66 resultados para nursing evaluation research


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Growing traffic is believed to increase the risk of an accident in the Gulf of Finland. As the consequences of a large oil accident would be devastating in the vulnerable sea area, accident prevention is performed at the international, regional and national levels. Activities of shipping companies are governed with maritime safety policy instruments, which can be categorised into regulatory, economic and information instruments. The maritime regulatory system has been criticised for being inefficient because it has not been able to eliminate the violations that enable accidents. This report aims to discover how maritime governance systems or maritime safety policy instruments could be made more efficient in the future, in order to improve the maritime safety level. The results of the research are based on a literature review and nine expert interviews, with participants from shipping companies, interest groups and authorities. Based on the literature and the interviews, a suggestion can be made that in the future, instead of implementing new policy instruments, maritime safety risks should be eliminated by making the existing system more efficient and by influencing shipping companies’ safety culture and seafarers’ safety related attitudes. Based on this research, it can be stated that the development of maritime safety policy instruments should concentrate on harmonisation, automation and increasing national and cross-border cooperation. These three tasks could be primarily accomplished by developing the existing technology. Human error plays a role in a significant number of maritime accidents. Because of this, improving companies’ safety culture and voluntary activities that go beyond laws are acknowledged as potential ways of improving maritime safety. In the future, maritime regulatory system should be developed into a direction where the private sector has better possibilities to take part in decision-making.


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Hoitotyön koulutukseen pyritään valitsemaan alalle soveltuvia, motivoituneita sekä teoreettisissa ja kliinisissä opinnoissa menestyviä opiskelijoita. Tämän seurantatutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli vertailla soveltuvuuskokeella ja kirjallisella kokeella valittujen hoitotyön opiskelijoiden osaamista ja opiskelumotivaatiota. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tehdä tutkimustulosten perusteella hoitotyön koulutuksen opiskelijavalintoihin liittyviä kehittämisehdotuksia. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä olivat yhteen ammattikorkeakouluun syksyn 2002 ja syksyn 2004 välisenä aikana hoitotyön koulutukseen kahdella eri valintakoemenetelmällä valitut hoitotyön opiskelijat (N=626) (sairaanhoitotyö, terveydenhoitotyö, kätilötyö). Opiskelijaryhmistä muodostettiin kaksi kohorttia valintakoemenetelmän perusteella: soveltuvuuskoe (VAL1, N=368) ja kirjallinen koe (VAL2, N=258). Seurantatutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin opiskelijoiden opintorekisteristä sekä kahdella strukturoidulla mittarilla, joilla kartoitettiin hoitotyön opiskelijoiden itsearvioitua hoitotyön osaamista (OSAA-mittari) ja opiskelumotivaatiota (MOTI-mittari). Seurantatutkimuksen aineistonkeruu ajoittui opiskelijoiden kolmannelle lukukaudella (1. mittaus, 2004‒2006, VAL1 n=234, VAL2 n=126) ja valmistumisvaiheeseen (2. mittaus, 2006‒2009, VAL1 n=149, VAL2 n=108). Ensimmäisen mittauksen vastausprosentti oli 75,0 % ja toisen mittauksen 92,4 %. Aineistojen analysoinnissa käytettiin pitkittäistutkimukseen soveltuvia monimuuttujamenetelmiä. Kahdella valintakoemenetelmällä valikoitui pienistä eroista huolimatta osaamiseltaan ja opiskelumotivaatioltaan hyvin samanlaisia opiskelijoita. Soveltuvuuskokeella valitut opiskelijat kokivat ryhmän kannustavuuden vahvemmaksi valmistumisvaiheessa kuin kirjallisella kokeella valitut. Kirjallisella kokeella valittujen opiskelijoiden kolmannen lukukauden arvosanoihin perustuva osaaminen oli parempaa kuin soveltuvuuskokeella valittujen opiskelijoiden. Suuntautumisvaihtoehto, hoitoalan työkokemus, peruskoulutus ja hakusija olivat merkittävimmin yhteydessä opiskelijoiden osaamiseen ja opiskelumotivaatioon. Valintakoemenetelmä selitti eniten opiskelijoiden osaamisessa ja opiskelumotivaatiossa ilmenneitä eroja, joskin selitysosuudet jäivät alhaisiksi. Kehittämisehdotukset kohdistuvat valintakoemenetelmien kehittämiseen ja säännölliseen arviointiin sekä alalle motivoituneisuuden määrittelyyn ja mittaamisen kehittämiseen. Jatkotutkimusaiheina ehdotetaan eri valintakoemenetelmien testaamista ja tutkimuksessa käytettyjen mittareiden edelleen kehittämistä.


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Technological innovations, the development of the internet, and globalization have increased the number and complexity of web applications. As a result, keeping web user interfaces understandable and usable (in terms of ease-of-use, effectiveness, and satisfaction) is a challenge. As part of this, designing userintuitive interface signs (i.e., the small elements of web user interface, e.g., navigational link, command buttons, icons, small images, thumbnails, etc.) is an issue for designers. Interface signs are key elements of web user interfaces because ‘interface signs’ act as a communication artefact to convey web content and system functionality, and because users interact with systems by means of interface signs. In the light of the above, applying semiotic (i.e., the study of signs) concepts on web interface signs will contribute to discover new and important perspectives on web user interface design and evaluation. The thesis mainly focuses on web interface signs and uses the theory of semiotic as a background theory. The underlying aim of this thesis is to provide valuable insights to design and evaluate web user interfaces from a semiotic perspective in order to improve overall web usability. The fundamental research question is formulated as What do practitioners and researchers need to be aware of from a semiotic perspective when designing or evaluating web user interfaces to improve web usability? From a methodological perspective, the thesis follows a design science research (DSR) approach. A systematic literature review and six empirical studies are carried out in this thesis. The empirical studies are carried out with a total of 74 participants in Finland. The steps of a design science research process are followed while the studies were designed and conducted; that includes (a) problem identification and motivation, (b) definition of objectives of a solution, (c) design and development, (d) demonstration, (e) evaluation, and (f) communication. The data is collected using observations in a usability testing lab, by analytical (expert) inspection, with questionnaires, and in structured and semi-structured interviews. User behaviour analysis, qualitative analysis and statistics are used to analyze the study data. The results are summarized as follows and have lead to the following contributions. Firstly, the results present the current status of semiotic research in UI design and evaluation and highlight the importance of considering semiotic concepts in UI design and evaluation. Secondly, the thesis explores interface sign ontologies (i.e., sets of concepts and skills that a user should know to interpret the meaning of interface signs) by providing a set of ontologies used to interpret the meaning of interface signs, and by providing a set of features related to ontology mapping in interpreting the meaning of interface signs. Thirdly, the thesis explores the value of integrating semiotic concepts in usability testing. Fourthly, the thesis proposes a semiotic framework (Semiotic Interface sign Design and Evaluation – SIDE) for interface sign design and evaluation in order to make them intuitive for end users and to improve web usability. The SIDE framework includes a set of determinants and attributes of user-intuitive interface signs, and a set of semiotic heuristics to design and evaluate interface signs. Finally, the thesis assesses (a) the quality of the SIDE framework in terms of performance metrics (e.g., thoroughness, validity, effectiveness, reliability, etc.) and (b) the contributions of the SIDE framework from the evaluators’ perspective.