129 resultados para Furman v. Georgia
Vuosi 2010 on runoilija V. A. Koskenniemen syntymän 125-vuotisjuhlavuosi. Juhlavuoden johdosta Turun yliopiston kirjasto on koonnut V. A. Koskenniemen täydennetyn ja tarkistetun bibliografian. Bibliografia julkaistaan sähköisessä muodossa Turun yliopiston verkkoarkistossa ja on käytettävissä Internetin kautta. V. A. Koskenniemen elämäntyötä koskevan tutkimuksen sujuvoittamiseksi ja hänen monipuolisen julkaisutuotantonsa tunnetuksi tekemiseksi tarvitaan tarkistettu bibliografia, joka kokoaa yhteen sekä erilaisissa lähdeteoksissa julkaistut bibliografiat että julkaisemattoman lehtileikkeiden bibliografian. Bibliografian laatimisessa aineistona on käytetty aikaisempia V. A. Koskenniemen bibliografioita, jotka ovat seuraavat:
This thesis is devoted to investigations of three typical representatives of the II-V diluted magnetic semiconductors, Zn1-xMnxAs2, (Zn1-xMnx)3As2 and p-CdSb:Ni. When this work started the family of the II-V semiconductors was presented by only the compounds belonging to the subgroup II3-V2, as (Zn1-xMnx)3As2, whereas the rest of the materials mentioned above were not investigated at all. Pronounced low-field magnetic irreversibility, accompanied with a ferromagnetic transition, are observed in Zn1-xMnxAs2 and (Zn1-xMnx)3As2 near 300 K. These features give evidence for presence of MnAs nanosize magnetic clusters, responsible for frustrated ground magnetic state. In addition, (Zn1-xMnx)3As2 demonstrates large paramagnetic response due to considerable amount of single Mn ions and small antiferromagnetic clusters. Similar paramagnetic system existing in Zn1-xMnxAs2 is much weaker. Distinct low-field magnetic irreversibility, accompanied with a rapid saturation of the magnetization with increasing magnetic field, is observed near the room temperature in p- CdSb:Ni, as well. Such behavior is connected to the frustrated magnetic state, determined by Ni-rich magnetic Ni1-xSbx nanoclusters. Their large non-sphericity and preferable orientations are responsible for strong anisotropy of the coercivity and saturation magnetization of p- CdSb:Ni. Parameters of the Ni1-xSbx nanoclusters are estimated. Low-temperature resistivity of p-CdSb:Ni is governed by a hopping mechanism of charge transfer. The variable-range hopping conductivity, observed in zero magnetic field, demonstrates a tendency of transformation into the nearest-neighbor hopping conductivity in non-zero magnetic filed. The Hall effect in p-CdSb:Ni exhibits presence of a positive normal and a negative anomalous contributions to the Hall resistivity. The normal Hall coefficient is governed mainly by holes activated into the valence band, whereas the anomalous Hall effect, attributable to the Ni1-xSbx nanoclusters with ferromagnetically ordered internal spins, exhibits a low-temperature power-law resistivity scaling.
Invocatio: Q.F.F.Q.S.
Invocatio: [hepreaa].
Invocatio: I.N.J.
Invocatio: D.D.
Invocatio: [hepreaa].
Arkit: A-B4.
Invocatio: [hepreaa].
Dedicatio: Daniel Ithimaeus [ruots. pr.].
Invocatio: D.D.
Invocatio: D.F.G.
Dedicatio: Carolus Frid. Mennander.
Invocatio: D.A.G.
Invocatio: D.D.