52 resultados para WG 9, Military Education
The political environment of security and defence has changed radically in the Western industrialised world since the Cold War. As a response to these changes, since the beginning of the twenty-first century, most Western countries have adopted a ‘capabilities-based approach’ to developing and operating their armed forces. More responsive and versatile military capabilities must be developed to meet the contemporary challenges. The systems approach is seen as a beneficial means of overcoming traps in resolving complex real -world issues by conventional thinking. The main objectives of this dissertation are to explore and assess the means to enhance the development of military capabilities both in concept development and experimentation (CD&E) and in national defence materiel collaboration issues. This research provides a unique perspective, a systems approach, to the development areas of concern in resolving complex real-world issues. This dissertation seeks to increase the understanding of the military capability concept both as a whole and with in its life cycle. The dissertation follows the generic functionalist systems methodology by Jackson. The methodology applies a comprehensive set of constitutive rules to examine the research objectives. This dissertation makes contribution to current studies about military capability. It presents two interdepen dent conceptual capability models: the comprehensive capability meta-model (CCMM) and the holistic capability life cycle model (HCLCM). These models holistically and systematically complement the existing, but still evolving, understanding of military capability and its life cycle. In addition, this dissertation contributes to the scientific discussion of defence procurement in its broad meaning by introducing the holistic model about the national defence materiel collaboration between the defence forces, defence industry and academia. The model connects the key collaborative mechanisms, which currently work in isolation from each other, and take into consideration the unique needs of each partner. This dissertation contributes empirical evidence regarding the benefits of enterprise architectures (EA) to CD&E. The EA approach may add value to traditional concept development by increasing the clarity, consistency and completeness of the concept. The most important use considered for EA in CD&E is that it enables further utilisation of the concept created in the case project.
Speed, uncertainty and complexity are increasing in the business world all the time. When knowledge and skills become quickly irrelevant, new challenges are set for information technology (IT) education. Meta-learning skills – learning how to learn rapidly - and innovation skills have become more essential than single technologies or other specific issues. The drastic changes in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector have caused a need to reconsider how IT Bachelor education in Universities of Applied Sciences should be organized and employed to cope with the change. The objective of the study was to evaluate how a new approach to IT Bachelor education, the ICT entrepreneurship study path (ICT-ESP) fits IT Bachelor education in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences. This kind of educational arrangement has not been employed elsewhere in the context of IT Bachelor education. The study presents the results of a four-year period during which IT Bachelor education was renewed in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences. The learning environment was organized into an ICT-ESP based on Nonaka’s knowledge theory and Kolb’s experiental learning. The IT students who studied in the ICT-ESP established a cooperative and learned ICT by running their cooperative at the University of Applied Sciences. The students (called team entrepreneurs) studied by reading theory in books and other sources of explicit information, doing projects for their customers, and reflecting in training sessions on what was learnt by doing and by studying the literature. Action research was used as the research strategy in this study. Empirical data was collected via theme-based interviews, direct observation, and participative observation. Grounded theory method was utilized in the data analysis and the theoretical sampling was used to guide the data collection. The context of the University of Applied Sciences provided a good basis for fostering team entrepreneurship. However, the results showed that the employment of the ICT-ESP did not fit into the IT Bachelor education well enough. The ICT-ESP was cognitively too tough for the team entrepreneurs because they had two different set of rules to follow in their studies. The conventional courses engaged lot of energy which should have been spent for professional development in the ICT-ESP. The amount of competencies needed in the ICT-ESP for professional development was greater than those needed for any other ways of studying. The team entrepreneurs needed to develop skills in ICT, leadership and self-leadership, team development and entrepreneurship skills. The entrepreneurship skills included skills on marketing and sales, brand development, productization, and business administration. Considering the three-year time the team entrepreneurs spent in the ICT-ESP, the challenges were remarkable. Changes to the organization of IT Bachelor education are also suggested in the study. At first, it should be admitted that the ICT-ESP produces IT Bachelors with a different set of competencies compared to the conventional way of educating IT Bachelors. Secondly, the number of courses on general topics in mathematics, physics, and languages for team entrepreneurs studying in the ICTESP should be reconsidered and the conventional course-based teaching of the topics should be reorganized to support the team coaching process of the team entrepreneurs with their practiceoriented projects. Third, the upcoming team entrepreneurs should be equipped with relevant information about the ICT-ESP and what it would require in practice to study as a team entrepreneur. Finally, the upcoming team entrepreneurs should be carefully selected before they start in the ICT-ESP to have a possibility to eliminate solo players and those who have a too romantic view of being a team entrepreneur. The results gained in the study provided answers to the original research questions and the objectives of the study were met. Even though the IT degree programme was terminated during the research process, the amount of qualitative data gathered made it possible to justify the interpretations done.
This thesis in caring science didactics is based on a thinking, where the fundamental basis for the didactic is science-based, i.e. it does not emanate from the nursing profession but brings forward a didactic that grows out of caring science and its core substance and ethos. This view on didactics arises from the caritative theory developed by Eriksson. The overall aim of the study is to clarify the meaning and essence of understanding, as well as to explore and deepen the understanding of student nurses' processes of understanding and becoming with the intention of developing a theory model for caring didactics. The overarching research questions are: What is the essence of understanding (of caring science knowledge)? What are the possibilities and importance of understanding in the appropriation of caring science? What characterizes and impels the process of becoming? The thesis consists of four sub studies and a summary section. The overall methodological approach is hermeneutic involving quantitative as well as qualitative methods. The data for the study has been collected through a longitudinal research project that followed student nurses at three universities during their entire education. The empirical sub studies form the basis for the interpreted knowledge that is formulated in the new understanding. This new understanding have, through additional theory-charging with the theory fragments from Gadamer, generated the heuristic synthesis which is illustrated in the theory model. The findings shows that understanding can be described as something unlimited, as an endless movement, which can be illustrated as a lying eighth, a lemniscate. The lemiscate of understanding is characterized by seeing, knowing and becoming and consists of seven differently named phases; the acquired horizon of understanding, the encounter of horizons, the dialogue of horizons, the fusion of horizons, application, reflection and shaping a new horizon of understanding. Bildung (formation), is the ultimate imprint of the endless spiral movement of understanding. Ethos and arête constitute the hubs around which the lemniscate of understanding circles. These include the spirit and driving force that the student carries within. The caring culture encloses the lemniscate of understanding. The caring culture provides the life space of understanding and the prevailing basic values are evinced in the culture.
Puolustusvoimien fyysisen koulutuksen tavoitteena on tuottaa toimintakykyisiä sotilaita kriisi- ja sodanajan joukkoihin. Liikuntakoulutuksella tuetaan varusmiesten fyysistä koulutusta, ja yhtenä tavoitteena on aktivoida liikunnalliseen elämäntapaan myös reservissä. Varusmiesten lähtökunto palvelukseen astuttaessa on ollut laskusuhdanteessa jo useamman vuosikymmenen ajan, joten sen valossa uusien harjoittelumuotojen ja lajien tutkiminen on ajankohtaista. Tutkimustyön aiheena olevan Military Crosstraining -harjoittelun voidaan sanoa olevan CrossFitin® sotilassovellus, joka urheilu- ja harjoittelumuotona kehittää mahdollisimman monipuolisesti harjoittelijan suorituskykyä eli kestävyyttä ja lihaskuntoa. Tutkimustyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia vaikutuksia toiminnallisella ja korkea intensiteettisellä Military Crosstraining -tyyppisellä fyysisellä harjoittelulla (MCH) on varusmiesten fyysisen suorituskyvyn kehittymiseen voimassa olevien normien mukaiseen koulu-tukseen (NH) verrattuna. Työssä vertailtiin kahden samankaltaisen, mutta eri tyyppistä lihaskunto- ja kestävyysharjoittelua tehneen varusmiesjoukon fyysisen suorituskyvyn kehittymistä kuuden kuukauden varusmiespalveluksen aikana. Koehenkilöt olivat jääkäri- ja panssarintorjuntaohjusjoukkueissa palvelleita miehistöön kuuluvia varusmiehiä (n=110, ikä 20,1 ± 0,4, paino 79,3 ± 12,3 kg, pituus 1,81 ± 0,06 m, BMI 24,3 ± 3,3). Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus perustui normin mukaisten varusmiesten kuntotestien sekä kehonkoostumuksen tulo- ja lähtötestien tuloksiin. Tilastolliset analyysit tehtiin SPSS 22 ohjelmalla. Muuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä selvitettiin Pearsonin sekä Spearmanin korrelaa-tiokertoimilla. Ryhmien keskiarvojen välisiä eroja sekä muuttujien muutoksia selvitettiin kaksisuuntaisella T-testillä sekä mediaanitestillä. Lähtötilanteessa ryhmät olivat fyysiseltä kunnoltaan käytännössä samantasoisia. Tutkimuk-sessa ei havaittu merkitseviä eroja (p<0.05) ryhmien välillä kuntotestien lopputuloksissa eikä kestävyys- ja lihaskunnon kehityksessä, vaikkakin kehitys molemmilla oli huomattavaa (p<0.001). Suurimmat erot havaittiin kehon painoissa ja BMI:ssa ja niiden muutoksissa (p<0.001). MCH:n kehonpainossa ja BMI:ssa ei tapahtunut juuri muutoksia. Kehonpainojen erotus kasvoi oli 6,5 %:sta 9,4 %:iin (p>0.001), NH:n painon ollessa pienempi. BMI:n erot kasvoivat vastaavasti 5,2 %:sta 8,4 %:iin (p<0.001). Johtopäätöksenä todettakoon, että mahdollisesti Military Crostraining -tyyppinen harjoittelu lisää lihasmassaa normaalia liikuntakoulutusta enemmän aerobisen kunnon siitä kuitenkaan kärsimättä. Tällä olisi positiivisia vaikutuksia moniin sotilaan kenttätehtäviin, kuten haavoittuneen evakuointiin, taakaan tai kuorman kantoon sekä raskaiden tavaroiden nostamiseen.