118 resultados para Mutual
CSR has been subject of broad debate and research over the decades and has gained attention recently. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how companies perceive CSR. In addition this thesis is researching what is CSR in Finnish companies, how do companies measure CSR, what are the effects of CSR and how companies perceive those effects and what actors and factors support CSR. This research is a case study where altogether nine informants from seven companies were interviewed. This research is qualitative case study implemented with theme interviews. The analysis method is content analysis. Several interesting issues emerged from the empirical findings. CSR is playing pivotal role in companies values, vision and mission. CSR was perceived differently in companies but also mutual points emerged. The role of stakeholders is essential in CSR. In addition the communication with stakeholders was seen very important. Companies perceived that they can gain many benefits when acting responsibly for instance in issues related to cost reduction, reputation and personnel. However measuring these effects from CSR point of view was seen challenging. Other CSR related challenges are for example change and lack of resources. When considering empirical findings from a theoretical point of view, three interesting issues emerged. CSR reports play an important role in measuring and developing of CSR. However, this is not the case with all companies and some of them argued that reporting has too much attention nowadays when talking about CSR. The benefits of CSR are mostly related to responsive CSR. However maybe in a long-term follow-up strategic CSR related competitive advantage benefits could be more easily noticed. Many different issues supported CSR. Some issues are driven by outside of companies like NGO`s and media and some inside like the motivation of personnel and management. Vastuullista liiketoimintaa on tutkittu vuosien saatossa laajalti ja se on saanut viime vuosina erityisen paljon huomiota. Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten yritykset kokevat vastuullisen liiketoiminnan. Tämän lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä vastuullinen liiketoiminta suomalaisissa yrityksissä tarkoittaa, miten yritykset mittaavat omaa vastuullisuuttaan, mitkä ovat vastuullisuuden vaikutukset, miten yritykset kokevat vastuullisuuden vaikutukset ja mitkä tekijät tukevat vastuullisen liiketoiminnan syntyä. Tutkimus toteutettiin haastattelemalla yhdeksää suomalaisen yrityksen yritysvastuusta vastaavaa tai sen kanssa työskentelevää henkilöä seitsemästä eri organisaatiosta loppuvuodesta 2014 ja alkuvuodesta 2015. Tutkimus on laadullinen, teemahaastatteluilla toteutettu haastattelututkimus. Aineisto on analysoitu teemoittain. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että vastuullinen liiketoiminta on tärkeässä roolissa yritysten arvoissa, visiossa ja missiossa. Yritysvastuu koettiin yrityksissä erilailla, mutta myös yhtäläisyyksiä on nähtävissä. Sidosryhmien rooli on erittäin tärkeä yritysvastuusta puhuttaessa ja myös kommunikointi sidosryhmien kanssa nousi tärkeäksi aiheeksi. Yritykset kokivat saavuttavansa monia hyötyjä vastuullisesta toiminnasta kuten kustannussäästöihin, maineeseen ja työntekijöihin liittyvissä asioissa. Näiden hyötyjen mittaaminen yritysvastuun näkökulmasta koettiin kuitenkin haasteelliseksi. Muita vastuullisuuteen liittyviä haasteita olivat esimerkiksi siihen liittyvä muutos sekä niukat resurssit. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksistä nousi esille kolme merkittävää seikkaa. Vastuullisuusraportoinnin koettiin olevan hyödyllinen yritysvastuun mittaamisessa ja kehittämisessä. Kaikki yritykset eivät kuitenkaan olleet tätä mieltä ja osa koki raportoinnin saavan liian paljon huomiota nykypäivänä. Yritysten kokemat hyödyt vastuullisuuteen liittyen syntyivät pääosin reaktiivisesta vastuullisuudesta. Tässä kohdin on kuitenkin huomionarvoista mainita, että strategisen vastuullisuuden hyödyt olisivat saattaneet nousta paremmin esille pidemmän aikavälin tutkimuksessa. Yritysvastuun syntyä tukevia tekijöitä löytyi monia. Osa tekijöistä oli yrityksen ulkopuolisia kuten kansalaisjärjestöt ja media ja jotkut taas kumpusivat yrityksen sisältä esimerkiksi työntekijöiden ja johdon motivaatio.
It has long been known that amino acids are the building blocks for proteins and govern their folding into specific three-dimensional structures. However, the details of this process are still unknown and represent one of the main problems in structural bioinformatics, which is a highly active research area with the focus on the prediction of three-dimensional structure and its relationship to protein function. The protein structure prediction procedure encompasses several different steps from searches and analyses of sequences and structures, through sequence alignment to the creation of the structural model. Careful evaluation and analysis ultimately results in a hypothetical structure, which can be used to study biological phenomena in, for example, research at the molecular level, biotechnology and especially in drug discovery and development. In this thesis, the structures of five proteins were modeled with templatebased methods, which use proteins with known structures (templates) to model related or structurally similar proteins. The resulting models were an important asset for the interpretation and explanation of biological phenomena, such as amino acids and interaction networks that are essential for the function and/or ligand specificity of the studied proteins. The five proteins represent different case studies with their own challenges like varying template availability, which resulted in a different structure prediction process. This thesis presents the techniques and considerations, which should be taken into account in the modeling procedure to overcome limitations and produce a hypothetical and reliable three-dimensional structure. As each project shows, the reliability is highly dependent on the extensive incorporation of experimental data or known literature and, although experimental verification of in silico results is always desirable to increase the reliability, the presented projects show that also the experimental studies can greatly benefit from structural models. With the help of in silico studies, the experiments can be targeted and precisely designed, thereby saving both money and time. As the programs used in structural bioinformatics are constantly improved and the range of templates increases through structural genomics efforts, the mutual benefits between in silico and experimental studies become even more prominent. Hence, reliable models for protein three-dimensional structures achieved through careful planning and thoughtful executions are, and will continue to be, valuable and indispensable sources for structural information to be combined with functional data.
Kilpailuetua tavoittelevan yrityksen pitää kyetä jalostamaan tietoa ja tunnistamaan sen avulla uusia tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksia. Tulevaisuuden mielikuvien luomiseksi yrityksen on tunnettava toimintaympäristönsä ja olla herkkänä havaitsemaan muutostrendit ja muut toimintaympäristön signaalit. Ympäristön elintärkeät signaalit liittyvät kilpailijoihin, teknologian kehittymiseen, arvomaailman muutoksiin, globaaleihin väestötrendeihin tai jopa ympäristön muutoksiin. Spatiaaliset suhteet ovat peruspilareita käsitteellistää maailmaamme. Pitney (2015) on arvioinut, että 80 % kaikesta bisnesdatasta sisältää jollakin tavoin viittauksia paikkatietoon. Siitä huolimatta paikkatietoa on vielä huonosti hyödynnetty yritysten strategisten päätösten tukena. Teknologioiden kehittyminen, tiedon nopea siirto ja paikannustekniikoiden integroiminen eri laitteisiin ovat mahdollistaneet sen, että paikkatietoa hyödyntäviä palveluja ja ratkaisuja tullaan yhä enemmän näkemään yrityskentässä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää voiko location intelligence toimia strategisen päätöksenteon tukena ja jos voi, niin miten. Työ toteutettiin konstruktiivista tutkimusmenetelmää käyttäen, jolla pyritään ratkaisemaan jokin relevantti ongelma. Konstruktiivinen tutkimus tehtiin tiiviissä yhteistyössä kolmen pk-yrityksen kanssa ja siihen haastateltiin kuutta eri strategiasta vastaavaa henkilöä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena löydettiin, että location intelligenceä voidaan hyödyntää strategisen päätöksenteon tukena usealla eri tasolla. Yksinkertaisimmassa karttaratkaisussa halutut tiedot tuodaan kartalle ja luodaan visuaalinen esitys, jonka avulla johtopäätöksien tekeminen helpottuu. Toisen tason karttaratkaisu pitää sisällään sekä sijainti- että ominaisuustietoa, jota on yhdistetty eri lähteistä. Tämä toisen tason karttaratkaisu on usein kuvailevaa analytiikkaa, joka mahdollistaa erilaisten ilmiöiden analysoinnin. Kolmannen eli ylimmän tason karttaratkaisu tarjoaa ennakoivaa analytiikkaa ja malleja tulevaisuudesta. Tällöin ohjelmaan koodataan älykkyyttä, jossa informaation keskinäisiä suhteita on määritelty joko tiedon louhintaa tai tilastollisia analyysejä hyödyntäen. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että location intelligence pystyy tarjoamaan lisäarvoa strategisen päätöksenteon tueksi, mikäli yritykselle on hyödyllistä ymmärtää eri ilmiöiden, asiakastarpeiden, kilpailijoiden ja markkinamuutoksien maantieteellisiä eroavaisuuksia. Parhaimmillaan location intelligence -ratkaisu tarjoaa luotettavan analyysin, jossa tieto välittyy muuttumattomana päätöksentekijältä toiselle ja johtopäätökseen johtaneita syitä on mahdollista palata tarkastelemaan tarvittaessa uudelleen.
An exchange traded fund (ETF) is a financial instrument that tracks some predetermined index. Since their initial establishment in 1993, ETFs have grown in importance in the field of passive investing. The main reason for the growth of the ETF industry is that ETFs combine benefits of stock investing and mutual fund investing. Although ETFs resemble mutual funds in many ways, also many differences occur. In addition, ETFs not only differ from mutual funds but also differ among each other. ETFs can be divided into two categories, i.e. market capitalisation ETFs and fundamental (or strategic) ETFs, and further into subcategories depending on their fundament basis. ETFs are a useful tool for diversification especially for a long-term investor. Although the economic importance of ETFs has risen drastically during the past 25 years, the differences and risk-return characteristics of fundamental ETFs have yet been rather unstudied area. In effect, no previous research on market capitalisation and fundamental ETFs was found during the research process. For its part, this thesis seeks to fill this research gap. The studied data consist of 50 market capitalisation ETFs and 50 fundamental ETFs. The fundaments, on which the indices that the fundamental ETFs track, were not limited nor segregated into subsections. The two types of ETFs were studied at an aggregate level as two different research groups. The dataset ranges from June 2006 to December 2014 with 103 monthly observations. The data was gathered using Bloomberg Terminal. The analysis was conducted as an econometric performance analysis. In addition to other econometric measures, the methods that were used in the performance analysis included modified Value-at-Risk, modified Sharpe ratio and Treynor ratio. The results supported the hypothesis that passive market capitalisation ETFs outperform active fundamental ETFs in terms of risk-adjusted returns, though the difference is rather small. Nevertheless, when taking into account the higher overall trading costs of the fundamental ETFs, the underperformance gap widens. According to the research results, market capitalisation ETFs are a recommendable diversification instrument for a long-term investor. In addition to better risk-adjusted returns, passive ETFs are more transparent and the bases of their underlying indices are simpler than those of fundamental ETFs. ETFs are still a young financial innovation and hence data is scarcely available. On future research, it would be valuable to research the differences in risk-adjusted returns also between the subsections of fundamental ETFs.
As unregistered grassroots charities do not appear in official statistics in China, they tend to remain unnoticed by scholars. Also as they operate unofficially and avoid publicity, their work is usually not reported by the media. In this research I explore the grassroots charity activity of one pop music fan club from the viewpoint of trust as a sociological concept. I will also establish the general situation on charity in China. By using textual analysis on internet blogs and discussion forums I map the charity project from the discussion of the original idea to the execution and follow up phase. I study the roles the fan club members assume during the project as anonymous participants of internet conversations, as well as concrete active charity volunteers outside of the virtual world. I establish parties, other than the fan club, which are involved in the charity project. Interviews with one of the participant of the project in 2010, 2014 and 2015 bring valuable additional information and help in distributing the questionnaire survey. A quantitative questionnaire survey was distributed among the fan club members to get more detailed information on the motives and attitudes towards official and unofficial charity in China. Because of the inequality in China, the rural minority areas do not have similar educational opportunities as the mostly majority inhabited urban areas, even though the country officially has a nine year compulsory education. Grassroots charities can operate in relative freedom taking some of the government’s burden of social responsibilities if they are not criticizing the authorities. The problem with grassroots charity seems to be lack of sustainability. The lack of trust for authorities and official charities was the reason why the Jane Zhang fan club decided to conduct a charity case unofficially. As a group of people previously unknown to each other, they managed to build mutual trust to carry out the project transparently and successfully, though not sustainably. The internet has provided a new and effective platform for unofficial grassroots charities, who choose not to co-operate with official organisations. On grassroots level charities can have the transparency and trust that lack from official charities. I suggest, that interviewing the real persons behind the internet aliases and finding out what happened outside the discussion forums, would bring a more detailed and outspoken description of the project concerning of the contacts with the local authorities. Also travelling to the site and communicating with the local people in the village would establish how they have experienced the project.
Investing in mutual funds has become more popular than ever and the amount of money invested in mutual funds registered in Finland has hit its all-time high. Mutual funds provide a relatively low-cost method for private investors to invest in stock market and achieve diversified portfolios. In finance there is always a tradeoff between risk and return, where higher expected returns can usually be achieved only by taking higher risks. Diversifying the portfolio gets rid some of the risk but systematic risk cannot be diversified away. These risks can be managed by hedging the investments with derivatives. The use of derivatives should improve the performance of the portfolios using them compared to the funds that don’t. However, previous studies have shown that the risk exposure and return performance of derivative users does not considerably differ from nonusers. The purpose of this study is to examine how the use of derivatives affects the performance of equity funds. The funds studied were 155 equity funds registered in Finland in 2013. Empirical research was done by studying the derivative use of the funds during a 6-year period between 2008–2013. The performance of the funds was studied quantitatively by using several different performance measures used in mutual fund industry; Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, Jensen's alpha, Sortino Ratio, M2 and Omega Ratio. The effect of derivative use on funds' performance was studied by using a dummy variable and comparing performance measures of derivative-users and nonusers. The differences in performance measures between the two groups were analyzed with statistical tests. The hypothesis was that funds' derivative use should improve their performance relative to the funds that don't use them. The results of this study are in line with previous studies that state that the use of derivatives does not improve mutual funds' performance. When performance was measured with Jensen's alpha, funds that did not use derivatives performed better than the ones that used them. When measured with other performance measures, the results didn’t differ between two groups.
Current research describes digital innovation largely similar to product innovation. Digital innovation is seen as an object of coherent activities, however in reality digital innovation results from convergence of variant technologies and those related actors with versatile business goals. To account for the dynamic nature of digital innovation, this study applies a service perspective to digital innovation. The purpose of the study is to understand how digital innovation emerges within a service ecosystem for autonomous shipping. The sub-objectives of this study are to 1) identify what factors motivate and demotivate actors to integrate resources for autonomous shipping, 2) explore the key technology areas to be integrated to realise the autonomous shipping concept, and 3) suggest how the technology areas are combined for mutual value creation within a service eco-system for autonomous shipping. Insights from autonomous driving were also included. This study draws on literatures on service innovation and service-dominant logic. The research was conducted as a qualitative exploratory case study. The data comprise interviews of 18 marine and automotive industry experts, 4 workshops, 4 seminars, and observations as well as various secondary data sources. The findings revealed that the key actors have versatile motivations regarding autonomous shipping. These varied from opportunities for single applications to occupying a central role in an autonomous technology platform. Thus, autonomous shipping can be seen as an umbrella concept comprising multiple levels. In technical terms, the development of the concept of autonomous shipping is largely based on combining existing technology solutions, which are gradually integrated towards more systemic entities comprising areas of the autonomous shipping concept. This study argues that a service perspective embraces the inherently complex and dynamic nature of digital innovation. This is captured in the developed research framework that describes digital innovation emerging on different levels of interaction: 1. strategic relationships for new solutions, 2. new local networks for technology platforms, and 3. global networks for new markets. The framework shows how the business models and motivations of digital innovation actors feed the emergence of digital innovation in overlapping service ecosystems that together comprise an innovation ecosystem for autonomous technologies. Digital innovation managers will benefit from seeing their businesses as part of a larger ecosystem of value co-creating actors. In orchestrating digital innovation within a service ecosystem, it is suggested that managers consider the resources, roles and institutions within the ecosystem. Finally, as autonomous shipping is at its infancy, the topic provides a number of interesting avenues for future research.
This study discusses the pronounced importance of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, CEB, facilitation and enablement as a key dimension in the rapidly changing business environment within companies. The research target is a large finance company in Finland, where regulations, compliance and processes restrict and refine extensively business approach. The purpose of this study is to foster the understanding of corporate entrepreneurial behavior and requirements and identify the supporters and inhibitors of facilitation of it. Furthermore, this study examines who should be driving the implementation and offer concrete outcome for the company to get the facilitation started and berth it as part of the organizational culture and values. The theoretical background is constructed from literature related to concept of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, factors supporting and hindering the facilitation based on previous studies and innovation management. Furthermore theoretical framework of middle managers entrepreneurial behavior in facilitation process was researched. Additionally top down and bottom up approach of conversational space building within the organization in order to foster innovation and involving mindset and behavior was in the core literature. The empirical research conducted for the study consists three parts; innovation audit questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and secondary data from previously made research within the case company. Questionnaire and interviews were targeted to eight middle managers within the company, the head of branch regions in corporate segment. The secondary data was collected from over 300 employees in the case company by an external company. Research results were analyzed mainly by themes and source division in adaption with the theoretical framework. The study finds that facilitation of CEB should be a strategic choice and requires strong management support and examples. Behavior should be involved with organizational culture, values, structures and processes. The companies´ willingness to take risks and encourage employees at all levels to participate and be involved by taking ownership and responsibility is in the core. CEB is found to be a key dimension in increasing employee satisfaction and engagement, competitive advantages and economic growth of companies. There is increased interest towards CEB in the case company but there is lack in the mutual consensus of it. CEB is not in the strategy although the mindset and support from management is in place. There is no concrete enablement and space for innovation and CEB although the platform would be receptive. Further research is needed to build shared vision of CEB and how to make it a part of the organizational culture and values in addition to building the conversational space.
The dissertation examines the rule of law within the European Union in the theoretical framework of constitutional pluralism. The leading lines of constitutional pluralism are examined with relation to the traditional and prevailing, monistic and hierarchical conceptions on how to perceive legal orders in Europe. The theoretical part offers also historical perspective by highlighting some of the turning points for the Union constitutional legal order in the framework of European integration. The concept of rule of law is examined in legal terms and its meaning to the Union constitutional constellation as a constitutional principle and a common value is observed. The realization of the rule of law at supranational and national level is explored with a view to discover that recent developments in some of the Member States give rise to concern about the viability of the rule of law within the European Union. It is recognized that the inobservance of the rule of law at national level causes a threat to the supranational constitutional legal order. The relationship between the supranational and national legal orders is significant in this respect and therefore particularly the interaction between the Court of Justice of the European Union (hereinafter the ECJ) and the Member States’ (constitutional/supreme) courts takes focus. It is observed that functioning dialogue between the supranational and national courts based on mutual respect and judicial deference is an important prerequisite for the realization of the rule of law within Europe. In order to afford a concrete example, a recent case C-62/14 Gauweiler v Deutscher Bundestag is introduced and analysed in relation to the notorious relationship between the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and the ECJ. The implications of the ECJ’s decision in Gauweiler v Deutscher Bundestag is assessed with reference to some of the pressing issues of constitutionalism within Europe and some institutional aspects are also brought forward. Lastly, the feasibility of constitutional pluralism as a theoretical setting is measured against the legal reality of today’s Europe and its many constitutions. The hierarchical idea of one ultimate source of power, stemming from the traditional approaches to legal systems, is then assessed with relation to the requirement of the realization of the rule of law within the European Union from the supranational and national point of view.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää tuulivoimatuotannon epäsymmetrisyyden vaikutuksia liiketoiminnalle. Tarkastelun kohteena oli tuotetun energian sekä tuulivoimatuotannosta maksettavan korvauksen keskinäinen epäsymmetria. Työssä asiaa tarkasteltiin esimerkki tuulivoimalaitoksen avulla. Tarkastelujaksoksi työssä rajattiin ajanjakso 2014 tammikuusta vuoden 2015 kesäkuuhun. Tämän lisäksi työssä perehdyttiin tuotetun sähkön hinnan suojausstrategioihin, tuotannon häviötekijöihin sekä tasesähkön aiheuttamien kustannusten kehitykseen. Työn tulosten perusteella tuulivoimaliiketoiminta tulee kokemaan epävakauden lisääntymistä. Tuulivoimatuotannon epävarmuus johtuu heikosta pitkän aikavälin ennustettavuudesta, joka koostuu aikaisemmin mainituista tuotannon ja sähkön markkinahinnan välisestä epäsymmetrisyydestä. Työssä käsitellään tuulivoimatuotannon ajallista vaihtelua, joka ilmentää hyvin tuulivoimatuotannon perimmäistä olemusta. Työn lopputuloksena saatiin kuvaus tuotantojen ajallisesta jakautuneisuudesta, joiden pohjalta yritys voi suunnitella suojausstrategioita työssä esiteltyjen johdannaistuotteiden avulla. Edellisten loppupäätelmien lisäksi työssä perehdyttiin häviöiden sekä tasesähkökustannusten taloudellisiin vaikutuksiin sekä kehityssuuntiin tulevaisuudessa.
The traditional business models and the traditionally successful development methods that have been distinctive to the industrial era, do not satisfy the needs of modern IT companies. Due to the rapid nature of IT markets, the uncertainty of new innovations‟ success and the overwhelming competition with established companies, startups need to make quick decisions and eliminate wasted resources more effectively than ever before. There is a need for an empirical basis on which to build business models, as well as evaluate the presumptions regarding value and profit. Less than ten years ago, the Lean software development principles and practices became widely well-known in the academic circles. Those practices help startup entrepreneurs to validate their learning, test their assumptions and be more and more dynamical and flexible. What is special about today‟s software startups is that they are increasingly individual. There are quantitative research studies available regarding the details of Lean startups. Broad research with hundreds of companies presented in a few charts is informative, but a detailed study of fewer examples gives an insight to the way software entrepreneurs see Lean startup philosophy and how they describe it in their own words. This thesis focuses on Lean software startups‟ early phases, namely Customer Discovery (discovering a valuable solution to a real problem) and Customer Validation (being in a good market with a product which satisfies that market). The thesis first offers a sufficiently compact insight into the Lean software startup concept to a reader who is not previously familiar with the term. The Lean startup philosophy is then put into a real-life test, based on interviews with four Finnish Lean software startup entrepreneurs. The interviews reveal 1) whether the Lean startup philosophy is actually valuable for them, 2) how can the theory be practically implemented in real life and 3) does theoretical Lean startup knowledge compensate a lack of entrepreneurship experience. A reader gets familiar with the key elements and tools of Lean startups, as well as their mutual connections. The thesis explains why Lean startups waste less time and money than many other startups. The thesis, especially its research sections, aims at providing data and analysis simultaneously.
The traditional business models and the traditionally successful development methods that have been distinctive to the industrial era, do not satisfy the needs of modern IT companies. Due to the rapid nature of IT markets, the uncertainty of new innovations‟ success and the overwhelming competition with established companies, startups need to make quick decisions and eliminate wasted resources more effectively than ever before. There is a need for an empirical basis on which to build business models, as well as evaluate the presumptions regarding value and profit. Less than ten years ago, the Lean software development principles and practices became widely well-known in the academic circles. Those practices help startup entrepreneurs to validate their learning, test their assumptions and be more and more dynamical and flexible. What is special about today‟s software startups is that they are increasingly individual. There are quantitative research studies available regarding the details of Lean startups. Broad research with hundreds of companies presented in a few charts is informative, but a detailed study of fewer examples gives an insight to the way software entrepreneurs see Lean startup philosophy and how they describe it in their own words. This thesis focuses on Lean software startups‟ early phases, namely Customer Discovery (discovering a valuable solution to a real problem) and Customer Validation (being in a good market with a product which satisfies that market). The thesis first offers a sufficiently compact insight into the Lean software startup concept to a reader who is not previously familiar with the term. The Lean startup philosophy is then put into a real-life test, based on interviews with four Finnish Lean software startup entrepreneurs. The interviews reveal 1) whether the Lean startup philosophy is actually valuable for them, 2) how can the theory be practically implemented in real life and 3) does theoretical Lean startup knowledge compensate a lack of entrepreneurship experience. A reader gets familiar with the key elements and tools of Lean startups, as well as their mutual connections. The thesis explains why Lean startups waste less time and money than many other startups. The thesis, especially its research sections, aims at providing data and analysis simultaneously.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to study value co-creation in emerging value network. The main objective is to examine how value is co-created in bio-based chemicals value network. The study provides insights to different actors’ perceived value in the value network and enlightens their motivations to commit to the collaborative partnerships with other actors. Empirical study shows that value co-creation is creation of mutual value for both parties of the relationship by combining their non-competing resources to achieve a common goal. Value co-creation happens in interactions, and trust, commitment and information sharing are essential prerequisites for value co-creation. Value co-creation is not only common value creation, but it is also value that emerges for each actor because of the co-operation with the other actor. Even though the case companies define value mainly in economic terms, the other value elements like value of the partnership, knowledge transfer and innovation are more important for value co-creation.