72 resultados para Variety scale


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Currently, a high penetration level of Distributed Generations (DGs) has been observed in the Danish distribution systems, and even more DGs are foreseen to be present in the upcoming years. How to utilize them for maintaining the security of the power supply under the emergency situations, has been of great interest for study. This master project is intended to develop a control architecture for studying purposes of distribution systems with large scale integration of solar power. As part of the EcoGrid EU Smart Grid project, it focuses on the system modelling and simulation of a Danish representative LV network located in Bornholm island. Regarding the control architecture, two types of reactive control techniques are implemented and compare. In addition, a network voltage control based on a tap changer transformer is tested. The optimized results after applying a genetic algorithm to five typical Danish domestic loads are lower power losses and voltage deviation using Q(U) control, specially with large consumptions. Finally, a communication and information exchange system is developed with the objective of regulating the reactive power and thereby, the network voltage remotely and real-time. Validation test of the simulated parameters are performed as well.


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Detta arbete fokuserar på modellering av katalytiska gas-vätskereaktioner som genomförs i kontinuerliga packade bäddar. Katalyserade gas-vätskereaktioner hör till de mest typiska reaktionerna i kemisk industri; därför behandlas här packade bäddreaktorer som ett av de populäraste alternativen, då kontinuerlig drift eftersträvas. Tack vare en stor katalysatormängd per volym har de en kompakt struktur, separering av katalysatorn behövs inte och genom en professionell design kan den mest fördelaktiga strömningsbilden upprätthållas i reaktorn. Packade bäddreaktorer är attraktiva p.g.a. lägre investerings- och driftskostnader. Även om packade bäddar används intensivt i industri, är det mycket utmanande att modellera. Detta beror på att tre faser samexisterar och systemets geometri är komplicerad. Existensen av flera reaktioner gör den matematiska modelleringen även mera krävande. Många förenklingar blir därmed nödvändiga. Modellerna involverar typiskt flera parametrar som skall justeras på basis av experimentella data. I detta arbete studerades fem olika reaktionssystem. Systemen hade studerats experimentellt i vårt laboratorium med målet att nå en hög produktivitet och selektivitet genom ett optimalt val av katalysatorer och driftsbetingelser. Hydrering av citral, dekarboxylering av fettsyror, direkt syntes av väteperoxid samt hydrering av sockermonomererna glukos och arabinos användes som exempelsystem. Även om dessa system hade mycket gemensamt, hade de också unika egenskaper och krävde därför en skräddarsydd matematisk behandling. Citralhydrering var ett system med en dominerande huvudreaktion som producerar citronellal och citronellol som huvudprodukter. Produkterna används som en citrondoftande komponent i parfymer, tvålar och tvättmedel samt som plattform-kemikalier. Dekarboxylering av stearinsyra var ett specialfall, för vilket en reaktionsväg för produktion av långkedjade kolväten utgående från fettsyror söktes. En synnerligen hög produktselektivitet var karakteristisk för detta system. Även processuppskalning modellerades för dekarboxylerings-reaktionen. Direkt syntes av väteperoxid hade som målsättning att framta en förenklad process att producera väteperoxid genom att låta upplöst väte och syre reagera direkt i ett lämpligt lösningsmedel på en aktiv fast katalysator. I detta system förekommer tre bireaktioner, vilka ger vatten som oönskad produkt. Alla dessa tre reaktioner modellerades matematiskt med hjälp av dynamiska massbalanser. Målet med hydrering av glukos och arabinos är att framställa produkter med en hög förädlingsgrad, nämligen sockeralkoholer, genom katalytisk hydrering. För dessa två system löstes ämnesmängd- och energibalanserna simultant för att evaluera effekter inne i porösa katalysatorpartiklar. Impulsbalanser som bestämmer strömningsbetingelser inne i en kemisk reaktor, ersattes i alla modelleringsstudier med semi-empiriska korrelationsuttryck för vätskans volymandel och tryckförlust och med axiell dispersionsmodell för beskrivning av omblandningseffekter. Genom att justera modellens parametrar kunde reaktorns beteende beskrivas väl. Alla experiment var genomförda i laboratorieskala. En stor mängd av kopplade effekter samexisterade: reaktionskinetik inklusive adsorption, katalysatordeaktivering, mass- och värmeöverföring samt strömningsrelaterade effekter. En del av dessa effekter kunde studeras separat (t.ex. dispersionseffekter och bireaktioner). Inverkan av vissa fenomen kunde ibland minimeras genom en noggrann planering av experimenten. På detta sätt kunde förenklingar i modellerna bättre motiveras. Alla system som studerades var industriellt relevanta. Utveckling av nya, förenklade produktionsteknologier för existerande kemiska komponenter eller nya komponenter är ett gigantiskt uppdrag. Studierna som presenterades här fokuserade på en av den teknisk-vetenskapliga utfärdens första etapper.


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Microreactors have proven to be versatile tools for process intensification. Over recent decades, they have increasingly been used for product and process development in chemical industries. Enhanced heat and mass transfer in the reactors due to the extremely high surfacearea- to-volume ratio and interfacial area allow chemical processes to be operated at extreme conditions. Safety is improved by the small holdup volume of the reactors and effective control of pressure and temperature. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful green oxidant that is used in a wide range of industries. Reduction and auto-oxidation of anthraquinones is currently the main process for hydrogen peroxide production. Direct synthesis is a green alternative and has potential for on-site production. However, there are two limitations: safety concerns because of the explosive gas mixture produced and low selectivity of the process. The aim of this thesis was to develop a process for direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide utilizing microreactor technology. Experimental and numerical approaches were applied for development of the microreactor. Development of a novel microreactor was commenced by studying the hydrodynamics and mass transfer in prototype microreactor plates. The prototypes were designed and fabricated with the assistance of CFD modeling to optimize the shape and size of the microstructure. Empirical correlations for the mass transfer coefficient were derived. The pressure drop in micro T-mixers was investigated experimentally and numerically. Correlations describing the friction factor for different flow regimes were developed and predicted values were in good agreement with experimental results. Experimental studies were conducted to develop a highly active and selective catalyst with a proper form for the microreactor. Pd catalysts supported on activated carbon cloths were prepared by different treatments during the catalyst preparation. A variety of characterization methods were used for catalyst investigation. The surface chemistry of the support and the oxidation state of the metallic phase in the catalyst play important roles in catalyst activity and selectivity for the direct synthesis. The direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide was investigated in a bench-scale continuous process using the novel microreactor developed. The microreactor was fabricated based on the hydrodynamic and mass transfer studies and provided a high interfacial area and high mass transfer coefficient. The catalysts were prepared under optimum treatment conditions. The direct synthesis was conducted at various conditions. The thesis represents a step towards a commercially viable direct synthesis. The focus is on the two main challenges: mitigating the safety problem by utilization of microprocess technology and improving the selectivity by catalyst development.


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Tämä raportti on tehty osana Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun hallinnoiman NELIn (North European Logistics Institute) esiselvitystä vaarallisten aineiden tunnistamisesta konttiliikenteessä. Tässä Turun yliopiston merenkulkualan koulutus- ja tutkimuskeskuksen Kotkassa toimivan Merenkulun logistiikan tutkimus -yksikön tekemässä selvityk-sessä on tutkittu kansallista satamaliikenteen PortNet-järjestelmää hyödyntäen, mitä pakattuina kuljetettavia vaarallisia aineita ja kuinka suuria määriä Suomen satamissa käsitellään. PortNet-analyysin tulosten pohjalta tutkimuksessa on selvitetty Suomen satamissa eniten käsiteltyjen, pakattuina kuljetettavien vaarallisten aineiden vaaraominaisuuksia sekä ihmisten että ympäristön kannalta. Tutkimuksessa tehdyn PortNet-analyysin perusteella pakattuja vaarallisia aineita käsiteltiin 16:ssa Suomen satamassa vuonna 2012. Käsiteltyjen aineiden kokonaismäärä oli noin 820 000 tonnia, josta viennin osuus oli 53 % ja tuonnin 47 %. Eniten kuljetettuja IMDG-luokkia olivat luokan 3 palavat nesteet (31 %:n osuus), luokan 9 muut vaaralliset aineet ja esineet (25 %) sekä luokan 8 syövyttävät aineet (23 %). Muiden luokkien osuus oli alle 10 %. Suomen satamissa käsiteltiin vuonna 2012 yhteensä noin 1 020 eri-laista, pakattua vaarallista ainetta. Yli 10 000 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita oli yhteensä 16, 1 000–10 000 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita 84, 100–1 000 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita 148 ja alle 100 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita noin 770. Eniten käsiteltyjä aineita olivat pääasiassa erilaiset aineyhdisteet ja tarkemmin määrittelemättömät aineet, kuten ympäristölle vaarallinen aine n.o.s, maalit, polymeeripelletit, hartsiliuos, kohotetussa lämpötilassa oleva neste n.o.s. ja nikkelimetallihybridiakut. Näitä kaikkia käsiteltiin Suomen satamissa yli 20 000 tonnia vuonna 2012. Varsinaisista yksittäisistä vaarallisista aineista eniten käsiteltyjä olivat muurahaishappo, vetyperoksidin vesiliuos, natriumkloraatti, ammoniumnitraatti, fenoli ja kloorietikkahappoliuos. Näitä kaikkia käsiteltiin yli 10 000 tonnia vuonna 2012. PortNet-analyysin tulosten pohjalta valittiin kymmenen ainetta, joiden vaaraominaisuuksia sekä ihmisten että ympäristön kannalta tarkasteltiin tarkemmin. Tarkasteluun valittiin, tieteellistä harkintaa käyttäen, eniten kuljetettavia vaarallisia yksittäisiä kemikaaleja. Tarkasteluun valitut kemikaalit olivat muurahaishappo, vetyperoksidi, natrium-kloraatti, kloorietikkahappo, fenoli, akryyliamidiliuos, ksyleenit, akryylinitriili, tolueeni ja epikloorihydriini. Tutkituista kemikaaleista ympäristölle haitallisimpia ovat fenoli, kloorietikkahappo ja akryyliamidiliuos. Ihmisen kannalta kaikki 10 tutkittua kemikaalia muodostavat onnettomuustilanteessa riskin ihmisten terveydelle joko syövyttävyytensä, reaktiivisuutensa tai myrkyllisyytensä vuoksi. Osa kemikaaleista voi aiheuttaa ihmisille myös kroonisia haittoja, kuten kohonnutta syöpäriskiä tai muutoksia perimässä, joko suurina kerta-annoksina tai pieninä toistuvina pitoisuuksina. Suomen satamissa käsiteltävien pakattujen kemikaalien erilaisuus ja suuri lukumäärä tekevät niistä vaikeasti hallittavissa olevan riskitekijän. Yleisesti ottaen voidaan sanoa, että pakatuista kemikaaleista aiheutuu pienehköissä vuototilanteissa suurempi uhka ihmisen terveydelle kuin ympäristölle, kun taas irtolastikuljetuksissa tapahtuvien onnettomuuksien yhteydessä vuotaneen aineen määrä on yleensä suurempi ja näin ollen myös ympäristölle koituva uhka voi olla suuri.


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Finland’s rural landscape has gone through remarkable changes from the 1950’s, due to agricultural developments. Changed farming practices have influenced especially traditional landscape management, and modifications in the arable land structure and grasslands transitions are notable. The review of the previous studies reveal the importance of the rural landscape composition and structure to species and landscape diversity, whereas including the relevance in presence of the open ditches, size of the field and meadow patches, topology of the natural and agricultural landscape. This land-change study includes applying remote sensed data from two time series and empirical geospatial analysis in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The aims of this retrospective research is to detect agricultural landscape use and land cover change (LULCC) dynamics and discuss the consequences of agricultural intensification to landscape structure covering from the aspects of landscape ecology. Measurements of LULC are derived directly from pre-processed aerial images by a variety of analytical procedures, including statistical methods and image interpretation. The methodological challenges are confronted in the process of landscape classification and combining change detection approaches with landscape indices. Particular importance is paid on detecting agricultural landscape features at a small scale, demanding comprehensive understanding of such agroecosystems. Topological properties of the classified arable land and valley are determined in order to provide insight and emphasize the aspect the field edges in the agricultural landscape as important habitat. Change detection dynamics are presented with change matrix and additional calculations of gain, loss, swap, net change, change rate and tendencies are made. Transition’s possibility is computed following Markov’s probability model and presented with matrix, as well. Thesis’s spatial aspect is revealed with illustrative maps providing knowledge of location of the classified landscape categories and location of the dynamics of the changes occurred. It was assured that in Rekijoki valley’s landscape, remarkable changes in landscape has occurred. Landscape diversity has been strongly influenced by modern agricultural landscape change, as NP of open ditches has decreased and the MPS of the arable plot has decreased. Overall change in the diversity of the landscape is determined with the decrease of SHDI. Valley landscape considered as traditional land use area has experienced major transitional changes, as meadows class has lost almost one third of the area due to afforestation. Also, remarkable transitions have occurred from forest to meadow and arable land to built area. Boundaries measurement between modern and traditional landscape has indicated noticeable proportional increase in arable land-forest edge type and decrease in arable land-meadow edge type. Probability calculations predict higher future changes for traditional landscape, but also for arable land turning into built area.


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Coastal areas harbour high biodiversity, but are simultaneously affected by rapid degradations of species and habitats due to human interactions. Such alterations also affect the functioning of the ecosystem, which is primarily governed by the characteristics or traits expressed by the organisms present. Marine benthic fauna is nvolved in numerous functions such as organic matter transformation and transport, secondary production, oxygen transport as well as nutrient cycling. Approaches utilising the variety of faunal traits to assess benthic community functioning have rapidly increased and shown the need for further development of the concept. In this thesis, I applied biological trait analysis that allows for assessments of a multitude of categorical traits and thus evaluation of multiple functional aspects simultaneously. I determined the functional trait structure, diversity and variability of coastal zoobenthic communities in the Baltic Sea. The measures were related to recruitment processes, habitat heterogeneity, large-scale environmental and taxonomic gradients as well as anthropogenic impacts. The studies comprised spatial scales from metres to thousands of kilometres, and temporal scales spanning one season as well as a decade. The benthic functional structure was found to vary within and between seagrass landscape microhabitats and four different habitats within a coastal bay, in papers I and II respectively. Expressions of trait categories varied within habitats, while the density of individuals was found to drive the functional differences between habitats. The findings in paper III unveiled high trait richness of Finnish coastal benthos (25 traits and 102 cateogries) although this differed between areas high and low in salinity and human pressure. In paper IV, the natural reduction in taxonomic richness across the Baltic Sea led to an overall reduction in function. However, functional richness in terms of number of trait categories remained comparatively high at low taxon richness. Changes in number of taxa within trait categories were also subtle and some individual categories were maintained or even increased. The temporal analysis in papers I and III highlighted generalities in trait expressions and dominant trait categories in a seagrass landscape as well as a “type organism” for the northern Baltic Sea. Some initial findings were made in all four papers on the role of common and rare species and traits for benthic community functioning. The findings show that common and rare species may not always express the same trait categories in relation to each other. Rare species in general did not express unique functional properties. In order to advance the understanding of the approach, I also assessed some issues concerning the limitations of the concept. This was conducted by evaluating the link between trait category and taxonomic richness using especially univariate measures. My results also show the need to collaborate nationally and internationally on safeguarding the utility of taxonomic and trait data. The findings also highlight the importance of including functional trait information into current efforts in marine spatial planning and biomonitoring.


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In the present work, liquid-solid flow in industrial scale is modeled using the commercial software of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ANSYS Fluent 14.5. In literature, there are few studies on liquid-solid flow in industrial scale, but any information about the particular case with modified geometry cannot be found. The aim of this thesis is to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the multiphase models, when a large-scale application is studied within liquid-solid flow, including the boundary-layer characteristics. The results indicate that the selection of the most appropriate multiphase model depends on the flow regime. Thus, careful estimations of the flow regime are recommended to be done before modeling. The computational tool is developed for this purpose during this thesis. The homogeneous multiphase model is valid only for homogeneous suspension, the discrete phase model (DPM) is recommended for homogeneous and heterogeneous suspension where pipe Froude number is greater than 1.0, while the mixture and Eulerian models are able to predict also flow regimes, where pipe Froude number is smaller than 1.0 and particles tend to settle. With increasing material density ratio and decreasing pipe Froude number, the Eulerian model gives the most accurate results, because it does not include simplifications in Navier-Stokes equations like the other models. In addition, the results indicate that the potential location of erosion in the pipe depends on material density ratio. Possible sedimentation of particles can cause erosion and increase pressure drop as well. In the pipe bend, especially secondary flows, perpendicular to the main flow, affect the location of erosion.


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Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a thermochemical process used in the production of charred matter similar in composition to coal. It involves the use of wet, carbohydrate feedstock, a relatively low temperature environment (180 °C-350 °C) and high autogenous pressure (up to 2,4 MPa) in a closed system. Various applications of the solid char product exist, opening the way for a range of biomass feedstock materials to be exploited that have so far proven to be troublesome due to high water content or other factors. Sludge materials are investigated as candidates for industrial-scale HTC treatment in fuel production. In general, HTC treatment of pulp and paper industry sludge (PPS) and anaerobically digested municipal sewage sludge (ADS) using existing technology is competitive with traditional treatment options, which range in price from EUR 30-80 per ton of wet sludge. PPS and ADS can be treated by HTC for less than EUR 13 and 33, respectively. Opportunities and challenges related to HTC exist, as this relatively new technology moves from laboratory and pilot-scale production to an industrial scale. Feedstock materials, end-products, process conditions and local markets ultimately determine the feasibility of a given HTC operation. However, there is potential for sludge materials to be converted to sustainable bio-coal fuel in a Finnish context.


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Adapting and scaling up agile concepts, which are characterized by iterative, self-directed, customer value focused methods, may not be a simple endeavor. This thesis concentrates on studying challenges in a large-scale agile software development transformation in order to enhance understanding and bring insight into the underlying factors for such emerging challenges. This topic is approached through understanding the concepts of agility and different methods compared to traditional plan-driven processes, complex adaptive theory and the impact of organizational culture on agile transformational efforts. The empirical part was conducted by a qualitative case study approach. The internationally operating software development case organization had a year of experience of an agile transformation effort during it had also undergone organizational realignment efforts. The primary data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews supported by participatory observation. As a result the identified challenges were categorized under four broad themes: organizational, management, team dynamics and process related. The identified challenges indicate that agility is a multifaceted concept. Agile practices may bring visibility in issues of which many are embedded in the organizational culture or in the management style. Viewing software development as a complex adaptive system could facilitate understanding of the underpinning philosophy and eventually solving the issues: interactions are more important than processes and solving a complex problem, such a novel software development, requires constant feedback and adaptation to changing requirements. Furthermore, an agile implementation seems to be unique in nature, and agents engaged in the interaction are the pivotal part of the success of achieving agility. In case agility is not a strategic choice for whole organization, it seems additional issues may arise due to different ways of working in different parts of an organization. Lastly, detailed suggestions to mitigate the challenges of the case organization are provided.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014