96 resultados para Language situation
Numerous scholars have already stressed the need to prepare students prior to academic mobility (Abdallah-Pretceille, 2003; Jackson, 2013, for example) in order to face hypermodernity (Aubert, 2004). As per the new mobilities paradigm (Urry, 2007), this implies considering individuals at the centre of political and institutional issues. Furthermore, the multiplicity of terminology of references towards academic mobility, and intercultural competences, justifies this research. The theory, for this doctoral dissertation, applies “renewed interculturality” (Dervin, 2012), a move away from a culturalist approach. Intercultural competences are therefore defined as a stepping back from discourses on the Other that may emerge during encounters. In order to collect the data, six focus groups have been organised with two batches of students from a Higher Education Institution in Hong-Kong, an “education hub” (Dervin & Machart, 2014) that is striving to be competitive particularly in increasing the number of incomingand outcoming students. Training and education to interculturality have been implemented prior to academic mobility in order to observe the impact on participants’ discourses before and after the mobility. Theories of enunciation and dialogism represent the methodology allowing us to compare and analyse the reported voices in the participants’ discourse and their prosodic realisation (Martin & White, 2005) before and after the experience of academic mobility. I have attempted to observe the dialogic space available to welcome the Other during encounters in the participants’ discourse. The results seem to underline the increased number of reported voices in participants’ discourse after study abroad, but as the space opened for negotiation is instable and depends on the interlocutors and the voices addressed, consequently, further research appears necessary to study the influences of a preparation prior to mobility on the contraction or expansion of heteroglossia. All in all, this doctoral dissertation aimed to renew preparation
The vast majority of our contemporary society owns a mobile phone, which has resulted in a dramatic rise in the amount of networked computers in recent years. Security issues in the computers have followed the same trend and nearly everyone is now affected by such issues. How could the situation be improved? For software engineers, an obvious answer is to build computer software with security in mind. A problem with building software with security is how to define secure software or how to measure security. This thesis divides the problem into three research questions. First, how can we measure the security of software? Second, what types of tools are available for measuring security? And finally, what do these tools reveal about the security of software? Measuring tools of these kind are commonly called metrics. This thesis is focused on the perspective of software engineers in the software design phase. Focus on the design phase means that code level semantics or programming language specifics are not discussed in this work. Organizational policy, management issues or software development process are also out of the scope. The first two research problems were studied using a literature review while the third was studied using a case study research. The target of the case study was a Java based email server called Apache James, which had details from its changelog and security issues available and the source code was accessible. The research revealed that there is a consensus in the terminology on software security. Security verification activities are commonly divided into evaluation and assurance. The focus of this work was in assurance, which means to verify one’s own work. There are 34 metrics available for security measurements, of which five are evaluation metrics and 29 are assurance metrics. We found, however, that the general quality of these metrics was not good. Only three metrics in the design category passed the inspection criteria and could be used in the case study. The metrics claim to give quantitative information on the security of the software, but in practice they were limited to evaluating different versions of the same software. Apart from being relative, the metrics were unable to detect security issues or point out problems in the design. Furthermore, interpreting the metrics’ results was difficult. In conclusion, the general state of the software security metrics leaves a lot to be desired. The metrics studied had both theoretical and practical issues, and are not suitable for daily engineering workflows. The metrics studied provided a basis for further research, since they pointed out areas where the security metrics were necessary to improve whether verification of security from the design was desired.
This thesis presents the results of an analysis of the content in the series of Russian textbooks Kafe Piter, which is widely used in Finnish educational institutions for adult learners at the time that the research is conducted. The purpose of this study is to determine and describe how a textbook may purvey an image of a foreign country (in this case, Russia). Mixed-methods research with a focus on the qualitative content analysis of Kafe Piter is performed. The guidelines for textbook evaluation of cultural content proposed by Byram (1993) are used in this study as the basis for creating a qualitative analysis checklist, which is adopted according to the needs of the current research. The selection of the categories in the checklist is based on major themes where direct statements about Russia, Russian people and culture appear in the textbook. The cultural content and the way in which it is presented in Kafe Piter are also compared to the intercultural competence objectives of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Because the textbook was not written by a native Russian speaker, it was also important to investigate the types of mistakes found in the books. A simple quantitative analysis in the form of descriptive statistics was done, which consisted of counting the mistakes and inaccuracies in Kafe Piter. The mistakes were categorized into several different groups: factual or cultural, lexicosemantic, grammatical, spelling and punctuation mistakes. Based on the results, the cultural content of Kafe Piter provides a rich variety of cultural information that allows for a good understanding of the Russian language and Russian culture. A sufficient number of cross-cultural elements also appear in the textbook, including cultural images and information describing and comparing Russian and Finnish ways of life. Based on the cultural topics covered in Kafe Piter, we conclude that the textbook is in line with the intercultural competence objectives set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The results of the study also make it clear that a thorough proofreading of Kafe Piter is needed in order to correct mistakes - more than 130 cultural and linguistic mistakes and inaccuracies appear in the textbook.
Tässä sivuaineen tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin englannin kielen sanaston kehitystä lukion vieraan kielen syventävän suullisen kurssin aikana. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten oppilaiden sanastollinen rikkaus muuttuu puhutussa kielessä. Sanastollista rikkautta analysoitiin sanastollisen variaation ja sanastollisen tiheyden mittareilla. Työssä hyödynnettiin pitkittäistutkimusasetelmaa eli verrattiin yhden oppilasryhmän puhetta sekä ennen lukion englannin kielen suullista kurssia että sen jälkeen. Osanottajia oli yhteensä yhdeksän, jotka kaikki olivat lukion toisella vuosikurssilla. Osallistujien tekemät suulliset testit olivat osa Turun yliopiston keräämää tutkimuskäyttöön tarkoitettua materiaalia. Äänitteistä tehdyt transkriptiot muokattiin tätä tutkimusta varten sopiviksi, jonka jälkeen niistä mitattiin sanastollista rikkautta erilaisilla mittareilla. Aineistoa tutkittiin määrällisin menetelmin. Tulokset osoittavat, että keskimääräisesti sekä puheen sanastollinen variaatio että sanastollinen tiheys kehittyivät kurssin aikana hiukan. Toisin sanoen oppilaat käyttivät kurssin jälkeen tehdyssä testissä aavistuksen verran monipuolisempaa sanastoa, ja sisältösanojen osuus kieliopillisiin sanoihin nähden oli hieman suurempi kuin ennen kurssia. Kurssin aikana oppilaiden aktiivisessa sanavarastossa tapahtunut kehitys ei kuitenkaan ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää. Lisäksi tutkimus osoitti, että osallistujien väliset erot olivat suuria, mutta erot tasoittuivat jonkin verran kurssin jälkeen. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan olettaa englannin kielen suullisen kurssin sekä lisänneen oppilaiden sanastollista rikkautta että tasoittaneen yksilöllisiä eroja, yhdessä monien muiden mahdollisten tekijöiden kanssa. Tutkimusotoksen pienuuden vuoksi tuloksia ei kuitenkaan voida yleistää. Jatkossa olisi mielenkiintoista laajentaa tutkimusnäkökulmaa koskemaan muitakin sanastollisen rikkauden osa-alueita kuten sanastollista sofistikaatiota. Olisi myös mielenkiintoista sisällyttää tutkimukseen oppilaiden passsiivisen sanavaraston mittaaminen ja mahdollisesti tutkia englannin kielen suullisen kurssin vaikutuksia oppilaiden suullisen kielitaidon kehittymiseen laajemminkin kuin vain sanavaraston osalta.
Janamittakaavat: Englishe leagues 20 in a degree ; Spanische leagues 17 1/2 in a degree ; Dutche leagues 15 in a degree.