83 resultados para 14-3-3 Proteins
Julkaisussa: General hydrographisk chart-book öfwer Östersjön och Katte-Gatt till sin raetta figur och stoorleek
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Cyanobacteria are well-known for their role in the global production of O2 via photosynthetic water oxidation. However, with the use of light energy, cyanobacteria can also reduce O2. In my thesis work, I have investigated the impact of O2 photoreduction on protection of the photosynthetic apparatus as well as the N2-fixing machinery. Photosynthetic light reactions produce intermediate radicals and reduced electron carriers, which can easily react with O2 to generate various reactive oxygen species. To avoid prolonged reduction of photosynthetic components, cyanobacteria use “electron valves” that dissipate excess electrons from the photosynthetic electron transfer chain in a harmless way. In Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, flavodiiron proteins Flv1 and Flv3 comprise a powerful electron sink redirecting electrons from the acceptor side of Photosystem I to O2 and reducing it directly to water. In this work, I demonstrate that upon Ci-depletion Flv1/3 can dissipate up to 60% of the electrons delivered from Photosystem II. O2 photoreduction by Flv1/3 was shown to be vital for cyanobacteria in natural aquatic environments and deletion of Flv1/3 was lethal for both Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 under fluctuating light conditions. The lethal phenotype observed in the absence of Flv1/3 results from oxidative damage to Photosystem I, which appeared to be a primary target of reactive oxygen species produced upon sudden increases in light intensity. Importantly, cyanobacteria also possess other O2 photoreduction pathways which can protect the photosynthetic apparatus. This study demonstrates that respiratory terminal oxidases are also capable of initiating O2 photoreduction in mutant cells lacking the Flv1/3 proteins and grown under fluctuating light. Photoreduction of O2 by Rubisco was also shown in Ci-depleted cells of the mutants lacking Flv1/3, and thus provided the first evidence for active photorespiratory gas-exchange in cyanobacteria. Nevertheless, and despite the existence of other O2 photoreduction pathways, the Flv1/3 route appears to be the most robust and rapid system of photoprotection. Several groups of cyanobacteria are capable of N2 fixation. Filamentous heterocystous N2- fixing species, such as Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, are able to differentiate specialised cells called heterocysts for this purpose. In contrast to vegetative cells which perform oxygenic photosynthesis, heterocysts maintain a microoxic environment for the proper function of the nitrogenase enzyme, which is extremely sensitive to O2. The genome of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 harbors two copies of genes encoding Flv1 and Flv3 proteins, designated as “A” and “B” forms. In this thesis work, I demonstrate that Flv1A and Flv3A are expressed only in the vegetative cells of filaments, whilst Flv1B and Flv3B are localized exclusively in heterocysts. I further revealed that the Flv3B protein is most responsible for the photoreduction of O2 in heterocysts, and that this reaction plays an important role in protection of the N2-fixing machinery and thus, the provision of filaments with fixed nitrogen. The function of the Flv1B protein remains to be elucidated; however the involvement of this protein in electron transfer reactions is feasible. Evidence provided in this thesis indicates the presence of a great diversity of O2 photoreduction reactions in cyanobacterial cells. These reactions appear to be crucial for the photoprotection of both photosynthesis and N2 fixation processes in an oxygenic environment.
Alhaalla kartakkeen vieressä privilegiomerkintä: Per Gerardum Mercatorem cum priuilegio.
Objektive: To examine differences in the degree of self-esteem and family support among adolescents involved in different aggression roles from Ostrobothnia in Finland and to examine the relation between aggression role, family support and self-esteem. Method: A sample of 3512 adolescents in school at grades 7 and 9 from Ostrobothnia was considered for this study. The sample consisted of 1741 boys and 1771 girls with the mean age of 14.3 years and SD of 1.10 years. Aggression was measured with the Mini Direct Indirect Aggression inventory (Mini-DIA) by Österman and Björkqvist (2008), self-esteem was measured with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) by Rosenberg (1965) and family support was measured with the family support part from the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (PSSS) by Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet and Farley (1988). Chi-square test, multivariate analysis and regression analyses were carried out. Results: The boys reported higher self-esteem and received higher family support than girls. The adolescents who were involved in aggression as victims or perpetrators reported lower self-esteem and family support than adolescents who were not involved in aggression. The regression analyses showed that family support and aggression role had significant effects on the adolescents’ self-esteem in both boys and girls. There was also an interaction effect between family support and aggression role for girls, so that the difference in self-esteem between perpetrator-victims and control group for example was higher for girls with low family support than for girls with high family support.
Ihmisen papilloomavirukset (HPV) on yhdistetty arviolta 28 %:iin virusten aiheuttamista syövistä, joista yksi esiintymispaikka on pään ja kaulan alue. Metylaatio on yksi syövän syntyyn liitetty muutos solujen genomissa. Tämän syventävän työn tutkimuksen aiheena oli metylaatiomuutosten vaikutus E2-proteiinien sitoutumisessa HPV-tyypin 16 genomin onkogeeneina tunnettujen E6- ja E7-geenien alueelle (E2BS). Tarkoituksena oli pystyttää tutkimuslinja, jolla kyseisten sitoutumisalueiden metylaatioasteiden muutokset ja variaatiot voitaisiin havaita HPV-infektoituneissa solulinjoissa. Lähtökohtana käytettiin Chaiwongkot ym. (2012) aiheesta julkaisemaa artikkelia, jonka tulokset pyrittiin toistamaan. Matalan (SiHa) ja korkean (CaSki) asteen HPV-infektoiduista kohdunkaulan levyepiteelisyöpäsolulinjoista eristetty DNA bisulfiittikäsiteltiin, monistettiin PCR:llä ja pyrosekvenoitiin. Saatujen sekvenssien metylaatioasteita verrattiin keskenään sekä aiempiin tutkimuksiin. Tässä syventävien opintojen työssä saatiin pääosin toistettua Chaiwongkotin ym. (2012) saadut tulokset CaSki- ja SiHa-solujen metylaatiosta. CaSki-soluilla E2BS1-alueen metylaatioaste oli keskimäärin 38–42 % (s± 4,1–4,3), E2BS2-alueen 13 % (s± 0,6) ja E2BS3-4alueella 92–99 % (s± 11–42). SiHa-soluilla vastaavat luvut olivat 4-7 %, 2 % ja 5-8 %. CaSki- ja SiHa-soluilla E2BS-alueiden metylaatio oli verrannollinen HPV:n suureen kopiolukuun. Vähäisin merkitys oli E2BS2-alueella, kun taas E2BS1- ja E2BS3-4-alueet olivat vahvemmin metyloituneet. Menetelmässä kohdattuihin ongelmiin kuului E2BS1-alueen pyrosekvenointitulosten jääminen virhemarginaalien ulkopuolelle sekä itse pyrosekvenointimenetelmä.