90 resultados para Special funds


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Dental oxide ceramics have been inspired by their biocompability and mechanical properties which have made durable all-ceramic structures possible. Clinical longevity of the prosthetic structures is dependent on effective bonding with luting cements. As the initial shear bond strength values can be comparable with several materials and procedures, long-term durability is affected by ageing. Aims of the current study were: to measure the shear bond strength of resin composite-to-ceramics and to evaluate the longevity of the bond; to analyze factors affecting the bond, with special emphasis on: the form of silicatization of the ceramic surface; form of silanization; type of resin primer and the effect of the type of the resin composite luting cement; the effect of ageing in water was studied regarding its effect to the endurance of the bond. Ceramic substrates were alumina and yttrium stabilized zirconia. Ceramic conditioning methods included tribochemical silicatization and use of two silane couplings agents. A commercial silane primer was used as a control silane. Various combinations of conditioning methods, primers and resin cements were tested. Bond strengths were measured by shear bond strength method. The longevity of the bond was generally studied by thermocycling the materials in water. Additionally, in one of the studies thermal cycling was compared with long-term water storaging. Results were analysed statistically with ANOVA and Weibull analysis. Tribochemical treatment utilizing air pressure of 150 kPa resulted shear bond strengths of 11.2 MPa to 18.4 MPa and air pressure of 450 kPa 18.2 MPa to 30.5 MPa, respectively. Thermocycling of 8000 cycles or four years water storaging both decreased shear bond strength values to a range of 3.8 MPa to 7.2 MPa whereas initial situation varied from 16.8. Mpa to 23.0 MPa. The silane used in studies had no statistical significance. The use of primers without 10-MDP resulted spontaneous debonding during thermocycling or shear bond strengths below 5 MPa. As conclusion, the results showed superior long-term bonding with primers containing 10-MDP. Silicatization with silanizing showed improved initial shear bond strength values which considerably decreased with ageing in water. Thermal cycling and water storing for up to four years played the major role in reduction of bond strength, which could be due to thermal fatigue of the bonding interface and hydrolytic degradation of the silane coupled interface.


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This PhD thesis in Mathematics belongs to the field of Geometric Function Theory. The thesis consists of four original papers. The topic studied deals with quasiconformal mappings and their distortion theory in Euclidean n-dimensional spaces. This theory has its roots in the pioneering papers of F. W. Gehring and J. Väisälä published in the early 1960’s and it has been studied by many mathematicians thereafter. In the first paper we refine the known bounds for the so-called Mori constant and also estimate the distortion in the hyperbolic metric. The second paper deals with radial functions which are simple examples of quasiconformal mappings. These radial functions lead us to the study of the so-called p-angular distance which has been studied recently e.g. by L. Maligranda and S. Dragomir. In the third paper we study a class of functions of a real variable studied by P. Lindqvist in an influential paper. This leads one to study parametrized analogues of classical trigonometric and hyperbolic functions which for the parameter value p = 2 coincide with the classical functions. Gaussian hypergeometric functions have an important role in the study of these special functions. Several new inequalities and identities involving p-analogues of these functions are also given. In the fourth paper we study the generalized complete elliptic integrals, modular functions and some related functions. We find the upper and lower bounds of these functions, and those bounds are given in a simple form. This theory has a long history which goes back two centuries and includes names such as A. M. Legendre, C. Jacobi, C. F. Gauss. Modular functions also occur in the study of quasiconformal mappings. Conformal invariants, such as the modulus of a curve family, are often applied in quasiconformal mapping theory. The invariants can be sometimes expressed in terms of special conformal mappings. This fact explains why special functions often occur in this theory.


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Kuraattorit Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger ja Tero Puha, Biennaalin pääkuraattori Peter Weibel


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Syövän käyttäytymiseen ja ennusteeseen vaikuttavat monet tekijät, muun muassa muutokset syöpäsoluissa sekä kasvainta ympäröivässä mikroympäristössä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia uusia prediktiivisiä ja prognostisia ennustetekijöitä syöpäsoluissa (EGFR geenikopiomäärä, EGFR, onkogeeni pim-1) sekä syöpäkasvaimen mikroympäristöön kuuluvissa imuteissä (CLEVER-1, podoplaniini), makrofageissa (CD68, CLEVER-1) ja T lymfosyyteissä (CD3) kolorektaalisyövässä. Lisäksi tutkittiin imuteiden molekulaarisia ominaisuuksia tarkemmin (CD73, LYVE-1, podoplaniini) kuten myös lymfosyyttien ja dendriittisolujen liikennöintiä imuteissä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat että korkea Pim-1 ekspressiotaso, suuri peritumoraalinen CD68+ makrofagimäärä sekä varhaisen vaiheen taudissa suuri CLEVER-1+ peritumoraalinen makrofagimäärä ovat hyvän ennusteen tekijöitä kolorektaalisyövässä. Metastaattisessa taudissa sen sijaan suuri määrä CLEVER-1+ makrofageja, sekä intra- että peritumoraalisesti, liittyy huonoon tautiennusteeseen. EGFR geenikopiomäärä, EGFR proteiinipitoisuuden ohjaaman hopea in situ hybridisaatiomenetelmän avulla määritettynä, ennusti vastetta anti-EGFR hoidolle metastaattisessa kolorektaalisyövässä tarkemmin kuin nykyisin rutiinisti käytössä oleva KRAS määritys. Lisäksi havaittiin että imutiet ovat monimuotoisia imutiemarkkeri ekspressionsa suhteen sekä normaali- että syöpäkudoksissa. CD73 molekyylin funktio imuteissä poikkesi selvästi molekyylin funktiosta verisuonissa. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta että kolorektaalisyövän ennusteeseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden merkitys vaihtelee taudin levinneisyysasteen sekä imuteiden että makrofagien sijainnin perusteella. Korkea Pim-1 ilmentyminen on yhteydessä hyvään kolorektaalisyöpäennusteeseen. Lisäksi EGFR geenikopiomäärä osoittautui lupaavaksi uudeksi prediktiiviseksi ennustetekijäksi KRAS villintyypin metastaattista kolorektaalisyöpää sairastavilla potilailla.


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The thesis examines the performance persistence of hedge funds using complement methodologies (namely cross-sectional regressions, quantile portfolio analysis and Spearman rank correlation test). In addition, six performance ranking metrics and six different combinations of selection and holding periods are compared. The data is gathered from HFI and Tremont databases covering over 14,000 hedge funds and time horizon is set from January 1996 to December 2007. The results suggest that there definitely exists performance persistence among hedge funds and the strength and existence of persistence vary among fund styles. The persistence depends on the metrics and combination of selection and prediction period applied. According to the results, the combination of 36-month selection and holding period outperforms other five period combinations in capturing performance persistence within the sample. Furthermore, model-free performance metrics capture persistence more sensitively than model-specific metrics. The study is the first one ever to use MVR as a performance ranking metric, and surprisingly MVR is more sensitive to detect persistence than other performance metrics employed.


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It is crucial that lymphocytes patrol the body against foreign intruders and that leukocytes invade inflamed tissues to ameliorate the infection or injury. The adhesion molecules in leukocytes and endothelial cells play an essential role in the immune response by directing the traffic of leukocytes. However, the same molecules that guide leukocyte traffic under physiological conditions are also involved in pathological situations, when an overly excessive or harmful inflammatory response leads to tissue destruction and organ dysfunction or tumor growth. Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) and Common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor-1 (CLEVER-1) are endothelial molecules that participate in the adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelia. This study was designed to elucidate, using different inflammation models, the role of VAP-1 and CLEVER-1 in leukocyte migration to the inflamed tissue, and to evaluate the use of antibodies against these molecules as an anti-adhesive therapy. Also, the role of CLEVER-1 during tumorigenesis was studied. Blocking the function of VAP-1 with antibodies significantly decreased the accumulation of leukocytes in the inflamed tissue. Targeting CLEVER-1 prevented cell migration via lymphatic vessels, as well as leukocyte traffic during inflammation. Following the anti-CLEVER-1 antibody treatment the number of immune regulating leukocytes in tumors was reduced, which led to a decrease in tumor growth. However, the normal immune response towards immunization or bacterial infection was not compromised. Thus, VAP-1 and CLEVER-1 are both potential targets for antiinflammatory therapies for preventing the harmful accumulation of leukocytes in inflamed areas. Targeting CLEVER-1 may also inhibit tumor growth by reducing immunosuppressive leukocytes in tumors


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Implementation of different policies and plans aiming at providing education for all is a challenge in Tanzania. The need for educators and professionals with relevant knowledge and qualifications in special education is substantial. Teacher education does not equip educators with sufficient knowledge and skills in special education and professional development programs in special education are few in number. Up to 2005 no degree programs in special education at university level were available in Tanzania. The B.Ed. Special Education program offered by the Open University of Tanzania in collaboration with Åbo Akademi University in Finland was one of the efforts aimed at addressing the big national need for teachers and other professionals with degree qualifications in special education. This pilot program offered unique possibilities to study professional development in Tanzania. The research group in this study consisted of the group of students who participated in the degree program 2005-2007. The study is guided by three theoretical perspectives: individual, social and societal. The individual perspective emphasizes psychological factors as motives, motivation, achievement, self-directed behavior and personal growth. Within social perspective, professional development is viewed as situated within the social and cultural context. The third perspective, the societal, focuses on change, reforms, innovations and transformation of school systems and societies. Accordingly, professional development is viewed as an individual, social and societal phenomenon. The overall aim of the study is to explore the participants’ motives for participating in a B.Ed. Special Education program and the perceived outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a case study approach was adopted. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were administered in three waves between January 2007 and February 2009 to the 35 educators participating in the B.Ed. Special Education program. The findings of the study reveal that the participants expressed motives which were related to job performance, knowledge, skills, academic degree and career. Also altruistic motives were expressed by the participants in terms of helping and supporting students with special needs and their communities. The perceived outcomes of the program were in line with the expressed motives. However, the results indicate that the participants also learned new skills, as interaction skills and guidance and counseling skills. Increased self-confidence was also mentioned as an outcome. The participants also got deepened understanding of disability issues. In addition, they learned strategies for creating awareness of persons with disability in the communities. Thus the findings of the study indicate positive outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. The conclusion of the study is that individual, social and societal factors interact when it comes to explaining why Tanzanian educators in special education choose to pursue a degree program in special education. The individual motives, as increased knowledge and better prospects of career development interact with the social and societal motives to help and support vulnerable student groups. The study contributes to increased understanding of the complexity of professional development and of the realities educators meet when educational reforms are implemented in a developing country.


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kuv., 14 x 20 cm


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kuv., 14 x 22 cm


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kuv., 22 x 30 cm


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Asunto-osakeyhtiölain mukaan asunto-osakeyhtiössä ei tarvitse valita tilintarkastajaa, jos yhtiössä on alle 30 huoneistoa. Lisäksi tilintarkastajan valitsematta jättäminen edellyttää, että tilintarkastuslain mukaiset rajat eivät ylity eikä yhtiöjärjestys velvoita valitsemaan tilintarkastajaa. Jos tilintarkastajaa ei valita eikä yhtiöjärjestyksessä toisin määrätä, on asunto-osakeyhtiöön valittava aiemman maallikkotilintarkastajan korvaava toiminnantarkastaja. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli osoittaa asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastuksen erityispiirteet. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia, onko asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastus tarpeellista. Empiirinen osuus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineistoa kerättiin teemahaastattelemalla asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastajaa, toiminnantarkastajaa, kirjanpitäjää, osakkeenomistajaa ja pankin edustajaa. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastus ei eroa osakeyhtiön tilintarkastuksesta perusasioissaan. Asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastuksen erityispiirteet muodostuvat sääntelyn lisäksi asunto-osakeyhtiöille ominaisista laskelmista kuten lainaosuus-, hankeosuus- ja vastikerahoituslaskelmista sekä talousarviovertailusta. Asunto-osakeyhtiön tilintarkastukseen tuovat erityispiirteitä myös osakeyhtiöstä poikkeavat tuloksenjärjestelykeinot kuten poistojen vapaaehtoisuus, erilaiset rahastoinnit ja asuintalovaraus. Lisäksi asunto-osakeyhtiöissä korostuu osakkeenomistajien yhdenvertaisuus. Tutkimus osoitti, että pienissä asunto-osakeyhtiöissä tilintarkastajan vapaaehtoinen valinta ei ole tarpeellista, jos asunto-osakeyhtiössä on vain perustoimintaa. Tilintarkastaja kannattaa valita vapaaehtoisesti, jos asunto-osakeyhtiössä on suuria remontteja tai lainaosuuslaskelmia. Tilintarkastuksesta hyötyvät erityisesti osakkeenomistajat, mutta myös isännöitsijä, hallitus, kirjanpitäjä ja verottaja.


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This doctoral thesis was published in printed form in 1987. It was digitized from paper copy in 2013. Unfortunately on some pages the digitizaion process has not been complete, i.e there are some minor typographic erros on some pages.


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Background: Type 2 diabetes patients have a 2-4 fold risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) compared to the general population. In type 2 diabetes, several CVD risk factors have been identified, including obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia, proteinuria, sedentary lifestyle and dyslipidemia. Although much of the excess CVD risk can be attributed to these risk factors, a significant proportion is still unknown. Aims: To assess in middle-aged type 2 diabetic subjects the joint relations of several conventional and non-conventional CVD risk factors with respect to cardiovascular and total mortality. Subjects and methods: This thesis is part of a large prospective, population based East-West type 2 diabetes study that was launched in 1982-1984. It includes 1,059 middle-aged (45-64 years old) participants. At baseline, a thorough clinical examination and laboratory measurements were performed and an ECG was recorded. The latest follow-up study was performed 18 years later in January 2001 (when the subjects were 63-81 years old). The study endpoints were total mortality and mortality due to CVD, coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. Results: Physically more active patients had significantly reduced total, CVD and CHD mortality independent of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels unless proteinuria was present. Among physically active patients with a hs-CRP level >3 mg/L, the prognosis of CVD mortality was similar to patients with hs-CRP levels ≤3 mg/L. The worst prognosis was among physically inactive patients with hs-CRP levels >3 mg/L. Physically active patients with proteinuria had significantly increased total and CVD mortality by multivariate analyses. After adjustment for confounding factors, patients with proteinuria and a systolic BP <130 mmHg had a significant increase in total and CVD mortality compared to those with a systolic BP between 130 and 160 mmHg. The prognosis was similar in patients with a systolic BP <130 mmHg and ≥160 mmHg. Among patients without proteinuria, a systolic BP <130 mmHg was associated with a non-significant reduction in mortality. A P wave duration ≥114 ms was associated with a 2.5-fold increase in stroke mortality among patients with prevalent CHD or claudication. This finding persisted in multivariable analyses. Among patients with no comorbidities, there was no relationship between P wave duration and stroke mortality. Conclusions: Physical activity reduces total and CVD mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes without proteinuria or with elevated levels of hs-CRP, suggesting that the anti-inflammatory effect of physical activity can counteract increased CVD morbidity and mortality associated with a high CRP level. In patients with proteinuria the protective effect was not, however, present. Among patients with proteinuria, systolic BP <130 mmHg may increase mortality due to CVD. These results demonstrate the importance of early intervention to prevent CVD and to control all-cause mortality among patients with type 2 diabetes. The presence of proteinuria should be taken into account when defining the target systolic BP level for prevention of CVD deaths. A prolongation of the duration of the P wave was associated with increased stroke mortality among high-risk patients with type 2 diabetes. P wave duration is easy to measure and merits further examination to evaluate its importance for estimation of the risk of stroke among patients with type 2 diabetes.


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This doctoral thesis presents a study on the design of tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines. The electromagnetic properties of concentrated non-overlapping winding permanent magnet synchronous machines, or simply tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines (TC-PMSMs), are studied in details. It is shown that current linkage harmonics play the deterministic role in the behavior of this type of machines. Important contributions are presented as regards of calculation of parameters of TC-PMSMs,particularly the estimation of inductances. The current linkage harmonics essentially define the air-gap harmonic leakage inductance, rotor losses and localized temporal inductance variation. It is proven by FEM analysis that inductance variation caused by the local temporal harmonic saturation results in considerable torque ripple, and can influence on sensorless control capabilities. Example case studies an integrated application of TC-IPMSMs in hybrid off-highway working vehicles. A methodology for increasing the efficiency of working vehicles is introduced. It comprises several approaches – hybridization, working operations optimization, component optimization and integration. As a result of component optimization and integration, a novel integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) for off-highway working vehicles is designed. The IEHEC can considerably increase the operational efficiency of a hybrid working vehicle. The energy converter consists of an axial-piston hydraulic machine and an integrated TCIPMSM being built on the same shaft. The compact assembly of the electrical and hydraulic machines enhances the ability to find applications for such a device in the mobile environment of working vehicles.Usage of hydraulic fluid, typically used in working actuators, enables direct-immersion oil cooling of designed electrical machine, and further increases the torque- and power- densities of the whole device.