99 resultados para drained peatland forests
Aim of this study was to investigate the means to reduce nutrient flows to water systems. Focus in this study was to examine peatland buffer zones as a solution to protect water bodies as well as to examine methane and nitrous oxide release from buffer zones. The literature survey covers a review of research which has been done till this day concerning the effects of forestry on water bodies. It also contains a review of the significance of forests and mires in hydrological cycle, effects of forestry on nutrient loads to water systems and a review of different solutions to diminish it. The solutions contain ditch shaping, submerged dams, sludge sumps, sedimentation ponds and buffer zones. The literature survey also covers nitrous oxide and methane gas emissions from buffer zones. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from six different mires were studied during the summer of 2007. Measurements were conducted once a month using the static chamber method. Emissions of methane and nitrous oxide were calculated. Effects of water table level and peat temperature on emissions were also studied. The results showed a tendency to increased methane-emissions from natural peat lands when compared with restored buffer zones. The results showed also a tendency to increased CH4 emissions and decreased NO2 emissions with rising level of water table. Other mechanisms that influence emissions are vegetation composition and peat temperature. Considering the global warming as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions, the emissions of CH4 and NO2 measured in the present study were not particularly high.
Preparing emission reporting from forests : use of national forest inventories in European countries