35 resultados para merger
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ollut selvittää fuusiossa tavoiteltujen hyötyjen saavuttamista Kymenlaakson Osuuspankissa. Työssä on tutkittu saavutettuja onnistumisia sekä mahdollisia haasteita ja epäonnistumisia hallituksen, toimitusjohtajan ja hallintoneuvoston puheenjohtajan näkökulmaa painottaen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty henkilökohtaisia puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja. Haastattelujen avulla on saavutettu kokonaiskuva paitsi onnistumisista ja haasteista, myös näihin asioihin taustalla vaikuttavista tekijöistä, joita fuusioprosessissa olisi hyvä ottaa aina huomioon. Tuloksista selvisi, että tavoitteissa on onnistuttu pääosin hyvin ottaen huomioon fuusion toteutumisajankohta ja taloudellinen toimintaympäristö. Kuitenkin oli myös selvästi nähtävissä, että paljon on edelleen monella osa-alueella saavutettavissa. Tätä selittää vielä varsin lyhyt toimintahistoria fuusioitumisen jälkeen. Kohdatuissa haasteissa on nähtävissä selkeästi myös aiemmissa tutkimuksissa havaittuja haasteita ja vastoinkäymisiä. Nämä ovat haastavia ottaa kokonaisvaltaisesti huomioon, sillä fuusioprosessi on monisyinen tapahtuma, jossa mukana on useita eri tahoja ja toteuttajia. Tuloksissa on kuitenkin tullut ilmi se, että vaikka haasteisiin ei välttämättä olisi täysin ennalta kyetty varautumaan, on näihin niitä kohdatessa vastattu hyvin nopealla reagoinnilla ja tämä on osittain vahvistanut saavutettuja tuloksia.
This master’s thesis was made in order to gain answers to the question of how the integration of the marketing communications and the decision making related to it in a geographically dispersed service organization could be improved in a situation where an organization has gone through a merger. The effects of the organizational design dimensions towards the integration of the marketing communications and the decision making related to it was the main focus. A case study as a research strategy offered a perfect frames for an exploratory study and the data collection was conducted by semi-structured interviews and observing. The main finding proved that from the chosen design dimensions, decentralization, coordination and power, could be found specific factors that in a geographically dispersed organization are affecting the integration of the marketing communications negatively. The effects can be seen mostly in the decision making processes, roles and in the division of responsibility, which are affecting the other dimensions and by this, the integration. In a post-merger situation, the coordination dimension and especially the information asymmetry and the information flow seem to have a largest affect towards the integration of the marketing communications. An asymmetric information distribution with the lack of business and marketing education resulted in low self-assurance and at the end in fragmented management and to the inability to set targets and make independent decisions. As conclusions it can be stated, that with the organizational design dimensions can the effects of a merger towards the integration process of the marketing communications to be evaluated.
Tämän kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kuinka esimiesten odotukset ja kokemukset erosivat toisistaan kombinaatiosulautumisessa, jossa kaksi osuuskauppaa liitettiin toisiinsa vuonna 2013. Tutkimus lähestyy aihetta muutoksen näkökulmasta, kuinka organisaatio muuttuu ja mitä tapahtuu kun kaksi organisaatio-kulttuuria kohtaa. Tutkimuksen kohteeksi oli rajattu sulautumisen kannalta tärkein sidosryhmä, esimiehet, joiden odotuksia ja kokemuksia seurattiin 13 kuukauden ajan. Tiedon kerääminen tapahtui kolmessa eri vaiheessa kyselytutkimusten avulla. Tämä tutkimus vahvisti monien aiempien tutkimusten tuloksia kulttuurien kohtaamisesta ja niistä haasteista, joita organisaatiot kohtaavat muutoksen edessä. Tutkimuksen tärkein havainto oli, että organisaatiokulttuurien kohdatessa toinen kulttuureista joutuu aina sopeutumaan ja muuntautumaan valtakulttuurin mukaisesti.
This thesis studies the collective memory of the Russian-speaking minority living in Estonia. The minority is exposed to two national narratives regarding the incorporation of Estonia into the Soviet Union in 1940. According to the Estonian narrative, Estonia was occupied and annexed by the Soviet Union while the Soviet-Russian narrative sees the actions to have been legal and voluntary. This thesis firstly examines thoughts the existence of these two opposing narratives evoke among the Russian-speaking minority and secondly it explores whether the views of the minority compare with the two official yet divergent narratives. The study focuses on the second and third generation minority members. The topic belongs to the field of memory studies. The objective is to understand the views the Russian minority have towards the controversial events of the years 1939-40. To accomplish the objectives set, a web-based survey using open-ended and multiple-choice questions was conducted. The open-ended questions addressed the main research questions while the multiple-choice questions contributed to forming a more comprehensive understanding of the subject in question. In order to interpret the data, qualitative content analysis has been applied. Based on the findings, the Russian-speaking minority respondents’ understanding of the events of 1939-40 could be described as fragmented, inconsistent and including viewpoints that resulted from the merger of different storylines. There is no single cohesive or coherent narrative of the past amongst the minority. In addition to that, their views do not generally comply with the narrative of the Russian Federation as often referred to in literature, even though the minority respondents do not want to see the Soviet involvement as critically as the Estonian narrative does. Many respondents conceive the events of 1939-40 as ambiguous revealing the ability to be tolerant and receptive in their views regarding the past.
Over the years, cross-border mergers and acquisitions have become a popular strategic option for variety of firms. Companies often seek rapid growth through acquiring potentially valuable enterprises or attempting to enhance their organization’s profitability by merging with other firms. However, managing the change of organizational culture is a major managerial challenge as companies often confront difficulties when merging two previously autonomous organizational cultures into one, joint organizational culture. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to increase understanding related to the challenges and possibilities concerning the management of organizational culture change in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. The research question “How to manage the change of organizational culture in cross-border mergers and acquisitions?” is analysed in relation to the theories presented in this thesis regarding organizational culture, organizational change and acculturation as well as in relation with the collected empirical data. The research question is divided into three sub-questions according to the following: (1) “What is the role of organizational culture in organizations?”, (2) “How to manage organizational change in mergers and acquisitions?” and (3) “How to manage organizational culture change through acculturation?”. The thesis is conducted as a qualitative case study research including three personal interviews and one group interview. The interviews were conducted as a combination of semi-structured and unstructured interviews. Theories related to organizational culture, the management of change as well as acculturation are studied and further analysed in relation to empirical material collected by the researcher. Research findings indicate that that several factors can influence the success of managing the organizational culture change in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Factors such as defining the preferred acculturation model prior the merger; managing the resistance of change; open communication; acknowledgement of local culture and cultural differences; involvement of personnel in change processes; as well as the formulation and implementation of comprehensive change plans proved to be important factors with relation to successful management of organizational culture change