51 resultados para Self-financing
Advancements in information technology have made it possible for organizations to gather and store vast amounts of data of their customers. Information stored in databases can be highly valuable for organizations. However, analyzing large databases has proven to be difficult in practice. For companies in the retail industry, customer intelligence can be used to identify profitable customers, their characteristics, and behavior. By clustering customers into homogeneous groups, companies can more effectively manage their customer base and target profitable customer segments. This thesis will study the use of the self-organizing map (SOM) as a method for analyzing large customer datasets, clustering customers, and discovering information about customer behavior. Aim of the thesis is to find out whether the SOM could be a practical tool for retail companies to analyze their customer data.
Business intelligence (BI) is an information process that includes the activities and applications used to transform business data into valuable business information. Today’s enterprises are collecting detailed data which has increased the available business data drastically. In order to meet changing customer needs and gain competitive advantage businesses try to leverage this information. However, IT departments are struggling to meet the increased amount of reporting needs. Therefore, recent shift in the BI market has been towards empowering business users with self-service BI capabilities. The purpose of this study was to understand how self-service BI could help businesses to meet increased reporting demands. The research problem was approached with an empirical single case study. Qualitative data was gathered with a semi-structured, theme-based interview. The study found out that case company’s BI system was mostly used for group performance reporting. Ad-hoc and business user-driven information needs were mostly fulfilled with self-made tools and manual work. It was felt that necessary business information was not easily available. The concept of self-service BI was perceived to be helpful to meet such reporting needs. However, it was found out that the available data is often too complex for an average user to fully understand. The respondents felt that in order to self-service BI to work, the data has to be simplified and described in a way that it can be understood by the average business user. The results of the study suggest that BI programs struggle in meeting all the information needs of today’s businesses. The concept of self-service BI tries to resolve this problem by allowing users easy self-service access to necessary business information. However, business data is often complex and hard to understand. Self-serviced BI has to overcome this challenge before it can reach its potential benefits.
Business intelligence (BI) is an information process that includes the activities and applications used to transform business data into valuable business information. Today’s enterprises are collecting detailed data which has increased the available business data drastically. In order to meet changing customer needs and gain competitive advantage businesses try to leverage this information. However, IT departments are struggling to meet the increased amount of reporting needs. Therefore, recent shift in the BI market has been towards empowering business users with self-service BI capabilities. The purpose of this study was to understand how self-service BI could help businesses to meet increased reporting demands. The research problem was approached with an empirical single case study. Qualitative data was gathered with a semi-structured, theme-based interview. The study found out that case company’s BI system was mostly used for group performance reporting. Ad-hoc and business user-driven information needs were mostly fulfilled with self-made tools and manual work. It was felt that necessary business information was not easily available. The concept of self-service BI was perceived to be helpful to meet such reporting needs. However, it was found out that the available data is often too complex for an average user to fully understand. The respondents felt that in order to self-service BI to work, the data has to be simplified and described in a way that it can be understood by the average business user. The results of the study suggest that BI programs struggle in meeting all the information needs of today’s businesses. The concept of self-service BI tries to resolve this problem by allowing users easy self-service access to necessary business information. However, business data is often complex and hard to understand. Self-serviced BI has to overcome this challenge before it can reach its potential benefits.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten aurinkovoimalainvestointiin liittyviä tekijöitä sekä erityispiirteitä. Tutkielmassa pk-yritykset on rajattu alueellisesti Etelä-Suomeen ja tekijöitä tarkastellaan investoinnin sekä päätöksenteon näkökulmasta. Keskeisenä asiana tutkielmassa on aurinkosähkömarkkinoiden nykytila sekä mahdollisuudet. Osatavoitteena on tutkia aurinkosähkön hyödyntämistä ja käyttöönottoa Suomessa sekä luoda aurinkosähkön mahdollisuuksista selkeämpi kokonaiskuva. Tutkielman tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään laadullista tutkimusta. Tutkielma koostuu teoreettisesta katsauksesta sekä empiirisestä osuudesta. Teoreettinen osuus tarkastelee investointeja ja rahoitusvaihtoehtoja. Empiirinen osuus pitää sisällään kolmen kohdeyrityksen haastattelut. Haastattelut toteutettiin marraskuussa 2015 aurinkosähkömarkkinoilla toimiville ratkaisuntarjoajille. Haastatteluiden avulla kartoitettiin alalla toteutettujen aurinkovoimalainvestointien taustatekijöitä ja erityispiirteitä. Tutkimustuloksina havaittiin selkeitä aurinkovoimalainvestointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä muutamia erityispiirteitä. Taloudellista kannattavuutta voidaan pitää investointien lähtökohtana. Tähän vaikuttaa uusiutuvan energian investointeihin saatavilla oleva energiatuki, jolla on merkittävä vaikutus pk-yrityksen päätöksentekoon. Lisäksi ekologinen sähkön tuotanto sekä omavaraisuus nousivat haastatteluissa esiin. Johtopäätöksinä voidaan todeta aurinkosähkön sisältävän useita tekijöitä ja erityispiirteitä, joita investoijien sekä ratkaisuntarjoajien tulee ottaa huomioon. Aurinkosähkömarkkinoiden suurta potentiaalia voidaan hyödyntää tehokkaammin kehittämällä alan tiedonjakoa esille nousseiden tekijöiden ja erityispiirteiden osalta.
The study approaches student travel from the perspective of postmodern consumption. The background is in the observation that the student travel market has a vast potential, but it is not necessarily capitalized upon to the extent it could. This might partly have to do with the peculiarities of postmodernity: consumption is characterized by unpredictability and abstract motives. The research questions are built around what constitutes student travel consumption and how can students be categorized according to motivation, behaviour and values. Also identity and expressiveness are present and it is evaluated, if travel services facilitate these background is the observation that the student travel market has a vast potential, but it is not necessarily capitalized upon to the extent it could be. This might partly have to do with the peculiarities of postmodernity: consumption is characterized by unpredictability and abstract motives. The research questions are built around what constitutes student travel consumption and how can students be categorized according to motivation, behaviour and values. Also identity and expressiveness are present and it is evaluated whether travel services facilitate these constructs. The topic is approached by discovering the key concepts such as self-identity. This was done in order to create survey questions that reflect the underlying theories. The survey was sent to chosen student groups of Turku School of Economics. The data was analyzed using statistical methods, mainly principal component analysis, in order to categorize students’ motives and behaviour into distinct profiles. The findings indicate that students have a high level of awareness in their travel consumption choices. Travel services seem to facilitate identity and lifestyle expressiveness, one central dimension of postmodernity. Psychographics such as motivation seem to work well as a segmentation criteria when it comes to the student traveler market. Travel offers students an opportunity for relaxation, escape, enjoyment and gaining new experiences and social contacts. Furthermore, the enjoyment of the travel experience extends to the pre- and post-trip time.
In Finland, entrepreneurship policy priorities are encouragement and support for business innovation, growth and internationalization. SMEs are having economically significant employment and wealth creation potential. During the following years, there will be plenty of businesses for sale on the Finnish market. The challenge is to find and identify growth-oriented, talented, innovative, capable to rapid experimentation new entrepreneurs, in whose hands the company's growth targets are going to be realized. In these research is examined frameworks of the company's growth and the factors influencing growth on the basis of previous studies and literature. In addition, the aim is to create a suitable framework to identify the early stage of entrepreneurs, who are growth-oriented. The other aim is create the supposed directions of influences for growth-orientation. The objectives of the work of the results is to act as an umbrella topic, contextual analysis and forming a new applied framework for further studies. The results of these research are the background variables, the desire for growth are composed of motives, attitudes and desires; the skills for growth are composed of capabilities, experiences, self-efficacy and the willingness for risk-taking; the opportunities for growth are composed of IPR, financing, megatrends and other observed chances.