160 resultados para Virkkunen, Henna
Tässä kandidaatintyössä selvitettiin, onko 28 vuorokautta riittävä aika sinkillä pilaantuneen maaperän massastabilointiin, ja kuinka sinkin esiintymismuoto vaikuttaa sen stabilointiaikaan. Kokeellisessa osassa jäljiteltiin malmijätteessä, orgaanisessa aineksessa sekä liuenneena maaperässä esiintyvän sinkin stabiloitumista lisäämällä maanäytteeseen sinkkiä eri yhdisteinä; sinkkirakeina, -kloridina ja -asetaattina. Näytteet stabiloitiin sementti-lentotuhkaseoksella 1–28 vuorokauden pituisia ajanjaksoja, minkä jälkeen ne kuvattiin pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla (SEM) ja niille tehtiin liukoisuustestit. Liukoisuustestien tuloksista voidaan huomata sinkkikloridin stabiloituvan jo ensimmäisen vuorokauden aikana ja pysyvän samalla tasolla koko tarkasteluajan. Sinkkirakeiden ja -asetaatin stabiloituminen ei ole yhtä tasaista; alun sitoutumisen jälkeen niiden liukoisuuksissa on havaittavissa selkeät piikit 21 vuorokauden kohdalla. Tämän jälkeen ne alkavat sitoutua uudelleen. Tulosten perusteella sinkin esiintymismuoto vaikuttaa sen stabilointiaikaan, eikä 28:aa vuorokautta voida pitää riittävänä aikana sinkillä pilaantuneen maa-aineksen stabilointiin. Vaikka liukoinen sinkki stabiloituu jo yhdessä vuorokaudessa, ei malmijätteessä tai orgaanisessa aineksessa esiintyvä sinkki ehdi stabiloitua vakaalle tasolle vielä 28 vuorokaudenkaan aikana. Tämä tulisi ottaa huomioon suunniteltaessa ja toteutettaessa sinkkiä sisältävien maiden kunnostushankkeita.
Deregulated proliferation has been recognized among the most important factors promoting breast cancer development and progression. The aim of the project is to gain understanding of the role of specific cell cycle regulators of metaphase-anaphase transition and evaluate their potential in breast cancer prognostication and treatment decisions. Metaphase-anaphase transition is triggered by activation of anaphase promoting complex (APC) which is activated by a cascade of regulatory proteins, among them securin, Cdc20 and Cdc27. These proteins promote the metaphase–anaphase transition and participate in the timely separation of the chromatids. This study is based on a patient material of approximately 600 breast cancer patients and up to 22 years of follow-up. As the main observation, based on DNA cytometric and immunohistochemical methods, securin, Cdc20 and Cdc27 protein expressions were associated with abnormal DNA content and outcome of breast cancer. In the studied patient material, high securin expression alone and in combination with Cdc20 and Cdc27 predicted up to 9.8-fold odds for aneuploid DNA content in human breast cancer. In Kaplan–Meier analyses, high expression of securin systematically indicated decrease in breast cancer survival as compared to low expression cases. The adverse effect of high securin expression was further strengthened by combining it with Cdc20 or Cdc27 expressions, resulting in up to 6.8-fold risk of breast cancer death. High securin and Cdc20 expression was also associated with triple-negative breast cancer type with high statistical significance. Securin, Cdc20 or Cdc27 have not previously been investigated in a clinically relevant large breast cancer patient material or in association with DNA ploidy. The present findings suggest that the studied proteins may serve as potential biomarkers for identification of aggressive course of disease and unfavourable outcome of human breast cancer, and that they may provide a future research aim for understanding abnormal proliferation in malignant disease.
A method to synthesize ethyl β-ᴅ-glucopyranoside (BEG) was searched. Feasibility of different ion exchange resins was examined to purify the product from the synthetic binary solution of BEG and glucose. The target was to produce at least 50 grams of 99 % pure BEG with a scaled up process. Another target was to transfer the batch process into steady-state recycle chromatography process (SSR). BEG was synthesized enzymatically with reverse hydrolysis utilizing β-glucosidase as a catalyst. 65 % of glucose reacted with ethanol into BEG during the synthesis. Different ion exchanger based resins were examined to separate BEG from glucose. Based on batch chromatography experiments the best adsorbent was chosen between styrene based strong acid cation exchange resins (SAC) and acryl based weak acid cation exchange resins (WAC). CA10GC WAC resin in Na+ form was chosen for the further separation studies. To produce greater amounts of the product the batch process was scaled up. The adsorption isotherms for the components were linear. The target purity was possible to reach already in batch without recycle with flowrate and injection size small enough. 99 % pure product was produced with scaled-up batch process. Batch process was transferred to SSR process utilizing the data from design pulse chromatograms and Matlab simulations. The optimal operating conditions for the system were determined. Batch and SSR separation results were compared and by using SSR 98 % pure products were gained with 40 % higher productivity and 40 % lower eluent consumption compared to batch process producing as pure products.