97 resultados para Generation capacity adequacy
During the recent years, collaboration with Chinese universities has aroused growing interest among multinational companies (MNCs). Cross-cultural university-industry (U-I) collaboration creates various challenges in collaborative knowledge creation and innovation due to the differences e.g. between university and company motivation, objectives and activities. Also different values, norms, and means of actions result often in collisions and misunderstandings. This thesis examines the establishment of the relationships and the evolution of the collaboration between MNCs and Chinese universities. Empirical findings underscore that the partners in collaboration are required to possess research interest as well as capability to acquire, assimilate and exploit new external knowledge. Time and communication have a critical role in the evolution of the collaboration. In China the personal relationships, guanxi, play an important role. Collaborative knowledge creation requires a platform, Ba, which enables the creation of common understanding, commitment, trust and mutual respect. Empirical data has been collected through interviewing company experts and academe of Chinese universities from ICT and forest industries as well as attending panel discussions and meetings with the experts from the field of study.
Today's communication networks consist of numerous interdependent network components. To manage these networks and to ensure their reliable and efficient operation to meet the increasing customer usability demands, extensive network management tools are required from the service provider. The goal of this study was to adapt the Next Generation Network (NGN) providing VoIP services within a performance oriented network management system. This study focuses only on NGN network and the project was implemented as an assignment of the Network Operations Center of Elisa Corporation. The theoretical part of this study introduces the network environment of the Elisa NGN platform: its components and used signalling protocols as well as other exploitable communication protocols. In addition, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is closely examined since it is commonly used as the basis of IP (Internet Protocol) network management. Also some primary applications enabled by the NGN technology are introduced. The empirical part of this study contains a short overview of the implemented network performance management system and its properties. The most crucial monitored MIB modules, SNMP parameters and implemented performance measurements are described. The trap topology and the role of the traps for management of the NGN platform are considered and finally, the conclusion based on the several disquisitions is made supported with suggestions for future improvements.
The economical competitiveness of various power plant alternatives is compared. The comparison comprises merely electricity producing power plants. Combined heat and power (CHP) producing power will cover part of the future power deficit in Finland, but also condensing power plants for base load production will be needed. The following types of power plants are studied: nuclear power plant, combined cycle gas turbine plant, coal-fired condensing power plant, peat-fired condensing power plant, wood-fired condensing power plant and wind power plant. The calculations are carried out by using the annuity method with a real interest rate of 5 % per annum and with a fixed price level as of January 2008. With the annual peak load utilization time of 8000 hours (corresponding to a load factor of 91,3 %) the production costs would be for nuclear electricity 35,0 €/MWh, for gas based electricity 59,2 €/MWh and for coal based electricity 64,4 €/MWh, when using a price of 23 €/tonCO2 for the carbon dioxide emission trading. Without emission trading the production cost of gas electricity is 51,2 €/MWh and that of coal electricity 45,7 €/MWh and nuclear remains the same (35,0 €/MWh) In order to study the impact of changes in the input data, a sensitivity analysis has been carried out. It reveals that the advantage of the nuclear power is quite clear. E.g. the nuclear electricity is rather insensitive to the changes of nuclear fuel price, whereas for natural gas alternative the rising trend of gas price causes the greatest risk. Furthermore, increase of emission trading price improves the competitiveness of the nuclear alternative. The competitiveness and payback of the nuclear power investment is studied also as such by using various electricity market prices for determining the revenues generated by the investment. The profitability of the investment is excellent, if the market price of electricity is 50 €/MWh or more.
Diplomityön tavoitteena on laskea kohdeyrityksen tehtaan koneiden kunnossapidosta aiheutuvat kustannukset. Koneiden kunnossapidon kustannusten laskemisen lisäksi työn aikana laaditaan kunnossapidon kustannusten kuukausittainen raportti sekä tehdään kunnossapitoa helpottava ohjelma. Kunnossapidon kustannukset jaotellaan kahteen osaan, jotka ovat välittömät ja välilliset kustannukset. Työn teoriaosassa käydään läpi kustannuslaskentaa, kunnossapidon teoriaa sekä kapasiteetin riittävyyttä. Empiriaosassa esitellään kohdeyritys ja kunnossapidon nykytila. Tämän jälkeen käydään läpi koneiden kunnossapidon kustannusten laskentamalli ja kunnossapitojärjestelmä. Esittelyjen jälkeen analysoidaan työn tuloksia ja ehdotetaan muutamia kehitysvaihtoehtoja. Diplomityön tuloksista on huomattavissa, että kohdeyrityksen tehtaan koneiden kunnossapidon kustannukset ovat pääasiassa välittömiä kustannuksia. Koneiden kunnossapidon kustannusten selvittäminen toi esille kustannusten vaikutuksen eri tuotteisiin, niiden omakustannusarvoihin ja katteisiin. Joidenkin tuotteiden katteet muuttuivat jopa negatiivisiksi. Vaikka kunnossapidon konekohtaiset kustannukset saadaan pysymään samana, kehittämällä tuotantoa voidaan vähentää merkittävästi tuotekohtaisia kunnossapidon kustannuksia.
The importance of the regional level in research has risen in the last few decades and a vast literature in the fields of, for instance, evolutionary and institutional economics, network theories, innovations and learning systems, as well as sociology, has focused on regional level questions. Recently the policy makers and regional actors have also began to pay increasing attention to the knowledge economy and its needs, in general, and the connectivity and support structures of regional clusters in particular. Nowadays knowledge is generally considered as the most important source of competitive advantage, but even the most specialised forms of knowledge are becoming a short-lived resource for example due to the accelerating pace of technological change. This emphasizes the need of foresight activities in national, regional and organizational levels and the integration of foresight and innovation activities. In regional setting this development sets great challenges especially in those regions having no university and thus usually very limited resources for research activities. Also the research problem of this dissertation is related to the need to better incorporate the information produced by foresight process to facilitate and to be used in regional practice-based innovation processes. This dissertation is a constructive case study the case being Lahti region and a network facilitating innovation policy adopted in that region. Dissertation consists of a summary and five articles and during the research process a construct or a conceptual model for solving this real life problem has been developed. It is also being implemented as part of the network facilitating innovation policy in the Lahti region.
Hajautetun tuotannon määrä kasvaa jakeluverkossa tulevaisuudessa ja siksi jakeluverkon toiminta tulee muuttumaan aktiivisempaan suuntaan. Nykyisin tuotannon aiheuttamaa jännitteennousua rajoitetaan yleensä passiivisilla menetelmillä kuten vahvistamalla verkkoa. Tuotantolaitos ei tällöin osallistu jakeluverkon jännitteensäätöön. Tämä saattaa nostaa kapasiteetiltaan suurehkon tuotannon liittymiskustannukset niin korkeiksi, ettei tuotantolaitosta kannata rakentaa. Aktiivisella jännitteensäädöllä tuotantokapasiteettia voitaisiin merkittävästi kasvattaa nykyisissä jakeluverkoissa. Aktiivinen jännitteensäätö voi perustua joko paikalliseen säätöön, jolloin esim. tuotantolaitosta säädetään paikallisen jännitteen perusteella tai koordinoituun säätöön, jolloin verkon komponentteja säädetään kokonaisuutena. Työssä tutustutaan hajautettuun tuotantoon ja sen vaikutuksiin jakeluverkon jännitetasoissa sekä jännitteensäädössä. Työssä edetään passiivisesta jännitteensäädöstä aktiiviseen jännitteensäätöön. Aktiivisessa jännitteensäädössä tutustutaan muutamaan kirjallisuudessa esitettyyn algoritmiin ja käytännön toteutukseen. Työssä keskitytään vain verkon jännitetasoon, eikä muita jännitteen laadun ominaisuuksia oteta huomioon.
The Kenyan forestry and sawmilling industry have been subject to a changing environment since 1999 when the industrial forest plantations were closed down. This has lowered raw material supply and it has affected and reduced the sawmill operations and the viability of the sawmill enterprises. The capacity of the 276 registered sawmills is not sufficient to fulfill sawn timber demand in Kenya. This is because of the technological degradation and lack of a qualified labor force, which were caused because of non-existent sawmilling education and further training in Kenya. Lack of competent sawmill workers has led to low raw material recovery, under utilization of resources and loss of employment. The objective of the work was to suggest models, methods and approaches for the competence and capacity development of the Kenyan sawmilling industry, sawmills and their workers. A nationwide field survey, interviews, questionnaire and literature review was used for data collection to find out the sawmills’ competence development areas and to suggest models and methods for their capacity building. The sampling frame included 22 sawmills that represented 72,5% of all the registered sawmills in Kenya. The results confirmed that the sawmills’ technological level was backwards, productivity low, raw material recovery unacceptable and workers’ professional education low. The future challenges will be how to establish the sawmills’ capacity building and workers’ competence development. Sawmilling industry development requires various actions through new development models and approaches. Activities should be started for technological development and workers’ competence development. This requires re-starting of vocational training in sawmilling and the establishment of more effective co-operation between the sawmills and their stakeholder groups. In competence development the Enterprise Competence Management Model of Nurminen (2007) can be used, whereas the best training model and approach would be a practically oriented learning at work model in which the short courses, technical assistance and extension services would be the key functions.
Tässä diplomityössä optimoitiin nelivaiheinen 1 MWe höyryturbiinin prototyyppimalli evoluutioalgoritmien avulla sekä tutkittiin optimoinnista saatuja kustannushyötyjä. Optimoinnissa käytettiin DE – algoritmia. Optimointi saatiin toimimaan, mutta optimoinnissa käytetyn laskentasovelluksen (semiempiirisiin yhtälöihin perustuvat mallit) luonteesta johtuen optimoinnin tarkkuus CFD – laskennalla suoritettuun tarkastusmallinnukseen verrattuna oli jonkin verran toivottua pienempi. Tulosten em. epätarkkuus olisi tuskin ollut vältettävissä, sillä ongelma johtui puoliempiirisiin laskentamalleihin liittyvistä lähtöoletusongelmista sekä epävarmuudesta sovitteiden absoluuttisista pätevyysalueista. Optimoinnin onnistumisen kannalta tällainen algebrallinen mallinnus oli kuitenkin välttämätöntä, koska esim. CFD-laskentaa ei olisi mitenkään voitu tehdä jokaisella optimointiaskeleella. Optimoinnin aikana ongelmia esiintyi silti konetehojen riittävyydessä sekä sellaisen sopivan rankaisumallin löytämisessä, joka pitäisi algoritmin matemaattisesti sallitulla alueella, muttei rajoittaisi liikaa optimoinnin edistymistä. Loput ongelmat johtuivat sovelluksen uutuudesta sekä täsmällisyysongelmista sovitteiden pätevyysalueiden käsittelyssä. Vaikka optimoinnista saatujen tulosten tarkkuus ei ollut aivan tavoitteen mukainen, oli niillä kuitenkin koneensuunnittelua edullisesti ohjaava vaikutus. DE – algoritmin avulla suoritetulla optimoinnilla saatiin turbiinista noin 2,2 % enemmän tehoja, joka tarkoittaa noin 15 000 € konekohtaista kustannushyötyä. Tämä on yritykselle erittäin merkittävä konekohtainen kustannushyöty. Loppujen lopuksi voitaneen sanoa, etteivät evoluutioalgoritmit olleet parhaimmillaan prototyyppituotteen optimoinnissa. Evoluutioalgoritmeilla teknisten laitteiden optimoinnissa piilee valtavasti mahdollisuuksia, mutta se vaatii kypsän sovelluskohteen, joka tunnetaan jo entuudestaan erinomaisesti tai on yksinkertainen ja aukottomasti laskettavissa.
This study examines Smart Grids and distributed generation, which is connected to a single-family house. The distributed generation comprises small wind power plant and solar panels. The study is done from the consumer point of view and it is divided into two parts. The first part presents the theoretical part and the second part presents the research part. The theoretical part consists of the definition of distributed generation, wind power, solar energy and Smart Grids. The study examines what the Smart Grids will enable. New technology concerning Smart Grids is also examined. The research part introduces wind and sun conditions from two countries. The countries are Finland and Germany. According to the wind and sun conditions of these two countries, the annual electricity production from wind power plant and solar panels will be calculated. The costs of generating electricity from wind and solar energy are calculated from the results of annual electricity productions. The study will also deal with feed-in tariffs, which are supporting systems for renewable energy resources. It is examined in the study, if it is cost-effective for the consumers to use the produced electricity by themselves or sell it to the grid. Finally, figures for both countries are formed. The figures include the calculated cost of generating electricity from wind power plant and solar panels, retail and wholesale prices and feed-in tariffs. In Finland, it is not cost-effective to sell the produced electricity to the grid, before there are support systems. In Germany, it is cost-effective to sell the produced electricity from solar panels to the grid because of feed-in tariffs. On the other hand, in Germany it is cost-effective to produce electricity from wind to own use because the retail price is higher than the produced electricity from wind.
The environmental impact of landfill is a growing concern in waste management practices. Thus, assessing the effectiveness of the solutions implemented to alter the issue is of importance. The objectives of the study were to provide an insight of landfill advantages, and to consolidate landfill gas importance among others alternative fuels. Finally, a case study examining the performances of energy production from a land disposal at Ylivieska was carried out to ascertain the viability of waste to energy project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The study was conducted in two parts; the first was the review of literatures focused on landfill gas developments. Specific considerations were the conception of mechanism governing the variability of gas production and the investigation of mathematical models often used in landfill gas modeling. Furthermore, the analysis of two main distributed generation technologies used to generate energy from landfill was carried out. The review of literature revealed a high influence of waste segregation and high level of moisture content for waste stabilization process. It was found that the enhancement in accuracy for forecasting gas rate generation can be done with both mathematical modeling and field test measurements. The result of the case study mainly indicated the close dependence of the power output with the landfill gas quality and the fuel inlet pressure.
Painelajittelu on yksi yleisimmistä yksikköprosesseista paperin ja sellun valmistuksessa. Suurelta osin lajittimet toimivat niille asetettujen vaatimusten mukaisesti, mutta joissakin tapauksissa lajittimissa saattaa esiintyä ei-toivottavaa kuitujen kasautumista sekä kehräymän muodostusta. Niiden seurauksena lajittimien kapasiteetti alenee ja lajittelutulos heikkenee. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on uutta kuvantamistekniikkaa hyödyntäen selvittää miten kehräymät ja kuitukasaumat syntyvät painelajittimen sihtipinnalla ja miten retentioaineen syöttö sihdin ympäristössä vaikuttaa niiden syntyyn. Työn kirjallisuusosassa tarkastellaan painelajittimen toimintaa, rakennetta sekä lyhyen kierron konesihdin erityispiirteitä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan retentiokemikaalien käyttäytymistä leikkausvoimien alaisuudessa ja kuitukehräymien syntyä painelajittimissa. Kokeellisessa osassa on raportoitu kuvantamisjärjestelmällä saatuja tuloksia sekä esitetään havaintoja kehräymien ja kuitukasaumien synnystä ja niiden vaikutuksista painelajittimen toimintaan. Kuvausten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että kehräymän syntyminen sihdissä vaatii aina jonkinlaisen kuitukasauman olemassaoloa. Tällaista alkukasaumaa tarvitaan, jotta kuidut voivat ankkuroitua siihen kiinni ja johon kiinnittyneenä kuidut alkavat pyöriä virtauksessa muodostaen kehräymää. Kuitukasauman muodostuminen painelajittimessa johtuu pääosin sihdissä olevasta epäjatkuvuuskohdasta, massassa olevista epäpuhtauksista ja kuituflokeista jotka jäävät kiinni sihtipinnan aukkoihin tai lajittimen kapasiteetin ylittymisestä. Kehräymän syntyä kasauman jäljessä voidaan pitää enemmän sääntönä kuin poikkeuksena, mutta kehräytyminen on vähäisempää reikäsihdillä kuin rakosihdillä. Silloituspolymeerillä flokattu massa ei muodosta herkemmin kuitukasaumia sihtipintaan verrattuna flokkaamattomaan massaan. Lajiteltavan massan sakeuden nosto vähentää kuitukasaumien ja kehräymien syntyä. Kuitukasaumien ja kehräymien välttämiseksi on tärkeää, että sihtiä ei ajeta suunniteltua mitoitusaluetta suuremmilla tuotannoilla tai virtauksilla.
Antibodies are natural binding proteins produced in vertebrates as a response to invading pathogens and foreign substances. Because of their capability for tight and specific binding, antibodies have found use as binding reagents in research and diagnostics. Properties of cloned recombinant antibodies can be further improved by means of in vitro evolution, combining mutagenesis with subsequent phage display selection. It is also possible to isolate entirely new antibodies from vast naïve or synthetic antibody libraries by phage display. In this study, library techniques and phage display selection were applied in order to optimise binding scaffolds and antigen recognition of antibodies, and to evolve new and improved bioaffinity reagents. Antibody libraries were generated by random and targeted mutagenesis. Expression and stability were mainly optimised by the random methods whereas targeted randomisation of the binding site residues was used for optimising the binding properties. Trinucleotide mutagenesis allowed design of defined randomisation patterns for a synthetic antibody library. Improved clones were selected by phage display. Capture by a specific anti- DHPS antibody was exploited in the selection of improved phage display of DHPS. Efficient selection for stability was established by combining phage display selection with denaturation under reducing conditions. Broad-specific binding of a generic anti-sulfonamide antibody was improved by selection with one of the weakest binding sulfonamides. In addition, p9 based phage display was studied in affinity selection from the synthetic library. A TIM barrel protein DHPS was engineered for efficient phage display by combining cysteinereplacement with random mutagenesis. The resulting clone allows use of phage display in further engineering of DHPS and possibly use as an alternative-binding scaffold. An anti-TSH scFv fragment, cloned from a monoclonal antibody, was engineered for improved stability to better suite an immunoassay. The improved scFv tolerates 8 – 9 °C higher temperature than the parental scFv and should have sufficient stability to be used in an immunoanalyser with incubation at 36 °C. The anti-TSH scFv fragment was compared with the corresponding Fab fragment and the parental monoclonal antibody as a capturing reagent in a rapid 5-min immunoassay for TSH. The scFv fragment provided some benefits over the conventionally used Mab in anayte-binding capacity and assay kinetics. However, the recombinant Fab fragment, which had similar kinetics to the scFv, provided a more sensitive and reliable assay than the scFv. Another cloned scFv fragment was engineered in order to improve broad-specific recognition of sulfonamides. The improved antibody detects different sulfonamides at concentrations below the maximum residue limit (100 μg/kg in EU and USA) and allows simultaneous screening of different sulfonamide drug residues. Finally, a synthetic antibody library was constructed and new antibodies were generated and affinity matured entirely in vitro. These results illuminate the possibilities of phage display and antibody engineering for generation and optimisation of binding reagents in vitro and indicate the potential of recombinant antibodies as affinity reagents in immunoassays.
The maximum realizable power throughput of power electronic converters may be limited or constrained by technical or economical considerations. One solution to this problemis to connect several power converter units in parallel. The parallel connection can be used to increase the current carrying capacity of the overall system beyond the ratings of individual power converter units. Thus, it is possible to use several lower-power converter units, produced in large quantities, as building blocks to construct high-power converters in a modular manner. High-power converters realized by using parallel connection are needed for example in multimegawatt wind power generation systems. Parallel connection of power converter units is also required in emerging applications such as photovoltaic and fuel cell power conversion. The parallel operation of power converter units is not, however, problem free. This is because parallel-operating units are subject to overcurrent stresses, which are caused by unequal load current sharing or currents that flow between the units. Commonly, the term ’circulatingcurrent’ is used to describe both the unequal load current sharing and the currents flowing between the units. Circulating currents, again, are caused by component tolerances and asynchronous operation of the parallel units. Parallel-operating units are also subject to stresses caused by unequal thermal stress distribution. Both of these problemscan, nevertheless, be handled with a proper circulating current control. To design an effective circulating current control system, we need information about circulating current dynamics. The dynamics of the circulating currents can be investigated by developing appropriate mathematical models. In this dissertation, circulating current models aredeveloped for two different types of parallel two-level three-phase inverter configurations. Themodels, which are developed for an arbitrary number of parallel units, provide a framework for analyzing circulating current generation mechanisms and developing circulating current control systems. In addition to developing circulating current models, modulation of parallel inverters is considered. It is illustrated that depending on the parallel inverter configuration and the modulation method applied, common-mode circulating currents may be excited as a consequence of the differential-mode circulating current control. To prevent the common-mode circulating currents that are caused by the modulation, a dual modulator method is introduced. The dual modulator basically consists of two independently operating modulators, the outputs of which eventually constitute the switching commands of the inverter. The two independently operating modulators are referred to as primary and secondary modulators. In its intended usage, the same voltage vector is fed to the primary modulators of each parallel unit, and the inputs of the secondary modulators are obtained from the circulating current controllers. To ensure that voltage commands obtained from the circulating current controllers are realizable, it must be guaranteed that the inverter is not driven into saturation by the primary modulator. The inverter saturation can be prevented by limiting the inputs of the primary and secondary modulators. Because of this, also a limitation algorithm is proposed. The operation of both the proposed dual modulator and the limitation algorithm is verified experimentally.
Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää miten sähköistä kysynnän herättämistä voidaan hyödyntää Mantsinen Group Ltd Oy:ssä siten, että sillä pystytään tukemaan myyntiä. Lisäksi sähköisen kysynnän herättämisen tehokkuutta tutkitaan, jotta saadaan selville onko se kannattavaa ja kuinka hyvin se sopii yritykselle. Kysynnän herättämisjärjestelmän käyttö on määritelty kirjallisuuteen perustuen ja sen jälkeen järjestelmän käyttö on aloitettu. Sähköisen kysynnän herättämisen tehokkuus mitataan kolmen kuukauden tarkastelujakson todellisella datalla. Sähköisen kysynnän herättämisen sopivuutta arvioidaan perustuen sen kustannustehokkuuteen ja tuloksiin. Työn tulokset osoittavat, että sähköinen kysynnän herättäminen on kannattavaa ja se sopii yritykselle. Sillä voidaan parhaiten tukea myyntiä järjestelmän tuottaessa laadukkaita myyntimahdollisuuksia tasaisena virtana myynnille. Myös aiemmin manuaalisesti tehtyjä työtehtäviä voidaan automatisoida ja näin vähentää myyjien työtaakkaa.
In the Russian Wholesale Market, electricity and capacity are traded separately. Capacity is a special good, the sale of which obliges suppliers to keep their generating equipment ready to produce the quantity of electricity indicated by the System Operator. The purpose of the formation of capacity trading was the maintenance of reliable and uninterrupted delivery of electricity in the wholesale market. The price of capacity reflects constant investments in construction, modernization and maintenance of power plants. So, the capacity sale creates favorable conditions to attract investments in the energy sector because it guarantees the investor that his investments will be returned.