872 resultados para Åbo Akademi
Behovet av förnyelsebar energi ökar ständigt eftersom det finns en strävan att minska beroendet av fossila bränslen. Dessutom är tillgångar av fossila bränslen begränsade. Miljövänliga processer för bioraffinaderier erbjuder en stor möjlighet för produktion av energi, bränslen och kemikalier. Den finska och svenska skogsindustrin har en lång tradition i utnyttjandet av skogsbiomassor. Bioraffinaderier som integreras med pappers- och cellulosaindustrin kan frambringa både ekonomiska och ekologiska fördelar i framställning av traditionella och biobaserade produkter. I doktorsarbetet studerades omvandling av extraktivämnen till finkemikalier som kan användas t.ex. av läkemedelsindustrin. Extraktivämnen fås ur biomassa. I forskningsarbetet framställdes biobaserade finkemikalier med hjälp av katalysatorer som baserar sig på joniska vätskor. Biomassan består av cellulosa, hemicellulosa, lignin och extraktivämnen, vilka huvudsakligen är terpener, vaxer och fettsyror. Extraktivämen är vedens komponenter, som kan separeras ur vedmaterialet med hjälp av neutrala lösningsmedel. Joniska vätskekatalysatorer som var immobiliserade på fasta bärare utnyttjades för isomerisering av α,β-pinenoxider samt hydrogenering citral. Inverkan av joniska vätskor på katalysatorns aktivitet och reaktionernas produktfördelning undersöktes under varierande reaktionsbetingelser. Kinetiska modeller för pinenoxidens isomeriseringsreaktioner beskrev väl experimentellt upptäckta skillnader mellan olika katalysatorer. --------------------------------------------------- Uusiutuvan energian tarve on kasvussa, koska riippuvuutta fossiilisista polttoaineista pyritään vähentämään. Tämän lisäksi fossiilisten polttoaineiden varannot ovat rajalliset. Ympäristöystävälliset biojalostusprosessit ovat näin ollen suuri mahdollisuus energian, polttoaineiden ja kemikaalien tuotannossa. Suomen ja Ruotsin metsäteollisuudella on pitkät perinteet metsäbiomassojen hyödyntämisessä. Paperi- ja selluteollisuuden yhteyteen integroiduilla biojalostamoilla voidaan luoda taloudellisia ja ympäristöllisiä etuja sekä perinteisten että biopohjaisten tuotteiden valmistuksessa. Väitöstyössä on tutkittu biomassan uuteaineiden kemiallista muuntamista hienokemikaaleiksi, joita voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi lääkeaineteollisuudessa. Biopohjaisia hienokemikaaleja on valmistettu biomassan uuteaineista ionisiin nesteisiin perustuvilla katalyyteillä. Biomassa koostuu selluloosasta, hemiselluloosasta, ligniinistä sekä uuteaineista, jotka ovat pääosin terpeenejä, vahoja tai rasvahappoja. Uuteaineet ovat puun komponentteja, jotka voidaan erottaa puusta neutraalien liuottimien avulla. Kiinteän kantajan päälle immobilisoituja ionisia nestekatalyyttejä (Supported Ionic Liquid Catalyst) hyödynnettiin α,β-pineenioksidien isomerisointireaktioissa sekä sitraalin vedytysreaktioissa. Ionisten nesteiden vaikutusta katalyyttien aktiivisuuteen sekä reaktioiden tuotejakaumaan tutkittiin erilaisissa reaktio-olosuhteissa. Pineenioksidien isomerisointireaktioiden kineettiset mallit kuvasivat hyvin kokeellisesti todettuja katalyyttien eroavaisuuksia.
This thesis focuses on the development of sustainable industrial architectures for bioenergy based on the metaphors of industrial symbiosis and industrial ecosystems, which imply exchange of material and energy side-flows of various industries in order to improve sustainability of those industries on a system level. The studies on industrial symbiosis have been criticised for staying at the level of incremental changes by striving for cycling waste and by-flows of the industries ‘as is’ and leaving the underlying industry structures intact. Moreover, there has been articulated the need for interdisciplinary research on industrial ecosystems as well as the need to extend the management and business perspectives on industrial ecology. This thesis addresses this call by applying a business ecosystem and business model perspective on industrial symbiosis in order to produce knowledge on how industrial ecosystems can be developed that are sustainable environmentally and economically. A case of biogas business is explored and described in four research papers and an extended summary that form this thesis. Since the aim of the research was to produce a normative model for developing sustainable industrial ecosystems, the methodology applied in this research can be characterised as constructive and collaborative. A constructive research mode was required in order to expand the historical knowledge on industrial symbiosis development and business ecosystem development into the knowledge of what should be done, which is crucial for sustainability and the social change it requires. A collaborative research mode was employed through participating in a series of projects devoted to the development of a biogas-for-traffic industrial ecosystem. The results of the study showed that the development of material flow interconnections within industrial symbiosis is inseparable from larger business ecosystem restructuring. This included a shift in the logic of the biogas and traffic fuel industry and a subsequent development of a business ecosystem that would entail the principles of industrial symbiosis and localised energy production and consumption. Since a company perspective has been taken in this thesis, the role of an ecosystem integrator appeared as a crucial means to achieve the required industry restructuring. This, in turn, required the development of a modular and boundary-spanning business model that had a strong focus on establishing collaboration among ecosystem stakeholders and development of multiple local industrial ecosystems as part of business growth. As a result, the designed business model of the ecosystem integrator acquired the necessary flexibility in order to adjust to local conditions, which is crucial for establishing industrial symbiosis. This thesis presents a normative model for the development of a business model required for creating sustainable industrial ecosystems, which contributes to approaches at the policy-makers’ level, proposed earlier. Therefore, this study addresses the call for more research on the business level of industrial ecosystem formation and the implications for the business models of the involved actors. Moreover, the thesis increases the understanding of system innovation and innovation in business ecosystems by explicating how business model innovation can be the trigger for achieving more sustainable industry structures, such as those relying on industrial symbiosis.
Varför inrättar nya stater olika former av politiska regimer vid tidpunkten för självständighet? Under perioden 1946–2008 bildades 130 nya stater. Av dessa stater inrättade 39 procent demokratisk regim, medan 61 procent inrättade diktatorisk regim vid tidpunkten för självständighet. Avhandlingen förklarar varför denna skillnad finns mellan nybildade stater. En omfattande undersökning med 128 stater har genomförts. I undersökningen prövas olika idéer om vilka förhållanden som främjar demokrati. Enligt undersökningen är det tre förhållanden som har betydelse för om nybildade stater inrättar demokratisk eller diktatorisk regim. Demokrati främjas om majoriteten i befolkningen inte har muslimsk bakgrund, om staten omges av demokratiska stater och om den nybildade staten direkt före självständigheten var brittisk koloni under lång tid. Resultaten ökar vår kunskap om vilka förhållanden som främjar inrättandet av demokratisk regim i nybildade stater. Majoriteten av dagens stater har bildats sedan 1946. Inrättandet av demokrati eller diktatur vid dessa staters självständighet har påverkat såväl den globala utvecklingen som den politiska utvecklingen inom stater. Trots det finns det få studier om nybildade stater. Med upplägget i avhandlingen presenterar avhandlingen därmed teoretiska resonemang och empiriska resultat om fenomen som påverkat samhällsutvecklingen men som sällan tidigare har studerats. Till skillnad från tidigare studier som främst har fokuserat på politiska regimers förändring, stabilitet eller konsolidering, analyserar avhandlingen inrättandet av politiska regimer. Detta sätter politiska regimer i nytt perspektiv. Det framkommer bland annat att traditionella föreställningar om vilka förhållanden som formar politiska regimer inte alltid har betydelse för nybildade stater. Avhandlingen ger därför inte enbart bidrag som ökar vår kunskap om nybildade stater, utan bidrag som också har relevans för forskning om demokratisering och spridning av demokratiska idéer.
The overall aim of the study was to explore primary school teachers’ experiences of constraints to their work, and actions taken for improvement after undergoing in-service courses in the Education Quality Improvement through Pedagogy program. The research interest was thus to deepen the understanding of teachers’ experiences of constraints to their work and experiences of actions taken to improve classroom actions. In order to achieve this ambition, the study was conducted with primary school teachers in Shinyanga district-Tanzania. Two research questions guided the study: What do teachers experience as constraints to their work? The second: How have teachers improved their classroom actions after undergoing professional development courses? The theoretical framework of the study is centred on limiting and enabling frames on teachers’ work and professional development. In order to understand the classroom situations, qualitative research was designed applying a phenomenological approach with semi-structured interview, observation and videotaping to collect data. Forty experienced primary school teachers from ten primary schools participated in the study. The results of the first research question indicate that teachers face many constraints in their work. Three categories identified as interactional, environmental and professional role constraints. The most critical experienced by all teachers is teaching in large classes and inadequate teaching and learning materials. The results of the second research question show that teachers’ actions taken for improving their work were influenced by professional development activities. Three main categories including expanded interaction, expanded use of environment and expanded professional roles were identified. Generally, the knowledge generated is relevant for viewing teachers’ experiences of the challenges they encounter in teaching and the importance of professional development beyond the sampled respondents. The results suggest that constant provision of teachers’ professional development could improve teaching performance.
The number of persons with visual impairment in Tanzania is estimated to over 1.6 million. About half a million of these persons are children aged 7-13. Only about 1% of these children are enrolled in schools. The special schools and units are too few and in most cases they are far away from the children’s homes. More and more regular schools are enrolling children with visual impairment, but the schools lack financial resources, tactile teaching materials and trained special education teachers. Children with visual impairment enrolled in regular schools seldom get enough support and often fail in examinations. The general aim of this study was to contribute to increased knowledge and understanding about how teachers can change their teaching practices and thus facilitate the learning of children with visual impairment included in regular classrooms as they participate in an action research project. The project was conducted in a primary school in a poor rural region with a high frequency of blindness and visual impairment. The school was poorly resourced and the average number of pupils per class was 90. The teachers who participated in the collaborative action research project were the 14 teachers who taught blind or visually impaired pupils in grades 4 and 6, in total 6 pupils. The action research project was conducted during a period of 6 months and was carried out in five cycles. The teachers were actively involved in all the project activities; identifying challenges, planning solutions, producing teaching materials, reflecting on outcomes, collaborating and evaluating. Empirical data was collected with questionnaires, interviews, observations and focus group discussions. The findings of the study show that the teachers managed to change their teaching practices through systematic reflection, analysis and collaboration. The teachers produced a variety of tactile teaching materials, which facilitated the learning of the pupils with visual impairment. The pupils learned better and felt more included in the regular classes. The teachers gained new knowledge and skills. They grew professionally and started to collaborate with each other. The study contributes to new knowledge of how collaborative action research can be conducted in the area of special education in a Tanzanian school context. The study has also relevance to the planning of school-based professional development programs and teacher education programs in Tanzania and in other low-income countries. The results also point at strategies which can promote inclusion of children with disabilities in regular schools.
Gasification of biomass is an efficient method process to produce liquid fuels, heat and electricity. It is interesting especially for the Nordic countries, where raw material for the processes is readily available. The thermal reactions of light hydrocarbons are a major challenge for industrial applications. At elevated temperatures, light hydrocarbons react spontaneously to form higher molecular weight compounds. In this thesis, this phenomenon was studied by literature survey, experimental work and modeling effort. The literature survey revealed that the change in tar composition is likely caused by the kinetic entropy. The role of the surface material is deemed to be an important factor in the reactivity of the system. The experimental results were in accordance with previous publications on the subject. The novelty of the experimental work lies in the used time interval for measurements combined with an industrially relevant temperature interval. The aspects which are covered in the modeling include screening of possible numerical approaches, testing of optimization methods and kinetic modelling. No significant numerical issues were observed, so the used calculation routines are adequate for the task. Evolutionary algorithms gave a better performance combined with better fit than the conventional iterative methods such as Simplex and Levenberg-Marquardt methods. Three models were fitted on experimental data. The LLNL model was used as a reference model to which two other models were compared. A compact model which included all the observed species was developed. The parameter estimation performed on that model gave slightly impaired fit to experimental data than LLNL model, but the difference was barely significant. The third tested model concentrated on the decomposition of hydrocarbons and included a theoretical description of the formation of carbon layer on the reactor walls. The fit to experimental data was extremely good. Based on the simulation results and literature findings, it is likely that the surface coverage of carbonaceous deposits is a major factor in thermal reactions.
Terpenes are a valuable natural resource for the production of fine chemicals. Turpentine, obtained from biomass and also as a side product of softwood industry, is rich in monoterpenes such as α-pinene and β-pinene, which are widely used as raw materials in the synthesis of flavors, fragrances and pharmaceutical compounds. The rearrangement of their epoxides has been thoroughly studied in recent years, as a method to obtain compounds which are further used in the fine chemical industry. The industrially most desired products of α-pinene oxide isomerization are campholenic aldehyde and trans-carveol. Campholenic aldehyde is an intermediate for the manufacture of sandalwood-like fragrances such as santalol. Trans-carveol is an expensive constituent of the Valencia orange essence oil used in perfume bases and food flavor composition. Furthermore it has been found to exhibit chemoprevention of mammary carcinogenesis. A wide range of iron and ceria supported catalysts were prepared, characterized and tested for α-pinene oxide isomerization in order to selective synthesis of above mentioned products. The highest catalytic activity in the preparation of campholenic aldehyde over iron modified catalysts using toluene as a solvent at 70 °C (total conversion of α-pinene oxide with a selectivity of 66 % to the desired aldehyde) was achieved in the presence of Fe-MCM-41. Furthermore, Fe-MCM-41 catalyst was successfully regenerated without deterioration of catalytic activity and selectivity. The most active catalysts in the synthesis of trans-carveol from α-pinene oxide over iron and ceria modified catalysts in N,N-dimethylacetamide as a solvent at 140 °C (total conversion of α-pinene oxide with selectivity 43 % to trans-carveol) were Fe-Beta-300 and Ce-Si-MCM-41. These catalysts were further tested for an analogous reaction, namely verbenol oxide isomerization. Verbenone is another natural organic compound which can be found in a variety of plants or synthesized by allylic oxidation of α-pinene. An interesting product which is synthesized from verbenone is (1R,2R,6S)-3-methyl-6-(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohex-3-ene-1,2-diol. It has been discovered that this diol possesses potent anti-Parkinson activity. The most effective way leading to desired diol starts from verbenone and includes three stages: epoxidation of verbenone to verbenone oxide, reduction of verbenone oxide and subsequent isomerization of obtained verbenol oxide, which is analogous to isomerization of α-pinene oxide. In the research focused on the last step of these synthesis, high selectivity (82 %) to desired diol was achieved in the isomerization of verbenol oxide at a conversion level of 96 % in N,N-dimethylacetamide at 140 °C using iron modified zeolite, Fe-Beta-300. This reaction displayed surprisingly high selectivity, which has not been achieved yet. The possibility of the reuse of heterogeneous catalysts without activity loss was demonstrated.
Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen är att skapa en förståelse för begreppet lärande som politiskt, vuxenpedagogiskt men dock främst individuellt begrepp så som det framträder i enskilda livsberättelser. Forskningsfrågorna är formulerade: Hur beskrivs lärande i (politisk) ekonomiska strategier Hur beskrivs lärande i vuxenpedagogisk teori Hur framträder lärande i den enskilda individens livsberättelse Forskningsansatsen är hermeneutiskt narrativ och metoden narrativ. Via tre individuella livsberättelser önskar jag se om och hur det enskilda lärandet speglas i den stora helheten bestående av (politiska) ekonomiska strategier kring lärande. Min strävan är även att med hjälp av livsberättelserna skapa en större, gemensam berättelse om livslångt lärande för den enskilda individen. Resultaten från undersökningen visar individens lärande som process, som förändring och utveckling. Det lärande som beskrivs i de ekonomiska strategierna speglas förvisso i de individuella livsberättelserna, speglingens riktning är dock inte given. Sker denna från det stora till det lilla eller förhåller det sig tvärtom? Undersökningen kom att visa inte enbart lärande som livslångt, utan ett lärande som sker genom och i det att man lever sitt liv. Den mänskliga strävan är att utvecklas och förändras och att leva sitt liv på bästa sätt. Det är livet som lär oss.
The aim of this caring science thesis is to deepen the understanding for the long-term ill adolescents care. In particular it aims to reach a better understanding of transition in health care, with a focus on how young people perceive health care. The goal is to build a model, a consistent theoretical framework that makes it possible to listen to the adolescent´s own voice, providing a better understanding of what good care consists in from their point of view. This Master's thesis consists of a literature overview on the concept of transition and a themed interview with young patients regarding transition of health care. The overall issue is 1. What is good care during the transition according to the adolescents themselves? 2. How does transition affect the young people's health and lives? The theoretical perspective of this thesis lies in the caring science tradition that has been developed at the Åbo Akademi University department of caring science with the caritative nursing theory as a basis. The epistemological and ontological assumptions are based on the caritative nursing theory, which in itself is ethical. Understanding of the concept of transition is based on A. Meleis transitions theory. The methodological approach is hermeneutical. The theme interview has been analyzed by using S. Kvales method. The material consists of a thematic interview with 10 long-term ill adolescents, about their views of the care received. This thesis research even in how NOBABs standards appears in the litterature as well as how they are implemented from the point of view of young people. The findings of this thesis shows that good care for the adolescent is a true presence with the young and an understanding of the direction in which the young move toward during the transition of care. Good care for an adolescent consists in being recognized as a person who is seen, known, appreciated and understood. Good care for the young involves recognizing her strength and joy of life including the contrast she experiences between health and suffering. To recognize their personal strength and courage supports the adolescents during the process of transitions of care Good care for the young involves responsibility for the individual person and humility in approaching her, giving attention to her view of life and aspirations. Openness and humility in the approach lays the foundation for a trusting relation during the transition of care. A unified theoretical framework is needed to promote the long-term ill adolescents care during transition of care. When the young and her individual needs is the centerpiece of healthcare creates this the basis for empowering care that supports the young in her quest for health. This master thesis adds a given model to the long-term ill adolescents` healthcare.
Denna avhandling är en del av projektet Skolan i rörelse, vars mål är att kartlägga ungas fysiska aktivitet och öka deras fysiska aktivitet under skoldagen. Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att ta reda på hur skolpersonalen förhåller sig till stillasittande i skolan. I alla forskningsfrågor undersöks skillnader mellan kön, ålder, befattning i skolan, den egna fysiska aktivitetsnivå, ämnesgrupper (ämneslärare) och undervisning i gymnastik (ja/nej). Forskningsfrågor: 1. Hur bra känner skolpersonalen till rekommendationen för hur länge eleverna maximalt får sitta stilla i ett sträck? 2. Hur förhåller sig skolpersonalen till rekommendationen för stillasittande? 3. Hur bra känner skolpersonalen till rekommendationen för den dagliga skärmtiden? 4. Hur förhåller sig skolpersonalen till rekommendationen för den dagliga skärmtiden? 5. Har skolpersonalen försökt minska på stillasittandet under lektionerna? 6. På vilket sätt har skolpersonalen försökt minska på stillasittandet under lektionerna? Undersökningen är kvantitativ och enkät användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Antalet respondenter är 531 personer från 43 olika skolor i Finland. Resultatet i undersökningen visar att de flesta känner till rekommendationerna gällande stillasittande och skärmtid. Klasslärare, lärare som undervisar i gymnastik och fysiskt aktiva respondenter är mera engagerade i frågor som handlar om att minska på stillasittandet i skolan. Ämneslärare engagerar sig i mindre utsträckning i dessa frågor.
I den första delen av den här avhandlingen presenteras en bildens genealogi. Den skildrar hur begreppen för bilden, seendet och jaget utvecklades i relation till varandra i en specifik vetenskaplig och filosofisk kontext. Berättelsen sträcker sig från den tidiga renässansen och det perspektivistiska måleriet, till fotografiets födelse och positivismen. Den här utvecklingen medförde en form av reduktionism i vilken jagets roll – betydelsen av den mänskliga psykologin, vårt omdöme, vår uppmärksamhet och vår vilja – blev förbisedd. Inom den här tanketraditionen uppstod en förskjutning, från en förståelse av bilden som en representation av det tredimensionella rummet på en tvådimensionell yta, till en uppfattning om bilden som en genomskinlig ruta, ett fönster ut mot världen. Idén om avbildningen som en neutral ”blick från ingenstans” kom att förstärka en skeptisk hållning till kommunikation, dialog och vittnesmål och därmed även undergräva vår tillit till varandra och följaktligen vår tillit till oss själva. I den andra delen erbjuder författaren ett alternativ till den tanketradition som behandlas i den första delen. Det som blev förbisett i uppfattningen om en blick från ingenstans var att bilden är ett hjälpmedel då vi bearbetar vårt synfält. Bilden hjälper oss att dela vår syn på saker. Genom den här uppgiften av att dela blir bilden riktningsgivande i våra försök att orientera oss i världen. Jag kan stå bredvid en annan människa och se vad hon ser, men jag vet inte nödvändigtvis hur hon uppfattar det vi ser. Bilden lägger till ett led i det här förhållandet eftersom den inte enbart visar vad den andra ser. När bilden fungerar som den skall visar den också hur den andra ser och på det här sättet blir bilden verksam. Den föreliggande avhandlingen kombinerar epistemologi med vetenskapshistoria och visuella kulturstudier, men dess huvudintresse är filosofiskt. Den befattar sig med filosofiska missförstånd angående avbildning som en mimetisk konstform, kunskap som domesticering och varseblivning som mottagning av data. ------------------------------------------------------ Tämän väitöskirjan ensimmäinen osa selvittää kuvakäsitteen genealogiaa. Se havainnollistaa miten kuvan, näkemisen ja minän käsitteet kehittyivät suhteessa toisiinsa. Kertomus ulottuu varhaisesta renessanssista ja perspektivistisestä maalaustaiteesta, positivismin aikakauteen ja valokuvan syntyyn. Tämä kehitys toi mukanaan reduktionismin jossa minän rooli – ihmisen psykologian merkitys, meidän arviointikyky, meidän huomiokyky sekä meidän tahtomme – vaipui unohduksiin. Ajatusmaailmassa tapahtui siirtymä, kuvan merkitys vaihtui käsityksestä jossa se on kolmiulotteisen tilan representaatio kaksiulotteisella pinnalla, käsitykseen jossa kuva on läpinäkyvä ruutu, ikkuna kohti maailmaa. Ajatus kuvasta neutraalin näkökulman kantajana vahvisti skeptistä suhtautumista kommunikaatiota, dialogisuutta ja subjektiivisuutta kohtaan. Tämä skeptisyys ilmentyi myös vahvana epäluottamuksena ihmiskeskeisyyttä ja toiseutta kohtaan. Toisessa osassa tekijä tarjoaa vaihtoehdon tälle skeptiselle ajatusmaailmalle jota tarkastellaan ensimmäisessä osassa. Kuva on myös väline joka auttaa meitä jäsentämään meidän näkökenttäämme. Se auttaa meitä jakamaan meidän käsityksiä toistemme kanssa. Tämä näkemisen jakamisen käytäntö on kuvan keskeinen tehtävä. Voin seistä toisen ihmisen vieressä ja nähdä samat asiat kuin hän, mutta en välttämättä ymmärrä miten hän näkee nämä asiat. Kuva lisää jotain olennaista tähän suhteeseen. Kun kuva toimii niin kun sen kuuluu toimia, se näyttää myös miten toinen näkee, tällä tavalla kuvasta tulee välittäjä. Tämä väitöskirja yhdistää epistemologiaa, tieteen historiaa ja visuaalisen kulttuurin tutkimusta, mutta sen pääasiallinen tavoite on filosofinen. Se käsittelee filosofisia väärinkäsityksiä koskien kuvan eideettisyyttä.
The emergence of the idea of multiculturalism in Swedish public discourse and social science in the latter half of the 1960s and introduction of official multiculturalism in 1975 constituted a major intellectual and political shift in the post-war history of Sweden. The ambition of the 1975 immigrant and minority policy to enable the preservation of ethno-cultural minorities and to create a positive attitude towards the new multicultural society among the majority population was also incorporated into Swedish cultural, educational and media policies. The rejection of assimilationism and the new commitment to ethno-cultural diversity, the multicultural moment, has earned Sweden a place on the list of the early adopters of official multiculturalism, together with Canada and Australia. This compilation thesis examines the origins and early post-war history of the idea of multiculturalism as well as the interplay between idea and politics in the shift from a public ideal of homogeneity to an ideal of multiculturalism in Sweden. It does so from a range of conceptual, comparative, transnational, and biographical perspectives. The thesis consists of an introduction (Part I) and four previously published studies (Part II). The primary research result of the thesis concerns the agency involved in the break-through and formal establishment of the idea of multiculturalism in Sweden. Actors such as ethnic activists, experts and officials were instrumental in the introduction and establishment of multiculturalism in Sweden, as they also had been in Canada and in Australia. These actors have, however, not previously been recognized and analysed as significant idea-makers and political agents in the case of Sweden. The intertwined connections between activists, social scientists, linguists, and officials facilitated the transfer of the idea of multiculturalism from a publically contested idea to public policy via the way of The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, academia and the Royal Commission of Immigration. The thesis furthermore shows that the political success of the idea of multiculturalism, such as it was within the limits of the universalist social democratic welfare state, was dependent on whom the claims-makers were, the status and positions they held, and the way the idea of multiculturalism was conceptualised and used. It was also dependent on the migratory context of labour immigration in the 1960s and 1970s and on whose behalf the advocates of multiculturalism made their claims. The majority of the labour immigrants were Finnish citizens from the former eastern half of the kingdom of Sweden who were net contributors to the Swedish welfare state. This facilitated the recognition of their ethno-cultural difference, and, following the logic of universalism, the ethno-cultural difference of other minority groups in Sweden. The historical significance of the multicultural moment is still evident in the contemporary immigration and integration policies of Sweden. The affirmation of diversity continues to set Sweden apart from the rest of Europe, now more so than in the 1970s, even though the migratory context has changed radically in the last 40 years.
JNK1 is a MAP-kinase that has proven a significant player in the central nervous system. It regulates brain development and the maintenance of dendrites and axons. Several novel phosphorylation targets of JNK1 were identified in a screen performed in the Coffey lab. These proteins were mainly involved in the regulation of neuronal cytoskeleton, influencing the dynamics and stability of microtubules and actin. These structural proteins form the dynamic backbone for the elaborate architecture of the dendritic tree of a neuron. The initiation and branching of the dendrites requires a dynamic interplay between the cytoskeletal building blocks. Both microtubules and actin are decorated by associated proteins which regulate their dynamics. The dendrite-specific, high molecular weight microtubule associated protein 2 (MAP2) is an abundant protein in the brain, the binding of which stabilizes microtubules and influences their bundling. Its expression in non-neuronal cells induces the formation of neurite-like processes from the cell body, and its function is highly regulated by phosphorylation. JNK1 was shown to phosphorylate the proline-rich domain of MAP2 in vivo in a previous study performed in the group. Here we verify three threonine residues (T1619, T1622 and T1625) as JNK1 targets, the phosphorylation of which increases the binding of MAP2 to microtubules. This binding stabilizes the microtubules and increases process formation in non-neuronal cells. Phosphorylation-site mutants were engineered in the lab. The non-phosphorylatable mutant of MAP2 (MAP2- T1619A, T1622A, T1625A) in these residues fails to bind microtubules, while the pseudo-phosphorylated form, MAP2- T1619D, T1622D, Thr1625D, efficiently binds and induces process formation even without the presence of active JNK1. Ectopic expression of the MAP2- T1619D, T1622D, Thr1625D in vivo in mouse brain led to a striking increase in the branching of cortical layer 2/3 (L2/3) pyramidal neurons, compared to MAP2-WT. The dendritic complexity defines the receptive field of a neuron and dictates the output to the postsynaptic cells. Previous studies in the group indicated altered dendrite architecture of the pyramidal neurons in the Jnk1-/- mouse motor cortex. Here, we used Lucifer Yellow loading and Sholl analysis of neurons in order to study the dendritic branching in more detail. We report a striking, opposing effect in the absence of Jnk1 in the cortical layers 2/3 and 5 of the primary motor cortex. The basal dendrites of pyramidal neurons close to the pial surface at L2/3 show a reduced complexity. In contrast, the L5 neurons, which receive massive input from the L2/3 neurons, show greatly increased branching. Another novel substrate identified for JNK1 was MARCKSL1, a protein that regulates actin dynamics. It is highly expressed in neurons, but also in various cancer tissues. Three phosphorylation target residues for JNK1 were identified, and it was demonstrated that their phosphorylation reduces actin turnover and retards migration of these cells. Actin is the main cytoskeletal component in dendritic spines, the site of most excitatory synapses in pyramidal neurons. The density and gross morphology of the Lucifer Yellow filled dendrites were characterized and we show reduced density and altered morphology of spines in the motor cortex and in the hippocampal area CA3. The dynamic dendritic spines are widely considered to function as the cellular correlate during learning. We used a Morris water maze to test spatial memory. Here, the wild-type mice outperformed the knock-out mice during the acquisition phase of the experiment indicating impaired special memory. The L5 pyramidal neurons of the motor cortex project to the spinal cord and regulate the movement of distinct muscle groups. Thus the altered dendrite morphology in the motor cortex was expected to have an effect on the input-output balance in the signaling from the cortex to the lower motor circuits. A battery of behavioral tests were conducted for the wild-type and Jnk1-/- mice, and the knock-outs performed poorly compared to wild-type mice in tests assessing balance and fine motor movements. This study expands our knowledge of JNK1 as an important regulator of the dendritic fields of neurons and their manifestations in behavior.