166 resultados para Tiusanen, Antero
Sanat: Kanteletar.
Sanat: Kanteletar.
Sanat: Kanteletar, Uudempia lauluja, n:o 4.
Artikkeli perustuu pro gradu -työhön, jossa ohjaajina olivat Juha Holma ja Antero Toskala. - Tutkimus liittyy Jyväskylän seudulla vuodesta 1995 alkaen toimineeseen Vaihtoehto väkivallalle -nimiseen lähisuhdeväkivallan ehkäisy- ja hoito-ohjelmaan.
Longitudinal studies are quite rare in the area of Operations Management. One reason might be the time needed to conduct such studies, and then the lack of experience and real-life examples and results. The aim of the thesis is to examine longitudinal studies in the area of OM and the possible advantages, challenges and pitfalls of such studies. A longitudinal benchmarking study, Made in Finland, was analyzed in terms of the study methodology and its outcomes. The timeline of this longitudinal study is interesting. The first study was made in 1993, the second in 2004 and the third in 2010. Between these studies some major changes occurred in the Finnish business environment. Between the first and second studies, Finland joined the ETA and the EU, and globalization started with the rise of the Internet era, while between the second and third studies financial turmoil started in 2007. The sample and cases used in this study were originally 23 manufacturing sites in Finland. These sites were interviewed in 1993, in 2004 and 2010. One important and interesting aspect is that all the original sites participated in 2004, and 19 sites were still able to participate in 2010. Four sites had been closed and/or moved abroad. All of this gave a good opportunity to study the changes that occurred in the Finnish manufacturing sites and their environment, and how they reacted to these changes, and the effects on their performance. It is very seldom, if ever, that the same manufacturing sites have been studied in a longitudinal setting by using three data points. The results of this study are thus unique, and the experience gained is valuable for practitioners.