6 resultados para Íícone
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Centrifugal compressors are widely used for example in process industry, oil and gas industry, in small gas turbines and turbochargers. In order to achieve lower consumption of energy and operation costs the efficiency of the compressor needs to be improve. In the present work different pinches and low solidity vaned diffusers were utilized in order to improve the efficiency of a medium size centrifugal compressor. In this study, pinch means the decrement of the diffuser flow passage height. First different geometries were analyzed using computational fluid dynamics. The flow solver Finflo was used to solve the flow field. Finflo is a Navier-Stokes solver. The solver is capable to solve compressible, incompressible, steady and unsteady flow fields. Chien's k-e turbulence model was used. One of the numerically investigated pinched diffuser and one low solidity vaned diffuser were studied experimentally. The overall performance of the compressor and the static pressure distribution before and after the diffuser were measured. The flow entering and leaving the diffuser was measured using a three-hole Cobra-probe and Kiel-probes. The pinch and the low solidity vaned diffuser increased the efficiency of the compressor. Highest isentropic efficiency increment obtained was 3\% of the design isentropic efficiency of the original geometry. It was noticed in the numerical results that the pinch made to the hub and the shroud wall was most beneficial to the operation of the compressor. Also the pinch made to the hub was better than the pinchmade to the shroud. The pinch did not affect the operation range of the compressor, but the low solidity vaned diffuser slightly decreased the operation range.The unsteady phenomena in the vaneless diffuser were studied experimentally andnumerically. The unsteady static pressure was measured at the diffuser inlet and outlet, and time-accurate numerical simulation was conducted. The unsteady static pressure showed that most of the pressure variations lay at the passing frequency of every second blade. The pressure variations did not vanish in the diffuser and were visible at the diffuser outlet. However, the amplitude of the pressure variations decreased in the diffuser. The time-accurate calculations showed quite a good agreement with the measured data. Agreement was very good at the design operation point, even though the computational grid was not dense enough inthe volute and in the exit cone. The time-accurate calculation over-predicted the amplitude of the pressure variations at high flow.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin suotautuneen massakakun adheesiota teräspinnalle. Muuttujina käytettiin tyypillisiä pesuprosessin arvoja. Lisäksi tutkittiin teollisessa pesulaitteessa massakakun irrotuksessa käytettävän paineilmapulssin käyttäytymistä. Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin suotautuneen massakakun muodostumista, adheesiota ja adheesioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä massakakun irrotuksen kannalta. Lisäksi massakakun irrotuksessa käytettävän paineilman virtaustatarkasteltiin adiabaattisena virtauksena. Kokeellisen osan irrotuskokeissa tutkittiin suotautuneen massakakun adheesiovoimia teräksisen kartion laitoihin ja reikälevyyn. Kokeissa tutkittiin tyypillisten prosessi-muuttujien kuten lämpötilan, pH:n ja kuiva-ainepitoisuuden vaikutusta tarvittavaan kakun irrotusvoimaan. Lisäksi tutkittiin myös kartion kulman ja pinnanlaadun vaikutusta. Adheesiokokeiden perusteella pystyttiin laskemaan massakakun irrotukseen tarvittava rajapaine teollisen pesulaitteen lokeron suodoskanavassa. Kokeellisen osan paineilmakokeissa tutkittiin irrotuksessa käytettävän paineilman painevaikutusta ja virtausta teollisen pesulaitteen lokerossa ja näihin vaikuttavia rakenteellisten ja prosessiteknisten parametrien vaikutusta. Lisäksi tutkimusta täydennettiin videokuvauksen avulla tutkimalla paineaallon etenemistä merkkiaineen avulla.
In a centrifugal compressor the flow around the diffuser is collected and led to the pipe system by a spiral-shaped volute. In this study a single-stage centrifugal compressor with three different volutes is investigated. The compressorwas first equipped with the original volute, the cross-section of which was a combination of a rectangle and semi-circle. Next a new volute with a fully circular cross-section was designed and manufactured. Finally, the circular volute wasmodified by rounding the tongue and smoothing the tongue area. The overall performance of the compressor as well as the static pressure distribution after the impeller and on the volute surface were measured. The flow entering the volute was measured using a three-hole Cobra-probe, and flow visualisations were carriedout in the exit cone of the volute. In addition, the radial force acting on theimpeller was measured using magnetic bearings. The complete compressor with thecircular volute (inlet pipe, full impeller, diffuser, volute and outlet pipe) was also modelled using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A fully 3-D viscous flow was solved using a Navier-Stokes solver, Finflo, developed at Helsinki University of Technology. Chien's k-e model was used to take account of the turbulence. The differences observed in the performance of the different volutes were quite small. The biggest differences were at low speeds and high volume flows,i.e. when the flow entered the volute most radially. In this operating regime the efficiency of the compressor with the modified circular volute was about two percentage points higher than with the other volutes. Also, according to the Cobra-probe measurements and flow visualisations, the modified circular volute performed better than the other volutes in this operating area. The circumferential static pressure distribution in the volute showed increases at low flow, constant distribution at the design flow and decrease at high flow. The non-uniform static pressure distribution of the volute was transmitted backwards across the vaneless diffuser and observed at the impeller exit. At low volume flow a strong two-wave pattern developed into the static pressure distribution at the impeller exit due to the response of the impeller to the non-uniformity of pressure. The radial force of the impeller was the greatest at the choke limit, the smallest atthe design flow, and moderate at low flow. At low flow the force increase was quite mild, whereas the increase at high flow was rapid. Thus, the non-uniformityof pressure and the force related to it are strong especially at high flow. Theforce caused by the modified circular volute was weaker at choke and more symmetric as a function of the volume flow than the force caused by the other volutes.
Seulonta on vanha ja teollisuudessa yleisesti käytetty erotusmenetelmä. Huolimat-ta yksinkertaisesta prosessista seulontaa ilmiönä on tutkittu vähän. Prosessin yk-sinkertaisuus on voinut osaltaan vaikuttaa tutkijoiden mielenkiintoon aihetta koh-taan. Tutkimuksen vähyys näkyy etenkin painovoimaiseen seulontaan liittyvän kirjallisuuden vähyytenä. Kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään seulonnan taustaa ja märkä- sekä kuivaseulontaa. Lisäksi määritetään seulontaan vaikuttavat tekijät ja kar-toitetaan seulontaan liittyvää matematiikkaa. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkitaan Reichertin kartioseulan erotustehokkuutta 10, 12,5 ja 15 asteen kallistuskulmissa. Tutkimukset tehdään ideaalisille pallomaisille lasihelmille. Mittaustulosten avulla tutkitaan myös partikkelien liikettä seulapin-nalla ja syötetyn massan vaikutusta erotustehokkuuteen. Kokeellisia mittaustulok-sia käytetään MATLAB-mallinnuksessa, jonka avulla optimoidaan kartioseulan kallistuskulmaa ja massapanosta suhteessa erotustehokkuuteen. Tutkimuksen kannalta olennaisia kysymyksiä ovat: ”Onko painovoimaan perustuva erottelu seuloilla riittävä takaamaan hyvän erotustehokkuuden?” ja ”Mikä on seulan ero-tustehokkuuden kannalta optimaalinen kallistuskulma ja syötettävä massa?” Reichertin kartioseulan etuja ovat sen energiatehokkuus ja yksinkertainen helposti säädettävä prosessi. Koemittauksista havaitaan, että erotustehokkuus vastaa opti-moinnin tuloksia. Seulan liian pieni kallistuskulma ja suuri massapanos pienentävät seulan erotustehokkuutta. Lisätutkimuksia tarvitaan eri kallistuskulmilla ja materiaaleilla, jotta tuloksia voidaan verrata todellisiin seulontaprosesseihin.
The main objective of this thesis is to study the impact of different mineral fillers and fire retardants on the reaction-to-fire properties of extruded/coextruded wood-plastic composites (WPCs). The impact of additives on the flammability properties of WPCs is studied by cone calorimetry. The studied properties are ignition time, peak heat release rate, total heat release, total smoke production, and mass loss rate. The effects of mineral fillers and fire retardants were found to vary with the type of additive, the type of additive combinations, the amount of additives, as well as the production method of the WPCs. The study shows that talc can be used to improve the properties of extruded WPCs. Especially ignition time, peak heat release rate and mass loss rate were found to be improved significantly by talc. The most significant improvement in the fire retardancy of coextruded WPCs was achieved in combinations of natural graphite and melamine. Ignition time, peak heat release rate and total smoke production were improved essentially. High increase in smoke production was found in samples where the amount of ammonium polyphosphate was 10% or higher. Coextrusion as a structural modification was found as a promising way to improve the flammability properties of composite materials in a cost-effective way.