63 resultados para Quantum-nondemolition Measurements


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This Thesis discusses the phenomenology of the dynamics of open quantum systems marked by non-Markovian memory effects. Non-Markovian open quantum systems are the focal point of a flurry of recent research aiming to answer, e.g., the following questions: What is the characteristic trait of non-Markovian dynamical processes that discriminates it from forgetful Markovian dynamics? What is the microscopic origin of memory in quantum dynamics, and how can it be controlled? Does the existence of memory effects open new avenues and enable accomplishments that cannot be achieved with Markovian processes? These questions are addressed in the publications forming the core of this Thesis with case studies of both prototypical and more exotic models of open quantum systems. In the first part of the Thesis several ways of characterizing and quantifying non-Markovian phenomena are introduced. Their differences are then explored using a driven, dissipative qubit model. The second part of the Thesis focuses on the dynamics of a purely dephasing qubit model, which is used to unveil the origin of non-Markovianity for a wide class of dynamical models. The emergence of memory is shown to be strongly intertwined with the structure of the spectral density function, as further demonstrated in a physical realization of the dephasing model using ultracold quantum gases. Finally, as an application of memory effects, it is shown that non- Markovian dynamical processes facilitate a novel phenomenon of timeinvariant discord, where the total quantum correlations of a system are frozen to their initial value. Non-Markovianity can also be exploited in the detection of phase transitions using quantum information probes, as shown using the physically interesting models of the Ising chain in a transverse field and a Coulomb chain undergoing a structural phase transition.


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Problem of modeling of anaesthesia depth level is studied in this Master Thesis. It applies analysis of EEG signals with nonlinear dynamics theory and further classification of obtained values. The main stages of this study are the following: data preprocessing; calculation of optimal embedding parameters for phase space reconstruction; obtaining reconstructed phase portraits of each EEG signal; formation of the feature set to characterise obtained phase portraits; classification of four different anaesthesia levels basing on previously estimated features. Classification was performed with: Linear and quadratic Discriminant Analysis, k Nearest Neighbours method and online clustering. In addition, this work provides overview of existing approaches to anaesthesia depth monitoring, description of basic concepts of nonlinear dynamics theory used in this Master Thesis and comparative analysis of several different classification methods.


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The papermaking industry has been continuously developing intelligent solutions to characterize the raw materials it uses, to control the manufacturing process in a robust way, and to guarantee the desired quality of the end product. Based on the much improved imaging techniques and image-based analysis methods, it has become possible to look inside the manufacturing pipeline and propose more effective alternatives to human expertise. This study is focused on the development of image analyses methods for the pulping process of papermaking. Pulping starts with wood disintegration and forming the fiber suspension that is subsequently bleached, mixed with additives and chemicals, and finally dried and shipped to the papermaking mills. At each stage of the process it is important to analyze the properties of the raw material to guarantee the product quality. In order to evaluate properties of fibers, the main component of the pulp suspension, a framework for fiber characterization based on microscopic images is proposed in this thesis as the first contribution. The framework allows computation of fiber length and curl index correlating well with the ground truth values. The bubble detection method, the second contribution, was developed in order to estimate the gas volume at the delignification stage of the pulping process based on high-resolution in-line imaging. The gas volume was estimated accurately and the solution enabled just-in-time process termination whereas the accurate estimation of bubble size categories still remained challenging. As the third contribution of the study, optical flow computation was studied and the methods were successfully applied to pulp flow velocity estimation based on double-exposed images. Finally, a framework for classifying dirt particles in dried pulp sheets, including the semisynthetic ground truth generation, feature selection, and performance comparison of the state-of-the-art classification techniques, was proposed as the fourth contribution. The framework was successfully tested on the semisynthetic and real-world pulp sheet images. These four contributions assist in developing an integrated factory-level vision-based process control.


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In this study, cantilever-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (CEPAS) was applied in different drug detection schemes. The study was divided into two different applications: trace detection of vaporized drugs and drug precursors in the gas-phase, and detection of cocaine abuse in hair. The main focus, however, was the study of hair samples. In the gas-phase, methyl benzoate, a hydrolysis product of cocaine hydrochloride, and benzyl methyl ketone (BMK), a precursor of amphetamine and methamphetamine were investigated. In the solid-phase, hair samples from cocaine overdose patients were measured and compared to a drug-free reference group. As hair consists mostly of long fibrous proteins generally called keratin, proteins from fingernails and saliva were also studied for comparison. Different measurement setups were applied in this study. Gas measurements were carried out using quantum cascade lasers (QLC) as a source in the photoacoustic detection. Also, an external cavity (EC) design was used for a broader tuning range. Detection limits of 3.4 particles per billion (ppb) for methyl benzoate and 26 ppb for BMK in 0.9 s were achieved with the EC-QCL PAS setup. The achieved detection limits are sufficient for realistic drug detection applications. The measurements from drug overdose patients were carried out using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) PAS. The drug-containing hair samples and drug-free samples were both measured with the FTIR-PAS setup, and the measured spectra were analyzed statistically with principal component analysis (PCA). The two groups were separated by their spectra with PCA and proper spectral pre-processing. To improve the method, ECQCL measurements of the hair samples, and studies using photoacoustic microsampling techniques, were performed. High quality, high-resolution spectra with a broad tuning range were recorded from a single hair fiber. This broad tuning range of an EC-QCL has not previously been used in the photoacoustic spectroscopy of solids. However, no drug detection studies were performed with the EC-QCL solid-phase setup.


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After introducing the no-cloning theorem and the most common forms of approximate quantum cloning, universal quantum cloning is considered in detail. The connections it has with universal NOT-gate, quantum cryptography and state estimation are presented and briefly discussed. The state estimation connection is used to show that the amount of extractable classical information and total Bloch vector length are conserved in universal quantum cloning. The 1  2 qubit cloner is also shown to obey a complementarity relation between local and nonlocal information. These are interpreted to be a consequence of the conservation of total information in cloning. Finally, the performance of the 1  M cloning network discovered by Bužek, Hillery and Knight is studied in the presence of decoherence using the Barenco et al. approach where random phase fluctuations are attached to 2-qubit gates. The expression for average fidelity is calculated for three cases and it is found to depend on the optimal fidelity and the average of the phase fluctuations in a specific way. It is conjectured to be the form of the average fidelity in the general case. While the cloning network is found to be rather robust, it is nevertheless argued that the scalability of the quantum network implementation is poor by studying the effect of decoherence during the preparation of the initial state of the cloning machine in the 1 ! 2 case and observing that the loss in average fidelity can be large. This affirms the result by Maruyama and Knight, who reached the same conclusion in a slightly different manner.


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Heat transfer effectiveness in nuclear rod bundles is of great importance to nuclear reactor safety and economics. An important design parameter is the Critical Heat Flux (CHF), which limits the transferred heat from the fuel to the coolant. The CHF is determined by flow behaviour, especially the turbulence created inside the fuel rod bundle. Adiabatic experiments can be used to characterize the flow behaviour separately from the heat transfer phenomena in diabatic flow. To enhance the turbulence, mixing vanes are attached to spacer grids, which hold the rods in place. The vanes either make the flow swirl around a single sub-channel or induce cross-mixing between adjacent sub-channels. In adiabatic two-phase conditions an important phenomenon that can be investigated is the effect of the spacer on canceling the lift force, which collects the small bubbles to the rod surfaces leading to decreased CHF in diabatic conditions and thus limits the reactor power. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be used to simulate the flow numerically and to test how different spacer configurations affect the flow. Experimental data is needed to validate and verify the used CFD models. Especially the modeling of turbulence is challenging even for single-phase flow inside the complex sub-channel geometry. In two-phase flow other factors such as bubble dynamics further complicate the modeling. To investigate the spacer grid effect on two-phase flow, and to provide further experimental data for CFD validation, a series of experiments was run on an adiabatic sub-channel flow loop using a duct-type spacer grid with different configurations. Utilizing the wire-mesh sensor technology, the facility gives high resolution experimental data in both time and space. The experimental results indicate that the duct-type spacer grid is less effective in canceling the lift force effect than the egg-crate type spacer tested earlier.


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Meandering rivers have been perceived to evolve rather similarly around the world independently of the location or size of the river. Despite the many consistent processes and characteristics they have also been noted to show complex and unique sets of fluviomorphological processes in which local factors play important role. These complex interactions of flow and morphology affect notably the development of the river. Comprehensive and fundamental field, flume and theoretically based studies of fluviomorphological processes in meandering rivers have been carried out especially during the latter part of the 20th century. However, as these studies have been carried out with traditional field measurements techniques their spatial and temporal resolution is not competitive to the level achievable today. The hypothesis of this study is that, by exploiting e increased spatial and temporal resolution of the data, achieved by combining conventional field measurements with a range of modern technologies, will provide new insights to the spatial patterns of the flow-sediment interaction in meandering streams, which have perceived to show notable variation in space and time. This thesis shows how the modern technologies can be combined to derive very high spatial and temporal resolution data on fluvio-morphological processes over meander bends. The flow structure over the bends is recorded in situ using acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and the spatial and temporal resolution of the flow data is enhanced using 2D and 3D CFD over various meander bends. The CFD are also exploited to simulate sediment transport. Multi-temporal terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), mobile laser scanning (MLS) and echo sounding data are used to measure the flow-based changes and formations over meander bends and to build the computational models. The spatial patterns of erosion and deposition over meander bends are analysed relative to the measured and modelled flow field and sediment transport. The results are compared with the classic theories of the processes in meander bends. Mainly, the results of this study follow well the existing theories and results of previous studies. However, some new insights regarding to the spatial and temporal patterns of the flow-sediment interaction in a natural sand-bed meander bend are provided. The results of this study show the advantages of the rapid and detailed measurements techniques and the achieved spatial and temporal resolution provided by CFD, unachievable with field measurements. The thesis also discusses the limitations which remain in the measurement and modelling methods and in understanding of fluvial geomorphology of meander bends. Further, the hydro- and morphodynamic models’ sensitivity to user-defined parameters is tested, and the modelling results are assessed against detailed field measurement. The study is implemented in the meandering sub-Arctic Pulmanki River in Finland. The river is unregulated and sand-bed and major morphological changes occur annually on the meander point bars, which are inundated only during the snow-melt-induced spring floods. The outcome of this study applies to sandbed meandering rivers in regions where normally one significant flood event occurs annually, such as Arctic areas with snow-melt induced spring floods, and where the point bars of the meander bends are inundated only during the flood events.


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Lappeenranta University of Technology School of Technology Technical Physics Evgenii Zhukov MAGNETIZATION STUDIES OF POLYSTYRENE/MULTIWALL CARBON NANOTUBE COMPOSITE FILMS Master’s thesis 2015 55 pages, 41 pictures, 9 Tables. Examiners: Professor Erkki Lähderanta D.Sc. Ivan Zakharchuk Keywords: polystyrene, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, MWCNT, composite, magnetization, SQUID. In this thesis magnetic properties of polystyrene/multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composites are investigated with Quantum Design SQUID magnetometer (MPMS XL). The surface of the composite films is studied via BRUKER Multimode 8 Atomic Force Microscope, as well. The polystyrene/MWCNT composites have been prepared by the group of professor Okotrub (Physics Chemistry of Nanomaterials laboratory, Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Russia). The composite films have been prepared by solution processing and stretching method. The approximate length and inner diameter of the MWCNTs used in fabrication are 260 μm and 10 nm, respectively. The content of MWCNTs is 1 and 2.5 contents percent (wt%) for studied samples. The stretching of the samples is 30% for samples with 1 and 2.5 wt% content, and one sample with 1 wt% loading of MWCNTs is 100% stretched. MWCNTs aligned perpendicular to a silicon substrate are used as a reference sample. The magnetization field dependencies of the samples exhibit hysteresis behavior. The values of saturation magnetization of composite films are much less compared to that of the reference sample. The saturation magnetization coercitivity field value drops with decrease of MWCNT content. At high magnetic fields strong presence of diamagnetism is observed. Measurements in magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the composite plate display anisotropy with respect to the direction of stretching. Temperature dependences of magnetization for all samples display difference between zero-field cooled and field-cooled curves of magnetization. This divergence confirms the presence of magnetic interactions in the material. The atomic force microscopy study of the composites’ surfaces revealed that they are relatively smooth and the nanotubes are aligned with the axis of stretching to some extent. 


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Invokaatio: D.F.G.


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Dedikaatio: Henricus Florinus, Jonas Petrejus, Jacobus Lvnd, Jsaacus Piilman, Ericus Ehrling, Nicolaus Procopaeus.


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In this thesis the basic structure and operational principals of single- and multi-junction solar cells are considered and discussed. Main properties and characteristics of solar cells are briefly described. Modified equipment for measuring the quantum efficiency for multi-junction solar cell is presented. Results of experimental research single- and multi-junction solar cells are described.


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Quantum computation and quantum communication are two of the most promising future applications of quantum mechanics. Since the information carriers used in both of them are essentially open quantum systems it is necessary to understand both quantum information theory and the theory of open quantum systems in order to investigate realistic implementations of such quantum technologies. In this thesis we consider the theory of open quantum systems from a quantum information theory perspective. The thesis is divided into two parts: review of the literature and original research. In the review of literature we present some important definitions and known results of open quantum systems and quantum information theory. We present the definitions of trace distance, two channel capacities and superdense coding capacity and give a reasoning why they can be used to represent the transmission efficiency of a communication channel. We also show derivations of some properties useful to link completely positive and trace preserving maps to trace distance and channel capacities. With the help of these properties we construct three measures of non-Markovianity and explain why they detect non-Markovianity. In the original research part of the thesis we study the non-Markovian dynamics in an experimentally realized quantum optical set-up. For general one-qubit dephasing channels we calculate the explicit forms of the two channel capacities and the superdense coding capacity. For the general two-qubit dephasing channel with uncorrelated local noises we calculate the explicit forms of the quantum capacity and the mutual information of a four-letter encoding. By using the dynamics in the experimental implementation as a set of specific dephasing channels we also calculate and compare the measures in one- and two-qubit dephasing channels and study the options of manipulating the environment to achieve revivals and higher transmission rates in superdense coding protocol with dephasing noise. Kvanttilaskenta ja kvanttikommunikaatio ovat kaksi puhutuimmista tulevaisuuden kvanttimekaniikan käytännön sovelluksista. Koska molemmissa näistä informaatio koodataan systeemeihin, jotka ovat oleellisesti avoimia kvanttisysteemejä, sekä kvantti-informaatioteorian, että avointen kvanttisysteemien tuntemus on välttämätöntä. Tässä tutkielmassa käsittelemme avointen kvanttisysteemien teoriaa kvantti-informaatioteorian näkökulmasta. Tutkielma on jaettu kahteen osioon: kirjallisuuskatsaukseen ja omaan tutkimukseen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa esitämme joitakin avointen kvanttisysteemien ja kvantti-informaatioteorian tärkeitä määritelmiä ja tunnettuja tuloksia. Esitämme jälkietäisyyden, kahden kanavakapasiteetin ja superdense coding -kapasiteetin määritelmät ja esitämme perustelun sille, miksi niitä voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan kommunikointikanavan lähetystehokkuutta. Näytämme myös todistukset kahdelle ominaisuudelle, jotka liittävät täyspositiiviset ja jäljensäilyttävät kuvaukset jälkietäisyyteen ja kanavakapasiteetteihin. Näiden ominaisuuksien avulla konstruoimme kolme epä-Markovisuusmittaa ja perustelemme, miksi ne havaitsevat dynamiikan epä-Markovisuutta. Oman tutkimuksen osiossa tutkimme epä-Markovista dynamiikkaa kokeellisesti toteutetussa kvanttioptisessa mittausjärjestelyssä. Yleisen yhden qubitin dephasing-kanavan tapauksessa laskemme molempien kanavakapasiteettien ja superdense coding -kapasiteetin eksplisiittiset muodot. Yleisen kahden qubitin korreloimattomien ympäristöjen dephasing-kanavan tapauksessa laskemme yhteisen informaation lausekkeen nelikirjaimisessa koodauksessa ja kvanttikanavakapasiteetin. Käyttämällä kokeellisen mittajärjestelyn dynamiikkoja esimerkki dephasing-kanavina me myös laskemme konstruoitujen epä-Markovisuusmittojen arvot ja vertailemme niitä yksi- ja kaksi-qubitti-dephasing-kanavissa. Lisäksi käyttäen kokeellisia esimerkkikanavia tutkimme, kuinka ympäristöä manipuloimalla superdense coding –skeemassa voidaan saada yhteinen informaatio ajoittain kasvamaan tai saavuttaa kaikenkaikkiaan korkeampi lähetystehokkuus.