993 resultados para Uutela, Antti


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The behavior of the nuclear power plants must be known in all operational situations. Thermal hydraulics computer applications are used to simulate the behavior of the plants. The computer applications must be validated before they can be used reliably. The simulation results are compared against the experimental results. In this thesis a model of the PWR PACTEL steam generator was prepared with the TRAC/RELAP Advanced Computational Engine computer application. The simulation results can be compared against the results of the Advanced Process Simulator analysis software in future. Development of the model of the PWR PACTEL vertical steam generator is introduced in this thesis. Loss of feedwater transient simulation examples were carried out with the model.


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Työssä käydään lyhyesti läpi warranttien rakenne ja hinnoittuminen. Empiirisessä osassa testataan voidaanko volatiliteettihymy havaita myös Suomessa. In the paper the structure and pricing of warrants will be introduced. In the empirical part is tested if the volatility smile can be observed in Finland.


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Cooling crystallization is one of the most important purification and separation techniques in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The product of the cooling crystallization process is always a suspension that contains both the mother liquor and the product crystals, and therefore the first process step following crystallization is usually solid-liquid separation. The properties of the produced crystals, such as their size and shape, can be affected by modifying the conditions during the crystallization process. The filtration characteristics of solid/liquid suspensions, on the other hand, are strongly influenced by the particle properties, as well as the properties of the liquid phase. It is thus obvious that the effect of the changes made to the crystallization parameters can also be seen in the course of the filtration process. Although the relationship between crystallization and filtration is widely recognized, the number of publications where these unit operations have been considered in the same context seems to be surprisingly small. This thesis explores the influence of different crystallization parameters in an unseeded batch cooling crystallization process on the external appearance of the product crystals and on the pressure filtration characteristics of the obtained product suspensions. Crystallization experiments are performed by crystallizing sulphathiazole (C9H9N3O2S2), which is a wellknown antibiotic agent, from different mixtures of water and n-propanol in an unseeded batch crystallizer. The different crystallization parameters that are studied are the composition of the solvent, the cooling rate during the crystallization experiments carried out by using a constant cooling rate throughout the whole batch, the cooling profile, as well as the mixing intensity during the batch. The obtained crystals are characterized by using an automated image analyzer and the crystals are separated from the solvent through constant pressure batch filtration experiments. Separation characteristics of the suspensions are described by means of average specific cake resistance and average filter cake porosity, and the compressibilities of the cakes are also determined. The results show that fairly large differences can be observed between the size and shape of the crystals, and it is also shown experimentally that the changes in the crystal size and shape have a direct impact on the pressure filtration characteristics of the crystal suspensions. The experimental results are utilized to create a procedure that can be used for estimating the filtration characteristics of solid-liquid suspensions according to the particle size and shape data obtained by image analysis. Multilinear partial least squares regression (N-PLS) models are created between the filtration parameters and the particle size and shape data, and the results presented in this thesis show that relatively obvious correlations can be detected with the obtained models.


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Työssä tutkittiin kestomagneettigeneraattorin staattoriytimen aksiaalisen puristamisen ja lämpötilan vaikutuksia staattorin jännityksiin ja muodonmuutoksiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin aksiaalisen puristusjännityksen vaikutusta staattorin aksiaalisuuntaisen ominaismuodon taajuuteen. Rakenteesta tehtiin elementtimalli, jonka avulla laskettiin rakenteen siirtymät, jännitykset ja ominaistaajuudet. Rakenteen jännityksiä ja siirtymiä tutkittiin myös yksinkertaisella jousikuvauksella, jonka tuloksia verrattiin elementtimallilla saatuihin tuloksiin. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää uusi staattorirakenne. Elementtimenetelmän tulosten perusteella staattorirakennetta voidaan yksinkertaistaa poistamalla nyt käytetty puristusrengas, jolloin rakenteesta tulee yksinkertaisempi ja kustannustehokkaampi.


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The thesis discusses the regulation of foodstuffs and medicines, and particularly the regulation of functional foods. Legal systems investigated are the EU and China. Both are members of the WTO and Codex Alimentarius, which binds European and Chinese rules together. The study uses three Chinese berries as case examples of how product development faces regulation in practice. The berries have traditional uses as herbal medicines. Europe and China have similar nutrition problems to be resolved, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The three berries might be suitable raw materials for functional foods. Consumer products with health-enhancing functions, such as lowering blood pressure, might legally be classifi ed either as foodstuffs or medicines. The classifi cation will depend on functions and presentation of the product. In our opinion, food and medicine regulation should come closer together so the classifi cation issue would no longer be an issue. Safety of both foodstuffs and medicines is strictly regulated. With medicines, safety is a more relative concept, where benefi ts of the product are compared to side-effects in thorough scientifi c tests and trials. Foods, on the other hand, are not allowed to have side-effects. Hygiene rules and rules on the use of chemicals apply. In China, food safety is currently at focus as China has had several severe food scandals. Newly developed foods are called novel foods, and are specifi cally regulated. The current European novel food regulation from 1997 treats traditional third country products as novel. The Chinese regulation of 2007 also defi nes novel foods as something unfamiliar to a Chinese consumer. The concepts of novel food thus serve a protectionist purpose. As regards marketing, foods are allowed to bear health claims, whereas medicines bear medicinal claims. The separation is legally strict: foods are not to be presented as having medicinal functions. European nutrition and health claim regulation exists since 2006. China also has its regulation on health foods, listing the permitted claims and how to substantiate them. Health claims are allowed only on health foods. The European rules on medicines include separate categories for herbal medicines, traditional herbal medicines, and homeopathic medicines, where there are differing requirements for scientifi c substantiation. The scientifi c and political grounds for the separate categories provoke criticism. At surface, the Chinese legal system seems similar to the European one. To facilitate trade, China has enacted modern laws. Laws are needed as the country moves from planned economy to market economy: ‘rule of law’ needs to replace ‘rule of man’. Instead of being citizens, Chinese people long were subordinates to the Emperor. Confucius himself advised to avoid confl ict. Still, Chinese people do not and cannot always trust the legal system, as laws are enforced in an inconsistent manner, and courts are weak. In China, there have been problems with confl icting national and local laws. In Europe, the competence of the EU vs. the competence of the Member States is still not resolved, even though the European Commission often states that free trade requires harmonisation. Food and medicine regulation is created by international organisations, food and medicine control agencies, standards agencies, companies and their organisations. Regulation can be divided in ‘hard law’ and ‘soft law’. One might claim that hard law is in crisis, as soft law is gaining importance. If law is out of fashion, regulation certainly isn’t. In the future, ‘law’ might mean a process where rules and incentives are created by states, NGOs, companies, consumers, and other stakeholders. ‘Law’ might thus refer to a constant negotiation between public and private actors. Legal principles such as transparency, equal treatment, and the right to be heard would still be important.


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Kandidaatintyömme tarkoituksena on tutustua avoimen innovaation käsitteeseen, siihen liittyviin mekanismeihin ja erityispiirteisiin sekä tutkia, onko sen käyttö tutkimus- ja kehitystoiminnassa yritykselle olennainen menestystekijä. Lisäksi kuvaamme innovaatioprosessin kehitystä viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Työn loppupuolella tutkimme erilaisten kyselytutkimusten ja yritysesimerkkien kautta avoimen innovaation käyttöä yrityksissä tarkemmin. Avoin innovaatio on verrattain uusi malli innovaatioprosessien kuvaamisessa, ja se pohjautuu vahvasti aiempiin teorioihin ja tutkimuksiin. Sen mukaan yritysten tulisi oman tutkimus- ja kehitystoimintansa ohella etsiä tietoa ja teknologioita omien rajojensa ulkopuolelta sekä löytää väyliä kaupallistaa omia teknologioitaan myös nykyisten markkinakanaviensa ulkopuolelta. Avoimen innovaation voidaan siten nähdä olevan vastakohta perinteisemmälle, ns. suljetulle innovaatiomallille, jossa tuotekehitysprosessi ideasta tuotteeksi tapahtuu yritysten rajojen sisäpuolella eikä omia teknologioita kaupallisteta yrityksen ulkopuolella. Avoimen innovaation yleistymiselle voidaan nähdä monia taustatekijöitä; muun muassa tiedon parempi saatavuus, teknologian kasvaneet kehityskustannukset ja tuotteiden lyhentyneet elinkaaret. Avoimen innovaation menettelytavat ovat yleistyneet yrityksissä sekä Suomessa että muualla maailmassa. Sen käyttö on yleistä etenkin teknologiaintensiivisillä aloilla sekä suuremmissa yrityksissä, ja esimerkkejä menestyvistä avoimeen innovaatioon siirtyneistä yrityksistä löytyy useita. On kuitenkin olemassa aloja, joilla suljettu innovaatio puolustaa edelleen paikkaansa, eikä avoimen innovaation voida suinkaan nähdä olevan välttämättömyys jokaiselle yritykselle.


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Selostus artikkelista: The accurary of manually recorded time study data for harvester operation shown via simulator screen. Silva Fennica 42 (2008) : 1, s. 63-72.


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Seloste artikkelista: Tree mortality agents in pristine Norway spruce forests in northern Fennoscandia. Silva Fennica 42 (2008) : 2, s. 151-163.