58 resultados para 307-U1317A


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The purpose of this thesis is to study how and to which extent Finland, Sweden and Norway have adapted their alcohol policies to the framework imposed to them by the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA) since the mid-1990s. This is done by studying the underlying mechanisms that have influenced the formation of alcohol policy in the Nordic countries in that period. As a part of this analysis main differences in alcohol policies and alcohol consumption between the three countries are assessed and the phenomenon of cross-border trade with alcohol is discussed. The study examines also the development of Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish alcohol policies between 1994 and 2012 and compares the Nordic alcohol policies with other alcohol policies in Europe as the situation was in 2012. The time frame of the study spans from the mid-1990s to the end of 2013 and is divided into three phases. Studying the role of the Europeanisation process on the formation of alcohol policies has a key role in the analysis. Besides alcohol policies, the analyses comprise the development of alcohol consumption and cross-border trade with alcohol. In addition, a quantitative scale constructed to measure the strictness of alcohol policies is utilised in the analyses. The results from the scale are used to substantiate the qualitative analysis and to test whether the stereotypical view of a strict Nordic alcohol policy is still true. The results from the study clearly corroborate earlier findings on the significance of Europeanisation and the Single Market for the development of alcohol policies in the Nordic countries. Free movement of goods and unhindered competition have challenged the principle of disinterest and enabled private profit seeking in alcohol trade. The Single Market has also contributed to the increase in availability of alcohol and made it more difficult for the Nordic EU member states to maintain restrictive alcohol policies. All in all, alcohol policies in the Nordic countries are more liberal in 2013 than they were in 1994. Norway, being outside the EU has, however, managed to maintain a stricter alcohol policy than Finland and Sweden. Norway has also been spared from several EU directives that have affected Finland and Sweden, the most remarkable being the abolishment of the travellers’ import quotas for alcohol within the EU. Due to its position as a non-EU country Norway has been able to maintain high alcohol taxes without being subjected to a ”race to the bottom” regarding alcohol taxes the same way as Finland and Sweden. Finland distinguishes as the country that has liberalised its alcohol policy most during the study period. The changes in alcohol policies were not only induced by Europeanisation and the Single Market, but also by autonomous decision-making and political processes in the individual countries. Furthermore, the study shows that alcohol policy measures are implemented more widely in Europe than before and that there is a slow process of convergence going on regarding alcohol policy in Europe. Despite this, alcohol policies in the Nordic countries are still by far the strictest in all of Europe. From a Europeanisation perspective, the Nordic countries were clearly on the receiving end during the first two study phases (1994–2007), having more to adjust to rules from the EU and the Single Market than having success in uploading and shaping alcohol policy on the European and international field. During the third and final study phase (2008–2013), however, the Nordic countries have increasingly succeeded in contributing to shape the alcohol policy arena in the EU and also more widely through the WHOs global alcohol strategy. The restrictive Nordic policy tradition on which the current alcohol policies in Finland, Sweden and Norway were built on has still quite a solid evidence base. Although the basis of the restrictive alcohol policy has crumbled somewhat during the past twenty years and the policies have become less effective, nothing prevents it from being the base for alcohol policy in the Nordic countries even in the long term. In the future, all that is needed for an effective and successful alcohol policy is a solid evidence base, enough political will and support from the general public.


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Perhe, lasten oikeudet ja osallisuus -seminaari 20.11.2013 Jyväskylässä.


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Lapin liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelma vuosille 2015 – 2018 tukee alueella tehtävää liikenneturvallisuustyötä. Suunnitelman eettinen perusta on ajatus, että kenenkään Lapin teillä liikkuvan ei tarvitse joutua vakavan liikenneonnettomuuden uhriksi. Tavoite on yhtenevä jokaisen liikkujan omien tavoitteiden kanssa. Tilastojen mukaan piittaamattomuus liikennesäännöistä on merkittävin taustatekijä Lapissa tapahtuneissa vakavissa liikenneonnettomuuksissa. Kuolemaan johtaneiden liikenneonnettomuuksien tutkijalautakunnan selvitysten mukaan onnettomuuksien taustalta löytyy mm. laiminlyöntejä nopeusrajoitusten noudattamisessa ja turvavyön käyttämisessä sekä päihteiden vaikutuksen alaisena ajamista. Lapille ja koko Pohjois-Suomelle ominaisia muusta maasta poikkeavia piirteitä ovat maastoajoneuvoliikenteen onnettomuuksien ja porokolareiden suuri määrä. Lapin liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelmassa esitetyt lyhyemmän aikavälin toimenpiteet kohdistuvat valtakunnallisen suunnitelman tavoin ajokuntoon, liikennekäyttäytymiseen sekä taajamien ja maanteiden liikenneturvallisuuden parantamiseen. Lisäksi toimenpiteitä kohdistetaan maastoajoneuvoliikenne- ja porokolarionnettomuuksien vähentämiseen. Yhteistyötä liikenneturvallisuuden parantamiseksi tehdään myös Barentsin alueen maiden kesken. Työhön kuuluu parhaiden käytäntöjen vertailu ja hyödyntäminen, liikenneturvallisuusongelmien analysointi ja esitysten tekeminen niiden ratkaisemiseksi. Lapin nykyinen liikennejärjestelmä perustuu vahvasti maantieyhteyksiin. Matkailun volyymin kasvaminen, kaivostoiminnan laajeneminen, energiaa tuottavien voimaloiden rakentaminen sekä Koillisväylän avautuminen synnyttävät tulevaisuudessa uutta liikennettä, mikä vaatii panostamista liikenneturvallisuuteen myös pidemmällä aikavälillä liikennejärjestelmäsuunnittelun tasolla.


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Living nature consists of countless organisms, which are classified into millions of species. These species interact in many ways; for example predators when foraging on their prey, insect larvae consuming plants, and pathogenic bacteria drifting into humans. In addition, abiotic nature has a great initiative impact on life through many factors (including sunlight, ambient temperature, and water. In my thesis, I have studied interactions among different life forms in multifaceted ways. The webs of these interactions are commonly referred to as food webs, describing feeding relationships between species or energy transfer from one trophic level to another. These ecological interactions – whether they occur between species, between individuals, or between microorganisms within an individual – are among the greatest forces affecting natural communities. Relationships are tightly related to biological diversity, that is, species richness and abundances. A species is called a node in food web vocabulary, and its interactions to other species are called links. Generally, Artic food webs are considered to be loosely linked, simple structures. This conception roots into early modern food webs, where insects and other arthropods, for example, were clumped under one node. However, it has been shown that arthropods form the greatest part of diversity and biomass both in the tropics and in Arctic areas. Earlier challenges of revealing the role of insects and microorganisms in interactions webs have become possible with the help of recent advances in molecular techniques. In the first chapter, I studied the prey diversity of a common bat, Myotis daubentonii, in southwestern Finland. My results proved M. daubentonii being a versatile predator whose diet mainly consists of aquatic insects, such as chironomid midges. In the second chapter, I expanded the view to changes in seasonal and individual-based variation in the diet of M. daubentonii including the relationship between available and observed prey. I found out that chironomids remain the major prey group even though their abundance decreases in proportion to other insect groups. Diet varied a lot between individuals, although the differences were not statistically significant. The third chapter took the study to a large network in Greenland. I showed that Artic food webs are very complex when arthropods are taken into account. In the fourth chapter, I examined the bacterial flora of M. daubentonii and surveyed the zoonotic potential of these bacteria. I found Bartonella bacteria, of which one was described as a new species named after the locality of discovery. I have shown in my thesis that Myotis daubentonii as a predator links many insect species as well as terrestrial and aquatic environments. Moreover, I have exposed that Arctic food webs are complex structures comprising of many densely linked species. Finally, I demonstrated that the bacterial flora of bats includes several previously unknown species, some of which could possibly turn in to zoonosis. To summarize, molecular methods have untied several knots in biological research. I hope that this kind of increasing knowledge of the surrounding nature makes us further value all the life forms on earth.


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