159 resultados para Digital preservation


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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology has revolutionized file exchange activities besides enhancing processing power distribution. As such, this technology which is nowadays made freely available to all internet users also imposes a threat as it enables the illegal distribution of copyrighted digital work. P2P technology continuously evolves in a greater pace than copyright legislation, leading to compatibility gaps between the applicability of copyright law and the illicit file sharing and downloading. Such issues give high incentives to consumers to practise piracy using P2P systems with a low perception of risk towards prosecution, leading to substantial losses for copyright owners. This study focuses on developing insights for content owners on consumer behaviour towards piracy in Finland, where quantitative analyses are assessed using a data set based on a survey conducted by the Helsinki Institute for IT. The research approach investigates the significance of three fundamental areas in relation to evaluate consumer behaviour as: environmental-related factors, innovation-related factors and consumer-related. each of these are integrates concepts derived in previous theoretical models such as the technology acceptance model, theory of reasoned action, theory of planned behaviour, the issue-risk-judgement model and the Hunt & Vitells model.


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Whether digital book will become the dominant design of books and be a widely accepted format for reading is a question that is currently asked by every e-publisher, publishing industry worker and many book consumers. This study is the first to holistically approach Christensens disruptive innovation theory for an instrument of measuring the phenomenon of the digital book. The disruptiveness of an innovation could be measured by its disruptive potential and the disruption process it passes. The empirical part of the thesis is designed so to investigate the digital books features as an innovation for disruptive potential and then the current digital book market, monitoring it for disruption processes. Proving that the digital book is a disruptive innovation may allow understanding its prospects and even help in making a pattern of the innovations market infiltration in the future. The framework created for answering the research question could also be used in a similar way to analyze other E-publishing products (e.g. e-newspapers, emagazines).


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Konsistens och frndring i finlndsk etermediapolitik. Implementering av digital television och en jmfrelse med Kanada Avhandlingen handlar om hur det finlndska televisionssystemet frndrades i slutet av 1990-talet frn en nationell institution till ett dualistiskt system som prglas av stark marknadsorientering. Syftet med avhandlingen r att frst p vilket stt en s snabb frndring kunde ske och analysera de institutionella faktorerna bakom utvecklingen. P teoretisk niv diskuteras tesen om det nra sambandet mellan statliga politiska institutioner och rundradioverksamhetens institutioner. Avhandlingen bestr av tv fallstudier. Den frsta stter fokus p de frsta ren av den finlndska televisionens digitaliseringsprocess som startade med starka industriell-nationalistiska motiveringar. Analysen, som baserar p offentliga dokument, strcker sig framtill hsten 2001 d de digitala televisionssndningarna startade och regeringspropositionen om den nya kommunikationsmarknadslagen lmnades till riksdagen. Dessa policy-processer analyseras som en marknadisering av de traditionella styrningsprinciper och ider gllande finlndsk rundradioverksamheten. En jmfrelse mellan Finlands och Kanadas nationella rundradiopolitik gr att man kan koppla slutsatserna till den internationella utvecklingen. Jmfrelsen visar hur kommunikationspolitiska linjen i de tv lnderna har kommit att likna varandra trots att lndernas tv-system och deras styrordningar r mycket olika. Exemplet med Kanada visar att den srskilda teknologin inte r viktig utan snarare de kommersiella intressen som str bakom och som beslutsfattare grna dljer i en nationalistisk retorik. Studien visar att det r viktigt att beakta vilken tyngd man i politiken ger de tv sidor som rundradioverksamheten bestr av: sndningsteknologin och verksamheten som en speciell kulturform. Nationalstatens handlingsutrymme minskar inom fltet om mlet r att vara framgngsrik i konkurrensen i den nya internationella ekonomin. Enligt de nyliberalistiska principer som det politiska systemet verlag har tillgnat sig det r nskvrd men ocks helt inhemska institutionella traditioner och praxis som fljdes i den finlndska digitaliseringsprocessen frmjade utvecklingen som ledde till att nstan alla ursprungliga nationella syften fll snder.


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Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli


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Dedicated to: Carl Cronstedt, Carl Gustaf Tessin, Theodor Ankarkrona, Otto Reinhold Wrangel, Olof Sandberg, Jacob von Hkerstedt, Carl von Groot, Carl Friedrich Piper, Olof von Trne, Petter Drufwa, Johan Lwen, Swen Cederstrm, Johan Maurits Klinkowstrm, Leonhard Klinkowstrm, Reinholdt Berndt Hauswolff, Christopher Christopherssen, Johan Williamsson, Olof Malmer, Johan Adam Petersson, Gustaf Kierman, Anders Plomgren.


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Translated into Finnish by Joh. Bckwall.


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Dedicated to: Jacobus Benzelius, Theodorus Ankarcrona, Matthias Grunerus, Olaus Thorin, Andreas Backman, Martinus Jonae Friberg, Carolus Gustavus Hallman, Andreas Sylvanus, Daniel P. Mansnerus, Daniel Lindqvist.


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Bound with: Suomen maantiede / kirjoittanut K. J. Juuti. Helsingiss : Weilin & Gsʼin Osakeyhtin kirjapainossa ja kustantama, 1886 ; Suomen maantiede / kirjoittanut K. J. Juuti. Helsingiss : Weilin & Gsʼin Osakeyhtin kirjapainossa ja kustantama, 1891.


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Bound with: Reise durch Russland wie auch durch unterschiedliche europische und assiatische Provinzen von 1770-1780 / Jacob Fries. [Leipzig], 1790.


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Author: Samuel Ehrenmalm.


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Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli