122 resultados para Hybrid working machines
Permanent magnet synchronous machines with fractional-slot non-overlapping windings (FSPMSM), also known as tooth-coil winding permanent magnet synchronous machines (TCW PMSM), have been under intensive research during the latest decade. There are many optimization routines explained and implemented in the literature in order to improve the characteristics of this machine type. This paper introduces a new technique for torque ripple minimization in TCW PMSM. The source of torque harmonics is also described. The low order torque harmonics can be harmful for a variety of applications, such as direct drive wind generators, direct drive light vehicle electrical motors, and for some high precision servo applications. The reduction of the torque ripple harmonics with the lowest orders (6th and 12th) is realized by machine geometry optimization technique using finite element analysis (FEA). The presented optimization technique includes the stator geometry adjustment in TCW PMSMs with rotor surface permanent magnets and with rotor embedded permanent magnets. Influence of the permanent magnet skewing on the torque ripple reduction and cogging torque elimination was also investigated. It was implemented separately and together with the stator optimization technique. As a result, the reduction of some torque ripple harmonics was attained.
The objective of this Master’s thesis is to develop a model which estimates net working capital (NWC) monthly in a year period. The study is conducted by a constructive research which uses a case study. The estimation model is designed in the need of one case company which operates in project business. Net working capital components should be linked together by an automatic model and estimated individually, including advanced components of NWC for example POC receivables. Net working capital estimation model of this study contains three parts: output template, input template and calculation model. The output template gets estimate values automatically from the input template and the calculation model. Into the input template estimate values of more stable NWC components are inputted manually. The calculate model gets estimate values for major affecting components automatically from the systems of a company by using a historical data and made plans. As a precondition for the functionality of the estimation calculation is that sales are estimated in one year period because the sales are linked to all NWC components.
Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) have become widely used in applications because of high efficiency compared to synchronous machines with exciting winding or to induction motors. This feature of PMSM is achieved through the using the permanent magnets (PM) as the main excitation source. The magnetic properties of the PM have significant influence on all the PMSM characteristics. Recent observations of the PM material properties when used in rotating machines revealed that in all PMSMs the magnets do not necessarily operate in the second quadrant of the demagnetization curve which makes the magnets prone to hysteresis losses. Moreover, still no good analytical approach has not been derived for the magnetic flux density distribution along the PM during the different short circuits faults. The main task of this thesis is to derive simple analytical tool which can predict magnetic flux density distribution along the rotor-surface mounted PM in two cases: during normal operating mode and in the worst moment of time from the PM’s point of view of the three phase symmetrical short circuit. The surface mounted PMSMs were selected because of their prevalence and relatively simple construction. The proposed model is based on the combination of two theories: the theory of the magnetic circuit and space vector theory. The comparison of the results in case of the normal operating mode obtained from finite element software with the results calculated with the proposed model shows good accuracy of model in the parts of the PM which are most of all prone to hysteresis losses. The comparison of the results for three phase symmetrical short circuit revealed significant inaccuracy of the proposed model compared with results from finite element software. The analysis of the inaccuracy reasons was provided. The impact on the model of the Carter factor theory and assumption that air have permeability of the PM were analyzed. The propositions for the further model development are presented.
The original contribution of this thesis to knowledge are novel digital readout architectures for hybrid pixel readout chips. The thesis presents asynchronous bus-based architecture, a data-node based column architecture and a network-based pixel matrix architecture for data transportation. It is shown that the data-node architecture achieves readout efficiency 99% with half the output rate as a bus-based system. The network-based solution avoids “broken” columns due to some manufacturing errors, and it distributes internal data traffic more evenly across the pixel matrix than column-based architectures. An improvement of > 10% to the efficiency is achieved with uniform and non-uniform hit occupancies. Architectural design has been done using transaction level modeling (TLM) and sequential high-level design techniques for reducing the design and simulation time. It has been possible to simulate tens of column and full chip architectures using the high-level techniques. A decrease of > 10 in run-time is observed using these techniques compared to register transfer level (RTL) design technique. Reduction of 50% for lines-of-code (LoC) for the high-level models compared to the RTL description has been achieved. Two architectures are then demonstrated in two hybrid pixel readout chips. The first chip, Timepix3 has been designed for the Medipix3 collaboration. According to the measurements, it consumes < 1 W/cm^2. It also delivers up to 40 Mhits/s/cm^2 with 10-bit time-over-threshold (ToT) and 18-bit time-of-arrival (ToA) of 1.5625 ns. The chip uses a token-arbitrated, asynchronous two-phase handshake column bus for internal data transfer. It has also been successfully used in a multi-chip particle tracking telescope. The second chip, VeloPix, is a readout chip being designed for the upgrade of Vertex Locator (VELO) of the LHCb experiment at CERN. Based on the simulations, it consumes < 1.5 W/cm^2 while delivering up to 320 Mpackets/s/cm^2, each packet containing up to 8 pixels. VeloPix uses a node-based data fabric for achieving throughput of 13.3 Mpackets/s from the column to the EoC. By combining Monte Carlo physics data with high-level simulations, it has been demonstrated that the architecture meets requirements of the VELO (260 Mpackets/s/cm^2 with efficiency of 99%).
This paper introduces an important source of torque ripple in PMSMs with tooth-coil windings (TC-PMSMs). It is theoretically proven that saturation and cross-saturation phenomena caused by the non-synchronous harmonics of the stator current linkage cause a synchronous inductance variation with a particular periodicity. This, in turn, determines the magnitude of the torque ripple and can also deteriorate the performance of signal-injection-based rotor position estimation algorithms. An improved dq- inductance model is proposed. It can be used in torque ripple reduction control schemes and can enhance the self-sensing capabilities of TC-PMSMs
Laser cutting implementation possibilities into paper making machine was studied as the main objective of the work. Laser cutting technology application was considered as a replacement tool for conventional cutting methods used in paper making machines for longitudinal cutting such as edge trimming at different paper making process and tambour roll slitting. Laser cutting of paper was tested in 70’s for the first time. Since then, laser cutting and processing has been applied for paper materials with different level of success in industry. Laser cutting can be employed for longitudinal cutting of paper web in machine direction. The most common conventional cutting methods include water jet cutting and rotating slitting blades applied in paper making machines. Cutting with CO2 laser fulfils basic requirements for cutting quality, applicability to material and cutting speeds in all locations where longitudinal cutting is needed. Literature review provided description of advantages, disadvantages and challenges of laser technology when it was applied for cutting of paper material with particular attention to cutting of moving paper web. Based on studied laser cutting capabilities and problem definition of conventional cutting technologies, preliminary selection of the most promising application area was carried out. Laser cutting (trimming) of paper web edges in wet end was estimated to be the most promising area where it can be implemented. This assumption was made on the basis of rate of web breaks occurrence. It was found that up to 64 % of total number of web breaks occurred in wet end, particularly in location of so called open draws where paper web was transferred unsupported by wire or felt. Distribution of web breaks in machine cross direction revealed that defects of paper web edge was the main reason of tearing initiation and consequent web break. The assumption was made that laser cutting was capable of improvement of laser cut edge tensile strength due to high cutting quality and sealing effect of the edge after laser cutting. Studies of laser ablation of cellulose supported this claim. Linear energy needed for cutting was calculated with regard to paper web properties in intended laser cutting location. Calculated linear cutting energy was verified with series of laser cutting. Practically obtained laser energy needed for cutting deviated from calculated values. This could be explained by difference in heat transfer via radiation in laser cutting and different absorption characteristics of dry and moist paper material. Laser cut samples (both dry and moist (dry matter content about 25-40%)) were tested for strength properties. It was shown that tensile strength and strain break of laser cut samples are similar to corresponding values of non-laser cut samples. Chosen method, however, did not address tensile strength of laser cut edge in particular. Thus, the assumption of improving strength properties with laser cutting was not fully proved. Laser cutting effect on possible pollution of mill broke (recycling of trimmed edge) was carried out. Laser cut samples (both dry and moist) were tested on the content of dirt particles. The tests revealed that accumulation of dust particles on the surface of moist samples can take place. This has to be taken into account to prevent contamination of pulp suspension when trim waste is recycled. Material loss due to evaporation during laser cutting and amount of solid residues after cutting were evaluated. Edge trimming with laser would result in 0.25 kg/h of solid residues and 2.5 kg/h of lost material due to evaporation. Schemes of laser cutting implementation and needed laser equipment were discussed. Generally, laser cutting system would require two laser sources (one laser source for each cutting zone), set of beam transfer and focusing optics and cutting heads. In order to increase reliability of system, it was suggested that each laser source would have double capacity. That would allow to perform cutting employing one laser source working at full capacity for both cutting zones. Laser technology is in required level at the moment and do not require additional development. Moreover, capacity of speed increase is high due to availability high power laser sources what can support the tendency of speed increase of paper making machines. Laser cutting system would require special roll to maintain cutting. The scheme of such roll was proposed as well as roll integration into paper making machine. Laser cutting can be done in location of central roll in press section, before so-called open draw where many web breaks occur, where it has potential to improve runability of a paper making machine. Economic performance of laser cutting was done as comparison of laser cutting system and water jet cutting working in the same conditions. It was revealed that laser cutting would still be about two times more expensive compared to water jet cutting. This is mainly due to high investment cost of laser equipment and poor energy efficiency of CO2 lasers. Another factor is that laser cutting causes material loss due to evaporation whereas water jet cutting almost does not cause material loss. Despite difficulties of laser cutting implementation in paper making machine, its implementation can be beneficial. The crucial role in that is possibility to improve cut edge strength properties and consequently reduce number of web breaks. Capacity of laser cutting to maintain cutting speeds which exceed current speeds of paper making machines what is another argument to consider laser cutting technology in design of new high speed paper making machines.
Hybridiajoneuvosovellukset vaativat usein sekä korkea- että matalajännitejärjestelmän. Korkeajännitejärjestelmä sisältää yleensä energiavaraston, joka on joko superkondansaattori tai korkeajänniteakusto, dieselgeneraattorin tai range extenderin ja ajokäytön. Korkeajännitejärjestelmään liitetään usein myös erilaisia apukäyttöjä kuten kompressoreita ja hydraulipumppuja. Matalajännitejärjelmä koostuu yleensä ohjausyksiköistä, ajovaloista, yms. laitteista. Perinteisesti matalajännitejärjestelmää on syötetty dieselmoottorin laturista, mutta korkeajännitejärjestelmien myötä DC/DC-hakkurin käyttäminen korkea- ja matalajännitejärjestelmien välillä on herättänyt kiinnostusta, koska tällöin laturin voisi poistaa ja matalajänniteakustoa pienentää. Tässä työssä kuvatun monilähöisen tehonmuokkaimen invertterisilta soveltuu apukäyttöjen ajamiseen, ja erotettu DC/DC-hakkuri matalajännitejärjestelmän syöttämiseen. Tässä työssä käydään läpi edellä mainitun tehonmuokkaimen suunnittelu, keskittyen eritoten laitteen korkeajänniteosien mitoitukseen ja termiseen suunniteluun. DC/DC-hakkurin osalta perinteisiä piistä valmistettuja IGBT transistoreja vertaillaan piikarbidi MOSFET transistoreihin. Lämpömallilaskujen paikkaansapitävyyttä tutkitaan suorittamalla prototyyppilaitteelle hyötysuhdemittaus, jonka tuloksia verrataan laskettuihin tuloksiin. Lämpömallin parannusmahdollisuuksia käsitellään myös hyötysuhdemittauksen tulosten perusteella.
This dissertation describes an approach for developing a real-time simulation for working mobile vehicles based on multibody modeling. The use of multibody modeling allows comprehensive description of the constrained motion of the mechanical systems involved and permits real-time solving of the equations of motion. By carefully selecting the multibody formulation method to be used, it is possible to increase the accuracy of the multibody model while at the same time solving equations of motion in real-time. In this study, a multibody procedure based on semi-recursive and augmented Lagrangian methods for real-time dynamic simulation application is studied in detail. In the semirecursive approach, a velocity transformation matrix is introduced to describe the dependent coordinates into relative (joint) coordinates, which reduces the size of the generalized coordinates. The augmented Lagrangian method is based on usage of global coordinates and, in that method, constraints are accounted using an iterative process. A multibody system can be modelled as either rigid or flexible bodies. When using flexible bodies, the system can be described using a floating frame of reference formulation. In this method, the deformation mode needed can be obtained from the finite element model. As the finite element model typically involves large number of degrees of freedom, reduced number of deformation modes can be obtained by employing model order reduction method such as Guyan reduction, Craig-Bampton method and Krylov subspace as shown in this study The constrained motion of the working mobile vehicles is actuated by the force from the hydraulic actuator. In this study, the hydraulic system is modeled using lumped fluid theory, in which the hydraulic circuit is divided into volumes. In this approach, the pressure wave propagation in the hoses and pipes is neglected. The contact modeling is divided into two stages: contact detection and contact response. Contact detection determines when and where the contact occurs, and contact response provides the force acting at the collision point. The friction between tire and ground is modelled using the LuGre friction model, which describes the frictional force between two surfaces. Typically, the equations of motion are solved in the full matrices format, where the sparsity of the matrices is not considered. Increasing the number of bodies and constraint equations leads to the system matrices becoming large and sparse in structure. To increase the computational efficiency, a technique for solution of sparse matrices is proposed in this dissertation and its implementation demonstrated. To assess the computing efficiency, augmented Lagrangian and semi-recursive methods are implemented employing a sparse matrix technique. From the numerical example, the results show that the proposed approach is applicable and produced appropriate results within the real-time period.
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to find a method for classifying spare part criticality in the case company. Several approaches exist for criticality classification of spare parts. The practical problem in this thesis is the lack of a generic analysis method for classifying spare parts of proprietary equipment of the case company. In order to find a classification method, a literature review of various analysis methods is required. The requirements of the case company also have to be recognized. This is achieved by consulting professionals in the company. The literature review states that the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) combined with decision tree models is a common method for classifying spare parts in academic literature. Most of the literature discusses spare part criticality in stock holding perspective. This is relevant perspective also for a customer orientated original equipment manufacturer (OEM), as the case company. A decision tree model is developed for classifying spare parts. The decision tree classifies spare parts into five criticality classes according to five criteria. The criteria are: safety risk, availability risk, functional criticality, predictability of failure and probability of failure. The criticality classes describe the level of criticality from non-critical to highly critical. The method is verified for classifying spare parts of a full deposit stripping machine. The classification can be utilized as a generic model for recognizing critical spare parts of other similar equipment, according to which spare part recommendations can be created. Purchase price of an item and equipment criticality were found to have no effect on spare part criticality in this context. Decision tree is recognized as the most suitable method for classifying spare part criticality in the company.
The standard squirrel-cage induction machine has nearly reached its maximum efficiency. In order to further increase the energy efficiency of electrical machines, the use of permanent magnets in combination with the robust design and the line start capability of the induction machine is extensively investigated. Many experimental designs have been suggested in literature, but recently, these line-start permanent-magnet machines (LSPMMs) have become off-the-shelf products available in a power range up to 7.5 kW. The permanent magnet flux density is a function of the operating temperature. Consequently, the temperature will affect almost every electrical quantity of the machine, including current, torque, and efficiency. In this paper, the efficiency of an off-the-shelf 4-kW three-phase LSPMM is evaluated as a function of the temperature by both finite-element modeling and by practical measurements. In order to obtain stator, rotor, and permanent magnet temperatures, lumped thermal modeling is used.
Unexpected changes in cash flow have started to occur more frequently after the financial crisis. The capital structures of companies have also changed, and financial flexibility as well as flexible asset management have therefore become more important. This thesis aims at presenting financial working capital management, a part of flexible asset management, as a possibility to gain financial flexibility and survive the changes. This thesis operates in the interface of corporate finance, strategic management and management accounting, and it has two main objectives: to examine financial working capital management and to develop measures of financial working capital. The research in this thesis has been conducted using archival research and design science. Qualitative comparative analysis and model building are used to formulate tools and strategies for financial working capital management. The tools are tested with simulations, case studies and statistical analysis. The empirical data is collected from companies listed in the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The results of this thesis indicate that there are several possible financial working capital management strategies. FOCAL matrix is created in the thesis to assist in the selection of a strategy. The results also imply that profitability can be improved by reducing financial working capital, which creates a need to change the financial working capital management strategy. Financial flow cycle, and its modification, is developed in this thesis to measure financial working capital. Financial working capital as a concept is presented in this thesis with an orientation towards the management view. New dimensions have also been produced to financial management and working capital management, while providing a holistic approach to financial flexibility. Financial working capital management strategies are presented to managers and practical tools are provided for decision-making.
The review of intelligent machines shows that the demand for new ways of helping people in perception of the real world is becoming higher and higher every year. This thesis provides information about design and implementation of machine vision for mobile assembly robot. The work has been done as a part of LUT project in Laboratory of Intelligent Machines. The aim of this work is to create a working vision system. The qualitative and quantitative research were done to complete this task. In the first part, the author presents the theoretical background of such things as digital camera work principles, wireless transmission basics, creation of live stream, methods used for pattern recognition. Formulas, dependencies and previous research related to the topic are shown. In the second part, the equipment used for the project is described. There is information about the brands, models, capabilities and also requirements needed for implementation. Although, the author gives a description of LabVIEW software, its add-ons and OpenCV which are used in the project. Furthermore, one can find results in further section of considered thesis. They mainly represented by screenshots from cameras, working station and photos of the system. The key result of this thesis is vision system created for the needs of mobile assembly robot. Therefore, it is possible to see graphically what was done on examples. Future research in this field includes optimization of the pattern recognition algorithm. This will give less response time for recognizing objects. Presented by author system can be used also for further activities which include artificial intelligence usage.