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The literature on agency suggests different implications for the use of export intermediaries. However, only few studies provide a view on import intermediaries. This thesis tries for its part to fill this research gap by studying the import intermediaries in the EU–Russia trade from a Russian industrial company’s point of view. The aim is to describe import intermediation and explain the need for import intermediary companies in the EU–Russia trade. The theoretical framework of this thesis originates from an article by Peng and York (2001), in which they study the performance of export intermediaries. This thesis applies resource-based theory, transaction cost theory and agency cost theory, following the idea of Peng and York. The resource-based theory approach is utilised for describing an ideal import intermediary company, and transaction cost theory provides a basis for understanding the benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies, while agency cost theory is applied in order to understand the risks the Russian industrial company faces when it decides to use the services of import intermediaries. The study is performed in the form of a case interview with a representative of a major Russian metallurgy company. The results of the study suggest that an ideal intermediary has the skills required specifically for the imports process, in order to save time and money of the principal company. The intermediary company helps reducing the amount of time the managers and the staff of the principal company use to make imports possible, thus reducing the salary costs and providing the possibility to concentrate on the company’s core competencies. The benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies are the reduced transaction costs, especially salary costs that are minimised because of the effectiveness and specialisation of import intermediaries. Intermediaries are specialised in the imports process and thus need less time and resources to organise the imports. They also help to reduce the fixed salary costs, because their services can be used only when needed. The risks of being misled by intermediaries are minimised by the competition on the import intermediary market. In case an intermediary attempts fraud, it gets replaced by its rival.
Termiä sepsis käytetään infektion aiheuttamasta yleisestä tulehdusreaktio-oireyhtymästä. Biokemiallinen merkkiaine eli biomarkkeri on aine, joka objektiivisesti mitattuna ja arvioituna toimii indikaattorina erottaen toisistaan normaalit biologiset prosessit ja patogeeniset prosessit. Lisäksi biomarkkeri saattaa osoittaa farmakologisen vasteen lääkehoidolle. Tutkielman kirjallisessa osassa on esitelty ja verrattu toisiinsa jo kliinisessä käytössä olevia sekä lupaavia, vielä tutkimusvaiheessa olevia, sepsiksen biomerkkiaineita. Lisäksi tutkielmassa on tarkasteltu sepsiksen todentamisen, tunnistamisen ja hoidon tulevaisuudennäkymiä. Prokalsitoniini (PCT) on eräs jo kliinisessä käytössä oleva sepsiksen biomerkkiaine. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osassa pystytettiin teho-osastoille suunnattu pikatesti PCT:n mittaamiseen aikaerotteista fluoresenssiteknologiaa hyödyntävälle AQT-järjestelmälle (DHR Finland Oy, Innotrac Diagnostics, Suomi). Järjestelmä mittaa 20–30 minuutissa biomerkkiainepitoisuuden. Tavoitteena oli löytää sopiva vasta-ainepari ja pystyttää kaksipuoleinen immunomääritys, jonka analyyttinen herkkyys on alle 0,02 ng/ml:ssa. Työssä tutkittiin biotinyloidun kokonaisen vasta-aineen ja paikkaspesifisesti biotinyloidun antigeenia sitovan fragmentin (engl. fragment antigen binding, Fab) toimivuutta sitojamolekyylinä. Lisäksi työssä verrattiin kahden eri leimamolekyylin, 9 hampaisen europiumkelaatin sekä Innotracissa kehitetyn tähtikelaatin, toimivuutta PCT-immunomäärityksessä. Vasta-aineiden mahdolliset ristireaktiot testattiin ja määritystä testattiin alustavasti eri näytematriiseissa. Työssä löydettiin 5 vasta-aineparia, joiden analyyttinen herkkyys oli alle 0,02 ng/ml:ssa. Aiemmin testattuja vasta-ainepareja parempi analyyttinen herkkyys johtui todennäköisesti yhden uuden leimavasta-aineen paremmasta affiniteetistä. Tähtikelaatilla leimatulla vasta-aineella analyyttinen herkkyys parani lähes viisinkertaisesti, kun sitä verrattiin 9-hampaisella euroopiumkelaatilla leimatun vasta-aineen määritykseen. Havaittiin myös, että Fab-fragmentilla mitattiin määrityksissä lähes kaksi kertaa suuremmat signaali-taustasuhteet, kun sitä verrattiin kokonaiseen vasta-aineeseen, tietyllä vasta-aineparilla. Tämä johtui luultavasti steeristen esteiden vähenemisestä. Näytematriisilla ei todettu olevan vaikutusta määritykseen, eikä ristireaktioita havaittu. Kehitetyn määrityksen suoriutumista verrattiin markkinoilla olevaan BRAHMS AG:n (Saksa) PCT-määritykseen käyttäen potilasnäytteitä. Korrelaatiokertoimet potilasnäytevertailuissa olivat 0,965–0,989 ja näytteiden mitatuissa pitoisuuksissa oli tasoero.
The literature on agency suggests different implications for the use of export intermediaries. However, only few studies provide a view on import intermediaries. This thesis tries for its part to fill this research gap by studying the import intermediaries in the EU–Russia trade from a Russian industrial company’s point of view. The aim is to describe import intermediation and explain the need for import intermediary companies in the EU–Russia trade. The theoretical framework of this thesis originates from an article by Peng and York (2001), in which they study the performance of export intermediaries. This thesis applies resource-based theory, transaction cost theory and agency cost theory, following the idea of Peng and York. The resource-based theory approach is utilised for describing an ideal import intermediary company, and transaction cost theory provides a basis for understanding the benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies, while agency cost theory is applied in order to understand the risks the Russian industrial company faces when it decides to use the services of import intermediaries. The study is performed in the form of a case interview with a representative of a major Russian metallurgy company. The results of the study suggest that an ideal intermediary has the skills required specifically for the imports process, in order to save time and money of the principal company. The intermediary company helps reducing the amount of time the managers and the staff of the principal company use to make imports possible, thus reducing the salary costs and providing the possibility to concentrate on the company’s core competencies. The benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies are the reduced transaction costs, especially salary costs that are minimised because of the effectiveness and specialisation of import intermediaries. Intermediaries are specialised in the imports process and thus need less time and resources to organise the imports. They also help to reduce the fixed salary costs, because their services can be used only when needed. The risks of being misled by intermediaries are minimised by the competition on the import intermediary market. In case an intermediary attempts fraud, it gets replaced by its rival.
The amount of Russian tourists in Finland has increased significantly in the past years. The impact of Russian tourism to the Finnish retail trade sector is enormous, since Russian tourists often spend a lot of money particularly on shopping. Shopping tourism is mainly focused in the near border cities, such as Imatra and Lappeenranta, and in addition in Helsinki metropolitan area. The purpose of this study is to map the attitudes and perceptions of the sales personnel who are working in the Finnish retail trade sector towards Russian customers and to discover which elements affect these attitudes. The theories in this study are based on cultural elements and elements related to sales behavior and performance. Cultural differences between Finland and Russia, cultural distance and cultural intelligence form the cultural aspect of this study. Customer orientation vs. sales orientation (SOCO), adaptive selling, selling skills and job competency, salesperson’s affect and empathy toward customers, and job autonomy form the elements concerning sales behavior and performance. Furthermore, the attitude – behavior link, based on social psychology is addressed. A survey was conducted in two retail trade chains operating in Finland. These retail companies have stores and department stores in different geographical areas in Finland and the survey was conducted in altogether 19 cities. In addition to the theories that were discussed, two expert interviews were conducted in order to get a deeper understanding of the phenomenon at hand. Moreover the interviews helped in the formulation of the hypotheses and the questionnaire design. The questionnaires were sent directly to the stores, where they were placed so that they were available for the sales personnel. Altogether 487 usable responses were collected. The returned questionnaires were analyzed with IBM SPSS 21 statistics program. The results of this study indicated that the attitudes toward Russian customers are more negative compared to other foreign customers. However, the respondents’ attitudes toward and perceptions of Russian customers varied a lot. From the background variables age, education level, length of employment in current workplace, and length of experience in customer service had an effect on the attitudes of the respondents. In addition, the perceptions of Russian customers were more positive in the Eastern Finland compared to Helsinki metropolitan area. The cultural elements; cultural knowledge, cultural distance and cultural intelligence all affected the attitudes of the respondents. From the elements related to sales behavior and performance customer orientation, salesperson’s affect and empathy toward customers, and perceived job autonomy had an effect on the attitudes