41 resultados para Slurry


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Valuable minerals can be recovered by using froth flotation. This is a widely used separation technique in mineral processing. In a flotation cell hydrophobic particles attach on air bubbles dispersed in the slurry and rise on the top of the cell. Valuable particles are made hydrophobic by adding collector chemicals in the slurry. With the help of a frother reagent a stable froth forms on the top of the cell and the froth with valuable minerals, i.e. the concentrate, can be removed for further processing. Normally the collector is dosed on the basis of the feed rate of the flotation circuit and the head grade of the valuable metal. However, also the mineral composition of the ore affects the consumption of the collector, i.e. how much is adsorbed on the mineral surfaces. Therefore it is worth monitoring the residual collector concentration in the flotation tailings. Excess usage of collector causes unnecessary costs and may even disturb the process. In the literature part of the Master’s thesis the basics of flotation process and collector chemicals are introduced. Capillary electrophoresis (CE), an analytical technique suitable for detecting collector chemicals, is also reviewed. In the experimental part of the thesis the development of an on-line CE method for monitoring the concentration of collector chemicals in a flotation process and the results of a measurement campaign are presented. It was possible to determine the quality and quantity of collector chemicals in nickel flotation tailings at a concentrator plant with the developed on-line CE method. Sodium ethyl xanthate and sodium isopropyl xanthate residuals were found in the tailings and slight correlation between the measured concentrations and the dosage amounts could be seen.


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In this research work, the aim was to investigate the volumetric mass transfer coefficient [kLa] of oxygen in stirred tank in the presence of solid particle experimentally. The kLa correlations as a function of propeller rotation speed and flow rate of gas feed were studied. The O2 and CO2 absorption in water and in solid-liquid suspensions and heterogeneous precipitation of MgCO3 were thoroughly examined. The absorption experiments of oxygen were conducted in various systems like pure water and in aqueous suspensions of quartz and calcium carbonate particles. Secondly, the precipitation kinetics of magnesium carbonate was also investigated. The experiments were performed to study the reactive crystallization with magnesium hydroxide slurry and carbon dioxide gas by varying the feed rates of carbon dioxide and rotation speeds of mixer. The results of absorption and precipitation are evaluated by titration, total carbon (TC analysis), and ionic chromatrography (IC). For calcium carbonate, the particle concentration was varied from 17.4 g to 2382 g with two size fractions: 5 µm and 45-63 µm sieves. The kLa and P/V values of 17.4 g CaCO3 with particle size of 5µm and 45-63 µm were 0.016 s-1 and 2400 W/m3. At 69.9 g concentration of CaCO3, the achieved kLa is 0.014 s-1 with particle size of 5 µm and 0.017 s-1 with particle size of 45 to 63 µm. Further increase in concentration of calcium carbonate, i.e. 870g and 2382g , does not affect volumetric mass transfer coeffienct of oxygen. It could be concluded from absorption results that maximum value of kLa is 0.016 s-1. Also particle size and concentration does affect the transfer rate to some extend. For precipitation experiments, the constant concentration of Mg(OH)2 was 100 g and the rotation speed varied from 560 to 750 rpm, whereas the used feed rates of CO2 were 1 and 9 L/min. At 560 rpm and feed rate of CO2 is 1 L/min, the maximum value of Mg ion and TC were 0.25 mol/litre and 0.12 mol/litre with the residence time of 40 min. When flow rate of CO2 increased to 9 L/min with same 560 rpm, the achieved value of Mg and TC were 0.3 mol/litre and 0.12 mol/L with shorter residence time of 30 min. It is concluded that feed rate of CO2 is dominant in precipitation experiments and it has a key role in dissociation and reaction of magnesium hydroxide in precipitation of magnesium carbonate.


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Methyl chloride is an important chemical intermediate with a variety of applications. It is produced today in large units and shipped to the endusers. Most of the derived products are harmless, as silicones, butyl rubber and methyl cellulose. However, methyl chloride is highly toxic and flammable. On-site production in the required quantities is desirable to reduce the risks involved in transportation and storage. Ethyl chloride is a smaller-scale chemical intermediate that is mainly used in the production of cellulose derivatives. Thus, the combination of onsite production of methyl and ethyl chloride is attractive for the cellulose processing industry, e.g. current and future biorefineries. Both alkyl chlorides can be produced by hydrochlorination of the corresponding alcohol, ethanol or methanol. Microreactors are attractive for the on-site production as the reactions are very fast and involve toxic chemicals. In microreactors, the diffusion limitations can be suppressed and the process safety can be improved. The modular setup of microreactors is flexible to adjust the production capacity as needed. Although methyl and ethyl chloride are important chemical intermediates, the literature available on potential catalysts and reaction kinetics is limited. Thus the thesis includes an extensive catalyst screening and characterization, along with kinetic studies and engineering the hydrochlorination process in microreactors. A range of zeolite and alumina based catalysts, neat and impregnated with ZnCl2, were screened for the methanol hydrochlorination. The influence of zinc loading, support, zinc precursor and pH was investigated. The catalysts were characterized with FTIR, TEM, XPS, nitrogen physisorption, XRD and EDX to identify the relationship between the catalyst characteristics and the activity and selectivity in the methyl chloride synthesis. The acidic properties of the catalyst were strongly influenced upon the ZnCl2 modification. In both cases, alumina and zeolite supports, zinc reacted to a certain amount with specific surface sites, which resulted in a decrease of strong and medium Brønsted and Lewis acid sites and the formation of zinc-based weak Lewis acid sites. The latter are highly active and selective in methanol hydrochlorination. Along with the molecular zinc sites, bulk zinc species are present on the support material. Zinc modified zeolite catalysts exhibited the highest activity also at low temperatures (ca 200 °C), however, showing deactivation with time-onstream. Zn/H-ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts had a higher stability than ZnCl2 modified H-Beta and they could be regenerated by burning the coke in air at 400 °C. Neat alumina and zinc modified alumina catalysts were active and selective at 300 °C and higher temperatures. However, zeolite catalysts can be suitable for methyl chloride synthesis at lower temperatures, i.e. 200 °C. Neat γ-alumina was found to be the most stable catalyst when coated in a microreactor channel and it was thus used as the catalyst for systematic kinetic studies in the microreactor. A binder-free and reproducible catalyst coating technique was developed. The uniformity, thickness and stability of the coatings were extensively characterized by SEM, confocal microscopy and EDX analysis. A stable coating could be obtained by thermally pretreating the microreactor platelets and ball milling the alumina to obtain a small particle size. Slurry aging and slow drying improved the coating uniformity. Methyl chloride synthesis from methanol and hydrochloric acid was performed in an alumina-coated microreactor. Conversions from 4% to 83% were achieved in the investigated temperature range of 280-340 °C. This demonstrated that the reaction is fast enough to be successfully performed in a microreactor system. The performance of the microreactor was compared with a tubular fixed bed reactor. The results obtained with both reactors were comparable, but the microreactor allows a rapid catalytic screening with low consumption of chemicals. As a complete conversion of methanol could not be reached in a single microreactor, a second microreactor was coupled in series. A maximum conversion of 97.6 % and a selectivity of 98.8 % were reached at 340°C, which is close to the calculated values at a thermodynamic equilibrium. A kinetic model based on kinetic experiments and thermodynamic calculations was developed. The model was based on a Langmuir Hinshelwood-type mechanism and a plug flow model for the microreactor. The influence of the reactant adsorption on the catalyst surface was investigated by performing transient experiments and comparing different kinetic models. The obtained activation energy for methyl chloride was ca. two fold higher than the previously published, indicating diffusion limitations in the previous studies. A detailed modeling of the diffusion in the porous catalyst layer revealed that severe diffusion limitations occur starting from catalyst coating thicknesses of 50 μm. At a catalyst coating thickness of ca 15 μm as in the microreactor, the conditions of intrinsic kinetics prevail. Ethanol hydrochlorination was performed successfully in the microreactor system. The reaction temperature was 240-340°C. An almost complete conversion of ethanol was achieved at 340°C. The product distribution was broader than for methanol hydrochlorination. Ethylene, diethyl ether and acetaldehyde were detected as by-products, ethylene being the most dominant by-product. A kinetic model including a thorough thermodynamic analysis was developed and the influence of adsorbed HCl on the reaction rate of ethanol dehydration reactions was demonstrated. The separation of methyl chloride using condensers was investigated. The proposed microreactor-condenser concept enables the production of methyl chloride with a high purity of 99%.


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Maatalouden lietelannasta saatavien ravinteiden talteenotto ja kierrätys ovat viime aikoina nousseet yhä tärkeämmäksi tavoitteeksi. Ravinteiden tehokas kierrätystapa saadaan ai-kaiseksi käsittelemällä lietelantaa. Lannan käsittelyketjuja on monenlaisia; tässä työssä naudan lannan käsittelyketju muodostuu separoinnista ja mädätyksestä. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää naudan lannan mekaanisen separoinnin ja logistiikan kannattavuus märkämädätys- ja kuivamädätyskäsittelyketjussa. Käsittelyketju-jen kannattavuus tai kannattamattomuus on esitetty eri skenaarioissa muodostettujen kus-tannuslaskentojen perusteella. Skenaarioiden kustannuslaskelmat ovat toisiinsa verratta-vissa, jolloin ne voidaan asettaa niin ikään paremmuusjärjestykseen. Viides skenaario ei ole suoraan verrattavissa muihin skenaarioihin, koska siinä lannankäsittelyketjua on tar-kasteltu eri näkökulmasta, keskittämällä suurimmalle maatilalle. Mekaanisista separaattoreista tarkasteltiin työssä ruuvipuristinta, dekantterilinkoa ja ul-koistettua separointipalvelua. Lannan logistiikkakustannuksissa huomioitiin lannan kulje-tusta traktori- ja säiliöautolla tai traktorilla. Separoinnin kustannus liitettiin osaksi logis-tiikkakustannusta. Työn tuloksien perusteella voidaan todeta dekantterilingon separointi-kustannuksen olevan taloudellisesti kannattamattomin johtuen pienestä lantakapasiteetista ja separaattorin korkeasta investointihinnasta. Ravinteiden osalta linko osoittautui tehok-kaimmaksi menetelmäksi erottamaan ravinteet eri jakeisiin. Lannan käsittely separointipalvelulla oli edullisin skenaario, jonka vuosittaiseksi kustan-nukseksi saatiin säiliö- ja kuorma-autolla lantaa kuljetettaessa 58 700 € ja traktorilla kul-jetettaessa 60 400 €. Kallein lannan käsittely oli dekantterilingolla, jonka vuosittaiseksi kustannukseksi saatiin lantaa säiliö- ja kuorma-autolla kuljetettaessa 121 000 € ja trakto-rilla kuljetettaessa 123 300 €. Lannan separointi maatilalla osoittautui kannattavammaksi kuin käsittelemättömän lietteen kuljetus biokaasulaitokselle.


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Laskeutus ja suodatus ovat paljon tutkittuja ja laajassa käytössä olevia mekaanisia erotusmenetelmiä. Laskeutumisen vaikutusta suodatuksen yhteydessä ei kuitenkaan ole tutkittu juurikaan. Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää suodattimessa ennen vakiopaine suodatusta tapahtuvan kiintoaineen laskeutumisen vaikutusta suodatuksen tuloksiin. Työn kirjallisuusosuudessa käsitellään työhön liittyvää teoriaa partikkelikokojakaumista, laskeutumisesta, suodatuksesta ja flokkulanttien käytöstä sekä tehdään yhteenvetoa aiemmasta laskeutumista ja suodatusta yhdistävästä tutkimuksesta. Koska käsitellyt aiheet ovat laajoja ja niitä on useita, joudutaan teorian esittämisessä tekemään rajauksia. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkitaan suodattimessa tapahtuvan laskeutuksen vaikutusta suodatukseen. Kokeet suoritetaan 20 m-% kalsiumkarbonaattilietteellä. Kokeissa tutkitaan laskeutumisen vaikutusta antamalla lietteen laskeutua suodattimessa tietyn ajan ennen suodatuksen aloitusta. Lisäksi tutkitaan flokkulanttien lisäämisen vaikutusta mahdollisiin ilmiöihin. Koetuloksista nähdään pidemmän laskeutusajan ennen suodatusta alentavan kakun keskimääräistä ominaisvastusta ja vaikutus kasvaa merkittävästi kun lietteeseen on lisätty flokkulanttia. Suodatusta edeltävä laskeutus siis helpottaa varsinaista suodatusta.


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Fertilizer plant’s process waters contain high concentrations of nitrogen compounds, such as ammonium and nitrate. Phosphorus and fluorine, which originate from phosphoric acid and rock phosphate (apatite) used in fertilizer production, are also present. Phosphorus and nitrogen are the primary nutrients causing eutrophication of surface waters. At fertilizer plant process waters are held in closed internal circulation. In a scrubber system process waters are used for washing exhaust gases from fertilizer reactors and dry gases from granulation drums as well as for cooling down the fertilizer slurry in neutralization reactor. Solids in process waters are separated in an inclined plate settler by gravitational sedimentation. However, the operation of inclined plate settler has been inadequate. The aim of this thesis was to intensify the operation of inclined plate settler and thus the solids separation e.g. through coagulation and/or flocculation process. Chemical precipitation was studied to reduce the amount of dissolved species in process waters. Specific interest was in precipitation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluorine containing specimens. Amounts of phosphorus and fluorine were reduced significantly by chemical precipitation. When compared to earlier studies, annual chemical costs were almost eight times lower. Instead, nitrogen compounds are readily dissolved in water, thus being difficult to remove by precipitation. Possible alternative techniques for nitrogen removal are adsorption, ion exchange, and reverse osmosis. Settling velocities of pH adjusted and flocculated process waters were sufficient for the operation of inclined plate settler. Design principles of inclined plate settler are also presented. In continuation studies, flow conditions in inclined plate settler should be modelled with computational fluid dynamics and suitability of adsorbents, ion exchange resins, and membranes should be studied in laboratory scale tests.


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Crystal properties, product quality and particle size are determined by the operating conditions in the crystallization process. Thus, in order to obtain desired end-products, the crystallization process should be effectively controlled based on reliable kinetic information, which can be provided by powerful analytical tools such as Raman spectrometry and thermal analysis. The present research work studied various crystallization processes such as reactive crystallization, precipitation with anti-solvent and evaporation crystallization. The goal of the work was to understand more comprehensively the fundamentals, phenomena and utilizations of crystallization, and establish proper methods to control particle size distribution, especially for three phase gas-liquid-solid crystallization systems. As a part of the solid-liquid equilibrium studies in this work, prediction of KCl solubility in a MgCl2-KCl-H2O system was studied theoretically. Additionally, a solubility prediction model by Pitzer thermodynamic model was investigated based on solubility measurements of potassium dihydrogen phosphate with the presence of non-electronic organic substances in aqueous solutions. The prediction model helps to extend literature data and offers an easy and economical way to choose solvent for anti-solvent precipitation. Using experimental and modern analytical methods, precipitation kinetics and mass transfer in reactive crystallization of magnesium carbonate hydrates with magnesium hydroxide slurry and CO2 gas were systematically investigated. The obtained results gave deeper insight into gas-liquid-solid interactions and the mechanisms of this heterogeneous crystallization process. The research approach developed can provide theoretical guidance and act as a useful reference to promote development of gas-liquid reactive crystallization. Gas-liquid mass transfer of absorption in the presence of solid particles in a stirred tank was investigated in order to gain understanding of how different-sized particles interact with gas bubbles. Based on obtained volumetric mass transfer coefficient values, it was found that the influence of the presence of small particles on gas-liquid mass transfer cannot be ignored since there are interactions between bubbles and particles. Raman spectrometry was successfully applied for liquid and solids analysis in semi-batch anti-solvent precipitation and evaporation crystallization. Real-time information such as supersaturation, formation of precipitates and identification of crystal polymorphs could be obtained by Raman spectrometry. The solubility prediction models, monitoring methods for precipitation and empirical model for absorption developed in this study together with the methodologies used gives valuable information for aspects of industrial crystallization. Furthermore, Raman analysis was seen to be a potential controlling method for various crystallization processes.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tehdä elinkaariarviointi (LCA) prosessiteollisuuden sekoittimelle Helmix HF-80 ja analysoida LCA-tulokset, vaikutus ilmaston lämpenemisen potentiaalin (GWP) suhteen, sekä tutkia GWP-vaikutuksen pienentämisen mahdollisuuksia. Tutkittavan sekoittimen mahdolliset käyttökohteet ovat sellu- ja paperiteollisuus, raskaiden jätenesteiden käsittely, sekä muut teollisuusalueet, joissa käytetään tämän tyyppisiä laitteita. Työssä on muun muassa käsitelty sekoitusprosessit, sekoituslaitteiden tyypit, niiden rakenteiden ominaisuudet, käyttötarkoitus, toimintaperiaatteet, sekä sellu- ja paperi-teollisuudessa käytettävien sekoittimien yleiskatsaus. Työssä on myös kuvattu elinkaariarviointi (LCA) -menetelmä ja sen käyttötarkoitus. Tärkeimmistä tuloksista voi mainita sen, että sekoittimen (ilman säiliötä, sähkömoottoria ja vaihteistoa) kokoelinkaaren ilmastonlämpenemisen potentiaali (GWP) on noin 750 000 kg CO2-Equiv. Sekoittimen tuotanto- ja kierrätysaikana syntyy vain 1200 kg CO2-Equiv. ja suurin osa 748 000 kg CO2-Equiv. johtuu sähköenergian kulutuksesta käytön aikana. Käyttöajan vaikutusta voisi pienentää arvoksi 0 kg CO2-Equiv. käyttämällä pelkästään uusiutuvaa energiaa. Jos tuotantoaikana käytetty energia myös korvataan uusiutuvalla energialla, niin GWP-arvo koko elinkaaren aikana laskee arvoon 1006 kg CO2eqv., mikä on vain 0,13 % saaduista tuloksista. Suurin osa tästä arvosta liittyy sekoittimen materiaalin, tässä tapauksessa ruostumattoman teräksen tuotantoon.


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Mineraalien rikastamiseen käytetään useita fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia menetelmiä. Prosessi sisältää malmin hienonnuksen, rikastuksen ja lopuksi vedenpoistamisen rikastelietteestä. Malmin rikastamiseen käytetään muun muassa vaahdotusta, liuotusta, magneettista rikastusta ja tiheyseroihin perustuvia rikastusmenetelmiä. Rikastuslietteestä voidaan poistaa vettä sakeuttamalla ja suodattamalla. Rikastusprosessin ympäristövaikutuksia voidaan arvioida laskemalla tuotteen vesijalanjälki, joka kertoo valmistamiseen kulutetun veden määrän. Tässä kirjallisuustyössä esiteltiin mineraalien käsittelymenetelmiä sekä prosessijätevesien puhdistusmenetelmiä. Kirjallisuuslähteiden pohjalta selvitettiin Pyhäsalmen kaivoksella valmistetun kuparianodin vesijalanjälki sekä esitettiin menetelmiä, joilla prosessiin tarvittavan raakaveden kulutusta voitaisiin vähentää. Pyhäsalmella kuparirikasteesta valmistetun kuparianodin vesijalanjälki on 240 litraa H2O ekvivalenttia tuotettua tonnia kohden. Pyhäsalmen prosessin raakaveden kulutusta voidaan vähentää lisäämällä sisäistä vedenkierrätystä. Kalsiumsulfaatin saostuminen putkiin ja pumppuihin on ilmentynyt ongelmaksi vedenkierrätyksen lisäämisessä. Kalsiumsulfaattia voidaan erottaa vedestä membraaneihin, ioninvaihtoon ja sähkökemiaan perustuvilla tekniikoilla. Vaihtoehdossa, jossa johdetaan kaikista kolmesta vaahdotuksesta saatavat rikastuslietteen ja rikastushiekan sakeutuksien ylitteet sekä suodatuksien suodosvedet samaan vedenkäsittelyyn voidaan kattaa arviolta noin 65 % koko veden tarpeesta. Raakavettä säästetään vuodessa 3,4 Mm^3 ja samalla rikastushiekka-altaiden tarvittava koko pienenee, joka vähentää ympäristöriskejä.


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In this thesis the sludge of Southeastern-Finland, the companies which produce sludge and the current methods and those still in development have been surveyed. 85 % of the waste sludge from industry comes from forest industries. The sludge from municipal waste water treatment plants is mostly used as a raw material for bioplants. The sludge from forest industry is mostly incinerated. New circulation methods increase the recycling value of the waste by creating new products but they still lack a full-scale plant. The political pressure from Europe and the politics driven by the government of Finland will drive circular economy forward and thus uplifting the processing options of waste slurries. This work is divided in two parts, first contains the survey and the second contains the experimental part and the operational methods based on the survey. In the experimental part wet hard sheet waste sludge was de-watered with shaking filter and the applications for waste sludge from cellulose factory were considered. The results are, that the wet hard sheet waste sludge can be dewatered to high enough total solids content for the inteded use. Also, the cellulose waste sludge has too high Cd content in almost all of the batches to be used as a land improment.


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Coal slurry was of vital interest during the last century due to its potential as an alternative fuel where liquid fuels were necessary. Recently, environmental impacts of the traditional fuels, similarities of bio-coal to that of coal, and huge bio-coal supply has attracted the attention to prepare bio-coal slurries as a new fuel. Rudolf Diesel who invented the diesel engine on 1895 was of the opinion that diesel engines are capable to use different kinds of fuels due to the special design. He tried some kind of vegetable oil to operate on his IC engine. Recently, due to high energy density and more environmentally friendly fuel, researchers believe that bio-coal slurries could act as a new alternative fuel in large diesel engines. Loads of research on different kinds of bio-coal slurry were done by the other researchers worldwide and a lot of progress to boost slurry’s quality were achieved recently. The present study aims to achieve the ideal condition of different factors affecting on the quality of bio-coal slurry. One charcoal sample and two kinds of torrefied wood were used to investigate and compare the reaction of various factors. The results show a great gap between the quality of slurries made of different samples and more researches are necessary to fully understand the impact of the different parameter and improving the quality.