72 resultados para Soviet Linguistics- Linguistic Politics -Phonology - Alphabets - Script Reforms


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Tämän diplomityön tavoite on selvittää Venäjän ja Viron investointi-ilmapiirien kehitystä suorien ulkomaisten investointien osalta. Tarkastelujakson pituus on Neuvostoliiton hajoamisesta tähän päivään. Työn teoriaosassa käydään läpi suoran ulkomaisen investoinnin määritelmä ja siihen liittyviä teorioita sekä investointi-ilmapiirin käsite ja osatekijät. Venäjälle ja Viroon tulleiden suorien ulkomaisten investointien vuosittaista kehitystä tarkastellaan empiirisen osan alussa. Diplomityön loppuosassa käydään läpi erilaisia taloustieteellisiä mittareita, jotka kuvaavat investointi-ilmapiirin tai ainakin joidenkin sen osatekijöiden kehittymistä. Kyseisiä mittareita on lopulta verrattu investointivirtoihin ja samalla on etsitty mahdollisia korrelaatioita. Mittarit paljastavat eroja Venäjän ja Viron investointi-ilmapiirien kehityksissä. Ne selittivät ainakin osittain suorienulkomaisten investointien virtoja Venäjälle ja Viroon.


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Selostus: Maatalouspolitiikkauudistusten vaikutuksista pellonkäytön diversiteettiin


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With the occurrence of fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal we found new sources of energy that have played a critical role in the progress of our modern society. Coal is very ample compared to the other two fossil fuels. Global coal reserves at the end of 2005 were estimated at 847,5 billion tones. Along with the major energy sources, coal is the most fast growing fuel on a global basis, it provides 26% of primary energy needs and remains essential to the economies of many developed and developing countries. Coal-fired power generation accounts for 41% of the world‘s total electricity production and in some countries, such as South Africa, Poland, China, Australia, Kazakhstan and India is on very high level. Still, coal utilization represents challenges related to high emissions of air pollutants such as sulphur and nitrogen dioxides, particulate matter, mercury and carbon dioxide. In relation to these a number of technologies have been developed and are in marketable use, with further potential developments towards ―Near Zero Emission‖ coal plants. In present work, coals mined in Russia and countries of Former Soviet Union were reviewed. Distribution of coal reserves on the territory of Russia and the potential for power generation from coal-fired plants across Russia was shown. Physical and chemical properties of coals produced were listed and examined, as main factor influencing on design of the combustion facility and incineration process performance. The ash-related problems in coal-fired boilers were described. The analysis of coal ash of Russia and countries of Former Soviet Union were prepared. Feasible combustion technologies also were reviewed.


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Poetics and Politics. AugustoBoal and the Theatre of the Oppressed deals with the ideas and methods of the Brazilian author, director and theatre theorist Augusto Boal. The main purpose of the thesis is to give a description of what can be characterized as the poetics of Augusto Boal. What is the specific nature of his theatre methods and in what way do they differ from traditional theatre? How do these methods actually work? What is the overall intention of the Theatre of the Oppressed? As objects for my research I have selected Forum Theatre and Rainbow of Desire. The reason for this choice is partly that the two methods mentioned have become the most widespread among Boal's theatre forms, partly that they complement each other, the former being a method that works with problems of the material world, in realistic action-based narratives; the latter being an expressionistic analytical method, designed to deal with psychological problems and internalized oppression. Going from a micro- to a macro-level, I first examine the theatrical text of both forms, which in this case includes not only the verbal narrative, but also the performance itself and the setting of it, and even the implied conditions of the whole theatrical situation. Secondly, I turn to the encounter between the text and its actual recipient in the theatrical space. What happens, psychologically, when the observing, but passive spectator is turned into the actor of the play? Thirdly, I discuss the ideological and political implications of the Theatre ofthe Oppressed in real life. The way I interpret Boal's poetics, this is of vital importance. The purpose of the Theatre of the Oppressed is not anything resembling l'art pour l'art. In the contrary, its intention is to teach the oppressed the use of theatre as a martial art, so that they can fight and break the oppression in a social context of the real world. Thus the title Poetics and Politics.


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Det mångkulturella diskuteras livligt i den offentliga debatten idag. För att utveckla diskussionen är det viktigt att ta reda på vad som stöder bra mångkulturalism och vilka förutsättningar som finns för det mångkulturella i dagens Finland. Dessa frågor analyseras i Salla Tuoris doktorsavhandling "The politics of multicultural encounters. Feminist postcolonial perspectives." Avhandlingen behandlar hur det mångkulturella skapas i det så kallade "projektsamhället", det vill säga ett samhälle där en stor del av arbete organiseras i projekt. Studien baserar sig på fältarbete inom ett EU-finansierat sysselsättningsprojekt för invandrade kvinnor som pågick under 2002-2006 (och en bredare kontext av mångkulturellt arbete). Boken för en dialogen mellan feministiska postkoloniala analyser och vardagslivspolitiken. Studien belyser rasismens förekomst i Finland. Rasismen beskrivs ofta som baksidan av det mångkulturella, och den förknippas intimt med den invandring som skett sedan 1990-talet. Men rasism borde förstås som ett bredare fenomen, menar Tuori, det är mera än en medveten ideologi eller ett avsiktligt motiv. Arbetslivets diskriminerande strukturer samt sådan praxis i skolor, på arbetsplatser eller i grannskapet som leder till ojämställdhet, är också rasism. Det är viktigt att granska också hur expertis skapas inom det mångkulturella. Ett av studiens centrala bidrag är att lyssna på invandrares kunskap. I den etnografiska analysen framkommer att de invandrades kunskap inte alltid hörs, eller så uppfattas det inte som allmängiltig kunskap, utan som enskilda erfarenheter. Att inte lyssna kan leda till ojämställda praxis, utan att det nödvändigtvis innehåller en avsiktlig tanke att diskriminera. Studiet behandlar också möjligheter och betydelser av "empowerment" (bemäktigande, deltagande) i ett sysselsättningsprojekt. "Empowerment" förstås oftast som förstärkning av individers, ibland också gruppers, egen handlingsförmåga vilket leder till ökat handlingsutrymme. Begreppet används också inom socialpolitik och pedagogik. Som bäst fungerar "empowerment" som en kombination av förändrade yttre maktförhållanden och ökad personlig förmåga och då kan det vara ett verktyg för att stärka det mångkulturella samhället. Avhandlingen bidrar dessutom med ny kunskap om "projektsamhället" ur det enskilda projektets perspektiv. Det mångkulturella arbetet i Finland organiseras framförallt som projekt, vilket skapar strama tyglar för arbetet. Projekten ska svara mot det som finansiären anser vara viktiga tyngdpunkter och bearbeta sitt eget arbete därefter. Projektarbete innebär också ständiga rapporter, utvärderingar och "mainstreaming", vilket innebär att det administrativa får en förhållandevis stor roll i projekten. I det mångkulturella arbetet innebär detta att sysselsättningseffekten av själva projekten riktas framförallt till dem som arbetar med förvaltningen och inte de som arbetar med projektens huvudmål eller i själva projekten - och som oftast är finländare av finsk bakgrund.


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The human language-learning ability persists throughout life, indicating considerable flexibility at the cognitive and neural level. This ability spans from expanding the vocabulary in the mother tongue to acquisition of a new language with its lexicon and grammar. The present thesis consists of five studies that tap both of these aspects of adult language learning by using magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during language processing and language learning tasks. The thesis shows that learning novel phonological word forms, either in the native tongue or when exposed to a foreign phonology, activates the brain in similar ways. The results also show that novel native words readily become integrated in the mental lexicon. Several studies in the thesis highlight the left temporal cortex as an important brain region in learning and accessing phonological forms. Incidental learning of foreign phonological word forms was reflected in functionally distinct temporal lobe areas that, respectively, reflected short-term memory processes and more stable learning that persisted to the next day. In a study where explicitly trained items were tracked for ten months, it was found that enhanced naming-related temporal and frontal activation one week after learning was predictive of good long-term memory. The results suggest that memory maintenance is an active process that depends on mechanisms of reconsolidation, and that these process vary considerably between individuals. The thesis put special emphasis on studying language learning in the context of language production. The neural foundation of language production has been studied considerably less than that of perceptive language, especially on the sentence level. A well-known paradigm in language production studies is picture naming, also used as a clinical tool in neuropsychology. This thesis shows that accessing the meaning and phonological form of a depicted object are subserved by different neural implementations. Moreover, a comparison between action and object naming from identical images indicated that the grammatical class of the retrieved word (verb, noun) is less important than the visual content of the image. In the present thesis, the picture naming was further modified into a novel paradigm in order to probe sentence-level speech production in a newly learned miniature language. Neural activity related to grammatical processing did not differ between the novel language and the mother tongue, but stronger neural activation for the novel language was observed during the planning of the upcoming output, likely related to more demanding lexical retrieval and short-term memory. In sum, the thesis aimed at examining language learning by combining different linguistic domains, such as phonology, semantics, and grammar, in a dynamic description of language processing in the human brain.


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Lectio praecursoria Tampereen yliopistossa 17.8.2010.