39 resultados para request
A web service is a software system that provides a machine-processable interface to the other machines over the network using different Internet protocols. They are being increasingly used in the industry in order to automate different tasks and offer services to a wider audience. The REST architectural style aims at producing scalable and extensible web services using technologies that play well with the existing tools and infrastructure of the web. It provides a uniform set of operation that can be used to invoke a CRUD interface (create, retrieve, update and delete) of a web service. The stateless behavior of the service interface requires that every request to a resource is independent of the previous ones facilitating scalability. Automated systems, e.g., hotel reservation systems, provide advanced scenarios for stateful services that require a certain sequence of requests that must be followed in order to fulfill the service goals. Designing and developing such services for advanced scenarios with REST constraints require rigorous approaches that are capable of creating web services that can be trusted for their behavior. Systems that can be trusted for their behavior can be termed as dependable systems. This thesis presents an integrated design, analysis and validation approach that facilitates the service developer to create dependable and stateful REST web services. The main contribution of this thesis is that we provide a novel model-driven methodology to design behavioral REST web service interfaces and their compositions. The behavioral interfaces provide information on what methods can be invoked on a service and the pre- and post-conditions of these methods. The methodology uses Unified Modeling Language (UML), as the modeling language, which has a wide user base and has mature tools that are continuously evolving. We have used UML class diagram and UML state machine diagram with additional design constraints to provide resource and behavioral models, respectively, for designing REST web service interfaces. These service design models serve as a specification document and the information presented in them have manifold applications. The service design models also contain information about the time and domain requirements of the service that can help in requirement traceability which is an important part of our approach. Requirement traceability helps in capturing faults in the design models and other elements of software development environment by tracing back and forth the unfulfilled requirements of the service. The information about service actors is also included in the design models which is required for authenticating the service requests by authorized actors since not all types of users have access to all the resources. In addition, following our design approach, the service developer can ensure that the designed web service interfaces will be REST compliant. The second contribution of this thesis is consistency analysis of the behavioral REST interfaces. To overcome the inconsistency problem and design errors in our service models, we have used semantic technologies. The REST interfaces are represented in web ontology language, OWL2, that can be part of the semantic web. These interfaces are used with OWL 2 reasoners to check unsatisfiable concepts which result in implementations that fail. This work is fully automated thanks to the implemented translation tool and the existing OWL 2 reasoners. The third contribution of this thesis is the verification and validation of REST web services. We have used model checking techniques with UPPAAL model checker for this purpose. The timed automata of UML based service design models are generated with our transformation tool that are verified for their basic characteristics like deadlock freedom, liveness, reachability and safety. The implementation of a web service is tested using a black-box testing approach. Test cases are generated from the UPPAAL timed automata and using the online testing tool, UPPAAL TRON, the service implementation is validated at runtime against its specifications. Requirement traceability is also addressed in our validation approach with which we can see what service goals are met and trace back the unfulfilled service goals to detect the faults in the design models. A final contribution of the thesis is an implementation of behavioral REST interfaces and service monitors from the service design models. The partial code generation tool creates code skeletons of REST web services with method pre and post-conditions. The preconditions of methods constrain the user to invoke the stateful REST service under the right conditions and the post condition constraint the service developer to implement the right functionality. The details of the methods can be manually inserted by the developer as required. We do not target complete automation because we focus only on the interface aspects of the web service. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated with a pedagogical example of a hotel room booking service and a relatively complex worked example of holiday booking service taken from the industrial context. The former example presents a simple explanation of the approach and the later worked example shows how stateful and timed web services offering complex scenarios and involving other web services can be constructed using our approach.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
One of the main challenges in Software Engineering is to cope with the transition from an industry based on software as a product to software as a service. The field of Software Engineering should provide the necessary methods and tools to develop and deploy new cost-efficient and scalable digital services. In this thesis, we focus on deployment platforms to ensure cost-efficient scalability of multi-tier web applications and on-demand video transcoding service for different types of load conditions. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds provide Virtual Machines (VMs) under the pay-per-use business model. Dynamically provisioning VMs on demand allows service providers to cope with fluctuations on the number of service users. However, VM provisioning must be done carefully, because over-provisioning results in an increased operational cost, while underprovisioning leads to a subpar service. Therefore, our main focus in this thesis is on cost-efficient VM provisioning for multi-tier web applications and on-demand video transcoding. Moreover, to prevent provisioned VMs from becoming overloaded, we augment VM provisioning with an admission control mechanism. Similarly, to ensure efficient use of provisioned VMs, web applications on the under-utilized VMs are consolidated periodically. Thus, the main problem that we address is cost-efficient VM provisioning augmented with server consolidation and admission control on the provisioned VMs. We seek solutions for two types of applications: multi-tier web applications that follow the request-response paradigm and on-demand video transcoding that is based on video streams with soft realtime constraints. Our first contribution is a cost-efficient VM provisioning approach for multi-tier web applications. The proposed approach comprises two subapproaches: a reactive VM provisioning approach called ARVUE and a hybrid reactive-proactive VM provisioning approach called Cost-efficient Resource Allocation for Multiple web applications with Proactive scaling. Our second contribution is a prediction-based VM provisioning approach for on-demand video transcoding in the cloud. Moreover, to prevent virtualized servers from becoming overloaded, the proposed VM provisioning approaches are augmented with admission control approaches. Therefore, our third contribution is a session-based admission control approach for multi-tier web applications called adaptive Admission Control for Virtualized Application Servers. Similarly, the fourth contribution in this thesis is a stream-based admission control and scheduling approach for on-demand video transcoding called Stream-Based Admission Control and Scheduling. Our fifth contribution is a computation and storage trade-o strategy for cost-efficient video transcoding in cloud computing. Finally, the sixth and the last contribution is a web application consolidation approach, which uses Ant Colony System to minimize the under-utilization of the virtualized application servers.
In the market where companies similar in size and resources are competing, it is challenging to have any advantage over others. In order to stay afloat company needs to have capability to perform with fewer resources and yet provide better service. Hence development of efficient processes which can cut costs and improve performance is crucial. As business expands, processes become complicated and large amount of data needs to be managed and available on request. Different tools are used in companies to store and manage data, which facilitates better production and transactions. In the modern business world the most utilized tool for that purpose is ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning system. The focus of this research is to study how competitive advantage can be achieved by implementing proprietary ERP system in the company; ERP system that is in-house created, tailor made to match and align business needs and processes. Market is full of ERP software, but choosing the right one is a big challenge. Identifying the key features that need improvement in processes and data management, choosing the right ERP, implementing it and the follow-up is a long and expensive journey companies undergo. Some companies prefer to invest in a ready-made package bought from vendor and adjust it according to own business needs, while others focus on creating own system with in-house IT capabilities. In this research a case company is used and author tries to identify and analyze why organization in question decided to pursue the development of proprietary ERP system, how it has been implemented and whether it has been successful. Main conclusion and recommendation of this research is for companies to know core capabilities and constraints before choosing and implementing ERP system. Knowledge of factors that affect system change outcome is important, to make the right decisions on strategic level and implement on operational level. Duration of the project in the case company has lasted longer than anticipated. It has been reported that in cases of buying ready product from vendor, projects are delayed and completed over budget as well. In general, in case company implementation of proprietary ERP has been successful both from business performance figures and usability of system by employees. In terms of future research, conducting a study to calculate statistically ROI of both approaches; of buying ready product and creating own ERP will be beneficial.
Study of the advancement of innovations in communications industry. Case study: Russian Post Company
This study attempted to provide a project based on the already tested and successful results of foreign business which can help to contain the final price of innovation on desired levels. The research will attempt to dig out most of available information related to aforementioned definitions and thus completing theoretical background. Next author will explain used methodology and the process of evidence collection. After that the study will show the analysis of collected data in order to obtain results which are going to be compared with stated objectives in the final part. The conclusion of the research and proposed possibilities for additional work will be given in the last part. For this study author has chosen the qualitative model because it performs very well for analysis of small scale of data. The case study method was used because it gave author an opportunity to make an in-depth analysis of the collected information about particular organization so it became possible to analyze system's details in comparison. The results have been early considered valid and applicable to other studies. As the result thesis has proposed undertakings which reflect researches aimed on solving problems with provision of services and development of communications. In addition thesis has proposed formulation of database of postal service for Russian Post when (by request) customer possess an account where he or she can access postal services via PC or info table in postal office and order delivery of postal products which will be given private identification code. Project's payoff period has been calculated as well.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia viisumin epäävään päätökseen (kielteiseen päätökseen) liittyviä perusteita ja epäävään päätöksen muutoksenhakukeinoja. Tutkimuksessa tuodaan esiin muutoksenhakuvälineiden erilaisuus tavallisen viisumihakijan ja Euroopan unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsenen välillä, johon sovelletaan vapaan liikkuvuuden direktiiviä. Tutkimuksessa viisumin epäämisen tarkastelu on kohdistettu Venäjän viisumeihin. Tutkimusmenetelmänä tutkielmassa käytetään oikeusdogmatiikkaa, lainsäädännön ja sen esivalmisteluaineiston läpikäyntiä. Oikeusdogmatiikan avulla pyritään etsimään vastausta epäävän päätöksen muutoksenhaun erilaisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa on lisäksi tukeuduttu oikeuskirjallisuuteen. Viimeisenä tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty laadullista haastattelututkimusta. Viisumin epäävään (kielteiseen) päätöksen perusteet on Euroopan unionin lainsäädännössä tarkkaan asetettu. Viisumia ei näin ollen voi evätä, jollei peruste löydy lainsäädännöstä. Kuitenkin epäävään päätökseen liittyy lähtökohtaisesti aina viranomaisen harkinta. Viranomaisella on velvollisuus käyttää harkintaansa ja pyrkiä objektiivisesti ottamaan huomioon kaikki asiaan vaikuttavat seikat kokonaisuutena, kun punnitaan viisumin päätösratkaisua. Tutkimustuloksissa huomioidaan Suomessa vallitseva valitusoikeuden puuttuminen epäävään viisumipäätökseen ja siihen haettuun oikaisuvaatimuspäätökseen. Tuloksissa tuodaan esiin Euroopan unionin kansalaisen etuoikeutettu asema vapaan liikkuvuuden direktiivin kohdalla ja siihen liittyvä hallintovalitusmahdollisuus. Asian eriarvoisuuden perustelut on tuotu esiin. Euroopan unionin kansalainen kuuluu erityiseen oikeusjärjestykseen, jolloin erilaiselle kohtelulle on olemassa objektiivinen ja hyväksyttävä peruste. On huomioitava, että Suomen kansallinen muutoksenhakujärjestelmä perustuu EUoikeuteen. EU-oikeus on antanut jäsenvaltioilleen mahdollisuuden toteuttaa viisumeihin kohdistuvan muutoksenhaun omalla, parhaaksi katsomallaan tavalla. Viisumin hakijalta puuttuva valitusoikeus, muiden kuin vapaan liikkuvuuden soveltamisalaan kuuluvana (Ulkomaalaislain 10 luvun piirissä), on kuitenkin oikeusturvanäkökohtien kannalta arveluttavaa. Oikaisuvaatimuksella hoidettu muutoksenhaku, jonka päätöksestä ei voi valittaa, voi joidenkin henkilöiden kohdalla olla liian heikko muutoksenhakuväline. Tuloksissa tuodaan esiin käytäntöjä, joiden avulla konsulaatti pyrkii takaamaan viisuminhakijoiden tasapuolisen kohtelun ja päätöksen käsittelyn syrjimättömällä tavalla. Tuloksissa perehdytään viisumihakijan oman toiminnan vaikutuksiin päätösmenettelyssä, jolla on myös merkitystä. Lisäksi tuodaan esiin epäävän viisumipäätöksen perusteet. Päätelmänä ulkomaalaislain sääntelemä valituskielto voidaan mahdollisesti katsoa olevan riittämätön hakijoiden oikeusturvan kannalta.
This dissertation examines parental disciplinary violence against children in authority records and in the criminal procedure in Finland. The main aim is to analyze disciplinary violence, how it is defined, and how it is constructed as a crime by social workers, the police, and parents. This dissertation consists of four sub-studies and a summary article. In the first sub-study, I examine how disciplinary violence appears in child welfare documents and analyze the decision-making processes and measures taken by the child welfare workers. The second sub-study, utilizing police interview data, examines police officers’ perceptions of disciplinary violence, its criminalization, and its investigation. In addition to this analysis of police officers’ own perceptions, in the third sub-study, I use reports of crime and pre-trial investigation documents to look at what a typical suspicion of disciplinary violence coming to the attention of the police is and examine the decision-making processes of the police. Utilizing authority data, the fourth sub-study analyzes how parents rationalize the use of disciplinary violence to the authorities investigating these suspicions. The research provides findings that are unprecedented in Finland. Firstly, it was shown that social workers’ decision-making processes in suspicions of disciplinary violence follow three pathways of reasoning, with many factors taken into consideration; and in less than one-third of the cases, a request for criminal investigation has been made to the police. Secondly, it was verified that police officers hold different perceptions of disciplinary violence, and these perceptions have multiple effects on the investigation of these cases and the construction of disciplinary violence as a crime. Thirdly, the analysis of the reports of crime and pre-trial investigation documents showed that almost two-thirds of the cases of disciplinary violence had been sent to a prosecutor by the police and, thus, defined as a crime. However, in many cases, acts of disciplinary violence were often seen as ‘educational, petty one-off incidents’ and a possible trial and punishment for the perpetrator were seen as unreasonable. Fourthly, it was found that parents often try to neutralize and rationalize the violence they have used against their children, for example, either by denying the victim, the criminal intent, or the entire act, or relying on the necessity of the forbidden act. The dissertation concludes that disciplinary violence is defined and constructed in authority policies and practices, first and foremost, by the severity of the act, the nature of the act as continuous or singular, the perceived harm caused by the act to a child, and the perceptions of authorities regarding physical punishment of children. The asymmetrical power setting present in disciplinary violence and parents’ legitimized right to raise and discipline their children partly seem to explain why criminal-law processing of these suspicions of violence and understanding these as crimes is difficult. Finally, this research calls for more coherent and consistent authority practices and policies, achieved by educating authorities and increasing awareness on disciplinary violence, questions the need for a concept like ‘disciplinary’ violence, and suggests more emphasis on unambiguous perceptions of a child’s best interest.
Viime vuosien aikana palveluhankintojen suhteellinen osuus kaikista toteutetuista julkisista hankinnoista on kasvanut Suomessa huomattavasti. Samalla markkinaoikeudessa on käsitelty vuosittain suuri määrä erilaisiin julkisiin hankinta-asioihin liittyviä valituksia. Merkittävä valitusten määrä on seurausta siitä, että julkisissa hankintaprosesseissa tehdään paljon virheitä. Tarjouspyynnön laatiminen on tärkeä hankintaprosessin vaihe, johon hankintayksiköissä tulisi kalliit markkinaoikeuskäsittelyt välttääkseen riittävästi panostaa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä asiat palveluhankintojen tarjouspyyntöjen laatimisessa tuottavat hankintayksiköille ongelmia. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli pohtia sekä itse palvelun hankkijaan että julkisten hankintojen lainsäädäntöön liittyviä tekijöitä, joista ongelmat palveluhankintojen tarjouspyyntöjen laatimisessa mahdollisesti johtuvat. Tutkimuksessa tutkimuskohteena olivat 24 markkinaoikeuden vuosina 2012–2014 antamaa hankinta-asioiden ratkaisua, ja tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena tutkimusaineistoa kategorisoimalla ja yhdenmukaistamalla. Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että merkittävin kompastuskivi kansallisten palveluhankintojen tarjouspyyntöjen laatimisessa on tarjouksen vertailuperusteiden asettaminen. Erityisesti laadun vertailuperusteiden tulkinnanvarainen ja epäselvä esittäminen oli yleistä, ja lisäksi merkittävä määrä virheitä tehtiin sekoittamalla tarjoajan soveltuvuusvaatimukset vertailuperusteisiin. Joitakin virheitä tehtiin myös vertailuperusteiden tärkeysjärjestyksen ja suhteellisen painotuksen asettamisessa sekä hankinnan kohteen määrittelyssä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella pääteltiin, että kansallisten palveluhankintojen tarjouspyyntöjen laatimisen ongelmissa on suurimmassa osin kyse hankintayksikön vähäisistä resursseista ja siten heikosta hankintojen suunnittelusta sekä hankintayksiköiden ammattitaidon ja kokemuksen puutteista. Lisäksi joitakin esiintyneitä virheitä voidaan ainakin jossain määrin perustella hankintalainsäädännön monimutkaisuudella ja tulkinnanvaraisuudella.