976 resultados para Wuorenrinne, Heikki
Kuudes pohjoismainen aikuiskasvatustutkimuksen konferenssi teemalla Adult Education and the Planetary Condition pidettiin 25.-28. maaliskuuta Tampereen yliopistossa.
todistettu, että mitä suuremmat ajonopeudet, sitä useampia kuolonkolareita. Siksi pieniinkin ylinopeuksiin puututaan. Automaattivalvontakameroita tulisikin kutsua liikenneturvallisuuskameroiksi tai jopa hengenpelastajiksi, koska niiden liikenneturvallisuusvaikutukset ovat kiistattomia.
In this research retail negotiations are explored through the question: What characteristics are distinctive to negotiating in Finnish grocery retail trade? To shed light on the research question I interviewed experienced retail negotiators and mapped out the most important characteristics of the retail negotiations. I described through examples the most prominent challenges negotiators face in their negotiations and elaborated what kind of tools the experienced negotiators use to overcome those challenges. The research results add up to a groundwork frame for retail negotiations with which further research can be more easily directed to any area of interest in the Finnish grocery retail negotiations. The framework can give ideas or frames for further research, or function as a general guideline of factors to consider when negotiating in Finnish retail field. The results were divided into 3 sections: Characteristics, Challenges and Tools. Different negotiation models help negotiators and researchers understand negotiation dynamics. This research adds to that pool by focusing on elements essential to consider specifically in the context of Finnish retail. Finland offered an exceptionally interesting setting to study negotiation, as grocery retail trade in Finland is highly centralized. Especially for those interested understanding a centralized setting such as Finland’s retail field, the framework presented in this research might provide a valuable spectrum of essential negotiation elements. Learning is a lifelong process, but that path can be evened by tuning in on what others have learned during their own endeavors in similar situations. Seasoned negotiators have many stories to tell about negotiating that can be drawn upon and by doing so, we can avoid having to spend time learning the same insights twice. This research drew on narrative, case-research and interviewing to find out how seasoned negotiators in the field of Finnish retail experienced negotiation, what challenges negotiations pose and what tools can be used to overcome them