39 resultados para Thiophene adsorption
Diplomityössä on tutkittu kuparin, koboltin, nikkelin ja kadmiumin poistamista sinkkisulfaattiliuoksista käyttäen uusia silikarunkoisia kelatoivia erotusmateriaaleja. Vertailukohteena on käytetty perinteisiä kaupallisia polymeerirunkoisia kelatoivia ioninvaihtohartseja. Laboratoriokokeissa selvitettiin erotusmateriaalien adsorptio- ja ioninvaihto-ominaisuuksia tasapaino- ja kolonnikokeilla. Silikarunkoisten erotusmateriaalien kemiallista kestävyyttä tutkittiin olosuhteissa, jotka vastaavat prosessisyklin eri vaiheita. Metallien adsorptiomekanismien selvittämiseksi erotusmateriaaleille tehtiin happo-emäs ja sulfaattititraukset. Tasapainokokeet osoittivat, että silikarunkoisilla erotusmateriaaleilla saatiin kupari erotettua väkevistä sinkkisulfaattiliuoksista polymeerirunkoisia kelatoivia ioninvaihtohartseja paremmin. Tutkituilla erotusmateriaaleilla ja ioninvaihtohartseilla ei havaittu merkittävää selektiivisyyttä koboltille, nikkelille tai kadmiumille sinkin ja kuparin läsnä ollessa. Kolonnikokeilla yritettiin löytää paras esikäsittely-lataus-eluointisykli kuparin talteenottoon väkevistä sinkkisulfaattiliuoksista silikarunkoisilla erotusmateriaaleilla. Kolonnikokeissa esikäsittely tehtiin laimealla NaOH:lla, jonka jälkeen petiin syötettiin hapanta sinkkisulfaattiliuosta. Eluointi onnistui hyvin laimealla rikkihapolla. Kolonnikokeiden tulokset osoittivat, että kupari on mahdollista erottaa väkevistä sinkkisulfaattiliuoksista. Silikarunkoisten erotusmateriaalien kemiallista kestävyyttä tutkittaessa havaittiin materiaalien kestävän hyvin happoja ja 60 oC:en lämpötilaa. Sitä vastoin alkaalisissa olosuhteissa tapahtui silikan liukenemista. Tutkituilla erotusmateriaaleilla havaittiin kuparin sitoutumista sekä ioninvaihtomekanismin avulla että sitoutuneena neutraalina suolana.
Substances emitted into the atmosphere by human activities in urban and industrial areas cause environmental problems such as air quality degradation, respiratory diseases, climate change, global warming, and stratospheric ozone depletion. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are major air pollutants, emitted largely by industry, transportation and households. Many VOCs are toxic, and some are considered to be carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic. A wide spectrum of VOCs is readily oxidized photocatalytically. Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) over titanium dioxide may present a potential alternative to air treatment strategies currently in use, such as adsorption and thermal treatment, due to its advantageous activity under ambient conditions, although higher but still mild temperatures may also be applied. The objective of the present research was to disclose routes of chemical reactions, estimate the kinetics and the sensitivity of gas-phase PCO to reaction conditions in respect of air pollutants containing heteroatoms in their molecules. Deactivation of the photocatalyst and restoration of its activity was also taken under consideration to assess the practical possibility of the application of PCO to the treatment of air polluted with VOCs. UV-irradiated titanium dioxide was selected as a photocatalyst for its chemical inertness, non-toxic character and low cost. In the present work Degussa P25 TiO2 photocatalyst was mostly used. In transient studies platinized TiO2 was also studied. The experimental research into PCO of following VOCs was undertaken: - methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) as the basic oxygenated motor fuel additive and, thus, a major non-biodegradable pollutant of groundwater; - tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) as the primary product of MTBE hydrolysis and PCO; - ethyl mercaptan (ethanethiol) as one of the reduced sulphur pungent air pollutants in the pulp-and-paper industry; - methylamine (MA) and dimethylamine (DMA) as the amino compounds often emitted by various industries. The PCO of VOCs was studied using a continuous-flow mode. The PCO of MTBE and TBA was also studied by transient mode, in which carbon dioxide, water, and acetone were identified as the main gas-phase products. The volatile products of thermal catalytic oxidation (TCO) of MTBE included 2-methyl-1-propene (2-MP), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water; TBA decomposed to 2-MP and water. Continuous PCO of 4 TBA proceeded faster in humid air than dry air. MTBE oxidation, however, was less sensitive to humidity. The TiO2 catalyst was stable during continuous PCO of MTBE and TBA above 373 K, but gradually lost activity below 373 K; the catalyst could be regenerated by UV irradiation in the absence of gas-phase VOCs. Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water were identified as ultimate products of PCO of ethanethiol. Acetic acid was identified as a photocatalytic oxidation by-product. The limits of ethanethiol concentration and temperature, at which the reactor performance was stable for indefinite time, were established. The apparent reaction kinetics appeared to be independent of the reaction temperature within the studied limits, 373 to 453 K. The catalyst was completely and irreversibly deactivated with ethanethiol TCO. Volatile PCO products of MA included ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and water. Formamide was observed among DMA PCO products together with others similar to the ones of MA. TCO for both substances resulted in the formation of ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water. No deactivation of the photocatalyst during the multiple long-run experiments was observed at the concentrations and temperatures used in the study. PCO of MA was also studied in the aqueous phase. Maximum efficiency was achieved in an alkaline media, where MA exhibited high fugitivity. Two mechanisms of aqueous PCO – decomposition to formate and ammonia, and oxidation of organic nitrogen directly to nitrite - lead ultimately to carbon dioxide, water, ammonia and nitrate: formate and nitrite were observed as intermediates. A part of the ammonia formed in the reaction was oxidized to nitrite and nitrate. This finding helped in better understanding of the gasphase PCO pathways. The PCO kinetic data for VOCs fitted well to the monomolecular Langmuir- Hinshelwood (L-H) model, whereas TCO kinetic behaviour matched the first order process for volatile amines and the L-H model for others. It should be noted that both LH and the first order equations were only the data fit, not the real description of the reaction kinetics. The dependence of the kinetic constants on temperature was established in the form of an Arrhenius equation.
Due to their numerous novel technological applications ranging from the example of exhaust catalysts in the automotive industry to the catalytic production of hydro- gen, surface reactions on transition metal substrates have become to be one of the most essential subjects within the surface science community. Although numerous applications exist, there are many details in the different processes that, after many decades of research, remain unknown. There are perhaps as many applications for the corrosion resistant materials such as stainless steels. A thorough knowledge of the details of the simplest reactions occuring on the surfaces, such as oxidation, play a key role in the design of better catalysts, or corrosion resistant materials in the future. This thesis examines the oxidation of metal surfaces from a computational point of view mostly concentrating on copper as a model material. Oxidation is studied from the initial oxidation to the oxygen precovered surface. Important parameters for the initial sticking and dissociation are obtained. The saturation layer is thoroughly studied and the calculated results arecompared with available experimental results. On the saturated surface, some open questions still remain. The present calculations demonstrate, that the saturated part of the surface is excluded from being chemically reactive towards the oxygen molecules. The results suggest, that the reason for the chemical activity of the saturated surface is due to a strain effect occuring between the saturated areas of the surface.
Streptavidin, a tetrameric protein secreted by Streptomyces avidinii, binds tightly to a small growth factor biotin. One of the numerous applications of this high-affinity system comprises the streptavidin-coated surfaces of bioanalytical assays which serve as universal binders for straightforward immobilization of any biotinylated molecule. Proteins can be immobilized with a lower risk of denaturation using streptavidin-biotin technology in contrast to direct passive adsorption. The purpose of this study was to characterize the properties and effects of streptavidin-coated binding surfaces on the performance of solid-phase immunoassays and to investigate the contributions of surface modifications. Various characterization tools and methods established in the study enabled the convenient monitoring and binding capacity determination of streptavidin-coated surfaces. The schematic modeling of the monolayer surface and the quantification of adsorbed streptavidin disclosed the possibilities and the limits of passive adsorption. The defined yield of 250 ng/cm2 represented approximately 65 % coverage compared with a modelled complete monolayer, which is consistent with theoretical surface models. Modifications such as polymerization and chemical activation of streptavidin resulted in a close to 10-fold increase in the biotin-binding densities of the surface compared with the regular streptavidin coating. In addition, the stability of the surface against leaching was improved by chemical modification. The increased binding densities and capacities enabled wider high-end dynamic ranges in the solid-phase immunoassays, especially when using the fragments of the capture antibodies instead of intact antibodies for the binding of the antigen. The binding capacity of the streptavidin surface was not, by definition, predictive of the low-end performance of the immunoassays nor the assay sensitivity. Other features such as non-specific binding, variation and leaching turned out to be more relevant. The immunoassays that use a direct surface readout measurement of time-resolved fluorescence from a washed surface are dependent on the density of the labeled antibodies in a defined area on the surface. The binding surface was condensed into a spot by coating streptavidin in liquid droplets into special microtiter wells holding a small circular indentation at the bottom. The condensed binding area enabled a denser packing of the labeled antibodies on the surface. This resulted in a 5 - 6-fold increase in the signal-to-background ratios and an equivalent improvement in the detection limits of the solid-phase immunoassays. This work proved that the properties of the streptavidin-coated surfaces can be modified and that the defined properties of the streptavidin-based immunocapture surfaces contribute to the performance of heterogeneous immunoassays.
Antibiootit ovat yleisessä käytössä olevia lääkeaineita, joilla on kyky hidastaa mikrobien kasvua. Osa lääkeaineesta poistuu elimistöstä muuntumattomana. Koska tavanomainen jäteveden käsittelyprosessi ei riitä poistamaan antibiootteja jätevedestä, ne päätyvät vesistöihin, joissa ne häiritsevät ekosysteemiä ja voivat aiheuttaa vastustuskykyisten bakteerikantojen muodostumisen. Antibiootit voitaisiin poistaa vedestä adsorptiolla. Työssä on esitelty antibioottien adsorptiomekanismeja, vedenkäsittelyssä käytettäviä adsorptioprosesseja ja adsorbentteja, jotka soveltuvat antibioottien erottamiseen vedestä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan yleisesti adsorption kinetiikkaa ja termodynamiikkaa sekä mallinnetaan panoskokeiden tulosten perusteella jatkuvatoimisen adsorptiokolonnin toimintaa.
Työssä tutkittiin laboratorio-olosuhteissa germaniumin talteenottoa happamista hydrometallurgisista sulfaattiliuoksista käyttäen kaupallisia ioninvaihtohartseja. Germaniumin talteenottoa tutkittiin sekä tasapaino- että kolonnikokein syöttöliuoksista joiden pH oli alueella 0,8–3,0. Tutkituista hartseista parhaiten germanium voitiin erottaa käyttäen emäsmuotoista N-metyyli-D-glukamiini-tyyppistä ioninvaihtohartsia (esim. Rohm & Haasin IRA-743). Germaniumille määritettiin adsorptioisotermit tasapainokokein sekä emäs- että happomuotoisilla hartseilla. Adsorptioisotermien perusteella parhaiten germa-niumia adsorboi emäsmuotoinen IRA-743-hartsi kun liuoksen alku-pH oli tutkitun alueen korkein. Lämpötilassa 25 °C kapasiteetti oli 114 mg Ge/g. Tasapainokokein määritettiin emäsmuotoisilla hartseilla germaniumin lisäksi myös kuparia ja kobolttia sisältävillä liuoksilla Ge:n jakaantumisvakiot sekä erotustekijät Ge/Cu ja Ge/Co. Havaittiin, että IRA-743:lla alku-pH:ssa 3,0 Ge:n jakaantumisvakiot sekä erotustekijät Ge/Cu ja Ge/Co olivat selvästi suuremmat kuin muilla tutkituilla hartseilla. Arseenin, nikkelin, sinkin ja rauta(III):n adsorboitumista emäsmuotoiseen IRA-743:een tutkittiin monimetallisella liuoksella syöttöliuoksen pH:n ollessa alueella 1,4–3,6. Kokeissa havaittiin, että hartsi adsorboi hieman Ni:a ja Zn:a tasapaino-pH:n ollessa yli 5,5. Arseenia ei tutkitulla pH-alueella havaittu adsorboituvan. Lisäksi huomattiin, että rauta alkaa saostua pH:n ollessa hieman alle kolme. Kolonnikokeissa havaittiin, että emäsmuotoinen IRA-743-hartsi toimii hyvin germaniumin talteenotossa myös kolonnissa. Pelkästään germaniumia ja kobolttia sisältäneellä liuoksella hartsin dynaamiseksi kapasiteetiksi saatiin 54 mg Ge/g. Germaniumin eluointi IRA-743:sta onnistui parhaiten 0,5 M H2SO4:lla. Kolonnikokeita IRA-743:lla ajettiin myös monimetallisilla liuoksilla, mutta silloin havaittiin hartsin kapasiteetin pienenevän hartsin myrkyttymisen takia.
Porous silicon (PSi) is a promising material to be utilized in drug delivery formulations. The release rate of the drug compound can be controlled by changing the pore properties and surface chemistry of PSi. The loading of a poorly soluble drug into mesoporous silicon particles enhances its dissolution in the body. The drug loading is based on adsorption. The attainable maximum loaded amount depends on the properties of the drug compound and the PSi material, and on the process conditions. The loading solvent also essentially affects the adsorption process. The loading of indomethacin into PSi particles with varying surface modification was studied. Solvent mixtures were applied in the loading, and the loaded samples were analyzed with thermal analysis methods. The best degree of loading was obtained using a mixture of dichloromethane and methanol. The drug loads varied from 7.7 w-% to 26.8 w-%. A disturbing factor in the loading experiments was the tendency of indomethacin to form solvates with the solvents applied. In addition, the physical form and stability of indomethacin loaded in PSi and silica particles were studied using Raman spectroscopy. In the case of silica, the presence of crystalline drug as well as the polymorph form can be detected, but the method proved to be not applicable for PSi particles.
The results and discussions in this thesis are based on my studies about selfassembled thiol layers on gold, platinum, silver and copper surfaces. These kinds of layers are two-dimensional, one molecule thick and covalently organized at the surface. They are an easy way to modify surface properties. Self-assembly is today an intensive research field because of the promise it holds for producing new technology at nanoscale, the scale of atoms and molecules. These kinds of films have applications for example, in the fields of physics, biology, engineering, chemistry and computer science. Compared to the extensive literature concerning self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold, little is known about the structure and properties of thiolbased SAMs on other metals. In this thesis I have focused on thiol layers on gold, platinum, silver and copper substrates. These studies can be regarded as a basic study of SAMs. Nevertheless, an understanding of the physical and chemical nature of SAMs allows the correlation between atomic structure and macroscopic properties. The results can be used as a starting point for many practical applications. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and synchrotron radiation excited high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy (HR-XPS) together with time-offlight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) were applied to investigate thin organic films formed by the spontaneous adsorption of molecules on metal surfaces. Photoelectron spectroscopy was the main method used in these studies. In photoelectron spectroscopy, the sample is irradiated with photons and emitted photoelectrons are energy-analyzed. The obtained spectra give information about the atomic composition of the surface and about the chemical state of the detected elements. It is widely used in the study of thin layers and is a very powerful tool for this purpose. Some XPS results were complemented with ToF-SIMS measurements. It provides information on the chemical composition and molecular structure of the samples. Thiol (1-Dodecanethiol, CH3(CH2)11SH) solution was used to create SAMs on metal substrates. Uniform layers were formed on most of the studied metal surfaces. On platinum, surface aligned molecules were also detected in investigations by XPS and ToF-SIMS. The influence of radiation on the layer structure was studied, leading to the conclusion that parts of the hydrocarbon chains break off due to radiation and the rest of the layer is deformed. The results obtained showed differences depending on the substrate material. The influence of oxygen on layer formation was also studied. Thiol molecules were found to replace some of the oxygen from the metal surfaces.
Several bioaffinity assays are based on the detection of an analyte which is bound on a solid substrate via biochemical interaction. These so called solid phase assays are based on the adhesion of the primary binding partner on a solid surface, which then binds the analyte to be detected. In this thesis work a novel solid phase based assay technology, known as spot technology, was developed. The spot technology is based on combination of high-capacity solid phases, concentrated in a spot format, utilising modified streptavidin molecules and recombinant antibody fragments. The reduction of the solid phase binding surface to a size of a spot enabled denser binding of the target molecules, providing improved signal intensities and signal-to-background ratio when applied in different solid phase immunoassays. Streptavidin-biotin interactions are commonly utilised in numerous different bioaffinity assays and the ultimate nature of streptavidin to bind biotin is among the strongest non-covalent interaction reported between two biomolecules. In this study native core streptavidin was chemically modified to provide polymerised streptavidin molecules with altered adsorption properties. These streptavidin conjugates, when coated onto polystyrene surface, provided enhanced biotin binding capacity and surface stability when compared to a reference coating constructed with native streptavidin. Furthermore, the combination of chemically modified streptavidin, sitespecifically biotinylated antibody fragments and the spot coating technology provided highly dense solid phase coating with improved binding properties. The performance of the spot assay technology was further demonstrated in different immunoassay configurations. Human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and human cardiac troponin I (cTnI) were used as model analytes to show the applicability of the highly sensitive spot-based solid-phase immunoassay for detection of very low levels of analytes. It was demonstrated that the spot technology provided an assay concept with enhanced sensitivity and short turn-around times, characteristics that are highly suitable for point-of-care applications.