50 resultados para Childrens
Many internationally adopted children have lived their first years of life in an environment with limited opportunities for primary caregiving. The lack of consistent care increases the prevalence of attachment disorders among them. Less is known about the influences of attachment disorders on a child’s later course of life. This study is part of the Finnish Adoption Study. Parents of all Finnish children who had been internationally adopted by legal adoption organisations between 1985 and 2007 were sent questionnaires (N=1450). Parental evaluations of the children’s symptoms of reactive attachment disorder (RAD) at the time of adoption, their later learning or language problems using a screening scale, and children’s self-reported school bullying experiences were evaluated. Each child’s attachment-related behavioural problems were requested in a follow-up survey 1.9 and 3.8 years after adoption and compared with a Finnish reference group. This study indicated that Finnish internationally adopted children have at least three-fold prevalence of learning and language problems compared with their age-mates. A child’s symptoms of attachment disorders were associated with learning or language problems at school age as well as with his/her school bullying experiences. The adopted children had more attachment-related behavioural problems two years after adoption than their age-mates, but the difference was no longer evident four years after adoption. In conclusion, this study showed that the symptoms of attachment disorder indicate a risk for an adopted child’s later developmental outcome. The findings demonstrate the need for comprehensive clinical examinations and planning of treatment strategies for children with symptoms of RAD.
We have investigated Russian children’s reading acquisition during an intermediate period in their development: after literacy onset, but before they have acquired well-developed decoding skills. The results of our study suggest that Russian first graders rely primarily on phonemes and syllables as reading grain-size units. Phonemic awareness seems to have reached the metalinguistic level more rapidly than syllabic awareness after the onset of reading instruction, the reversal which is typical for the initial stages of formal reading instruction creating external demand for phonemic awareness. Another reason might be the inherent instability of syllabic boundaries in Russian. We have shown that body-coda is a more natural representation of subsyllabic structure in Russian than onset-rime. We also found that Russian children displayed variability of syllable onset and offset decisions which can be attributed to the lack of congruence between syllabic and morphemic word division in Russian. We suggest that fuzziness of syllable boundary decisions is a sign of the transitional nature of this stage in the reading development and it indicates progress towards an awareness of morphologically determined closed syllables. Our study also showed that orthographic complexity exerts an influence on reading in Russian from the very start of reading acquisition. Besides, we found that Russian first graders experience fluency difficulties in reading orthographically simple words and nonwords of two and more syllables. The transition from monosyllabic to bisyllabic lexical items constitutes a certain threshold, for which the syllabic structure seemed to be of no difference. When we compared the outcomes of the Russian children with the ones produced by speakers of other languages, we discovered that in the tasks which could be performed with the help of alphabetic recoding Russian children’s accuracy was comparable to that of children learning to read in relatively shallow orthographies. In tasks where this approach works only partially, Russian children demonstrated accuracy results similar to those in deeper orthographies. This pattern of moderate results in accuracy and excellent performance in terms of reaction times is an indication that children apply phonological recoding as their dominant strategy to various reading tasks and are only beginning to develop suitable multiple strategies in dealing with orthographically complex material. The development of these strategies is not completed during Grade 1 and the shift towards diversification of strategies apparently continues in Grade 2.
The main purpose of this study is to identify the elements of children's health games that have a positive impact on children’s health. The investigation is done by evaluating previous health game studies concentrating on children and five health affairs (such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, nutrition and obesity). In order to do so, firstly the topic of children’s health games is explained through its roots, as it is an interdisciplinary topic pertinent with many other fields. For this reason, the topics regarding the children’s health games as games, video games, children’s gameplay, and serious games along with health, relevant health affairs, and health promotion were covered. Secondly, the meta-study was conducted with the 56 articles on children’s health games. These 56 articles were analyzed with the coding technique defined by Charmaz’s Grounded Theory Method (Charmaz, 2006) for finding out which elements of children’s health games have a positive impact on children’s health promotion. The main result suggests that, although there are 24 different elements found and listed which all positive in their nature, their positive impact is a matter of how they are used or implemented through the consumption cycle of children’s health games and how all these elements interact with each other. In addition to this, a pragmatic proposal is formulated for possibly better or more successful health games. The study concludes with the declaration of the limitations encountered through the research and the recommendations for future research.
The main purpose of this study is to identify the elements of children's health games that have a positive impact on children’s health. The investigation is done by evaluating previous health game studies concentrating on children and five health affairs (such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, nutrition and obesity). In order to do so, firstly the topic of children’s health games is explained through its roots, as it is an interdisciplinary topic pertinent with many other fields. For this reason, the topics regarding the children’s health games as games, video games, children’s gameplay, and serious games along with health, relevant health affairs, and health promotion were covered. Secondly, the meta-study was conducted with the 56 articles on children’s health games. These 56 articles were analyzed with the coding technique defined by Charmaz’s Grounded Theory Method (Charmaz, 2006) for finding out which elements of children’s health games have a positive impact on children’s health promotion. The main result suggests that, although there are 24 different elements found and listed which all positive in their nature, their positive impact is a matter of how they are used or implemented through the consumption cycle of children’s health games and how all these elements interact with each other. In addition to this, a pragmatic proposal is formulated for possibly better or more successful health games. The study concludes with the declaration of the limitations encountered through the research and the recommendations for future research.
Kastelu on merkittävästi lapsen arkielämää haittaava kiusallinen oire. Koulun aloittavista perusterveistä lapsista 10 – 25 % kastelee viikoittain joko päivällä ja/tai yöllä. Keskeistä kastelevan lapsen hoidossa on kastelua vähentävien ja virtsarakon hallintaa lisäävien tapa-asioiden ohjaus ja uusien toimintamallien vakiinnuttaminen lapsen arkeen. International Children’s Continence Societyn (ICCS) suositusten mukaan arjen tapa-asioiden ohjaukseen perustuvan uroterapian tulisi olla kastelevan lapsen ensisijainen hoitomuoto. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida pissakoulu-intervention vaikuttavuutta kastelun hoidossa sekä kuvata lasten kokemuksia pissakoulusta. Tutkimusasetelmassa käytettiin toisiaan täydentävinä sekä kvantatiivisia että kvalitatiivisia aineistonkeruumenetelmiä. Kuusikymmentäyhdeksän hoitoresistentiksi kastelijaksi luokiteltua 6-12-vuotiasta lasta osallistui polikliiniseen pissakouluun 4-6 lapsen ryhmissä kahtena erillisenä päivänä kahden kuukauden välein. Otoskooksi määriteltiin voima-analyysin perusteella 52. Ohjauksen sisältö perustui ICCS:n suosituksiin ja toteutuksessa painotettiin lapsilähtöisyyttä sekä yhdessä tekemistä ja keskustelua. Kvantitatiivisen osan aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin viikon WC-päiväkirjaa. Kastelun määrän muutoksia mitattiin ennen ja jälkeen molempien pissakoulupäivien ja tulokset analysoitiin SPSS tilasto-ohjelmalla. Kvalitatiivinen aineisto kerättiin pissakoulun toisen päivän päätteeksi haastattelemalla viisi ensimmäistä pissakouluryhmää, jonka jälkeen aineiston todettiin saturoituneen. Ryhmäkeskustelut analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimukseen osallistuneista 69 lapsesta 58:lta saatiin tiedot kaikilta neljältä mittauskerralta. Lapset olivat iältään keskimäärin 8,3 vuotiaita, 34 oli tyttöä ja 24 poikaa. Verrattaessa ensimmäisen ja viimeisen mittauksen keskiarvojen välisiä eroja kuivat päivät (3,5 vrt. 5,3, p<0.001) ja kuivat yöt (2,4 vrt. 3,9, p<0.001) lisääntyivät tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Päiväkastelun osalta 24/40 (60 %) ja yökastelun osalta 23/46 (50 %) lapsella kastelu väheni ≥50 %. Kuivaksi tuli 13/58 (22 %) lasta. Ryhmähaastatteluihin osallistui 19 lasta (12 tyttöä ja 7 poikaa, keski-ikä 8,9 vuotta). Lapset kokivat kastelun monella tapaa arkea haittaavaksi noloksi pulmaksi. Pissakoulu auttoi heitä tulemaan pissarakon pomoksi, jolloin pulmasta tuli hallittava tai siitä pääsi kokonaan eroon. Erityisen tärkeää lapsille oli tavata toisia kastelevia lapsia ja jakaa kokemuksia heidän kanssaan sekä oppia tekemällä lapsilähtöisin menetelmin. Pissakoulu on lapsilähtöinen ja vaikuttava hoitotyön interventio, joka arjen tapa-asioiden muutoksilla auttaa lapsia saavuttamaan paremman virtsarakon hallinnan ja vähentämään kastelua tarjoten myös arvokasta vertaistukea.