38 resultados para diverse sexual orientation


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Collective Action in Commons: Its Diverse Ends and Consequences explores new ways in which collective action theories can contribute to our understanding of natural resource management, especially the management of common-pools. Combining classical collective action theories and lessons from earlier empirical works, the study shows that cooperation among resource users is not only a possible solution to “the tragedy of the commons”, but it can be a part of the problem as well. That is, successful cooperation may increase the likelihood of resource depletion, for example, through more effective resource utilization or collusion against sanctioning and monitoring systems. The study also explores how analytic narratives can be used to tell the story behind problems of resource use and their solutions, including the diverse roles of cooperation.


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Suomi tarvitsee menestyviä yrittäjiä, uusia yrityksiä, kasvuyrityksiä ja kansainvälistymistä. Yrittä-jyydelle asetetaankin suuria odotuksia. Suurin huomio yrittäjyyden tarkastelussa on kuitenkin keskittynyt liiketoimintojen kehittämiseen – sen sijaan omistajuuden ja yrittäjyyden yhteyttä ei ole juurikaan huomioitu. Tämän seurauksena myös omistajuuden vaikutusta yrityksen kehittymi-seen ja menestykseen on analysoitu vähän. Edistääkseen yrityksen kehittymistä, tulee omistuksen olla tavoitteellista. Omistamisen tavoittei-den tarkastelu on kuitenkin harvinaista ja parhaimmillaankin yksiulotteista: omistamisen tavoit-teiden nähdään liittyvän lähes yksinomaan taloudellisiin tavoitteisiin, ja tavoitteiden moninaisuus unohdetaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisten perheyrittäjien omistamisen tavoit-teellisuutta, tavoitteiden määrittelyä sekä omistajaohjauksen keinoja, lähinnä hallituksen roolia, omistukseen liittyvien ratkaisujen tekijänä. Tutkimushankkeen aineisto kerättiin EK:n ja Perheyritysten liiton jäsenyrityksistä. Aineisto kerät-tiin joulukuussa 2013 ja tammikuussa 2014 web-pohjaisella kyselyllä ja siihen vastasi määräajan kuluessa 332 vastaajaa. Vastaajista perheyrityksiä oli 241 kpl. Tarkemman analyysin kohteeksi jäi 233 perheyritystä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että suomalaisten yrittäjien omistajuuteen liittyvät tavoitteet ovat monipuolisempia kuin yleisesti oletetaan. Puhtaasti taloudellisiin motiiveihin perustuvan yri-tysten omistamisen ohella liiketoimintaan kohdistuva mielenkiinto ja halu toimia yrittäjänä ovat merkittäviä omistamisen vaikuttimia. Suuri joukko yritysten omistajista ei kuitenkaan tietoisesti pohdi omistamisen tavoitteita vaan omistuksen tavoitteet määrittyvät liiketoiminnan tavoitteiden tai totuttujen tapojen ja perinteiden kautta. Osalla yritysten omistajista omistus muuttuu tavoit-teellisemmaksi yrityksen kehittyessä ja omistajajoukon kasvaessa. Ensimmäisen sukupolven yrittäjät näyttävät toimivan ennen kaikkea yrittäjäideologian mukaisesti pyrkien kasvattamaan yritystä ja painottaen liiketaloudellisia arvoja päätöksenteossa. Yritystoi-minnan kehittyessä ja sukupolvien lisääntyessä yrityksen omistamiseen liittyvät tavoitteet moni-puolistuvat ja monimutkaistuvat, eivätkä enää perustu pelkästään liiketoiminnallisiin menes-tysodotuksiin. Hallitustoiminnan aktivointi aktivoi myös omistuksen tavoitteellisuuden kehittymistä. Omistus-pohjan hajaantuminen lisää tarvetta erilaisten omistajaohjauksen mekanismien hyödyntämiselle. Hallituksella näyttää olevan rooli omistusratkaisuiden arvioinnissa sekä yrityksen operatiiviseen toimintaan liittyvissä omistusratkaisuissa, mutta myös läheisemmin omistamiseen ja omistajapoh-jaan liittyvissä omistusratkaisuissa. Perheomistukseen liittyvien tavoitteiden huomioiminen on tärkeää perheyrityksen hallituksen toiminnassa myös yrityksen toiminnan vakiintuessa. Sen sijaan, että perheeseen liittyvät omista-misen tavoitteet katoaisivat yrityksestä, muuttuu niiden määrittely tietoisemmaksi ja osaksi yri-tyksen hallintoa. Määräysvallan merkitys tavoitteena pienenee, kun omistajan etäisyys operatiivi-sesta toiminnasta, tai sen johtamisesta kasvaa. Tutkimuksen tulokset kertovat omistamisen tavoitteista ja tavoitteiden määrittelystä. Selvityksen lopussa luotiin määritelmä päämäärätietoiselle omistajalle: Päämäärätietoinen omistaja on omista-ja, joka tietoisesti pohtii tavoitteita omistamiselleen sekä käyttää aktiivisesti omistajavaltaansa valitsemiensa päämäärien saavuttamiseksi.


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Online sexual solicitation (solicitation) of youth has received widespread media and research attention during the last decade. The prevalence rates of youth who have experienced solicitation or solicitation attempts vary between studies depending on the methodology used (e.g., whether youth or adults are the target study group). In studies focusing on youth victims, the prevalence of solicitation attempts made by adults during the past year is typically reported to be between 5 and 9%. Adults who solicit youth online have been found to use deception and other manipulative behaviors to gain access to sexual activities with youth. However, previous studies have lacked a control group of adults who solicit other adults online. Without this comparison, one could argue that deceiving others online about one’s identity, and engaging in manipulative behaviors, is an inherent part of most online sexual interactions with strangers. Additionally, little is known about the associations between manipulative behaviors and the solicitation outcomes. In research concerning offline sexual behaviors, it has been noted that situational factors, such as sexual arousal, may alter both sexual interest and behavior. The effects of situational factors on online sexual behaviors have been less extensively studied (especially so with a quantitative approach); no studies have to date focused on adults’ solicitation of youth. Investigating the role of a lowered sexual age preference and the role of situational factors in the soliciting adults could be an important step in order to receive deeper knowledge of the role of traits and states in the context of solicitation. Additionally, there is a lack of knowledge of the effect of the age of the youth. Although previous studies on solicitation has found that older youth, compared with younger youth and children, are more often solicited, the possible reasons for this have not been investigated. Are adults who solicit youth affected by legal deterrence (through the legal age of consent), is it because older youth are more available online, or are the adults’ age preferences merely a product of a normally distributed age preference in the population? The purpose of the present thesis was fivefold: 1) to obtain an estimate of the frequency of adults’ solicitation of youth as self-reported and observed in actual behavior; 2) to explore whether the legal age of consent (LAC) affects solicitation frequency, or whether a normally distributed sexual age preference more accurately describe the proportion of solicited youth of different ages; 3) to investigate the associations of both traits (e.g., lower sexual age preference) and states (immediate situational factors, such as alcohol intoxication), and the solicitation target; 4) to explore whether adults who solicit youth and adults who solicit adults are equally deceitful and manipulative online, and whether the different solicitation outcomes are as common in both groups; and 5) to investigate whether the deceitful and manipulative behaviors engaged in had different associations with the solicitation outcomes depending on the age of the solicited. In the survey study, a convenience sample of 1393 adult participants (aged 18 years or older) self-reported any online communication with strangers during the past year. Of these, 56% (776 respondents) reported that they had solicited or attempted to solicit at least one stranger. Of the respondents, 453 (58.4%) were men, and 323 (41.6%) were women. Participants with only adult contacts (18 years or older) constituted the majority (640 respondents). In contrast, 136 individuals reported a youth contact (a 13 year old or younger, or a 14 to 17-year old). Approximately half of the participants were men in the adult contact group, while 75% of the participants were men in the youth contact group. Approximately 60% of the participants with youth contacts were recruited from two websites associated with a pedophilic sexual interest. In an online quasi-experimental study, with researchers impersonating youth of different ages (10–18 year olds) in chat rooms, 251 online conversations with chat room visitors made up the entire sample. All chat room visitors alleged to be men. The self-reported frequency of having solicited youth (0–17-year olds) during the past year was approximately 10% in our sample of adults who reported communicating with any strangers online. When we observed this behavior in chat rooms, we found that approximately 30% of the chat room visitors who believed they interacted with a 10 to 14 year old attempted to solicit the youth. We found that solicitation attempts increased equally much when increasing the age of the impersonated youth from 14 to 16, as from 16 to 18. Thus, we concluded that a normally distributed age preference in the population was a more plausible explanation to the effect of the age of the solicited, rather than the LAC (here; 15 and 16). If the chat room visitors would have been deterred only by the LAC, we would have expected that the change in amount of solicitation attempts from an illegal age group to a legal age group would have been significantly stronger than changes between age groups within illegal-illegal and legal-legal groups. Our subsample of survey participants from the pedophilia-related websites expectedly reported that they had solicited youth more often in comparison to the sample gathered through general (i.e., not associated with any particular sexual preference) websites. We also found that participants with a youth contact reported higher levels of sexual arousal and shame before the sexual interaction with their online contact, compared with participants with an adult contact. Additionally, the participants with youth contacts who reported consumption of child- and adolescent pornography also reported being more sexually aroused before the interaction, compared to the participants with youth contacts who did not report consumption of these kinds of pornography. We also found clear indications that the online sexual interaction had an alleviatory effect on reported levels of sadness, boredom and stress, independent of the age of the contact. Generally, the participants with youth and adult contacts reported deceiving their contacts as often and suggesting keeping the communication a secret from someone as often. Participants with a youth contact, however, reported using more persuasion techniques for online sexual purposes or for the purpose of an offline meeting, compared to those with an adult contact. In the chat rooms, we found that more indirect ways of future sexual communication (e.g., continuing chatting) was suggested by the chat room visitors that were under the assumption of interacting with youth aged 10 to 14, compared with more direct means (e.g., meeting offline). Survey participants with youth contacts who had used deception, suggested keeping the interactions a secret, and/or persuaded their contact by appealing to the contacts feelings of love and attachment for the participant had also more often engaged in cybersex with the contact. No other manipulative behaviors were associated with the other investigated solicitation outcomes (receiving a sexual picture, meeting offline, and engaging in sexual contact offline) within this group of participants. However, using deception, suggesting secrecy and using persuasion was also positively associated with certain solicitation outcomes within participants with an adult contact. In summary, adults’ solicitation of youth is much more frequent when observed in chat rooms than self-reported. Additionally, an underlying lowered sexual age preference seems to be a motivating factor on a group level in adults who solicit youth. We concluded that directed prevention efforts should be made on pedophiliarelated websites. Additionally, the role of situational factors, especially sexual arousal in persons with a pedo- or hebephilic sexual interest should be investigated further in the context of online sexual solicitation.


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Prior customer orientation research has concentrated mainly on studying the economical potential of customer orientation to companies. Service quality research instead has concentrated on emphasizing the evaluation of service quality from the customer’s perspective. This means that the service providers lack important information regarding customer orientation and service quality they would need for managerial purposes such as selecting and training employees. Therefore, there is an emerging need to study how customer orientation and service quality relate to company processes, policies and employees, and this study answers to those calls. The objective of this study was to examine what is the role of sales personnel’s’ customer orientation in quality of service delivery and what features support the development of customer orientation among sales personnel. Also the components customer orientation were studied extensively in order to understand how they relate to service quality. The empiric part of the study was conducted as a qualitative research by interviewing seven sales people from operative, tactical and strategic levels of the case corporation in order to get a broader view for customer orientation. The findings propose that both organizational factors and individual factors are affecting customer orientation construct inseparably. Organizational factors are bundled in this study under standards, support and systems, whereas individual factors are formed of employees’ personal attributes, motivation and self-perceived decision making authority. The findings suggest that in the service delivery process at an operative level, customer orientation appears largely in the employees’ individualistic characteristics. Their social and technical skills and motivation to serve customers are the most identifiable factors for customer orientation and consequently, quality service. However, organizational standards, support and systems are strongly dictating the frames the operative sales people operate in, having an influence on how the employees are experiencing their decision making authority and in the end, customer orientation. When looking at the service delivery process at tactical and strategic levels, customer orientation is affecting mainly in the organizational constructs through setting standards, support and systems. However, tactical and strategic level employees influence the operative level through individual customer orientation components as well. The findings indicate that their emotion and personal interaction skills are affecting the overall service delivery process mainly through supervisor support and motivation of the operative level employees. Based on this study it can be argued that an organization can operate as a facilitator and create certain frames for customer oriented sales behavior through standards, support and systems. However, as the impact of individual customer orientation factors on sales people’s service quality seems decisive, from an organizational perspective it puts pressures on the recruitment.


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Sexual dimorphism is commonly understood as differences in external features, such as morphological features or coloration. However, it can more broadly encompass behavior and physiology and at the core of these differences is the genetic mechanism – mRNA and protein expression. How, and which, molecular mechanisms influence sexually dimorphic features is not well understood thus far. DNA, RNA and proteins are the template required to create the phenotype of an individual, and they are connected to each other via processes of transcription and translation. As the genome of males and females are almost identical with the exception of the few genes on the sex chromosome or the sex-determining alleles (in the case of organisms without sex chromosomes), it is likely that many of the downstream processes resulting in sexual dimorphism are produced by changes in gene regulation and result from a regulatory cascade and not from a vastly different gene composition. Thus, in this thesis a systems biology approach is used to understand sexual dimorphism at all molecular levels and how different genomic features, e.g. sex chromosome evolution, can affect the interplay of these molecules. The threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, is used as the model to investigate molecular mechanisms of sexual dimorphism. It has well-characterized ecology and behavior, especially in the breeding season when sexual dimorphism is high. Moreover, threespine stickleback has a recently evolved Y chromosome in the early stages of sex chromosome evolution, characterized by a lack of recombination leading to degeneration (i.e. gene loss). The aim of my thesis is to investigate how the genotype links to the molecular phenotype and relates to differences in molecular expression between males and females. Based on previous research on sex differences in mRNA expression, I investigated sex-biased protein expression in adult fish outside the breeding season to see if differences persisted after translation. As sex-biased expression also prevailed in the proteome and previous transcription expression seemed to be related to the sex chromosomes, I investigated the genome level with a particular focus on the sex-chromosomes. I characterized the status of Y chromosome degeneration in the threespine stickleback and its effects on gene function. Furthermore, since the degeneration process leaves genes in a single copy in males, I examined whether the resulting dosage difference of messenger RNA for hemizygous genes is compensated as it is in other organisms. In addition, threespine sticklebacks have wellcharacterized behavioral differences related to the male’s social status during the breeding season. To understand the connection between the genotype and behavior, I examined gene expression patterns related to breeding behavior using dominant and subordinate males as well as female


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The general aim of the thesis was to study university students’ learning from the perspective of regulation of learning and text processing. The data were collected from the two academic disciplines of medical and teacher education, which share the features of highly scheduled study, a multidisciplinary character, a complex relationship between theory and practice and a professional nature. Contemporary information society poses new challenges for learning, as it is not possible to learn all the information needed in a profession during a study programme. Therefore, it is increasingly important to learn how to think and learn independently, how to recognise gaps in and update one’s knowledge and how to deal with the huge amount of constantly changing information. In other words, it is critical to regulate one’s learning and to process text effectively. The thesis comprises five sub-studies that employed cross-sectional, longitudinal and experimental designs and multiple methods, from surveys to eye tracking. Study I examined the connections between students’ study orientations and the ways they regulate their learning. In total, 410 second-, fourth- and sixth-year medical students from two Finnish medical schools participated in the study by completing a questionnaire measuring both general study orientations and regulation strategies. The students were generally deeply oriented towards their studies. However, they regulated their studying externally. Several interesting and theoretically reasonable connections between the variables were found. For instance, self-regulation was positively correlated with deep orientation and achievement orientation and was negatively correlated with non-commitment. However, external regulation was likewise positively correlated with deep orientation and achievement orientation but also with surface orientation and systematic orientation. It is argued that external regulation might function as an effective coping strategy in the cognitively loaded medical curriculum. Study II focused on medical students’ regulation of learning and their conceptions of the learning environment in an innovative medical course where traditional lectures were combined wth problem-based learning (PBL) group work. First-year medical and dental students (N = 153) completed a questionnaire assessing their regulation strategies of learning and views about the PBL group work. The results indicated that external regulation and self-regulation of the learning content were the most typical regulation strategies among the participants. In line with previous studies, self-regulation wasconnected with study success. Strictly organised PBL sessions were not considered as useful as lectures, although the students’ views of the teacher/tutor and the group were mainly positive. Therefore, developers of teaching methods are challenged to think of new solutions that facilitate reflection of one’s learning and that improve the development of self-regulation. In Study III, a person-centred approach to studying regulation strategies was employed, in contrast to the traditional variable-centred approach used in Study I and Study II. The aim of Study III was to identify different regulation strategy profiles among medical students (N = 162) across time and to examine to what extent these profiles predict study success in preclinical studies. Four regulation strategy profiles were identified, and connections with study success were found. Students with the lowest self-regulation and with an increasing lack of regulation performed worse than the other groups. As the person-centred approach enables us to individualise students with diverse regulation patterns, it could be used in supporting student learning and in facilitating the early diagnosis of learning difficulties. In Study IV, 91 student teachers participated in a pre-test/post-test design where they answered open-ended questions about a complex science concept both before and after reading either a traditional, expository science text or a refutational text that prompted the reader to change his/her beliefs according to scientific beliefs about the phenomenon. The student teachers completed a questionnaire concerning their regulation and processing strategies. The results showed that the students’ understanding improved after text reading intervention and that refutational text promoted understanding better than the traditional text. Additionally, regulation and processing strategies were found to be connected with understanding the science phenomenon. A weak trend showed that weaker learners would benefit more from the refutational text. It seems that learners with effective learning strategies are able to pick out the relevant content regardless of the text type, whereas weaker learners might benefit from refutational parts that contrast the most typical misconceptions with scientific views. The purpose of Study V was to use eye tracking to determine how third-year medical studets (n = 39) and internal medicine residents (n = 13) read and solve patient case texts. The results revealed differences between medical students and residents in processing patient case texts; compared to the students, the residents were more accurate in their diagnoses and processed the texts significantly faster and with a lower number of fixations. Different reading patterns were also found. The observed differences between medical students and residents in processing patient case texts could be used in medical education to model expert reasoning and to teach how a good medical text should be constructed. The main findings of the thesis indicate that even among very selected student populations, such as high-achieving medical students or student teachers, there seems to be a lot of variation in regulation strategies of learning and text processing. As these learning strategies are related to successful studying, students enter educational programmes with rather different chances of managing and achieving success. Further, the ways of engaging in learning seldom centre on a single strategy or approach; rather, students seem to combine several strategies to a certain degree. Sometimes, it can be a matter of perspective of which way of learning can be considered best; therefore, the reality of studying in higher education is often more complicated than the simplistic view of self-regulation as a good quality and external regulation as a harmful quality. The beginning of university studies may be stressful for many, as the gap between high school and university studies is huge and those strategies that were adequate during high school might not work as well in higher education. Therefore, it is important to map students’ learning strategies and to encourage them to engage in using high-quality learning strategies from the beginning. Instead of separate courses on learning skills, the integration of these skills into course contents should be considered. Furthermore, learning complex scientific phenomena could be facilitated by paying attention to high-quality learning materials and texts and other support from the learning environment also in the university. Eye tracking seems to have great potential in evaluating performance and growing diagnostic expertise in text processing, although more research using texts as stimulus is needed. Both medical and teacher education programmes and the professions themselves are challenging in terms of their multidisciplinary nature and increasing amounts of information and therefore require good lifelong learning skills during the study period and later in work life.