39 resultados para two-phase cooling
Tämän diplomityötutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda markkinaälyyn (MI) erikoistunut funktio suurelle, globaalisti toimivalle B2B-yritykselle. Tämän päivän muut-tuvilla markkinoilla, teollisuusyrityksen on oltava markkinalähtöinen selviytyäkseen. Markkinatiedon tehokas hyödyntäminen ei pelkästään luo tietoa markkinoista, vaan tuottaa kilpailukykyistä tietoa ja toimii strategisen päätöksenteon tukena pitkällä aikavälillä. Tämä tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen toimintatutkimus, joka sisältää kirjallisuuskat-sauksen, yritystapaustutkimuksen sekä syväanalyysin yrityksen MI-ympäristöstä. Kirjallisuuskatsaus pitää sisällään teoriaa liittyen markkinaälyyn useassa eri kon-tekstissa, asiakassuhteeseen, sekä prosessinmallintamiseen. Empiiriseen osaa seuraa tutkimusmenetelmäkappale, joka sisältää kaksivaiheisen tutkimuksen mukaan lu-kien 20 päällikkötason haastattelua sekä yhden laaja-alaisen työryhmätapaamisen. Työn tuloksena syntyy kolmivaiheinen tiekartta, jonka tarkoitus on toimia pohjana uuden MI-funktion rakentamiselle Case-yrityksessä. Tuloksen mukaan MI-funktio tulisi sijoittaa yrityksen asiakasrajapintaan sekä tukea yksiköiden välistä integraa-tiota. Markkinaälyn jakaminen yrityksen sisällä vaatii käytäntöjen, tarpeiden ja ta-voitteiden systemaattista viestintää eri organisaatiotasoille, jotta yritys voi edelleen saada asiakkaalta tarpeeseen vastaavaa tietoa. Viestintä yrityksen ja asiakkaan välil-lä on oltava molemminpuolista, jotta tulokset voisivat parantaa asiakassuhdetta. Kun asiakassuhde paranee, yritys voi oppia asiakkaalta arvokasta tietoa, markkinaälyä.
The original contribution of this thesis to knowledge are novel digital readout architectures for hybrid pixel readout chips. The thesis presents asynchronous bus-based architecture, a data-node based column architecture and a network-based pixel matrix architecture for data transportation. It is shown that the data-node architecture achieves readout efficiency 99% with half the output rate as a bus-based system. The network-based solution avoids “broken” columns due to some manufacturing errors, and it distributes internal data traffic more evenly across the pixel matrix than column-based architectures. An improvement of > 10% to the efficiency is achieved with uniform and non-uniform hit occupancies. Architectural design has been done using transaction level modeling (TLM) and sequential high-level design techniques for reducing the design and simulation time. It has been possible to simulate tens of column and full chip architectures using the high-level techniques. A decrease of > 10 in run-time is observed using these techniques compared to register transfer level (RTL) design technique. Reduction of 50% for lines-of-code (LoC) for the high-level models compared to the RTL description has been achieved. Two architectures are then demonstrated in two hybrid pixel readout chips. The first chip, Timepix3 has been designed for the Medipix3 collaboration. According to the measurements, it consumes < 1 W/cm^2. It also delivers up to 40 Mhits/s/cm^2 with 10-bit time-over-threshold (ToT) and 18-bit time-of-arrival (ToA) of 1.5625 ns. The chip uses a token-arbitrated, asynchronous two-phase handshake column bus for internal data transfer. It has also been successfully used in a multi-chip particle tracking telescope. The second chip, VeloPix, is a readout chip being designed for the upgrade of Vertex Locator (VELO) of the LHCb experiment at CERN. Based on the simulations, it consumes < 1.5 W/cm^2 while delivering up to 320 Mpackets/s/cm^2, each packet containing up to 8 pixels. VeloPix uses a node-based data fabric for achieving throughput of 13.3 Mpackets/s from the column to the EoC. By combining Monte Carlo physics data with high-level simulations, it has been demonstrated that the architecture meets requirements of the VELO (260 Mpackets/s/cm^2 with efficiency of 99%).
Tämän tutkimuksen kohde on suomen kirjoitetun yleiskielen morfosyntaktisten yhdyssanarakenteiden produktiivisuus. Tutkimuksen tärkein päämäärä on selvittää, kuinka ahkerasti erilaisia suomen kielen suomia mahdollisuuksia käytetään uusien yhdyssanojen muodostuksessa. Käytännöllistä produktiivisuutta kartoittava tutkimus täydentää kielioppien ja sanastonkuvausten antamaa kuvaa kielestä. Tutkimuksen kohteena oleva kielimuoto on kaikille kielenkäyttäjille yhteinen kirjoitettu yleiskieli. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu 28 091 uudesta yhdyssanasta, jotka on kerätty painetun median kielestä vuosina 2000–2009. Aineiston pohjana on Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen Nykysuomen sanastotietokanta, johon poimitaan uusia ja uudella tavalla käytettyjä sanoja ensisijaisesti sanakirjatyön ja kielenhuollon tarpeisiin. Tutkimusaihetta lähestytään useiden yhdyssanan osien muotoa, sanaluokkaa, määrää ja pituutta koskevien alakysymysten kautta. Tutkimus etenee yksittäisten muut-tujien käsittelystä muuttujien keskinäisiä suhteita tarkasteleviin malleihin. Tutkimuksessa käytetään kaksivaiheista metodia: Metodin ensimmäinen askel on uudessa sanastossa havaittujen rakenteiden tyyppifrekvenssin tilastollinen analyysi. Toinen askel on varsinkin matalafrekvenssisten tai tilastollisessa analyysissa muuten poikkeavaksi osoittautuneiden rakenteiden kvalitatiivinen tarkastelu. Metodi on kehitetty tätä tutkimusta varten, sillä aiemmin produktiivisuuden mittaamisessa käytetyt menetelmät eivät sellaisenaan sovi suomen kielen yhdyssanarakenteiden tutkimukseen. Tutkimusmetodien kehittäminen on tutkimuksen keskeinen tavoite. Tutkimus osoittaa, että suomen kielen uudet yhdyssanat ovat rakenteeltaan homogeenisempiä, kuin aiempia kielenkuvauksia lukemalla voisi olettaa. Uusi suomen kielen yhdyssana on todennäköisimmin kahdesta substantiivista yhdistämällä muodostettu substantiivi, jonka alkuosa on nominatiivissa eikä kongruoi jälkiosan kanssa. Ennakko-oletusta huomattavasti yleisempiä ovat myös prefiksinkaltaisella alkuosalla alkavat yhdyssanat. Genetiivialkuiset yhdyssanat puolestaan ovat ennakko-oletusta harvinaisempia. Kaikki kieliopillisesti mahdolliset yhdyssanarakenteet eivät ole lainkaan produktiivisia kielenkäytön tasolla. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kielen rakennetta kartoittavaa perustutkimusta. Tutkimustulosten tärkeimmät sovellusalat ovat kieliteknologia ja sananmuodostuksen opetus. Tutkimus avaa useita näkökulmia jatkotutkimukselle.
A small break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) is one of problems investigated in an NPP operation. Such accident can be analyzed using an experiment facility and TRACE thermal-hydraulic system code. A series of SBLOCA experiments was carried out on Parallel Channel Test Loop (PACTEL) facility, exploited together with Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Energy and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), in order to investigate two-phase phenomena related to a VVER-type reactor. The experiments and a TRACE model of the PACTEL facility are described in the paper. In addition, there is the TRACE code description with main field equations. At the work, calculations of a SBLOCA series are implemented and after the calculations, the thesis discusses the validation of TRACE and concludes with an assessment of the usefulness and accuracy of the code in calculating small breaks.
Fluid flow behaviour in porous media is a conundrum. Therefore, this research is focused on filtration-volumetric characterisation of fractured-carbonate sediments, coupled with their proper simulation. For this reason, at laboratory rock properties such as pore volume, permeability and porosity are measured, later phase permeabilities and oil recovery in function of flow rate are assessed. Furthermore, the rheological properties of three oils are measured and analysed. Finally based on rock and fluid properties, a model using COMSOL Multiphysics is built in order to compare the experimental and simulated results. The rock analyses show linear relation between flow rate and differential pressure, from which phase permeabilities and pressure gradient are determined, eventually the oil recovery under low and high flow rate is established. In addition, the oils reveal thixotropic properties as well as non-Newtonian behaviour described by Bingham model, consequently Carreau viscosity model for the used oil is given. Given these points, the model for oil and water is built in COMSOL Multiphysics, whereupon successfully the reciprocity between experimental and simulated results is analysed and compared. Finally, a two-phase displacement model is elaborated.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the scalability of small break LOCA experiments. The study is performed on the experimental data, as well as on the results of thermal hydraulic computation performed on TRACE code. The SBLOCA experiments were performed on PACTEL facility situated at LUT. The temporal scaling of the results was done by relating the total coolant mass in the system with the initial break mass flow and using the quotient to scale the experiment time. The results showed many similarities in the behaviour of pressure and break mass flow between the experiments.
The steam turbines play a significant role in global power generation. Especially, research on low pressure (LP) steam turbine stages is of special importance for steam turbine man- ufactures, vendors, power plant owners and the scientific community due to their lower efficiency than the high pressure steam turbine stages. Because of condensation, the last stages of LP turbine experience irreversible thermodynamic losses, aerodynamic losses and erosion in turbine blades. Additionally, an LP steam turbine requires maintenance due to moisture generation, and therefore, it is also affecting on the turbine reliability. Therefore, the design of energy efficient LP steam turbines requires a comprehensive analysis of condensation phenomena and corresponding losses occurring in the steam tur- bine either by experiments or with numerical simulations. The aim of the present work is to apply computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to enhance the existing knowledge and understanding of condensing steam flows and loss mechanisms that occur due to the irre- versible heat and mass transfer during the condensation process in an LP steam turbine. Throughout this work, two commercial CFD codes were used to model non-equilibrium condensing steam flows. The Eulerian-Eulerian approach was utilised in which the mix- ture of vapour and liquid phases was solved by Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equa- tions. The nucleation process was modelled with the classical nucleation theory, and two different droplet growth models were used to predict the droplet growth rate. The flow turbulence was solved by employing the standard k-ε and the shear stress transport k-ω turbulence models. Further, both models were modified and implemented in the CFD codes. The thermodynamic properties of vapour and liquid phases were evaluated with real gas models. In this thesis, various topics, namely the influence of real gas properties, turbulence mod- elling, unsteadiness and the blade trailing edge shape on wet-steam flows, are studied with different convergent-divergent nozzles, turbine stator cascade and 3D turbine stator-rotor stage. The simulated results of this study were evaluated and discussed together with the available experimental data in the literature. The grid independence study revealed that an adequate grid size is required to capture correct trends of condensation phenomena in LP turbine flows. The study shows that accurate real gas properties are important for the precise modelling of non-equilibrium condensing steam flows. The turbulence modelling revealed that the flow expansion and subsequently the rate of formation of liquid droplet nuclei and its growth process were affected by the turbulence modelling. The losses were rather sensitive to turbulence modelling as well. Based on the presented results, it could be observed that the correct computational prediction of wet-steam flows in the LP turbine requires the turbulence to be modelled accurately. The trailing edge shape of the LP turbine blades influenced the liquid droplet formulation, distribution and sizes, and loss generation. The study shows that the semicircular trailing edge shape predicted the smallest droplet sizes. The square trailing edge shape estimated greater losses. The analysis of steady and unsteady calculations of wet-steam flow exhibited that in unsteady simulations, the interaction of wakes in the rotor blade row affected the flow field. The flow unsteadiness influenced the nucleation and droplet growth processes due to the fluctuation in the Wilson point.
The majority of research work carried out in the field of Operations-Research uses methods and algorithms to optimize the pick-up and delivery problem. Most studies aim to solve the vehicle routing problem, to accommodate optimum delivery orders, vehicles etc. This paper focuses on green logistics approach, where existing Public Transport infrastructure capability of a city is used for the delivery of small and medium sized packaged goods thus, helping improve the situation of urban congestion and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. It carried out a study to investigate the feasibility of the proposed multi-agent based simulation model, for efficiency of cost, time and energy consumption. Multimodal Dijkstra Shortest Path algorithm and Nested Monte Carlo Search have been employed for a two-phase algorithmic approach used for generation of time based cost matrix. The quality of the tour is dependent on the efficiency of the search algorithm implemented for plan generation and route planning. The results reveal a definite advantage of using Public Transportation over existing delivery approaches in terms of energy efficiency.
Both atom localization and Raman cooling, considered in the thesis, reflect recent progress in the area of all-optical methods. We focus on twodimensional (2D) case, using a four-level tripod-type atomic scheme for atom localization within the optical half-wavelength as well as for efficient subrecoil Raman cooling. In the first part, we discuss the principles of 1D atom localization, accompanying by an example of the measurement of a spontaneously-emitted photon. Modifying this example, one archives sub-wavelength localization of a three-level -type atom, measuring the population in its upper state. We go further and obtain 2D sub-wavelength localization for a four-level tripod-type atom. The upper-state population is classified according to the spatial distribution, which in turn forms such structures as spikes, craters and waves. The second part of the thesis is devoted to Raman cooling. The cooling process is controlled by a sequence of velocity-selective transfers from one to another ground state. So far, 1D deep subrecoil cooling has been carried out with the sequence of square or Blackman pulses, applied to -type atoms. In turn, we discuss the transfer of atoms by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP), which provides robustness against the pulse duration if the cooling time is not in any critical role. A tripod-type atomic scheme is used for the purpose of 2D Raman cooling, allowing one to increase the efficiency and simplify the realization of the cooling.