this study. Additionally, each verb carves its own niche within the Neighborhood and this interconnectedness is modeled through rhyme verbs constituting the degree of connectivity of a particular verb in the lexicon. The second component of the degree of connectivity concerns the status of a particular verb relative to its rhyme verbs. The connectivity within the neighborhood of a particular verb varies and this variability is quantified by using the Levenshtein distance. The second property of the lexical network is the strength of connectivity between items. Frequency of use has been one of the primary variables in functional linguistics used to probe this. In addition, a new variable called Constructional Entropy is introduced in this study building on information theory. It is a quantification of the amount of information carried by a particular reflexive verb in one or more argument constructions. The results of the lexical connectivity indicate that the reflexive verbs have statistically greater neighborhood distances than the neighbor verbs. This distributional property can be used to motivate the traditional observation that the reflexive verbs tend to have idiosyncratic properties. A set of argument constructions, generalizations over usage patterns, are proposed for the reflexive verbs in this study. In addition to the variables associated with the lexical connectivity, a number of variables proposed in the literature are explored and used as predictors in the model. The second part of this study introduces the use of a machine learning algorithm called Random Forests. The performance of the model indicates that it is capable, up to a degree, of disambiguating the proposed argument construction types of the Russian Reflexive Marker. Additionally, a global ranking of the predictors used in the model is offered. Finally, most construction grammars assume that argument construction form a network structure. A new method is proposed that establishes generalization over the argument constructions referred to as Linking Construction. In sum, this study explores the structural properties of the Russian Reflexive Marker and a new model is set forth that can accommodate both the traditional pairs and potential deviations from it in a principled manner.
Pohjois-Savon ELY-keskus, Kuopion, Juankosken ja Suonenjoen kaupungit sekä Kaavin ja Rautalammin kunnat ovat laatineet yhdessä Kuopion seudun liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelman. Kuntakohtaiset suunnitelmaraportit sisältävät sekä liikenneympäristön parantamissuunnitelmat että liikenneturvallisuustyön kehittämissuunnitelmat. Liikenneympäristön parantamistoimenpiteiden suunnittelua ohjasivat työn aikana määritetyt kunnille yhteiset liikenneturvallisuuden ja esteettömyyden parantamista koskevat periaatteet sekä tarkemmin kuntakohtaiset erityispiirteet. Myös liikenneturvallisuustyön toimintasuunnitelmat laadittiin kunnille yhteisten periaatteiden ohjaamina. Suunnitelman laadinnassa otettiin huomioon Itä-Suomen liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelma ja kuntien omat liikkumiseen ja turvallisuuteen kytkeytyvät strategiat ja tavoitteet. Suonenjoen kaupungin alueelle on esitetty liikenneympäristön parantamistoimenpiteitä yhteensä 25 kohteeseen. Toimenpiteet painottuvat keskusta-alueelle ja Iisveden alueelle sekä yksittäisiin ongelmakohteisiin. Toimenpiteiden suunnittelussa on otettu huomioon edellä mainitut yleiset periaatteet sekä tiedossa olevien kaava-/maankäyttöhankkeiden lähivuosina edellyttämät toimenpiteet. Toimenpiteiden toteuttaminen on vaiheistettu kolmeen ohjeelliseen kiireellisyysluokkaan; vuosina 2013-2016 ja 2017-2020 sekä vuoden 2021 jälkeen toteutettaviin toimenpiteisiin. Lisäksi erikseen on esitetty myös pienemmät ns. pikatoimenpiteet. Parantamistoimenpiteiden kustannuksiksi on arvioitu yhteensä 0,5 milj.€, josta puuttuvat suuret ns. erillishankkeet. Liikenneturvallisuustyön toimintasuunnitelmassa on esitetty kaupungin liikenneturvallisuusryhmän kokoonpano, toimintamalli ja tehtävät sekä hallintokuntakohtaiset liikenneturvallisuustyön toimintasuunnitelmat. Liikenneturvallisuuden edistämisen ohella suunnitelman laadinnassa painopisteenä oli viisaiden ja kestävien liikkumistapojen edistäminen, mikä on ehdotettu kytkettäväksi osaksi kaupungin liikenneturvallisuustyötä. Lisäksi raportissa on käsitelty liikenneturvallisuustyön markkinointia ja tiedottamista. Liikenneturvallisuustoimenpiteiden ja tavoitteiden toteutumisen seurantaa varten suunniteltiin erilaisia mittareita.
Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee kielellistä leikittelyä Jii Roikosen Jasso-sarjakuvassa. Jasso on absurdin huumorin sävyttämä sarjakuva, jossa elottomia objekteja usein personoidaan. Esimerkiksi Jasson paras kaveri on hänen oma häntänsä, joka pystyy puhumaan ja irtautumaan Jassosta. Tutkimusaineistonani on 11 Jasso-sarjakuvakirjaa tai -albumia vuosilta 1993–2006. Analysoitavia sivuja näissä on yhteensä 819. Sarjakuvatarinoiden pituudet vaihtelevat yhdestä rivistä kokonaiseen teokseen. Jasso-sarjakuvassa leikitellään niin äänne-, sana-, lauseke- kuin lausetasolla. Näitä analysoidaan käyttäen hyväksi suomen kielen deskriptiivistä äänne-, muoto-, sananmuodostus- ja lauseoppia. Pragmatiikka ja semantiikka ovat työssäni keskeisellä sijalla. Työni kuuluu tekstilingvistiikan eli tekstintutkimuksen alaan. Työni on ennen kaikkea kvalitatiivinen, sillä tarkkojen määrien sijaan pyrin esittämään kaikki käytetyt kielileikkien eri keinot. Leikittelykeinoista suurin osa rakentuu joko monimerkityksisyyden tai muuntelun varaan. Jasso-sarjakuva sisältää kuitenkin paljon myös erikoislaatuisempia, yksittäisiä leikittelyjä, joita on vaikeaa laittaa tähän jaotteluun. Leikittelykeinojen moninaisuus kaikkiaan tekee tästä sarjakuvasta haastavan, mutta samalla erittäin mielenkiintoisen tutkimuskohteen. Leikittelykeinot esiintyvät usein limittäin ja toisia tukien, vaikka analyysini eteneekin leikittelykeinosta toiseen. Kaikkia erilaisia kielileikkejä yhdistää se, että ne poikkeavat jollain tavalla normatiivisesta yleiskielestä. Kielileikit saavat vastaanottajan kiinnittämään huomiota asiasisällön sijaan itse kieleen. Tutkimushypoteesinani oli, että Jasso-sarjakuva sisältäisi paljon idiomaattisten ilmausten konkreettisempaan tulkintaan perustuvia leikittelyjä. Vaikka aineisto sisältää tällaisia jonkin verran, pätevän vertailukohdan puuttuessa on mahdotonta todeta, onko se paljon vai ei. Sarjakuvassa teksti on ainoastaan toinen keskeisistä ilmaisukeinoista. Tämän vuoksi sarjakuvan kuvallisuus on otettava myös huomioon, kun pyritään mahdollisimman tarkkaan ja oikeaan kielileikin analyysiin.
Varusmiesten peruskoulutuskauden aikana koulutettavien maksimaalinen hapenottokyky paranee ja elimistön rasvan määrä vähenee. Kestävyyssuorituskyvyn nousu ja kehon koos-tumuksen muutokset ovat sitä myönteisemmät, mitä huonommassa fyysisessä kunnossa va-rusmies on palveluksen alussa ja mitä alhaisempi on palvelusta edeltävä liikunta-aktiivisuus. Voimaominaisuuksien kehittymisen osalta peruskoulutuskauden kestävyyspainotteinen soti-laskoulutus saattaa osittain estää voima- sekä kestävyysharjoittelun spesifiset vaikutukset. Erikoiskoulutuskauden aikana toteutettu koulutussuunnitelmien mukainen fyysinen harjoitte-lu ei yleisesti paranna voimaominaisuuksia. Tämä tutkimus on ensimmäinen Suomessa tehty kenttätutkimus, jossa tarkastellaan suoma-laisten varusmiesten erikoiskoulutuskauden koulutukseen lisätyn voimaharjoittelun vaikutus-ta maksimaaliseen voimantuottoon, kehon koostumukseen ja taakan kantamiseen. Tuloksia voidaan soveltaa pohdittaessa maavoimien jalkaväkisotilaalle asetettavia fyysisiä vaatimuk-sia, koulutettavien valintaa eri tehtäviin, eri koulutuskausien liikuntakoulutuksen rakennetta ja kannettavan taakan massan vaikutusta sotilaan kuormittumiseen ja toimintakykyyn taiste-lukentällä. Tutkimusjoukko (n=25) koostui vapaaehtoisista Kaartin Jääkärirykmentin varusmiehistä. Kontrolliryhmä (n=12) harjoitteli erikoiskoulutuskauden koulutussuunnitelman mukaisia harjoitteita. Koeryhmän (n=13) erikoiskoulutuskauden koulutukseen lisättiin kahdeksan vii-kon ajan, kaksi kertaa viikossa, toteutettu voimaharjoittelu. Alkumittaukset suoritettiin eri-koiskoulutuskauden alussa ja loppumittaukset erikoiskoulutuskauden lopussa. Muuttujina käytettiin yläraajojen, keskivartalon ja alaraajojen maksimaalista voimantuottoa, kehon koos-tumuksen muutoksia ja kahden mailin taakkajuoksua. Koeryhmän yläraajojen maksimaalisessa voimantuotossa ei havaittu muutoksia. Kontrolli-ryhmän yläraajojen maksimaalisen voimantuotto kasvoi 990 ± 320 N 1140 ± 360 N, p<0,05. Koeryhmän vatsalihasten maksimaalisen voimantuotto kasvoi 3260 ± 510 N 3740 ± 750 N, p<0,05. Selkälihasten maksimaalinen voimantuotto laski molempien ryhmien osalta, koeryhmä 4290 ± 990 N 3570 ± 480 N, p<0,01 ja kontrolliryhmä 3920 ± 720 N 3410 ± 530 N, p<0,05. Molempien ryhmien alaraajojen maksimaalinen voimantuotto laski, koeryhmä 5250 ± 1110 N 4290 ± 720 N, p<0,001, kontrolli 5170 ± 1050 N 4330 ± 1230 N, p<0,05. Kahden mailin taakkajuoksun suoritusajan muutos oli erittäin merkitsevä. Koeryhmä 1162 ± 116 s 1047 ± 81 s, p<0,001 ja kontrolliryhmä 1142 ± 95 s 1035 ± 819 s, p<0,001. Kehon rasvaprosentin ja kahden mailin taakkajuoksuun käytetyn suoritus-ajan välillä havaittiin loppumittauksissa koeryhmän osalta positiivinen korrelaatio r =0,65*, p≤0,05. Kehon koostumuksen muutosten tai voimantuoton muutosten ja taakkajuoksun muu-tosten välillä ei havaittu yhteyttä. Varusmiespalveluksen erikoiskoulutuskauden aikana toteutetun yhdistetyn voima- ja kestä-vyysharjoittelun harjoitusvaikutuksiin saattaa vaikuttaa erikoiskoulutuskauden kestävyyspai-notteinen koulutus, harjoittelun kokonaisvolyymi ja puutteellinen palautuminen. Nämä saat-tavat johtaa ylirasitustilaan ja siten haitata optimaalista voimantuoton kasvua. Koulutettavien yksilölliset fysiologiset ominaisuudet tulee huomioida yksityiskohtaisemmin ja yksilölli-semmin erikoiskoulutuskauden harjoittelun optimoinnissa. Fyysisten ominaisuuksien kehit-tämisessä tulee entistä tarkemmin huomioida palveluksen kokonaiskuormittavuus, voima- ja kestävyysominaisuuksien tasapainoinen ja nousujohteinen kehittäminen sekä laadukas palau-tuminen.
This dissertation centres on the themes of knowledge creation, interdisciplinarity and knowledge work. My research approaches interdisciplinary knowledge creation (IKC) as practical situated activity. I argue that by approaching IKC from the practice-based perspective makes it possible to “deconstruct” how knowledge creation actually happens, and demystify its strong intellectual, mentalistic and expertise-based connotations. I have rendered the work of the observed knowledge workers into something ordinary, accessible and routinized. Consequently this has made it possible to grasp the pragmatic challenges as well the concrete drivers of such activity. Thus the effective way of organizing such activities becomes a question of organizing and leading effective everyday practices. To achieve that end, I have conducted ethnographic research of one explicitly interdisciplinary space within higher education, Aalto Design Factory in Helsinki, Finland, where I observed how students from different disciplines collaborated in new product development projects. I argue that IKC is a multi-dimensional construct that intertwines a particular way of doing; a way of experiencing; a way of embodied being; and a way of reflecting on the very doing itself. This places emphasis not only the practices themselves, but also on the way the individual experiences the practices, as this directly affects how the individual practices. My findings suggest that in order to effectively organize and execute knowledge creation activities organizations need to better accept and manage the emergent diversity and complexity inherent in such activities. In order to accomplish this, I highlight the importance of understanding and using a variety of (material) objects, the centrality of mundane everyday practices, the acceptance of contradictions and negotiations well as the role of management that is involved and engaged. To succeed in interdisciplinary knowledge creation is to lead not only by example, but also by being very much present in the very everyday practices that make it happen.
This study focuses on teacher practices in publicly funded music schools in Finland. As views on the aims of music education change and broaden, music schools across Europe share the challenge of developing their activities in response. In public and scholarly debate, there have been calls for increased diversity of contents and concepts of teaching. In Finland, the official national curriculum for state-funded music schools builds on the ideal that teaching and learning should create conditions which promote ‘a good relationship to music’. The meaning of this concept has been deliberately left open in order to leave room for dialogue, flexibility, and teacher autonomy. Since what is meant by ‘good’ is not defined in advance, the notion of ‘improving’ practices is also open to discussion. The purpose of the study is to examine these issues from teachers’ point of view by asking what music school teachers aim to accomplish as they develop their practices. Methodologically, the study introduces a suggestion for building empirical research on Alperson’s ‘robust’ praxial approach to music education, a philosophical theory which is strongly committed to practitioner perspectives and musical diversity. A systematic method for analysing music education practices, interpretive practice analysis, is elaborated with support from interpretive research methods originally used in policy analysis. In addition, the research design shows how reflecting conversations (a collaborative approach well-known in Nordic social work) can be fruitfully applied in interpretive research and combined with teacher inquiry. Data have been generated in a collaborative project involving five experienced music school teachers and the researcher. The empirical material includes transcripts from group conversations, data from teacher inquiry conducted within the project, and transcripts from follow-up interviews. The teachers’ aspirations can be understood as strivings to reinforce the connection between musical practices and various forms of human flourishing such that music and flourishing can sustain each other. Examples from their practices show how the word ‘good’ receives its meaning in context. Central among the teachers’ concerns is their hope that students develop a free and sustainable interest in music, often described as inspiration. I propose that ‘good relationships to music’ and ‘inspiration’ can be understood as philosophical mediators which support the transition from an indeterminate ‘interest in music’ towards specific ways in which music can become a (co-)constitutive part of living well in each person’s particular circumstances. Different musical practices emphasise different aspects of what is considered important in music and in human life. Music school teachers consciously balance between a variety of such values. They also make efforts to resist pressure which might threaten the goods they think are most important. Such goods include joy, participation, perseverance, solid musical skills related to specific practices, and a strong sense of vitality. The insights from this study suggest that when teachers are able to create inspiration, they seem to do so by performing complex work which combines musical and educational aims and makes general positive contributions to their students’ lives. Ensuring that teaching and learning in music schools remain as constructive and meaningful as possible for both students and teachers is a demanding task. The study indicates that collaborative, reflective and interdisciplinary work may be helpful as support for development processes on both individual and collective levels of music school teacher practices.