175 resultados para 28-272
Suomen slavistiikan vuosikymmenet. Näyttely Slaavilaisessa kirjastossa 19.10.2004 - 28.2.2005. Näyttely on järjestetty yhteistyössä 40 vuotta täyttävän Suomen Slavistipiirin kanssa.
The general objective of this study was to conduct astatistical analysis on the variation of the weld profiles and their influence on the fatigue strength of the joint. Weld quality with respect to its fatigue strength is of importance which is the main concept behind this thesis. The intention of this study was to establish the influence of weld geometric parameters on the weld quality and fatigue strength. The effect of local geometrical variations of non-load carrying cruciform fillet welded joint under tensile loading wasstudied in this thesis work. Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics was used to calculate fatigue strength of the cruciform fillet welded joints in as-welded condition and under cyclic tensile loading, for a range of weld geometries. With extreme value statistical analysis and LEFM, an attempt was made to relate the variation of the cruciform weld profiles such as weld angle and weld toe radius to respective FAT classes.
Helsingfors 1892
Sanktpeterburg 1766
Helsinki 1921
Helsinki : [Suomen matkailijayhdistys] 1911
Helsinki 1913