892 resultados para Fysiikan tutkimuslaitos - Ilmaisinlaboratorio
Brittleness is a well-known material characteristic but brittleness of paper is vaguely covered. The objective of this thesis was to characterize the phenomenon and causes around brittleness of paper and to clarify if it is a measurable property. Brittleness of paper was approached from the perspectives of paper physics and paper mills. Brittleness is a property of dry paper and it causes problems at the finishing stages of paper machine. According to paper physics, brittle materials fail in the elastic regime, while ductile materials can locally accumulate a plastic deformation prior to the fracture and they are often able to withstand higher stresses. Brittleness of paper is vastly affected by the surrounding conditions: paper as a hygroscopic material tries to get to the equilibrium. It is also affected by the quality of the pulp used. Measurement techniques can be divided into two categories: based on the viscoelastic behavior of paper and on the exposure to the mechanical stress of sort. The experimental part of the thesis was based on the trials with brittle and non-brittle mill-made LWC papers. It is divided into three parts: strength testing of the brittle and non-brittle papers, analysis of the conditions that may contribute the brittleness and the experimental methods to evaluate brittle behavior. The strength measurements confirmed the influence of the moisture content, but only tensile energy absorption and the fracture toughness measurements provided modest differences between the brittle and non-brittle papers. Versatile analysis of the possible contributing factors resulted into speculation, while the brittle papers contained higher amount of starch, triglycerides and steryl esters. The experimental research proved that the formation, the sensory impression and the variation of local strains may contain the crucial information of paper brittleness.
Tähtitieteilijöiden siirryttyä v. 2010 fysiikan laitokselle Kumpulaan, Observatoriolta lähetettiin aineistoja Kansalliskirjastoon, Yliopistomuseoon, yliopiston Keskusarkistoon, Kumpulan kampuskirjastoon, Helsingin ykliopiston fysiikan laitoksen vastoon, Kuopion varastikirjastoon sekä Tuorlan observatorioon.