78 resultados para accounting firms
Teollisuuden rakennemuutoksen myötä pk-yrityskanta on Etelä-Karjalan alueen elinvoimaisuudelle tärkeämpi kuin koskaan. Kehittyäkseen pienistä keskikokoisiksi yritykset tarvitsevat lisää osaamista paitsi johtoon myös hallituksiinsa. Tähän selvitykseen on koottu Pk-yritysten hallitustoiminta Etelä-Karjalassa -hankkeen tuloksia. Hanketta rahoittivat Euroopan sosiaalirahasto ja Hämeen ELY-keskus ja se toteutettiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston toimesta vuosien 2014-2015 aikana. Hankkeen keskeisenä tavoitteena oli vahvistaa Etelä-Karjalassa sijaitsevien pk-kokoluokan yritysten hallitustyötä ja hallitusten hyödyntämismahdollisuuksia sekä lisätä pk-yrityksissä toimivien hallitusjäsenten osaamista pk-yritysten hallitusjäseniltä vaadittavista taidoista ja osaamisalueista. Hankkeen toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää Suomessa toimivien venäläisomisteisten yritysten hallitustoiminnan erityispiirteitä. Hankkeen aikana toteutettiin koulutuksia ja työpajatoimintaa sekä laadittiin kaksi julkaisua. Hankkeen tiedonkeruu tapahtui haastattelemalla ja työpajatoiminnan kautta syksyn 2014 ja kevään 2015 aikana. Hankkeen tuloksina syntyi käsillä oleva selvitys hallitustoiminnan erityispiirteistä suomalaisissa ja venäläisissä Etelä-Karjalan alueella toimivissa pk-yrityksissä sekä suomalaisten pk-yritysten hallitustoiminnan erityispiirteisiin keskittyvä tiivistelmä. Hankkeeseen osallistui Etelä-Karjalan alueella toimivia pk-yrittäjiä, hallituksenjäseniä, yrityksiä tukevia toimijoita ja erilaisten sidosryhmien edustajia. Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston hankepartnereina toimivat Etelä-Karjalan Hallituspartnerit ry, Etelä-Karjalan Yrittäjät ry sekä Etelä-Karjalan Kauppakamari.
This study discusses the interactions of different decision-making mechanisms in the process of change of a successful entrepreneurial dairy firm in Vietnam. The purpose of the study is to construct a theoretical framework, which explains the interactions between effectual and causal decision-making processes in different phases of business, and to provide a real life example with practical recommendations for entrepreneurs and managers. In order to achieve this purpose, a preliminary theoretical framework was built, using process theories applied to different decision making modes, referred to as causation and effectuation. The case was studied through ethnographic research method, with three semi-structured interviews, one unstructured interview, secondary data and observations within four months in 2013-2014. After the data was analyzed, a modified framework was drawn from the result. The finding of this study shows that there was an interaction between effectual and causal decision-making processes in different stages of the company’s development. The entrepreneur applied effectual decision-making process to develop a unique business model and a new dairy market segment. However, when a new market demand arose, the company’s resources became insufficient, they thus had to shift to causation process to adapt to market change. Simultaneously, with better-accumulated resources, the entrepreneur continued the effectuation process to create another brand new dairy market segment. This study, thus, contributes to effectuation theory, emphasizing the necessity of combining effectual and causal decision-making processes in different phases of business. It is suggested that business would develop with an effectual process until a business model is viable for growth. It continues to use this process up to a certain degree. When the market changes, the company needs to collect more means to adapt to the changes. They need to set new goals and this is a shift to the use of causal process, which builds on prediction. It uses goals and teleology as driving mechanisms and tries to exploit and fill potential resource gaps to achieve these goals. At the same time, there are new iterations that look to establish new lines or types of business with the given means, which are now well established. This again employs effectual mechanisms, which are based on evolutionary process, until they reach the stage of viable tested business model. Moreover, this study hopes to provide know-how to entrepreneurs and managers of small companies in similar situations, suggesting how to combine effectual and causal decision-making processes to deal with various circumstances in different times.
The purpose of current master thesis research is to investigate the role of social networks in internationalization of Russian and Finnish firms. Literature review of existing empirical researches on the topic is conducted in order to identify the gap, which is fulfilled by empirical research of 4 Russian and 1 Finnish firm that have established international operations no later than 8 years since their foundation. In-depth semi-structured interviews have shown that business network has been an influencing factor in firms’ internationalization and that even if social network is not the driver of internationalization, it becomes important when a company has established international presence and is working on its enlargement. The study has both theoretical and practical contribution by contributing to research of Russian and Finnish firms’ internationalization and by showing examples of successful foreign market entry of companies from different industries. General practical implication of current thesis is that it shows the efficient ways of entrepreneurs’ social network usage in business development in international scope.