58 resultados para lääketieteellinen kemia
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, F4.
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, H3-H4 I1.
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, G3.
Arkit: 2 arkintunnuksetonta lehteä, B4.
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, I4 K1.
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, C4.
Dedicatio: Joseph Wallenius [ruots. pr.], Ulrika Charlotta Wallenius s. Mörtengren [ruots. pr.].
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, E4.
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, G4 H2.
Nanocellulose has much potential for enhancing the tensile strength of paper but it slows down significantly drainage, restricting its use in industrial scale. Main objective of the work was to find ways to improve the dewatering of nanocellulose-containing papers. The effects of cationic potato starch, microparticle system and filler addition on dewatering and such key properties as formation, tensile strength and air permeance of manufactured paper were studied. Test points had 0, 4 or 8 % CNF and 0, 15 or 30 % PCC content. Based on earlier studies, 25 mg/g starch dosage was added to some test points. Modern microparticle system, consisted of cationic polyacrylamide and amorphous silica, was used in few test points. Dosages for both components were 0.3 and 0.6 mg/g, following the recommendations of the supplier. Also, the influences of CNF and filler on drying behaviour after different stages (drainage, wet pressing and cylinder drying) were estimated. Following trends were observed. Starch does not have unambiguous influence on dewatering. In some cases, it improved drainage slightly but effects on the properties of end product were discovered small. Filler quickened dewatering but large proportions were noticed to be detrimental for the drainage, air permeance and tensile strength. Microparticle system improved drainage notably, especially if CNF dosage was high. In addition, microparticle system increased tensile strength and decreased air permeance. However, its effects on formation were detrimental. Dewatering of nanocellulose-containing furnishes is treatable up to a certain point. In the end, such drainage times that were measured from test points which consisted only of pure kraft pulps are awkward to reach.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli jalkauttaa Liqum Oy:n kehittämä Chemistry Navi-gator (Chena) kunnossapidon ja tuotannon päivittäiseksi työkaluksi prosessin märän pään kemian seurantaan. Chena – analysaattorin mittausteknologia perustuu hapetus – pelkistysreaktioiden mittaamiseen. Analysaattori mittaa paperimassassa olevien ionien ja ionikombinaatioiden konsentraatioita ja aktiivisuuksia kuudella anturilla, joiden toiminta perustuu sähkökemiallisiin muutoksiin mitattavassa näytteessä. Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli erityisesti Chena – järjestelmän toimintakuntoon saattaminen sekä tutkia minkälaisia muutoksia märkäosan kemian tilassa analysaattorilla voidaan havaita. Työn kirjallisuusosassa esitellään yleisesti paperikoneen märkäosan kemiallisia ilmiöitä ja kemian tilan muuttujia. Lisäksi esitellään yleisimpiä prosessiin annosteltavia paperin laatuun sekä prosessin toimivuuteen vaikuttavia kemikaaleja. Kokeellisessa osassa optimoitiin järjestelmässä olevien ajoparametrien raja-arvoja vastaamaan nykypäivän ajo-olosuhteita sekä tutkittiin miten Chenan signaalit reagoivat eri massasuhteilla ja kemikaaliannoksilla. Kokeellisen osassa suoritettujen askelvastekokeiden tulosten perusteella havait-tiin, että peroksidi ja ditioniitti antoivat voimakkaimmat vasteet Chenan signaaleihin varsinkin suuremmilla pitoisuuksilla. Myös retentio- ja vaahdonestoaineen osalta oli havaittavissa selviä vasteita Chenan signaaleissa. Massasuhteiden osalta merkittävimmät vasteet Chenan signaaleihin PK4:n puolella aiheuttivat täysin hylytön massaseos sekä puolet kokonaistilavuudesta päällystämätöntä hylkyä sisältänyt massaseos. PK7:n puolella voimakkaimmat vasteet aiheutuivat alhaisen hylkypitoisuuden massoista. Chena avulla saadaan uutta
Worry is one of the central factors in primary health care patients’ experience with their current complaint. Worry is associated with, e.g., patients’ expectations and the outcomes of doctor’s consultations. The aim of this study was to explore primary health care patients’ complaint-related worry and its changes, as well as contributing factors. Furthermore, the reasons behind patients’ pre-consultation worry and possible relief were examined. The study was conducted in a public primary health care centre in Forssa in Southern Finland. Patients, aged 18–39 years, with a current complaint were interviewed before and after a doctor’s consultation. The patients’ characteristics, perceptions of their complaint and their expectations and experiences concerning the consultation were obtained through interviews. In addition, two questionnaires were administered to measure general tendency to illness worry (IWS) and psychiatric symptoms (SCL-90). The patients’ ratings of the intensity of worry and the severity of their complaint were measured with a visual analogue scale (VAS 0–100). Changes in worry were measured by comparing pre- and post-consultation VAS ratings and asking the patients to compare their worry after the consultation with the worry they felt before it. In connection with these ratings the patients also gave reasons for their experiences in their own words. The patients’ doctors assessed the medical severity of the complaints and whether they had found a medical explanation for the complaints. Many patients were very worried before the consultation (65 % scored over 50 points on the VAS). Worry and severity ratings were associated with the duration and course of the complaint, with a general tendency to illness worry and hostility. On average, the patients were less worried after the consultation than before it. Persistent worry was associated with the patients’ uncertainty about their complaint, their perceiving it as severe, expectations for examinations and reporting symptoms of anxiety. Patients were most often worried about the nature of their complaint (e.g. duration or intensity), not knowing what was wrong, the possible harmful effects of the complaint on body functions, the complaint’s prognosis, e.g. will it get better, and their ability to function. Patients were relieved by getting an explanation or treatment or by having a positive view of the complaint’s prognosis. Patients who reported uncertainty (lack of an explanation, worry about the nature of the complaint) or worry about the complaint’s possible bodily harmfulness were relieved by getting an explanation, often accompanied with getting treatment. On the other hand, worries about the ability to function tended to persist. Doctors should bring up patients’ worries for discussion in order to be able to respond to them appropriately. Because it tends to persist, worry about the ability to function should be addressed. Uncertain patients with concerns about their complaint’s bodily harmfulness or psychological consequences need special attention from their doctor.
Kokoelma käsittää Helsingin yliopiston Lääketieteellisen tiedekunnan opiskelijoiden syventävien opintojen kirjalliset osiot tutkintovaatimusten mukaisesti. Syventävät opinnot muodostavat paperimuotoisen arkistoaineiston (monisteita, talletettu pysyvästi Terkkoon), joka koostuu lääketieteen eri aihealojen tutkielmista. Uusimmat tutkielmat talletettu myös HELDA-tietokantaan elektronisena.