89 resultados para Freedom Compomer
Rolling element bearings are essential components of rotating machinery. The spherical roller bearing (SRB) is one variant seeing increasing use, because it is self-aligning and can support high loads. It is becoming increasingly important to understand how the SRB responds dynamically under a variety of conditions. This doctoral dissertation introduces a computationally efficient, three-degree-of-freedom, SRB model that was developed to predict the transient dynamic behaviors of a rotor-SRB system. In the model, bearing forces and deflections were calculated as a function of contact deformation and bearing geometry parameters according to nonlinear Hertzian contact theory. The results reveal how some of the more important parameters; such as diametral clearance, the number of rollers, and osculation number; influence ultimate bearing performance. Distributed defects, such as the waviness of the inner and outer ring, and localized defects, such as inner and outer ring defects, are taken into consideration in the proposed model. Simulation results were verified with results obtained by applying the formula for the spherical roller bearing radial deflection and the commercial bearing analysis software. Following model verification, a numerical simulation was carried out successfully for a full rotor-bearing system to demonstrate the application of this newly developed SRB model in a typical real world analysis. Accuracy of the model was verified by comparing measured to predicted behaviors for equivalent systems.
Smart phones became part and parcel of our life, where mobility provides a freedom of not being bounded by time and space. In addition, number of smartphones produced each year is skyrocketing. However, this also created discrepancies or fragmentation among devices and OSes, which in turn made an exceeding hard for developers to deliver hundreds of similar featured applications with various versions for the market consumption. This thesis is an attempt to investigate whether cloud based mobile development platforms can mitigate and eventually eliminate fragmentation challenges. During this research, we have selected and analyzed the most popular cloud based development platforms and tested integrated cloud features. This research showed that cloud based mobile development platforms may able to reduce mobile fragmentation and enable to utilize single codebase to deliver a mobile application for different platforms.
Yhdysvaltain maavoimien ja samalla huollon doktriinia kehitettiin 1990-luvulla vastaamaan kylmän sodan päättymisen jälkeisiä uhkakuvia. Uutta doktriinia kehitettäessä pyrittiin huo-mioimaan operaatio Desert Stormin (1991) kokemukset. Doktriiniin otettiin runsaasti vai-kutteita siviiliyritysten logistiikasta kustannustehokkuuden ja ajankäytön parantamiseksi. Uusi doktriini oli käytössä vuonna 2003 operaatio Iraqi Freedomissa. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää V Armeijakunnan huollon ja täydennystoimialan näkökulmasta, miten uudistettu huollon doktriini toimi operaatiossa, mitkä olivat sen vahvuudet ja heikkoudet sekä mitä vaikutuksia huollon toiminnalla ja taistelutoiminnalla oli toisiinsa. Lähdeaineisto on enimmäkseen kirjallisuutta, pääosin operaatioon osallistuneiden sotilaiden kirjoittamia teoksia. Lisäksi on käytetty sotilasammatillisissa lehdissä julkaistuja artikkelei-ta, asevoimien ohjesääntöjä ja Yhdysvaltain Puolustusministeriön teettämiä raportteja. Opinnäytteiden osuus on vähäinen. Haastatteluja ei ole käytetty. Tutkimusmenetelmä on aineistoanalyysiin perustuva kirjallisuustutkimus. Työssä korostuu lähdekritiikki ja lähtei-den vertailu, koska ajoittain niissä esitetyt tiedot ovat ristiriitaisia. Monet vastoinkäymiset vaikuttivat operaation huoltoon. Sotanäyttämöllä oli hyökkäyksen alkaessa vain puolet sinne alun perin suunnitellusta henkilöstöstä ja kalustosta. Tämä johtui Puolustusministeriön päätöksestä vähentää koko operaatioon käytettäviä resursseja. Henki-löstö- ja kalustopuutteet aiheuttivat muun muassa viivytyksiä kuljetuksiin ja huoltojoukko-jen ylirasittumista. Pääosa huollon henkilöstöstä oli reserviläisiä, jotka olivat tottuneet toi-mimaan vanhan huoltojärjestelmän parissa. Puutteellinen koulutus esimerkiksi uusimman teknologian käytössä aiheutti materiaalikeskuksissa virheitä ja laiminlyöntejä kirjanpidossa. Myös olosuhteet Irakissa olivat ajoittain vaikeat: esimerkiksi ilmasto ja huono tiestö hidas-tivat huollon toimintaa. Haasteista huolimatta liittouman ja V Armeijakunnan huoltojärjes-telmä kykeni kriittisimmiltä osin täyttämään tuettaviensa tarpeet. Tärkeimpänä havaintona operaatiosta voidaan pitää, että huollon doktriiniin tehdyt muutok-set olivat oikeansuuntaisia, mutta ne olivat liian radikaaleja valmistautumisaikaan nähden. Uudistetun doktriinin toimintaperiaate oli alun perin tarkoitettu siviiliyritysten logistiikkaan rauhanomaisissa olosuhteissa, mutta sotatoimialueen epävakautta ne eivät kestäneet. Poliit-tisista päätöksistä johtuen resurssit olivat muutoinkin liian vähäiset doktriinin perusajatuk-sen toteuttamiseen puhtaasti. Sitä vastoin huoltojoukkojen motivaatio sekä mukautumis- ja improvisointikyky olivat tärkeässä roolissa operaation huollon onnistumisen suhteen. Mikä-li käytössä olisi ollut täydet voimavarat, toiminta olisi kokonaisuutena luultavasti ollut huomattavasti lähempänä doktriinin perusajatusta.
The absolute nodal coordinate formulation was originally developed for the analysis of structures undergoing large rotations and deformations. This dissertation proposes several enhancements to the absolute nodal coordinate formulation based finite beam and plate elements. The main scientific contribution of this thesis relies on the development of elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation that do not suffer from commonly known numerical locking phenomena. These elements can be used in the future in a number of practical applications, for example, analysis of biomechanical soft tissues. This study presents several higher-order Euler–Bernoulli beam elements, a simple method to alleviate Poisson’s and transverse shear locking in gradient deficient plate elements, and a nearly locking free gradient deficient plate element. The absolute nodal coordinate formulation based gradient deficient plate elements developed in this dissertation describe most of the common numerical locking phenomena encountered in the formulation of a continuum mechanics based description of elastic energy. Thus, with these fairly straightforwardly formulated elements that are comprised only of the position and transverse direction gradient degrees of freedom, the pathologies and remedies for the numerical locking phenomena are presented in a clear and understandable manner. The analysis of the Euler–Bernoulli beam elements developed in this study show that the choice of higher gradient degrees of freedom as nodal degrees of freedom leads to a smoother strain field. This improves the rate of convergence.
Mothers represent the natural caring. Natural caring is the object of caring science and of research interest because it establishes the central core of professional caring. In this study, we encounter patients who are mothers in need of care in a psychiatric context. Motherhood involves taking responsibility that extends beyond one's own life, because the child represents possibilities in a yet unknown future. Understanding and knowledge about the mothers' struggle in health and suffering are of crucial importance to enable clinical practice to make provisions for and adapt to the individual patient. The overall purpose of this dissertation is to illuminate how the innermost essence of caring emerges in health and suffering in patients who are mothers in psychiatric care. The purpose of the study in a clinical sense is to seek to understand and illuminate the patient's inner world in health and suffering in terms of contextual, existential, ontological and ethical dimensions. The dissertation is exploratory and descriptive in nature and encompasses induction, deduction and abduction as logics tools of reasoning. A theoretical model of natural caring and a universal theoretical model of the innermost essence of caring is developed as seen from the patient's world in a psychiatric context. The dissertation is anchored in human science's view of the human being and the world and in caring science's perspective. Caring science's view of the human being as a unity comprising body, soul and spirit is central in the study's concept of the patient. This multi-dimensional conception of the human being encompasses the dissertation's basic values and is decisive for choice of methodology. Hermeneutic epistemology guided the interpretation of the empirical data, the paradigmatic theses and assumptions. The dialectical movement in interpretation moves back and forth between empirical data, caring science theory and philosophical theory and reveals deeper insight into meaningful content in the clinical context. The interpretation process comprises four levels of abstraction: rational, contextual, existential and ontological. Hermeneutic philosophy guides the inductive and deductive approach to interpretation, as well as the movement between the clinical context and the caring science paradigm. In this encounter between the visible and invisible reality, the image of natural caring – motherliness emerged. The dissertation consists of four studies. The first study is a systematic review of nineteen research articles. The three other studies are hermeneutical interpretations based on text materials from open interviews. Fifteen participants were interviewed, all of whom are mothers of children between 0 and 18 years of age. All were outpatients in the psychiatric specialist health service. In the interpretation process, the mothers' struggle in health and suffering emerges as a struggle between the inner and outer world. Being a mother and patient in health and suffering in a psychiatric context means to struggle to be oneself, to create oneself, to live and realize one's good deeds as a mother and human being. To be oneself, to possess oneself as a mother is not only a question of tending, playing and learning in order to master a practical situation or to survive. It involves constituting a deep, inner desire to courageously create oneself so that the child is able to realize his or her potential in health and suffering. Motherliness manifests itself in caring as a call to ministering humanity and life. The voice of motherliness is understood as the voice of life—the eternal, inner call of love and freedom. The inner call craves fulfilment. Motherliness in natural caring does not retreat. Motherliness defines the Other as freedom and proceeds without regard for all other exterior requirements to realizing wellbeing. The inner essence of caring is attentive, aware and heeds the call of the heart. The innermost essence of caring is to be and to make oneself responsible for the Other. Responsibility cannot be relinquished; free choice consists in whether or not to follow the call. To renounce the inner call to responsibility is to deny oneself and one's dignity as a human being. The theoretical models provide clinical and systematic caring science with knowledge and understanding based on the natural caring spirit inherent in the human being. The study elucidates and strengthens the ontological basic assumptions about the human being as a unity of body, soul and spirit, the sanctity of the human being and the core of caring, ethos. The results of the dissertation will provide clinical practice with knowledge about the inner movements of the mothers' souls in relation to their responsibility as mothers and human beings. Being able to understand the basic conditions for responsibility is crucial for developing care that encompasses mother and child and the mutual relationship between them. This is basic knowledge for developing attitudes and actions that meet and provide for the needs of the patient as mother and as a whole, suffering human being.
Laser additive manufacturing (LAM), known also as 3D printing, is a powder bed fusion (PBF) type of additive manufacturing (AM) technology used to manufacture metal parts layer by layer by assist of laser beam. The development of the technology from building just prototype parts to functional parts is due to design flexibility. And also possibility to manufacture tailored and optimised components in terms of performance and strength to weight ratio of final parts. The study of energy and raw material consumption in LAM is essential as it might facilitate the adoption and usage of the technique in manufacturing industries. The objective this thesis was find the impact of LAM on environmental and economic aspects and to conduct life cycle inventory of CNC machining and LAM in terms of energy and raw material consumption at production phases. Literature overview in this thesis include sustainability issues in manufacturing industries with focus on environmental and economic aspects. Also life cycle assessment and its applicability in manufacturing industry were studied. UPLCI-CO2PE! Initiative was identified as mostly applied exiting methodology to conduct LCI analysis in discrete manufacturing process like LAM. Many of the reviewed literature had focused to PBF of polymeric material and only few had considered metallic materials. The studies that had included metallic materials had only measured input and output energy or materials of the process and compared to different AM systems without comparing to any competitive process. Neither did any include effect of process variation when building metallic parts with LAM. Experimental testing were carried out to make dissimilar samples with CNC machining and LAM in this thesis. Test samples were designed to include part complexity and weight reductions. PUMA 2500Y lathe machine was used in the CNC machining whereas a modified research machine representing EOSINT M-series was used for the LAM. The raw material used for making the test pieces were stainless steel 316L bar (CNC machined parts) and stainless steel 316L powder (LAM built parts). An analysis of power, time, and the energy consumed in each of the manufacturing processes on production phase showed that LAM utilises more energy than CNC machining. The high energy consumption was as result of duration of production. Energy consumption profiles in CNC machining showed fluctuations with high and low power ranges. LAM energy usage within specific mode (standby, heating, process, sawing) remained relatively constant through the production. CNC machining was limited in terms of manufacturing freedom as it was not possible to manufacture all the designed sample by machining. And the one which was possible was aided with large amount of material removed as waste. Planning phase in LAM was shorter than in CNC machining as the latter required many preparation steps. Specific energy consumption (SEC) were estimated in LAM based on the practical results and assumed platform utilisation. The estimated platform utilisation showed SEC could reduce when more parts were placed in one build than it was in with the empirical results in this thesis (six parts).
This basic research focuses on the ethos of health and the human being's becoming in health. The theoretical perspective consists of the caring tradition within caring science developed at Åbo Akademy University. The aim of the present doctoral thesis is to uncover a new understanding as well as to deepen and attain a more nuanced understanding of the ethos of health, the essence of health, by penetrating to the core of what gives the human being the strength for experiencing a becoming in health. The research questions are as follows: l) What is the human being's source of strength? and 2) What reveals the source of strength so that the human being can perceive it and dedicate its strength in order to experience a becoming in health? The primary methodology used in the dissertation is hermeneutical. The material consists of the work Kärlekens gerningar by Kierkegaard, texts from focused interviews with respondents who have lived through severe personal suffering, as well as the book Det bländande mörkret by Wikström. These texts are interpreted through hermeneutical reading. The new horizon of understanding that emerges is reflected towards Eriksson's caritative theory, towards prior research within the tradition of caring science at Åbo Akademy University and towards previous national and international studies within this field. The new understanding shows that the human being's source of strength is love, the essence and origin of life. The substance of health is love, which, through the trinity of faith, hope and love, also makes possible the existence of the source of strength. Love has a deeper dignity than faith and hope, is connected with eternity and is the uniting link between temporality and eternity. The human being's inner longing entails an ontological attraction towards the source of strength. This source of strength is hidden, which provides and maintains its force, like a mystery connected with the darkness of suffering that hides the secret representing the source of strength, life's mystery, bu t w hi ch is revealed in both the darkness of suffering and in the light of joy. The dedication of strength requires freedom, willingness and courage to see the light, despite awareness of shame and guilt. Creative acts liberate the human being for the dedication of strength, which is preceded by a holy presence where, in solitude, the human being makes sacrifices for the sake of his or her human smallness and weakness, and allows himself or herself to be enclosed by the darkness of suffering to discover the light from the source. This entails being enraptured in a quiet "doing" in order to experience the beauty that bears witness to the holy which creates unity. The source of strength is revealed through beauty. The ethos of the human being and the ethos of health have the same fundamental substance, whilst the ethos of life possesses the deepest dimension and concerns the mysterious and infinite eternity. The ethos of life, eternity, which is a wellspring of strength, is not in itself strength-giving unless it is allied with love. Health can be understood in the light of life, of which death is an inevitable part. Life itself constitutes and creates the source which, through its alliance with eternity' s primordial wellspring of strength, generates strength from which the human being's source of strength, love, receives its eternal fervour. The human being is fundamentally interconnected with an abstract other, the first love, a universal wellspring of strength. Through Communion with this abstract other a dedication of the strength to experience a becoming in health becomes possible. Love for one's neighbour is the fundamental substance in the movement of becoming in health. Becoming in health presupposes a simultaneous movement in which the human being practices the human calling through ethos. As one loves one's neighbour through actions the still forces of eternity are in motion. When life emerges in the foreground and becomes the home of the human being, a dedication of the power of love is possible. Life itself determines the human being's becoming in health. A humble fundamental attitude towards life constitutes the basis for a continuous dedication of vitality from this source.
Hissiteollisuudessa nostokoneistoina käytettyjen sähkömoottoreiden laatuvaatimukset ovat tiuken-tuneet viime vuosina. Erityisesti koneistojen tuottama ääni ja mekaaninen värähtely ovat olleet jat-kuvasti tiukentuneen tarkastelun alaisena. Hissikoriin ja hissiä ympäröiviin rakenteisiin välittyvästä värähtelystä johtuva ääni on yksi hissin laatuvaikutelmaan merkittävimmin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Nostokoneisto on yksi tärkeimmistä äänen ja värähtelyn lähteistä hissijärjestelmässä. Koneiston suunnittelulla edellä mainittuja tekijöitä voidaan minimoida. Sähkökoneiden suunnittelussa finiit-tielementtimenetelmien (FEM) käyttö on vakiintunut haastavimmissa sovelluksissa. Kone Oyj:llä nostokoneistoina käytetään aksiaalivuokestomagneettitahtikoneita (AFPMSM), joiden FEM simu-lointiin käytetään yleisesti kolmea eri tapaa. Kukin näistä vaihtoehdoista pitää sisällään omat hyö-tynsä, että haittansa. Suunnittelun kannalta tärkeää on oikean menetelmän valinta ai-ka/informatiivisuus suhteen maksimoimiseksi. Erittäin tärkeää on myös saatujen tulosten oikeelli-suus. Tämän diplomityön tavoite on kehittää järjestelmä, jonka avulla AFPMS-koneen voimia voidaan mitata yksityiskohtaisella tasolla. Järjestelmän avulla voidaan tarkastella käytössä olevien FE-menetelmien tulosten oikeellisuutta sekä äänen että värähtelyn syntymekanismeja. Järjestelmän tarkoitus on myös syventää Kone Oyj tietotaitoa AFPMS-koneiden toiminnasta. Tässä työssä esitellään AFPMS-koneen epäideaalisuuksia, jotka voivat vaikuttaa mittajärjestelmän suunnitteluun. Myös koneen epäideaalisuuksiin lukeutuvaa ääntä on tarkasteltu tässä työssä. Jotta työn tavoitteiden mukaista FE-menetelmien vertailua ja tulosten oikeellisuuden tarkastelua voitai-siin tehdä, myös yleisimpiä AFPMS-koneen FE-menetelmiä tarkastellaan. Työn tuloksena on mittajärjestelmän suunnitelma, jonka avulla voidaan toteuttaa kuuden vapausas-teen voimamittaus jokaiselle koneistomagneetille alle 1N resoluutiolla. Suunnitellun järjestelmän toimivuutta on tarkasteltu FE-menetelmiä käyttäen ja järjestelmässä käytettävän voima-anturin ky-vykkyyttä on todennettu referenssimittauksin. Suunniteltu mittajärjestelmä mahdollistaa sähkömoottorin useiden eri epäideaalisuuksien tarkaste-lun yksityiskohtaisella tasolla. Mittausajatuksen soveltaminen myös muiden koneiden tutkimiseen tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia jatkotutkimuksille.
The context of this study is corporate e-learning, with an explicit focus on how digital learning design can facilitate self-regulated learning (SRL). The field of e-learning is growing rapidly. An increasing number of corporations use digital technology and elearning for training their work force and customers. E-learning may offer economic benefits, as well as opportunities for interaction and communication that traditional teaching cannot provide. However, the evolving variety of digital learning contexts makes new demands on learners, requiring them to develop strategies to adapt and cope with novel learning tools. This study derives from the need to learn more about learning experiences in digital contexts in order to be able to design these properly for learning. The research question targets how the design of an e-learning course influences participants’ self-regulated learning actions and intentions. SRL involves learners’ ability to exercise agency in their learning. Micro-level SRL processes were targeted by exploring behaviour, cognition, and affect/motivation in relation to the design of the digital context. Two iterations of an e-learning course were tested on two groups of participants (N=17). However, the exploration of SRL extends beyond the educational design research perspective of comparing the effects of the changes to the course designs. The study was conducted in a laboratory with each participant individually. Multiple types of data were collected. However, the results presented in this thesis are based on screen observations (including eye tracking) and video-stimulated recall interviews. These data were integrated in order to achieve a broad perspective on SRL. The most essential change evident in the second course iteration was the addition of feedback during practice and the final test. Without feedback on actions there was an observable difference between those who were instruction-directed and those who were self-directed in manipulating the context and, thus, persisted whenever faced with problems. In the second course iteration, including the feedback, this kind of difference was not found. Feedback provided the tipping point for participants to regulate their learning by identifying their knowledge gaps and to explore the learning context in a targeted manner. Furthermore, the course content was consistently seen from a pragmatic perspective, which influenced the participants’ choice of actions, showing that real life relevance is an important need of corporate learners. This also relates to assessment and the consideration of its purpose in relation to participants’ work situation. The rigidity of the multiple choice questions, focusing on the memorisation of details, influenced the participants to adapt to an approach for surface learning. It also caused frustration in cases where the participants’ epistemic beliefs were incompatible with this kind of assessment style. Triggers of positive and negative emotions could be categorized into four levels: personal factors, instructional design of content, interface design of context, and technical solution. In summary, the key design choices for creating a positive learning experience involve feedback, flexibility, functionality, fun, and freedom. The design of the context impacts regulation of behaviour, cognition, as well as affect and motivation. The learners’ awareness of these areas of regulation in relation to learning in a specific context is their ability for design-based epistemic metareflection. I describe this metareflection as knowing how to manipulate the context behaviourally for maximum learning, being metacognitively aware of one’s learning process, and being aware of how emotions can be regulated to maintain volitional control of the learning situation. Attention needs to be paid to how the design of a digital learning context supports learners’ metareflective development as digital learners. Every digital context has its own affordances and constraints, which influence the possibilities for micro-level SRL processes. Empowering learners in developing their ability for design-based epistemic metareflection is, therefore, essential for building their digital literacy in relation to these affordances and constraints. It was evident that the implementation of e-learning in the workplace is not unproblematic and needs new ways of thinking about learning and how we create learning spaces. Digital contexts bring a new culture of learning that demands attitude change in how we value knowledge, measure it, define who owns it, and who creates it. Based on the results, I argue that digital solutions for corporate learning ought to be built as an integrated system that facilitates socio-cultural connectivism within the corporation. The focus needs to shift from designing static e-learning material to managing networks of social meaning negotiation as part of a holistic corporate learning ecology.
Bearing performance signi cantly a ects the dynamic behaviors and estimated working life of a rotating system. A common bearing type is the ball bearing, which has been under investigation in numerous published studies. The complexity of the ball bearing models described in the literature varies. Naturally, model complexity is related to computational burden. In particular, the inclusion of centrifugal forces and gyroscopic moments signi cantly increases the system degrees of freedom and lengthens solution time. On the other hand, for low or moderate rotating speeds, these e ects can be neglected without signi cant loss of accuracy. The objective of this paper is to present guidelines for the appropriate selection of a suitable bearing model for three case studies. To this end, two ball bearing models were implemented. One considers high-speed forces, and the other neglects them. Both models were used to study a three structures, and the simulation results were.
Point-of-care (POC) –diagnostics is a field with rapidly growing market share. As these applications become more widely used, there is an increasing pressure to improve their performance to match the one of a central laboratory tests. Lanthanide luminescence has been widely utilized in diagnostics because of the numerous advantages gained by the utilization of time-resolved or anti-Stokes detection. So far the use of lanthanide labels in POC has been scarce due to limitations set by the instrumentation required for their detection and the shortcomings, e.g. low brightness, of these labels. Along with the advances in the research of lanthanide luminescence, and in the field of semiconductors, these materials are becoming a feasible alternative for the signal generation also in the future POC assays. The aim of this thesis was to explore ways of utilizing time-resolved detection or anti-Stokes detection in POC applications. The long-lived fluorescence for the time-resolved measurement can be produced with lanthanide chelates. The ultraviolet (UV) excitation required by these chelates is cumbersome to produce with POC compatible fluorescence readers. In this thesis the use of a novel light-harvesting ligand was studied. This molecule can be used to excite Eu(III)-ions at wavelengths extending up to visible part of the spectrum. An enhancement solution based on this ligand showed a good performance in a proof-of-concept -bioaffinity assay and produced a bright signal upon 365 nm excitation thanks to the high molar absorptivity of the chelate. These features are crucial when developing miniaturized readers for the time-resolved detection of fluorescence. Upconverting phosphors (UCPs) were studied as an internal light source in glucose-sensing dry chemistry test strips and ways of utilizing their various emission wavelengths and near-infrared excitation were explored. The use of nanosized NaYF :Yb3+,Tm3+-particles enabled the replacement of an external UV-light source with a NIR-laser and gave an additional degree of freedom in the optical setup of the detector instrument. The new method enabled a blood glucose measurement with results comparable to a current standard method of measuring reflectance. Microsized visible emitting UCPs were used in a similar manner, but with a broad absorbing indicator compound filtering the excitation and emission wavelengths of the UCP. This approach resulted in a novel way of benefitting from the non-linear relationship between the excitation power and emission intensity of the UCPs, and enabled the amplification of the signal response from the indicator dye.
Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is globally one of most interesting area in developing of manufacturing technologies. This technology is suitable for fabrication off industrial products and it interests actors in fields of computer sciences, economics, medical sciences and design&arts. Additive manufacturing is often referred as third industrial revolution: first revolution was invention of steam engines in 18th century and second was industrial revolution started by Henry Ford in 1920s. Companies should be able to test suitability of their products for additive manufacturing and 3D printing but also how much better products could be when products are totally re-designed so that all potential of this new technology can be utilized. This is where education has its importance; new generations who enter working life should be educated to know of additive manufacturing and 3D printing, its advantages but also of it limits. There has to be also possibility to educate industry and people already working there, so that industrial implementation could be done successfully. This is especially very valid for Finland. Education is strongly needed so that Finnish industry can maintain its competence in global markets. Role of education is extremely important when a new technology is industrially implemented. Additive manufacturing and 3D printing offers freedom to design new products, production and generally ways of doing things. Development, planning and execution of education for additive manufacturing and 3D printing is challenging as this area develops very fast. New innovations are coming almost every month. Planning of education for additive manufacturing and 3D printing requires collection pieces of data from various of sources. Additive manufacturing and 3D printing industry and its development has to be followed frequently, and material for additive manufacturing and 3D printing has to be renewed frequently.
Rare-earth based upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) have attracted much attention due to their unique luminescent properties. The ability to convert multiple photons of lower energy to ones with higher energy through an upconversion (UC) process offers a wide range of applications for UCNPs. The emission intensities and wavelengths of UCNPs are important performance characteristics, which determine the appropriate applications. However, insufficient intensities still limit the use of UCNPs; especially the efficient emission of blue and ultraviolet (UV) light via upconversion remains challenging, as these events require three or more near-infrared (NIR) photons. The aim of the study was to enhance the blue and UV upconversion emission intensities of Tm3+ doped NaYF4 nanoparticles and to demonstrate their utility in in vitro diagnostics. As the distance between the sensitizer and the activator significantly affect the energy transfer efficiency, different strategies were explored to change the local symmetry around the doped lanthanides. One important strategy is the intentional co-doping of active (participate in energy transfer) or passive (do not participate in energy transfer) impurities into the host matrix. The roles of doped passive impurities (K+ and Sc3+) in enhancing the blue and UV upconversions, as well as in influencing the intense UV upconversion emission through excess sensitization (active impurity) were studied. Additionally, the effects of both active and passive impurity doping on the morphological and optical performance of UCNPs were investigated. The applicability of UV emitting UCNPs as an internal light source for glucose sensing in a dry chemistry test strip was demonstrated. The measurements were in agreement with the traditional method based on reflectance measurements using an external UV light source. The use of UCNPs in the glucose test strip offers an alternative detection method with advantages such as control signals for minimizing errors and high penetration of the NIR excitation through the blood sample, which gives more freedom for designing the optical setup. In bioimaging, the excitation of the UCNPs in the transparent IR region of the tissue permits measurements, which are free of background fluorescence and have a high signal-to-background ratio. In addition, the narrow emission bandwidth of the UCNPs enables multiplexed detections. An array-in-well immunoassay was developed using two different UC emission colours. The differentiation between different viral infections and the classification of antibody responses were achieved based on both the position and colour of the signal. The study demonstrates the potential of spectral and spatial multiplexing in the imaging based array-in-well assays.
As unregistered grassroots charities do not appear in official statistics in China, they tend to remain unnoticed by scholars. Also as they operate unofficially and avoid publicity, their work is usually not reported by the media. In this research I explore the grassroots charity activity of one pop music fan club from the viewpoint of trust as a sociological concept. I will also establish the general situation on charity in China. By using textual analysis on internet blogs and discussion forums I map the charity project from the discussion of the original idea to the execution and follow up phase. I study the roles the fan club members assume during the project as anonymous participants of internet conversations, as well as concrete active charity volunteers outside of the virtual world. I establish parties, other than the fan club, which are involved in the charity project. Interviews with one of the participant of the project in 2010, 2014 and 2015 bring valuable additional information and help in distributing the questionnaire survey. A quantitative questionnaire survey was distributed among the fan club members to get more detailed information on the motives and attitudes towards official and unofficial charity in China. Because of the inequality in China, the rural minority areas do not have similar educational opportunities as the mostly majority inhabited urban areas, even though the country officially has a nine year compulsory education. Grassroots charities can operate in relative freedom taking some of the government’s burden of social responsibilities if they are not criticizing the authorities. The problem with grassroots charity seems to be lack of sustainability. The lack of trust for authorities and official charities was the reason why the Jane Zhang fan club decided to conduct a charity case unofficially. As a group of people previously unknown to each other, they managed to build mutual trust to carry out the project transparently and successfully, though not sustainably. The internet has provided a new and effective platform for unofficial grassroots charities, who choose not to co-operate with official organisations. On grassroots level charities can have the transparency and trust that lack from official charities. I suggest, that interviewing the real persons behind the internet aliases and finding out what happened outside the discussion forums, would bring a more detailed and outspoken description of the project concerning of the contacts with the local authorities. Also travelling to the site and communicating with the local people in the village would establish how they have experienced the project.