32 resultados para insulation
In the design of electrical machines, efficiency improvements have become very important. However, there are at least two significant cases in which the compactness of electrical machines is critical and the tolerance of extremely high losses is valued: vehicle traction, where very high torque density is desired at least temporarily; and direct-drive wind turbine generators, whose mass should be acceptably low. As ever higher torque density and ever more compact electrical machines are developed for these purposes, thermal issues, i.e. avoidance of over-temperatures and damage in conditions of high heat losses, are becoming of utmost importance. The excessive temperatures of critical machine components, such as insulation and permanent magnets, easily cause failures of the whole electrical equipment. In electrical machines with excitation systems based on permanent magnets, special attention must be paid to the rotor temperature because of the temperature-sensitive properties of permanent magnets. The allowable temperature of NdFeB magnets is usually significantly less than 150 ˚C. The practical problem is that the part of the machine where the permanent magnets are located should stay cooler than the copper windings, which can easily tolerate temperatures of 155 ˚C or 180 ˚C. Therefore, new cooling solutions should be developed in order to cool permanent magnet electrical machines with high torque density and because of it with high concentrated losses in stators. In this doctoral dissertation, direct and indirect liquid cooling techniques for permanent magnet synchronous electrical machines (PMSM) with high torque density are presented and discussed. The aim of this research is to analyse thermal behaviours of the machines using the most applicable and accurate thermal analysis methods and to propose new, practical machine designs based on these analyses. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) thermal simulations of the heat transfer inside the machines and lumped parameter thermal network (LPTN) simulations both presented herein are used for the analyses. Detailed descriptions of the simulated thermal models are also presented. Most of the theoretical considerations and simulations have been verified via experimental measurements on a copper tooth-coil (motorette) and on various prototypes of electrical machines. The indirect liquid cooling systems of a 100 kW axial flux (AF) PMSM and a 110 kW radial flux (RF) PMSM are analysed here by means of simplified 3D CFD conjugate thermal models of the parts of both machines. In terms of results, a significant temperature drop of 40 ̊C in the stator winding and 28 ̊C in the rotor of the AF PMSM was achieved with the addition of highly thermally conductive materials into the machine: copper bars inserted in the teeth, and potting material around the end windings. In the RF PMSM, the potting material resulted in a temperature decrease of 6 ̊C in the stator winding, and in a decrease of 10 ̊C in the rotor embedded-permanentmagnets. Two types of unique direct liquid cooling systems for low power machines are analysed herein to demonstrate the effectiveness of the cooling systems in conditions of highly concentrated heat losses. LPTN analysis and CFD thermal analysis (the latter being particularly useful for unique design) were applied to simulate the temperature distribution within the machine models. Oil-immersion cooling provided good cooling capability for a 26.6 kW PMSM of a hybrid vehicle. A direct liquid cooling system for the copper winding with inner stainless steel tubes was designed for an 8 MW directdrive PM synchronous generator. The design principles of this cooling solution are described in detail in this thesis. The thermal analyses demonstrate that the stator winding and the rotor magnet temperatures are kept significantly below their critical temperatures with demineralized water flow. A comparison study of the coolant agents indicates that propylene glycol is more effective than ethylene glycol in arctic conditions.
Diplomityössä tarkastellaan lämmöntuotannon energiatehokkuuden parantamista neljässä Sotek- säätiön rakennuksessa. Työssä oli tarkoitus selvittää, minkälainen lämmitysjärjestelmä on juuri kyseiseen kiinteistöön järkevin ja investointikustannuksiltaan kannattava. Työssä käydään läpi polttoaineita, lämmöntuotanto- ja lämmönjakotapoja, sekä mietitään kannattaako rakennuksia lisäeristää. Työssä verrataan vanhojen järjestelmien hiilidioksidipäästöjä valittujen uusien järjestelmien hiilidioksidipäästöihin. Kiinteistöjen lämmitys tuottaa Suomessa noin 30 % kaikista hiilidioksidipäästöistä. Se on siis merkittävä alue, josta päästöjä voitaisiin vähentää. Tehtävänä oli laskea kaikille kiinteistöille tarkat lämmitystarpeet ja lämmitystehontarpeet käyttäen apuna Suomen rakennusmääräyskokoelmaa. Työn perusteella lämmöntuotannon energiatehokkuuden parantaminen kohteissa on järkevää ja taloudellisesti kannattavaa muuttamalla lämmöntuotanto pääosin lämpöpumpuille. Täystehoiset järjestelmät eivät tulleet investoinnillisesti kannattavaksi, eikä se ilmalämpöpumpuissa ollut edes mahdollista. Tulosten perusteella lämmitysenergian kustannuksia saatiin vähennettyä parhaiten mitoittamalla kohteisiin osatehoiset lämpöpumput. Lisälämmöneristäminen kohteissa ei taloudellisesti tullut kannattavaksi, vaikka lämmitystarve väheni. Lämmöntuotannon hiilidioksidipäästöt vähenisivät kohteissa keskimäärin noin 50 %.