119 resultados para Mankkinen, Teija
The aim of this study is to examine how small and medium sized (SME) sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the changing environment. Firstly, this study researches what changes affect SME sawmills’ competitiveness and what factors construct their competitive advantage. Secondly, this study examines how SME sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the future and how agile and flexible they are. The theoretical part of this study represents the existing literature related to changes and competitive advantage in changing situations. The empirical part was executed as a qualitative research and it consists of thematic interviews with two SME sawmills. The results of the study indicate that several change factors affect the competitiveness of SME sawmills and therefore it is crucial to be alert on them. SME sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the future by specialization and by being agile.
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