130 resultados para authorities
As unregistered grassroots charities do not appear in official statistics in China, they tend to remain unnoticed by scholars. Also as they operate unofficially and avoid publicity, their work is usually not reported by the media. In this research I explore the grassroots charity activity of one pop music fan club from the viewpoint of trust as a sociological concept. I will also establish the general situation on charity in China. By using textual analysis on internet blogs and discussion forums I map the charity project from the discussion of the original idea to the execution and follow up phase. I study the roles the fan club members assume during the project as anonymous participants of internet conversations, as well as concrete active charity volunteers outside of the virtual world. I establish parties, other than the fan club, which are involved in the charity project. Interviews with one of the participant of the project in 2010, 2014 and 2015 bring valuable additional information and help in distributing the questionnaire survey. A quantitative questionnaire survey was distributed among the fan club members to get more detailed information on the motives and attitudes towards official and unofficial charity in China. Because of the inequality in China, the rural minority areas do not have similar educational opportunities as the mostly majority inhabited urban areas, even though the country officially has a nine year compulsory education. Grassroots charities can operate in relative freedom taking some of the government’s burden of social responsibilities if they are not criticizing the authorities. The problem with grassroots charity seems to be lack of sustainability. The lack of trust for authorities and official charities was the reason why the Jane Zhang fan club decided to conduct a charity case unofficially. As a group of people previously unknown to each other, they managed to build mutual trust to carry out the project transparently and successfully, though not sustainably. The internet has provided a new and effective platform for unofficial grassroots charities, who choose not to co-operate with official organisations. On grassroots level charities can have the transparency and trust that lack from official charities. I suggest, that interviewing the real persons behind the internet aliases and finding out what happened outside the discussion forums, would bring a more detailed and outspoken description of the project concerning of the contacts with the local authorities. Also travelling to the site and communicating with the local people in the village would establish how they have experienced the project.
Datenherrschaft – an Ethically Justified Solution to the Problem of Ownership of Patient Information
Patient information systems are crucial components for the modern healthcare and medicine. It is obvious that without them the healthcare cannot function properly – one can try to imagine how brain surgery could be done without using information systems to gather and show information needed for an operation. Thus, it can be stated that digital information is irremovable part of modern healthcare. However, the legal ownership of patient information lacks a coherent and justified basis. The whole issue itself is actually bypassed by controlling pa- tient information with different laws and regulations how patient information can be used and by whom. Nonetheless, the issue itself – who owns the patient in- formation – is commonly missed or bypassed. This dissertation show the problems if the legislation of patient information ownership is not clear. Without clear legislation, the outcome can be unexpected like it seems to be in Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom: the lack of clear regulation has come up with unwanted consequences because of problematic Eu- ropean Union database directive implementation in those countries. The legal ownership is actually granted to the creators of databases which contains the pa- tient information, and this is not a desirable situation. In healthcare and medicine, we are dealing with issues such as life, health and information which are very sensitive and in many cases very personal. Thus, this dissertation leans on four philosophical theories form Locke, Kant, Heidegger and Rawls to have an ethically justified basis for regulating the patient infor- mation in a proper way. Because of the problems of property and ownership in the context of information, a new concept is needed and presented to replace the concept of owning, that concept being Datenherrschaft (eng. mastery over in- formation). Datenherrschaft seems to be suitable for regulating patient infor- mation because its core is the protection of one’s right over information and this aligns with the work of the philosophers whose theories are used in the work. The philosophical argumentation of this study shows that Datenherrschaft granted to the patients is ethically acceptable. It supports the view that patient should be controlling the patient information about themselves unless there are such specific circumstance that justifies the authorities to use patient information to protect other people’s basic rights. Thus, if the patients would be legally grant- ed Datenherrschaft over patient information we would endorse patients as indi- viduals who have their own and personal experience of their own life and have a strong stance against any unjustified paternalism in healthcare. Keywords: patient information, ownership, Datenherrschaft, ethics, Locke, Kant, Heidegger, Rawls
The escalation in the number of mergers and acquisition transactions involving emerging market firms is a relatively recent phenomenon; as a consequence academic research in such topic is rather limited. The purpose of this research study was to discuss the possible reasons that led the acquisition failure of an emerging multinational firm and an Indonesian player. Extensive theoretical research was performed and it had been achieved, based on this, the finding of a framework that facilitated to understand the way in which the concepts of cultural distances and relate liabilities of foreignness in the process of acquisitions of foreign companies in emerging markets. The theoretical background collects literature related to acquisitions, models of cultural studies between nations and liabilities of foreignness. It has been generated a variety of frameworks that aid to understand the way that the institutional distance and cultural factors together with the concept of liabilities of foreignness can affect the process of market entry of an emerging multinational company to the extent that the best way to stop losing money is to abandon the project. The empirical research consisted of selective semi-structured interviews and an extensive research in available public data on the chosen study case of this research. There were several factors that were identified as the cause of the failure in the market entry of a Mexican multinational firm in Indonesia. The weakness shown by the local government authorities was used by the local community leaders who rioted because of discomfort. These groups were the ones who made the government submit to the extent that the agreements reached at the beginning of the deal were either canceled or modified in a way that favored always the local community. The contributions of this study fall into the knowledge field of emerging multinational firms and market entry process.
Diplomityössä tarkasteltiin Metsä Board Simpeleen voimalaitoksen energiaraportointi kokonaisuutta. Tarkastelun kohteena olivat lämpö-, sähkö- ja polttoaine-energiat. Tarkastelun pääpaino oli energian määritykseen tarvittavissa mittapisteissä sekä niistä muodostuvissa raporteissa. Työn tavoitteena oli saada luotettavat energiaraportit, jotka ovat jaoteltu selkeästi ja johdonmukaisesti. Tavoitteena oli myös vähentää kuukausiraportoinnin muodostamiseen tarvittavaa henkilötyöaikaa. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään yleisesti voimalaitosprosessin toimintaa sekä siinä käytettäviä polttoaineita. Energiataseen muodostamisen perusteita tarkasteltiin voimalaitosprosessin kannalta. Energian määrityksiin käytettävät prosessimittaukset käytiin läpi. Raportointivelvollisuudet selvitettiin, niin tilastokeskuksien, kuin viranomaistenkin suuntaan. Työosuudessa perehdyttiin käytössä oleviin raportointikäytäntöihin sekä raporttipohjiin. Energialaskentayhtälöt ja parametrit tarkastettiin tarvittavilta osin. Työnaikana havaittiin nopeasti, että raportointi muodostetaan pitkälti Microsoft Excel-taulukkolaskentaohjelmiston avulla. Olemassa olevia automatisoituja raportteja ei hyödynnetty ollenkaan, koska niitä pidettiin epäluotettavina. Työn tuloksena automatisoidut kuukausiraportit tarkastettiin, virheet korjattiin ja ne otettiin käyttöön. Automaattisiin raportteihin tehtiin päivitysehdotukset uusista raporttipohjista. Viralliseen kuukausiraportointiin rakennettiin myös kokonaan uudet raportointipohjat, jotka hyödyntävät automaattisesti muodostuvia raportteja. Uudet raporttipohjat nopeuttivat raportointityötä merkittävästi. Polttoaine-energian hallintajärjestelmä todettiin vanhanaikaiseksi ja sen uusimista suositellaan. Uusinnalla raportointityö helpottuisi ja sen avulla siitä saataisiin kattavampi.
For the past decades, educational large-scale reforms have been elaborated and implemented in many countries and often resulted in partial or complete failure. These results brought researchers to study policy processes in order to address this particular challenge. Studies on implementation processes brought to light an existing causal relationship between the implementation process and the effectiveness of a reform. This study aims to describe the implementation process of educational change in Finland, who produced efficient educational reforms over the last 50 years. The case study used for the purpose of this study is the national reform of undivided basic education (yhtenäinen peruskoulu) implemented in the end of the 1990s. Therefore, this research aims to describe how the Finnish undivided basic education reform was implemented. This research was carried out using a pluralist and structuralist approach of policy process and was analyzed according to the hybrid model of implementation process. The data were collected using a triangulation of methods, i.e. documentary research, interviews and questionnaires. The data were qualitative and were analyzed using content analysis methods. This study concludes that the undivided basic education reform was applied in a very decentralized manner, which is a reflection of the decentralized system present in Finland. Central authorities provided a clear vision of the purpose of the reform, but did not control the implementation process. They rather provided extensive support in the form of transmission of information and development of collaborative networks. Local authorities had complete autonomy in terms of decision-making and implementation process. Discussions, debates and decisions regarding implementation processes took place at the local level and included the participation of all actors present on the field. Implementation methods differ from a region to another, with is the consequence of the variation of the level of commitment of local actors but also the diversity of local realities. The reform was implemented according to existing structures and values, which means that it was in cohesion with the context in which it was implemented. These results cannot be generalized to all implementation processes of educational change in Finland but give a great insight of what could be the model used in Finland. Future studies could intent to confirm the model described here by studying other reforms that took place in Finland.
For the past decades, educational large-scale reforms have been elaborated and implemented in many countries and often resulted in partial or complete failure. These results brought researchers to study policy processes in order to address this particular challenge. Studies on implementation processes brought to light an existing causal relationship between the implementation process and the effectiveness of a reform. This study aims to describe the implementation process of educational change in Finland, who produced efficient educational reforms over the last 50 years. The case study used for the purpose of this study is the national reform of undivided basic education (yhtenäinen peruskoulu) implemented in the end of the 1990s. Therefore, this research aims to describe how the Finnish undivided basic education reform was implemented. This research was carried out using a pluralist and structuralist approach of policy process and was analyzed according to the hybrid model of implementation process. The data were collected using a triangulation of methods, i.e. documentary research, interviews and questionnaires. The data were qualitative and were analyzed using content analysis methods. This study concludes that the undivided basic education reform was applied in a very decentralized manner, which is a reflection of the decentralized system present in Finland. Central authorities provided a clear vision of the purpose of the reform, but did not control the implementation process. They rather provided extensive support in the form of transmission of information and development of collaborative networks. Local authorities had complete autonomy in terms of decision-making and implementation process. Discussions, debates and decisions regarding implementation processes took place at the local level and included the participation of all actors present on the field. Implementation methods differ from a region to another, with is the consequence of the variation of the level of commitment of local actors but also the diversity of local realities. The reform was implemented according to existing structures and values, which means that it was in cohesion with the context in which it was implemented. These results cannot be generalized to all implementation processes of educational change in Finland but give a great insight of what could be the model used in Finland. Future studies could intent to confirm the model described here by studying other reforms that took place in Finland.
Russia approved ambitious reform plan for the electricity sector in 2001 including privatisation of the country’s huge thermal generation assets. So far the sector had suffered from power shortages, aging infrastructure, substantial electricity losses, and weak productivity and profitability numbers. There was obvious need for foreign investments and technologies. The reform was rather successful; the generation assets were privatised in auctions in 2007-2008 and three European energy companies, E.On, Enel and Fortum, invested in and obtained together over 10% of the Russian production assets. The novelty of these foreign investments serves unique object for the study. The political risk is involved in the FDI due to the industry’s social and economic importance. The research’s objective was to identify and analyse the political risk that foreign investors face in the Russian electricity sector. The research had qualitative study method and the empirical data was collected by interviewing. The research’s theoretical framework was based on the existing political risk theories and it focused to understand the Russian government in relation to the country’s stability and define both macro-level and micro-level sources of political risk for the foreign direct investments in the sector. The research concludes that the centralised and obscure political decision-making, economic constriction, high level of governmental control in economy and corruption form the country’s internal macro-level risk sources for the foreign investors in the sector. Additionally the retribution due to the companies’ home country actions, possible violent confrontations at the Russian borders and the currency instability are externally originated risk sources. In the electricity industry there is risk of tightened governmental control and increased regulation and taxation. Similarly the company-level risk sources link to the unreformed heating sector, bargaining with the authorities, diplomatic stress between host and home countries and to companies and government’s divergent perspective for the profit-making. The research stresses the foreign companies’ ability to cope with the characteristics of Russian political environment. In addition to frequent political and market risk assessment, the companies need to focus on currency protection against rouble’s rate fluctuation and actively build good company-citizenship in the country. Good relationship is needed with the Russian political authorities. The political risk identification and the research’s conclusive framework also enable political risk study assessments for other industries in Russia
Tässä diplomityössä määritettiin Nesteen Suomen jalostamoiden normaalitoiminta ja integroidun päästöjen hallintamallin mukainen monitorointi. Työn ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli selvittää määritelmä integroidun päästöjen hallintamallin mukaiselle normaalitoiminnalle öljynjalostamolla. Toisena tavoitteena oli löytää ratkaisut integroidun päästöjen hallintamallin monitoroinnin heikosti ohjeistettuihin kohtiin. Jalostamoiden normaalitoiminnan määrittäviä kohteita selvitettiin keskustelemalla jalostamon käyttöhenkilökunnan kanssa kriittisistä kohteista päästöjenhallinnan sekä jalostamokokonaisuuden toiminnan kannalta. Keskusteluissa esiin tulleiden kohteiden hyödyllisyyttä jalostamon normaalitoiminnan määrittämiseksi tutkittiin Nesteen jalostamoiden automaatiojärjestelmän historiatietojen perusteella. Selkeästi normaalista poikkeavaksi toiminnaksi lisääntyneiden päästöjen takia tunnistettiin polttoaineiden ja savukaasujen puhdistusprosessien häiriöt sekä Porvoon jalostamolla voimalaitoksen höyryntuotantohäiriöt. Lisäksi jalostamon normaalitoiminnan kuvaajaksi tunnistettiin toiminnassa olevien yksiköiden määrä. Monitoroinnin ohjeistuksen puutteisiin etsittiin ratkaisua olemassa olevista muiden soveltamisalojen ohjeistuksista. Integroidun päästöjen hallintamallin monitorointitarpeista tunnistettiin paljon samaa päästökaupan monitoroinnin kanssa. Monitoroinnin lisäohjeistuksena suositeltiin käyttämään päästökaupan monitorointiohjetta ja sieltä löytyviä määräyksiä. Integroidussa päästöjen hallintamallissa tunnistettiin uusia haasteita viranomaisseurannan toteuttamisessa.
Ilmastonmuutos, ympäristön saastuminen sekä luonnonvarojen ehtyminen lukeutuvat voimakkaimpiin taustalla vaikuttaviin tekijöihin, joiden vuoksi ympäristönäkökohdat ovat nousseet yhä voimakkaammin esille julkisissa hankinnoissa. Julkisten hankintojen tekijät ovat velvoitettuja huomioimaan talouden ohella myös ympäristönäkökohdat. Suuren ostovolyyminsa vuoksi julkinen sektori voi toimia suunnannäyttäjänä ympäristöä säästävien hankintojen toteuttajana. Tämä Pro gradu –tutkielma kartoittaa ekologisten hankintojen merkitystä suomalaisissa kunnissa vuonna 2016. Tavoitteena on selvittää mitä julkisten hankintojen ekologisuus kunnille merkitsee, miten ekologisuus näkyy hankintaprosessissa sekä mitkä tekijät ovat ekologisten hankintojen esteenä ja mitkä tekijät puolestaan kannustavat kuntia tekemään ekologisia hankintoja. Tutkimuksen tuloksena selvisi, että kunnat suhtautuvat ekologisuuteen hankinnoissa varsin positiivisesti ja ennen kaikkea ympäristönäkökohdat koetaan tärkeänä osana hankintoja. Ympäristönäkökohtien huomioiminen hankintaprosessissa koetaan kuitenkin melko vaikeaksi. Erityisesti tiedon puute, hinta ja taloudelliset resurssit vaikeuttavat ekologisten hankintojen toteutusta. Positiivisesti ympäristönäkökohtien huomioimiseen hankinnoissa puolestaan vaikuttavat henkilöstön osaaminen, taloudellisuus ja lainsäädäntö.
Tällä tutkimuksella oli tavoitteena selvittää kuluttajapalveluita tarjoavien yritysten turvallisuuskulttuurin taso sekä mahdollisuuksia tason kehittämiseksi. Turvallisuuskulttuuria ja miten se kytkeytyy kuluttajaturvallisuuteen, käsiteltiin teorian kautta. Samalla luotiin yleiskatsaus turvallisuusajattelun kehitykseen Suomessa. Turvallisuuskulttuurin taso selvitettiin kyselytutkimuksella kuluttajapalveluita valvoville viranomaisille. Samalla saatiin katsaus myös siihen, millaisia menetelmiä valvonnan käytössä on ollut ja kuinka aktiivisesti esimerkiksi jälkivalvontaa on tehty. Kyselyn perusteella turvallisuuskulttuuri on tasolla, jolla pyritään vain täyttämään lainsäädännön ja viranomaisten antamat vaatimukset. Tason korottamiseksi löytyi mahdollisuuksia niin viranomaisten valvontaa ajatellen kuin myös toiminnanharjoittajille. Tällaisia mahdollisuuksia ovat muun muassa toiminnanharjoittajille yhteisesti järjestettävät koulutustilaisuudet. Toiminnanharjoittajilla kokonaisturvallisuusjohtaminen ja laatuajattelu pitää sisällään usein työturvallisuus-, työterveys- ja ympäristöasioita. Mikäli tätä ajattelua laajentaa asiakasnäkökulmalla, lisäisi se kuluttajaturvallisuutta kokonaisuudessaan. Oman haasteen kuluttajaturvallisuuden kehittymiseen tuo mukanaan valvonnan valtiollistaminen ja etenkin sen käytännön toteuttaminen.