134 resultados para Raw material provenance


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Asymmetric synthesis using modified heterogeneous catalysts has gained lots of interest in the production of optically pure chemicals, such as pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, fragrances and agrochemicals. Heterogeneous modified catalysts capable of inducing high enantioselectivities are preferred in industrial scale due to their superior separation and handling properties. The topic has been intensively investigated both in industry and academia. The enantioselective hydrogenation of ethyl benzoylformate (EBF) to (R)-ethyl mandelate over (-)-cinchonidine (CD)-modified Pt/Al2O3 catalyst in a laboratory-scale semi-batch reactor was studied as a function of modifier concentration, reaction temperature, stirring rate and catalyst particle size. The main product was always (R)-ethyl mandelate while small amounts of (S)-ethyl mandelate were obtained as by product. The kinetic results showed higher enantioselectivity and lower initial rates approaching asymptotically to a constant value as the amount of modifier was increased. Additionally, catalyst deactivation due to presence of impurities in the feed was prominent in some cases; therefore activated carbon was used as a cleaning agent of the raw material to remove impurities prior to catalyst addition. Detailed characterizations methods (SEM, EDX, TPR, BET, chemisorption, particle size distribution) of the catalysts were carried out. Solvent effects were also studied in the semi-batch reactor. Solvents with dielectric constant (e) between 2 and 25 were applied. The enantiomeric excess (ee) increased with an increase of the dielectric coefficient up to a maximum followed by a nonlinear decrease. A kinetic model was proposed for the enantioselectivity dependence on the dielectric constant based on the Kirkwood treatment. The non-linear dependence of ee on (e) successfully described the variation of ee in different solvents. Systematic kinetic experiments were carried out in the semi-batch reactor. Toluene was used as a solvent. Based on these results, a kinetic model based on the assumption of different number of sites was developed. Density functional theory calculations were applied to study the energetics of the EBF adsorption on pure Pt(1 1 1). The hydrogenation rate constants were determined along with the adsorption parameters by non-linear regression analysis. A comparison between the model and the experimental data revealed a very good correspondence. Transient experiments in a fixed-bed reactor were also carried out in this work. The results demonstrated that continuous enantioselective hydrogenation of EBF in hexane/2-propanol 90/10 (v/v) is possible and that continuous feeding of (-)-cinchonidine is needed to maintain a high steady-state enantioselectivity. The catalyst showed a good stability and high enantioselectivity was achieved in the fixed-bed reactor. Chromatographic separation of (R)- and (S)-ethyl mandelate originating from the continuous reactor was investigated. A commercial column filled with a chiral resin was chosen as a perspective preparative-scale adsorbent. Since the adsorption equilibrium isotherms were linear within the entire investigated range of concentrations, they were determined by pulse experiments for the isomers present in a post-reaction mixture. Breakthrough curves were measured and described successfully by the dispersive plug flow model with a linear driving force approximation. The focus of this research project was the development of a new integrated production concept of optically active chemicals by combining heterogeneous catalysis and chromatographic separation technology. The proposed work is fundamental research in advanced process technology aiming to improve efficiency and enable clean and environmentally benign production of enantiomeric pure chemicals.


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Suomessa on sitouduttu kansainvälisiin päästövähennystavoitteisiin ja uusiutuvan ener-gian osuuden kasvattamiseen. Biohiili on erinomainen polttoainevaihtoehto kivihiili-voimalaitoksissa, sillä sitä voidaan käyttää suurellakin seososuudella ilman merkittäviä rakenteellisia muutoksia polttoaineen syöttölaitteistoihin tai kattilaan. Biohiiltä voidaan käyttää myös metallurgiassa pelkistimenä, maanparannusaineena ja hiilinieluna. Biohiilen raaka-aineena toimii energia- ja kuitupuuhake. Parikkalan lähialueella on hyödyn-nettävissä olevaa teknis-taloudellista metsäenergiapotentiaalia keskisuuren biojalostamon perustamista varten. Biohiilen teoreettinen markkinapotentiaali on valtava, mutta sen taloudelliset kannattavuusnäkymät ovat heikot nykyhintatasolla. Biohiilen kilpailukykyä heikentävät kivihiilen ja päästöoikeuksien alhaiset hinnat ja biohiilen korkeat tuotantokustannukset. Biohiilimarkkinoiden kehittymistä jarruttaa myös olemassa olevan tuotannon puute. Biohiilen käyttöönotto edellyttäisi kansainvälisiä tukitoimia tai kivihiilen hinnan kasvua.


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Tutkimuksessa selvitetään yhden puupolttoaineorganisaation aineettoman pääoman keskeisimmät tekijät ja niiden välinen dynamiikka laadullisilla tutkimusmenetelmillä. Selvityksen teoreettisen taustan muodostaa tietojohtamisen kirjallisuus, jonka perusteella tietopääoman tekijät on jaettu kolmeen ryhmään: inhimillisiin, rakenne- ja suhdetekijöihin. Puupolttoaineiden liiketoiminta perustuu yksinkertaisen raaka-aineen eli puun hankkimiseen ja toimittamiseen voimalaitoksille eri muodoissa. Liiketoiminnan kannattavuus ja yrityksen asema markkinoilla pohjaa pääosin aineettoman pääoman laaja-alaiseen hyödyntämiseen ja kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena on suuren metsäteollisuusyrityksen puunhankintaorganisaatio ja sen puupolttoaineiden liiketoimintayksikkö, jonka arvonmuodostusta ja aineettoman pääoman tekijöitä tutkimuksessa analysoidaan. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että puupolttoaineiden liiketoiminnan kannattavuus perustuu henkilöstön vahvaan osaamiseen ja organisaation dynaamisiin johtamismalleihin, joilla voidaan vahvistaa aineettomien tekijöiden yhteisvaikutusta. Haasteena puupolttoainetoiminnassa on aineettoman pääoman tekijöiden suhteuttaminen nopeasti kehittyviin operatiivisiin toimintamalleihin sekä valtiollisiin tukimekanismeihin.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut selvittää opetuskäyttöön tulevan biodiesellaitteis-ton hankintaprosessi sekä toteuttaa laitteiston hankinta ja käyttöönotto. Ensiksi on pereh-dytty Euroopan Unionin ja Suomen kansallisiin uusiutuvien polttoaineiden käytön tavoit-teisiin. Toiseksi on perehdytty julkisten hankintojen hankintaprosessiin ja koulutuskun-tayhtymän hankintamenettelyyn. Tarjousmenettelyn päätteeksi on valittu vaihtoesteröinti-menetelmään perustuva kasvi- tai kalaöljyä raaka-aineena käyttävä biodiesellaitteisto, jonka toimintaan ja tuotantoprosessiin on perehdytty opetuksellisesta näkökulmasta. Työssä on kiinnitetty erityistä huomioita työturvallisuuteen ja biodiesellaitteiston käyttöturvalli-suuteen.


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Tukin mittaus ennen sahausta ja sahausasetteen optimointi on kehittynyt paljon viimeisen 10 vuoden aikana. Sahauksen kannattavuuden huonontuessa raaka-aineen tehokas hyödyntäminen on muodostunut tärkeäksi osaksi prosessia. Mittalaitteiden tekniikan kehityttyä on ollut mahdollista mitata tukin muoto ja halkaisijat eri kohdista entistä tarkemmin. Sahausasetteen optimoinnilla pyritään raaka-aineen mahdollisimman tehokkaaseen käyttöön eli saamaan mahdollisimman hyvä saanto jokaisesta yksittäisestä sahatusta tukista. Mittaustarkkuus on suoraan kytköksissä sahausasetteen optimointi tuloksen onnistumiseen. Yleisesti tukin mittaus ennen sahausta ja sahausasetteen optimointi tulevat samalta toimittajalta. Työssä tarkasteltiin kahden eri toimittajan tukkimittareita sekä optimoinnin onnistumista sen perusteella. Käytössä oli lasikuituinen mallitukki, jota mitattiin kummankin toimittajan mittareilla. Näin voitiin suoraan vertailla mittauksen ja optimoinnin onnistumista ja verrata sitä optimaalisiin tuloksiin. Työssä käytettiin kandidaatintyössä luomaani toimintamallia tukkimittarin tarkkuuden toteamiseksi. Mittaus- ja optimointivirheistä pystyttiin laskemaan, kuinka paljon tappiota sahalaitokselle aiheutui verrattuna optimaaliseen mittaus- ja optimointitulokseen. Jo pienetkin virheet optimoinnissa ja mittauksessa vaikuttavat sahauksen kannattavuuteen, kun tarkastellaan sahalaitosta jossa sahataan 8000 – 10 000 tukkia yhden työvuoron aikana. Tulosten perusteella mittarit mittaavat hieman virheellisesti, ja kummankin mittarin mittausten perusteella saatiin eri sahausasete optimointitulokseksi. Mittavirheen takia voitiin todeta, että parantamalla mittaustarkkuutta voidaan sahauksen kannattavuutta parantaa.


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The objective of this work was to study the effects of partial removal of wood hemicelluloses on the properties of kraft pulp.The work was conducted by extracting hemicelluloses (1) by a softwood chip pretreatment process prior to kraft pulping, (2) by alkaline extraction from bleached birch kraft pulp, and (3) by enzymatic treatment, xylanase treatment in particular, of bleached birch kraft pulp. The qualitative and quantitative changes in fibers and paper properties were evaluated. In addition, the applicability of the extraction concepts and hemicellulose-extracted birch kraft pulp as a raw material in papermaking was evaluated in a pilot-scale papermaking environment. The results showed that each examined hemicellulose extraction method has its characteristic effects on fiber properties, seen as differences in both the physical and chemical nature of the fibers. A prehydrolysis process prior to the kraft pulping process offered reductions in cooking time, bleaching chemical consumption and produced fibers with low hemicellulose content that are more susceptible to mechanically induced damages and dislocations. Softwood chip pretreatment for hemicellulose recovery prior to cooking, whether acidic or alkaline, had an impact on the physical properties of the non-refined and refined pulp. In addition, all the pretreated pulps exhibited slower beating response than the unhydrolyzed reference pulp. Both alkaline extraction and enzymatic (xylanase) treatment of bleached birch kraft pulp fibers indicated very selective hemicellulose removal, particularly xylan removal. Furthermore, these two hemicellulose-extracted birch kraft pulps were utilized in a pilot-scale papermaking environment in order to evaluate the upscalability of the extraction concepts. Investigations made using pilot paper machine trials revealed that some amount of alkalineextracted birch kraft pulp, with a 24.9% reduction in the total amount of xylan, could be used in the papermaking stock as a mixture with non-extracted pulp when producing 75 g/m2 paper. For xylanase-treated fibers there were no reductions in the mechanical properties of the 180 g/m2 paper produced compared to paper made from the control pulp, although there was a 14.2% reduction in the total amount of xylan in the xylanase-treated pulp compared to the control birch kraft pulp. This work emphasized the importance of the hemicellulose extraction method in providing new solutions to create functional fibers and in providing a valuable hemicellulose co-product stream. The hemicellulose removal concept therefore plays an important role in the integrated forest biorefinery scenario, where the target is to the co-production of hemicellulose-extracted pulp and hemicellulose-based chemicals or fuels.


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Distillation is a unit operation of process industry, which is used to separate a liquid mixture into two or more products and to concentrate liquid mixtures. A drawback of the distillation is its high energy consumption. An increase in energy and raw material prices has led to seeking ways to improve the energy efficiency of distillation. In this Master's Thesis, these ways are studied in connection with the concentration of hydrogen peroxide at the Solvay Voikkaa Plant. The aim of this thesis is to improve the energy efficiency of the concentration of the Voikkaa Plant. The work includes a review of hydrogen peroxide and its manufacturing. In addition, the fundamentals of distillation and its energy efficiency are reviewed. An energy analysis of the concentration unit of Solvay Voikkaa Plant is presented in the process development study part. It consists of the current and past information of energy and utility consumptions, balances, and costs. After that, the potential ways to improve the energy efficiency of the distillation unit at the factory are considered and their feasibility is evaluated technically and economically. Finally, proposals to improve the energy efficiency are suggested. Advanced process control, heat integration and energy efficient equipment are the most potential ways to carry out the energy efficient improvements of the concentration at the Solvay Voikkaa factory. Optimization of the reflux flow and the temperatures of the overhead condensers can offer immediate savings in the energy and utility costs without investments. Replacing the steam ejector system with a vacuum pump would result in savings of tens of thousands of euros per year. The heat pump solutions, such as utilizing a mechanical vapor recompression or thermal vapor recompression, are not feasible due to the high investment costs and long pay back times.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia lämpökynttilän palo-ominaisuuksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työn taustalla on yhteistyö suomalaisen kynttilävalmistajan kanssa. Kynttilävalmistajan lämpökynttilöissään käyttämän raaka-aineen hinnan noustessa, on valmistaja kiinnostunut käyttämään edullisempia raaka-aineita. Palamisen kriteerit saavuttavan kynttilän valmistaminen markkinoilla olevista uusista raaka-aineista on havaittu olevan haastavaa, ja vaatii edelleen kehitystyötä. Teoriaosassa käytiin läpi kynttilänvalmistusta yleisesti, RAL-laatustandardin asettamat kriteerit lämpökynttilälle, palamiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä työn kokeellisessa osassa käytettyjen analyysimenetelmien periaatteet. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin erilaisten kynttiläraaka-aineiden koostumusta ja ominaisuuksia sekä sydänlankojen rakennetta. Lisäksi tutkittiin, miten sydänlangan sisältämien säikeiden määrä, eri raaka-aineiden seossuhteiden muutos sekä jäähdytyslämpötilan muutos vaikuttavat lämpökynttilän palo-ominaisuuksiin. Työssä myös selvitettiin muutaman markkinoilla olevan kynttilän raaka-ainekoostumus. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että vaadittavan liekin korkeuden saavuttamiseksi viskositeetti on yksi raaka-aineen tärkeimmistä ominaisuuksista. Raaka-aineen viskositeetin kasvaessa tarvitaan paksumpi sydänlanka. Raaka-aineen viskositeetin kasvaessa liekin korkeus ei aina pienene, koska liekin korkeuteen vaikuttaa myös langalle tehty kemiallinen käsittely. Mitä korkeampi kynttilän liekki on, sitä suurempi on raaka-aineen kulutus eli palovuo ja tällöin liekin korkeus vaikuttaa myös kynttilän paloaikaan. Kokeissa havaittiin, että liekin korkeuden ollessa vakio, palovuo oli korkein steariinilla. Steariinin jälkeen tulivat palmuvaha ja parafiini. Tällöin parafiinia tarvittiin vähemmän vastaavan paloajan saavuttamiseksi. Nopean jäähdytyksen havaittiin vaikuttavan palmuvahan palovuohon alentavasti, vaikka jäähdytystavalla ei ollut vaikutusta liekin korkeuteen.


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Consumers’ increasing awareness of healthiness and sustainability of food presents a great challenge to food industry to develop healthier, biologically active and sustainable food products. Bioactive peptides derived from food proteins are known to possess various biological activities. Among the activities, the most widely studied are antioxidant activities and angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity related to blood pressure regulation and antihypertensive effects. Meanwhile, vast amounts of byproducts with high protein content are produced in food industry, for example potato and rapeseed industries. The utilization of these by-products could be enhanced by using them as a raw material for bioactive peptides. The objective of the present study was to investigate the production of bioactive peptides with ACE inhibitory and antioxidant properties from rapeseed and potato proteins. Enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation were utilized for peptide production, ultrafiltration and solid-phase extraction were used to concentrate the active peptides, the peptides were fractionated with liquid chromatographic processes, and the peptides with the highest ACE inhibitory capacities were putified and analyzed with Maldi-Tof/Tof to identify the active peptide sequences. The bioavailability of the ACE inhibitory peptides was elucidated with an in vitro digestion model and the antihypertensive effects in vivo of rapeseed peptide concentrates were investigated with a preventive premise in 2K1C rats. The results showed that rapeseed and potato proteins are rich sources of ACE inhibitory and antioxidant peptides. Enzymatic hydrolysis released the peptides effectively whereas fermentation produced lower activities.The native enzymes of potato were also able to release ACE inhibitory peptides from potato proteins without the addition of exogenous enzymes. The rapeseed peptide concentrate was capable of preventing the development of hypertension in vivo in 2K1C rats, but the quality of rapeseed meal used as raw material was found to affect considerably the antihypertensive effects and the composition of the peptide fraction.


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Gasification of biomass is an efficient method process to produce liquid fuels, heat and electricity. It is interesting especially for the Nordic countries, where raw material for the processes is readily available. The thermal reactions of light hydrocarbons are a major challenge for industrial applications. At elevated temperatures, light hydrocarbons react spontaneously to form higher molecular weight compounds. In this thesis, this phenomenon was studied by literature survey, experimental work and modeling effort. The literature survey revealed that the change in tar composition is likely caused by the kinetic entropy. The role of the surface material is deemed to be an important factor in the reactivity of the system. The experimental results were in accordance with previous publications on the subject. The novelty of the experimental work lies in the used time interval for measurements combined with an industrially relevant temperature interval. The aspects which are covered in the modeling include screening of possible numerical approaches, testing of optimization methods and kinetic modelling. No significant numerical issues were observed, so the used calculation routines are adequate for the task. Evolutionary algorithms gave a better performance combined with better fit than the conventional iterative methods such as Simplex and Levenberg-Marquardt methods. Three models were fitted on experimental data. The LLNL model was used as a reference model to which two other models were compared. A compact model which included all the observed species was developed. The parameter estimation performed on that model gave slightly impaired fit to experimental data than LLNL model, but the difference was barely significant. The third tested model concentrated on the decomposition of hydrocarbons and included a theoretical description of the formation of carbon layer on the reactor walls. The fit to experimental data was extremely good. Based on the simulation results and literature findings, it is likely that the surface coverage of carbonaceous deposits is a major factor in thermal reactions.


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Digital business ecosystems (DBE) are becoming an increasingly popular concept for modelling and building distributed systems in heterogeneous, decentralized and open environments. Information- and communication technology (ICT) enabled business solutions have created an opportunity for automated business relations and transactions. The deployment of ICT in business-to-business (B2B) integration seeks to improve competitiveness by establishing real-time information and offering better information visibility to business ecosystem actors. The products, components and raw material flows in supply chains are traditionally studied in logistics research. In this study, we expand the research to cover the processes parallel to the service and information flows as information logistics integration. In this thesis, we show how better integration and automation of information flows enhance the speed of processes and, thus, provide cost savings and other benefits for organizations. Investments in DBE are intended to add value through business automation and are key decisions in building up information logistics integration. Business solutions that build on automation are important sources of value in networks that promote and support business relations and transactions. Value is created through improved productivity and effectiveness when new, more efficient collaboration methods are discovered and integrated into DBE. Organizations, business networks and collaborations, even with competitors, form DBE in which information logistics integration has a significant role as a value driver. However, traditional economic and computing theories do not focus on digital business ecosystems as a separate form of organization, and they do not provide conceptual frameworks that can be used to explore digital business ecosystems as value drivers—combined internal management and external coordination mechanisms for information logistics integration are not the current practice of a company’s strategic process. In this thesis, we have developed and tested a framework to explore the digital business ecosystems developed and a coordination model for digital business ecosystem integration; moreover, we have analysed the value of information logistics integration. The research is based on a case study and on mixed methods, in which we use the Delphi method and Internetbased tools for idea generation and development. We conducted many interviews with key experts, which we recoded, transcribed and coded to find success factors. Qualitative analyses were based on a Monte Carlo simulation, which sought cost savings, and Real Option Valuation, which sought an optimal investment program for the ecosystem level. This study provides valuable knowledge regarding information logistics integration by utilizing a suitable business process information model for collaboration. An information model is based on the business process scenarios and on detailed transactions for the mapping and automation of product, service and information flows. The research results illustrate the current cap of understanding information logistics integration in a digital business ecosystem. Based on success factors, we were able to illustrate how specific coordination mechanisms related to network management and orchestration could be designed. We also pointed out the potential of information logistics integration in value creation. With the help of global standardization experts, we utilized the design of the core information model for B2B integration. We built this quantitative analysis by using the Monte Carlo-based simulation model and the Real Option Value model. This research covers relevant new research disciplines, such as information logistics integration and digital business ecosystems, in which the current literature needs to be improved. This research was executed by high-level experts and managers responsible for global business network B2B integration. However, the research was dominated by one industry domain, and therefore a more comprehensive exploration should be undertaken to cover a larger population of business sectors. Based on this research, the new quantitative survey could provide new possibilities to examine information logistics integration in digital business ecosystems. The value activities indicate that further studies should continue, especially with regard to the collaboration issues on integration, focusing on a user-centric approach. We should better understand how real-time information supports customer value creation by imbedding the information into the lifetime value of products and services. The aim of this research was to build competitive advantage through B2B integration to support a real-time economy. For practitioners, this research created several tools and concepts to improve value activities, information logistics integration design and management and orchestration models. Based on the results, the companies were able to better understand the formulation of the digital business ecosystem and the importance of joint efforts in collaboration. However, the challenge of incorporating this new knowledge into strategic processes in a multi-stakeholder environment remains. This challenge has been noted, and new projects have been established in pursuit of a real-time economy.


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An appropriate supplier selection and its profound effects on increasing the competitive advantage of companies has been widely discussed in supply chain management (SCM) literature. By raising environmental awareness among companies and industries they attach more importance to sustainable and green activities in selection procedures of raw material providers. The current thesis benefits from data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique to evaluate the relative efficiency of suppliers in the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission for green supplier selection. We incorporate the pollution of suppliers as an undesirable output into DEA. However, to do so, two conventional DEA model problems arise: the lack of the discrimination power among decision making units (DMUs) and flexibility of the inputs and outputs weights. To overcome these limitations, we use multiple criteria DEA (MCDEA) as one alternative. By applying MCDEA the number of suppliers which are identified as efficient will be decreased and will lead to a better ranking and selection of the suppliers. Besides, in order to compare the performance of the suppliers with an ideal supplier, a “virtual” best practice supplier is introduced. The presence of the ideal virtual supplier will also increase the discrimination power of the model for a better ranking of the suppliers. Therefore, a new MCDEA model is proposed to simultaneously handle undesirable outputs and virtual DMU. The developed model is applied for green supplier selection problem. A numerical example illustrates the applicability of the proposed model.


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The growing pharmaceutical interest, among others, in the polymorphic composition of the emerging solid end-products from production processes has been traced to the need for attainment of high product purity. This is more so as the presence of different polymorphs may constitute physical impurity of the product. Hence, the need for optimization of the yield of desired product component(s) through controlled crystallization kinetics for instance. This study was carried out to investigate the impact of pulsed electric field (PEF) irradiation on the crystal morphology of glycine obtained by cooling crystallization (without seeding) from commercial glycine sample in distilled deionized water solution. In doing so, three different pulse frequencies (294, 950 and 145 Hz) and a case without PEF were studied at three cooling rates (5, 10 and 20 ºC/h). The crystal products obtained were analyzed for polymorphic composition by powder x-ray diffraction (PXRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy while the particles characterization was done on Morphologi G3. The results obtained from this study showed that pulsed electric field irradiation had significant impact on metastability of the aqueous solution as well as on the polymorphic composition of the end product. With increasing PEF frequency applied, nucleation started earlier and the γ-glycine polymorph content of the product crystals increased. These were found to have been aided by cooling rate, as the most significant effect was observed at 5 ºC/h. It was also discovered that PEF application had no measurable impact on the pH of the aqueous solution as well as the size distribution of the particles. Cooling on the contrary was believed to be responsible for the broadening of the particle size distribution with a downward shift of the lower limit of the raw material from about 100 μm to between 10 and 50 μm.


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TIIVISTELMÄ Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto Konetekniikan koulutusohjelma Voitto Kettunen Konepajan hitsaustuotannon kehittäminen kattavien laatuvaatimusten mukaiseksi Diplomityö 2015 167 sivua, 39 kuvaa, 26 taulukkoa ja 3 liitettä Tarkastajat: Professori Jukka Martikainen DI Pertti Kaarre Hakusanat: hitsaus, hitsauksen laatu, konepajan laadunhallinta, kattavat laatuvaatimukset, ISO 9001, ISO 3834, EN 1090 Keywords: welding, quality of welding, engineering workshop quality management, comprehensive quality requirements, ISO 9001, ISO 3834, EN 1090 Hitsaamalla liitetyt teräksiset rakenteet muodostavat ylivoimaisesti suurimman osan konepajatuotannosta. Niihin kuuluu esimerkiksi ajoneuvoja, koneita, laitteita, säiliöitä, siiloja, siltoja, mastoja, piippuja, tukirakenteita ja rakennusten runkoja. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittää konepajan laadunhallinta sellaiseksi, että se mahdollistaa kattavien laatuvaatimusten täyttämisen hitsaustuotannossa. Laatuvaatimusten täyttämiseen pyritään käyttämällä hitsaustoimintojen standardia EN ISO 3834-2 sekä kantavien teräsrakenteiden standardeja EN 1090-1 ja EN 1090-2. Teräsrakenteiden suunnittelua ohjaa EN 1993 ja niiden toiminnallisia ominaisuuksia tuotestandardit, kuten terässavupiippu- ja säiliöstandardit. Kantavien teräsrakenteiden suunnittelua ja tuotantoa ohjaa myös seuraamusluokan CC, käyttöluokan SC ja tuotantoluokan PC kautta määräytyvä toteutusluokka EXC. Aikaisempaa enemmän tullaan panostamaan esimerkiksi asiakirjojen sähköiseen hallintaan, raaka-aineiden jäljitettävyyteen tuotteeseen, särmien ja kulmien muotoiluun, pintojen käsittelyyn, hitsien tarkastukseen, hitsaushenkilöstön pätevyyteen ja hitsaustuotannon tehokkuuteen. Saarijärven Säiliövalmiste Oy:n hitsauksen laadunhallinta sertifioitiin standardin ISO 3834-2 mukaan ja kantavien teräsrakenteiden FPC-järjestelmä standardisarjaa EN 1090 noudattaen. Samalla tehtiin päivitys laadunhallintajärjestelmään ISO 9001. Toteutus, joka tehtiin sovitussa aikataulussa, haastaa jokaisen toimijan konepajassa toiminnan, tuotannon ja tuotteiden laadun kehittämiseen uusia käytänteitä ja menetelmiä soveltaen. Kehitystoimien tuloksena toiminta on selkeämpää, ennakoitavampaa ja hallitumpaa, mikä lisää yrityksen toiminnan tuottavuutta ja kannattavuutta. Sertifioidut laatujärjestelmät ovat myötävaikuttaneet tilausten lisääntymiseen yrityksen kaikkien tuotteiden osalta.


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Kemira Chemicals Oy:n Joutsenon tehtailla valmistetaan lipeää, suolahappoa, natriumhypokloriittia sekä natriumkloraattia. Lipeää, suolahappoa ja natriumhypokloriittia valmistetaan lipeätehtaassa. Natriumkloraattia valmistetaan kloraattitehtaassa. Kloraatti- ja lipeätehtaan tuotteet valmistetaan elektrolyysimenetelmällä. Elektrolyysien sivutuotteena syntyy vetykaasua, joka voidaan käyttää suolahapon valmistukseen, vetyvoimalaitoksen polttoaineena tai myydä asiakkaalle. Työn tavoitteena oli tarkastella vedyn käyttöä Joutsenon tehtailla. Tarkastelun tavoitteena oli löytää mahdollisia kehitys- tai jatkotutkimuskohteita vety- ja höyryjärjestelmästä. Koska vetyä käytetään myös vetyvoimalaitoksen polttoaineena, joka tuottaa tehtailla tarvittavan prosessihöyryn, tarkasteltiin työssä myös höyryn käyttöä tehtailla. Tarkastelua varten tehtiin Microsoft Excel-pohjainen taselaskentamalli, jolla simuloitiin vedyn ja höyryn käyttöä tehtailla. Työn tuloksena saatiin Excel-pohjainen simulointimalli, jolla pystyttiin tutkimaan vedyn ja höyryn käyttöä. Vedyn ja höyryn käyttöä tutkittiin viidessä eri skenaariossa. Skenaariossa yksi määritettiin pienimmät mahdolliset elektrolyysiin syötettävät sähkövirran arvot, joilla tehtaita on turvallista käyttää. Skenaariossa kaksi määritettiin pienimmät mahdolliset elektrolyysiin syötettävät sähkövirran arvot, joilla voimalaitoksen turbiini pysyisi ajossa. Skenaariossa kolme määritettiin tehtaiden tämän hetkinen maksimi kapasiteetti. Skenaarioissa neljä ja viisi tutkittiin, miten mahdollinen tehtaiden tuotantojen kasvattaminen vaikuttaisi vety- ja höyryjärjestelmään. Työn tuloksien perusteella kehitys- ja jatkotutkimuskohteita olisivat lipeän haihdutuksen höyryn kulutuksen pienentäminen, turbiinin käyttöajan kasvattaminen sekä eri lähteistä saatavan hukkalämmön parempi hyödyntäminen kaukolämmön tuotannossa. Tehtaiden tuotantoja kasvatettaessa on syytä kiinnittää huomioita myös voimalaitoksen pääkattilan ja turbiinin kapasiteettiin.