67 resultados para Pressure filtration
This work investigates the possible effect of pressure and residence time to the reaction of aluminum hydroxide into aluminum oxide. Various pressurized conditions are used as well as the help of various residence times. The aim is to increase the conversion of the reaction with the use of different pressures and residence times. The tests were performed with a laboratory scale fluidized bed reactor at the Outotec R&D Center in Frankfurt. Additional test work such as particle size analysis and differential thermal analysis were also carried out. Some calcined samples were also characterized with X-ray diffraction at the University of Auckland to obtain a reaction pathway when using pressurized conditions. All of the results are then compared with previous results.
Hemicelluloses are among the most important natural resources that contain polysaccharides. In this study the separation and purification of hemicelluloses from water extraction liquors containing wood hemicelluloses, lignin compounds and monosaccharide by using membrane filtration was investigated. The isolation of the hemicelluloses from the wood hydrolysates was performed in two steps: concentration of high molar mass hemicelluloses by ultrafiltration and separation of low molar mass hemicelluloses from monomeric sugars using tight ultrafiltration membranes. The purification of the retained hemicelluloses was performed by diafiltration. During the filtration experiments, the permeate flux through ultrafiltration and tight ultrafiltration membranes was relatively high. The fouling ability of the used membranes was relatively low. In our experiments, the retention of hemicelluloses using two filtration steps was almost complete. The separation of monosaccharides from hemicelluloses was relatively high and the purification of hemicelluloses by diafiltration was highly efficient. The separation of lignin from hemicelluloses was partially achieved. Diafiltration showed potential to purify retained hemicelluloses from lignin and other organics. The best separation of lignin from hemicelluloses in the first filtration step was obtained using the UC005 membrane. The GE-5 and ETNA01PP membranes showed potential to purify and separate lignin from hemicelluloses. However, the feed solution of the second filtration stages (from different ultrafiltration membranes) affected the permeate flux and the separation of various extracted compounds from hemicelluloses. The GE-5 and ETNA01PP membranes gave the efficient purification of the hemicelluloses when using diafiltration. Separation of degraded xylan from glucomannan (primary spruce hemicelluloses) was also possible using membrane filtration. The best separation was achieved using the GE-5 membrane. The retention of glucomannan was three times higher than xylan retention.
Streaming potential measurements for the surface charge characterisation of different filter media types and materials were used. The equipment was developed further so that measurements could be taken along the surfaces, and so that tubular membranes could also be measured. The streaming potential proved to be a very useful tool in the charge analysis of both clean and fouled filter media. Adsorption and fouling could be studied, as could flux, as functions of time. A module to determine the membrane potential was also constructed. The results collected from the experiments conducted with these devices were used in the study of the theory of streaming potential as an electrokinetic phenomenon. Several correction factors, which are derived to take into account the surface conductance and the electrokinetic flow in very narrow capillaries, were tested in practice. The surface materials were studied using FTIR and the results compared with those from the streaming potentials. FTIR analysis was also found to be a useful tool in the characterisation of filters, as well as in the fouling studies. Upon examination of the recorded spectra from different depths in a sample it was possible to determine the adsorption sites. The influence of an external electric field on the cross flow microflltration of a binary protein system was investigated using a membrane electroflltration apparatus. The results showed that a significant improvement could be achieved in membrane filtration by using the measured electrochemical properties to help adjust the process conditions.
Nanofiltration performance was studied with effluents from the pulp and paper industry and with model substances. The effect of filtration conditions and membrane properties on nanofiltration flux, retention, and fouling was investigated. Generally, the aim was to determine the parameters that influence nanofiltration efficiency and study how to carry out nanofiltration without fouling by controlling these parameters. The retentions of the nanofiltration membranes studied were considerably higher than those of tight ultrafiltration membranes, and the permeate fluxes obtained were approximately the same as those of tight ultrafiltration membranes. Generally, about 80% retentions of total carbon and conductivity were obtained during the nanofiltration experiments. Depending on the membrane and the filtration conditions, the retentions of monovalent ions (chloride) were between 80 and 95% in the nanofiltrations. An increase in pH improved retentions considerably and also the flux to some degree. An increase in pressure improved retention, whereas an increase in temperature decreased retention if the membrane retained the solute by the solution diffusion mechanism. In this study, more open membranes fouled more than tighter membranes due to higher concentration polarization and plugging of the membrane material. More irreversible fouling was measured for hydrophobic membranes. Electrostatic repulsion between the membrane and the components in the solution reduced fouling but did not completely prevent it with the hydrophobic membranes. Nanofiltration could be carried out without fouling, at least with the laboratory scale apparatus used here when the flux was below the critical flux. Model substances had a strong form of the critical flux, but the effluents had only a weak form of the critical flux. With the effluents, some fouling always occurred immediately when the filtration was started. However, if the flux was below the critical flux, further fouling was not observed. The flow velocity and pH were probably the most important parameters, along with the membrane properties, that influenced the critical flux. Precleaning of the membranes had only a small effect on the critical flux and retentions, but it improved the permeability of the membranes significantly.
Valtimotautiriskin arviointi verenpainepotilailla Valtimotaudit ovat yleisin kuolinsyy koko maailmassa. Väestön elintapojen muuttuminen ja ikääntyminen uhkaavat edelleen lisätä valtimotautien esiintyvyyttä. Kokemäenjokilaakson valtimotautien ehkäisyprojektin tavoitteena oli löytää 45–70-vuotiaasta väestöstä henkilöt, joilla on kohonnut riski sairastua valtimotauteihin. Kaksivaiheisen seulontamenetelmän avulla voitiin terveydenhoitajan antama elintapaneuvonta kohdistaa riskihenkilöihin ja rajoittaa lääkärin vastaanoton tarve niihin potilaisiin, jotka todennäköisesti hyötyvät ennaltaehkäisevästä lääkityksestä. Suomalainen tyypin 2 diabeteksen sairastumisriskin arviointikaavake ja hoitajan toteama kohonnut verenpaine osoittautuivat käytännöllisiksi menetelmiksi seuloa väestöstä riskihenkilöitä. Valtimotautien ehkäisyprojektissa Harjavallassa ja Kokemäellä todettiin verenpainetauti 1 106 henkilöllä, jotka eivät sairastaneet valtimotautia tai aiemmin todettua diabetesta. Heidän tutkimustulostensa avulla voidaan arvioida kohonneen verenpaineen vaikutusta sokeriaineenvaihduntaan ja verenpaineen aiheuttamiin kohde-elinvaurioihin. Sokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriöt ovat verenpainetautia sairastavilla yleisempiä kuin väestössä muutoin. Käyttämällä metabolisen oireyhtymän kriteerejä sokerirasituskokeen suorittamisen edellytyksenä voidaan tutkimusten määrää vähentää kolmanneksella ja silti löytää lähes kaikki diabetesta tai sen esiastetta sairastavat verenpainepotilaat. Verenpainepotilaista etenkin metabolista oireyhtymää sairastavilla naisilla on suurentunut munuaisten vajaatoiminnan riski. Jos verenpainepotilaan munuaisten toimintaa arvioidaan pelkästään plasman kreatiniini -arvon perusteella, kolme neljästä munuaisten vajaatoimintaa potevasta jää toteamatta verrattuna laskennallisen glomerulusten suodattumisnopeuden määritykseen seulontamenetelmänä. Joka kolmannella verenpainetautia sairastavalla voidaan todeta alaraajavaltimoiden kovettumista; useammin niillä, joiden ylä- ja alaverenpaineen erotus, pulssipaine on yli 65 mmHg. Verenpainetauti on itsenäinen perifeerisen valtimotaudin vaaratekijä. Tutkimuksessa käytetty menetelmä nilkka-olkavarsipainesuhteen määrittämiseksi soveltunee hyvin perusterveydenhuollon käyttöön riskihenkilöiden löytämiseksi. Valtimotautien kokonaisriskin arviointimenetelmät tai uuden riskitekijän, herkän C-reaktiivisen proteiinin määritys eivät voi korvata kohde-elinvaurioiden mittaamista verenpainepotilaan valtimotautiriskin huolellisessa arvioinnissa.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin keraamisten mikrosuodatuskalvojen soveltuvuutta kiintoaineen erottamiseen happamasta PLS-liuoksesta eri huokoskoon omaavilla mikrosuodatuskalvoilla. Koelaitteistolla suodatettiin puhdasta vettä, kaoliinipitoista vesiliuosta sekä hapanta kuparia, kalsiumia ja kaoliinia sisältävää malliliuosta. Koeajojen tavoitteena oli saada tietoa permeaattivuon maksimimäärästä eri mikrosuodatuskalvoilla sekä tuotteen puhtaudesta. Näiden lisäksi saatiin tietoa kalvojen likaantumisesta ajon aikana. Teoriaosassa käsiteltiin yleisesti kalvosuodatusta, esitettiin yleiset kalvotekniset menetelmät ja sovellukset sekä käytiin läpi tutkimuksia samankaltaisiin kalvoihin ja sovelluksiin liittyen. Lisäksi teoriaosuudessa pohdittiin mahdollisuutta käyttää myös muita, kuin putkimoduulisia mikrosuodatuskalvoja. Myös työhön oleellisena taustana kuuluvaa hydrometallurgiaa tarkasteltiin teoreettiselta kannalta. Puhtaan veden suodatuskoetuloksista havaittiin, että kaikki kalvot jäivät selvästi valmistajan ilmoittamista arvoista. 1,0 µm CoMetas CoMem® kalvon teoreettinen vesivuo on 10 m3/(h bar) ja 3,0 µm CoMetas CoMem® teoreettinen vesivuo on yli 50 m3/(h bar). Näistä parhaimman vuon arvon sai 1,0 µm CoMetas CoMem® mikrosuodatuskalvo. Tämä kalvo oli paras sekä veden suodatuksissa että malliliuoksella tehdyillä suodatuksilla. Malliliuoksella saavutettiin n. 2000 L/(m2 h) paineen ollessa 2,0 bar ja virtausnopeuden ollessa 4,4 m/s. Vastaavat vesiajon tulokset olivat n. 1100 L/(m2 h) paineen ollessa 1,0 bar ja virtausnopeuden 2,9 m/s. Kaikki kolme käytettyä kalvoa pidättivät kaoliiniliuoksen 81–100 %:sesti. Kuparipitoista malliliuosta suodatettaessa pystyttiin vastaavasti erottamaan 77–99 % kiintoaineesta. Koeajoissa kuitenkin havaittiin huomattava vuon arvojen putoaminen, joka johtui kalvon likaantumisesta. Huomioitavaa oli kuitenkin, että hapanta malliliuosta suodatettaessa permeaattivuon arvot olivat kaoliiniliuoksen suodatuksessa saatuja vastaavia arvoja korkeammat.
In many industries, such as petroleum production, and the petrochemical, metal, food and cosmetics industries, wastewaters containing an emulsion of oil in water are often produced. The emulsions consist of water (up to 90%), oils (mineral, animal, vegetable and synthetic), surfactants and other contaminates. In view of its toxic nature and its deleterious effects on the surrounding environment (soil, water) such wastewater needs to be treated before release into natural water ways. Membrane-based processes have successfully been applied in industrial applications and are considered as possible candidates for the treatment of oily wastewaters. Easy operation, lower cost, and in some cases, the ability to reduce contaminants below existing pollution limits are the main advantages of these systems. The main drawback of membranes is flux decline due tofouling and concentration polarisation. The complexity of oil-containing systems demands complementary studies on issues related to the mitigation of fouling and concentration polarisation in membranebased ultrafiltration. In this thesis the effect of different operating conditions (factors) on ultrafiltration of oily water is studied. Important factors are normally correlated and, therefore, their effect should be studied simultaneously. This work uses a novel approach to study different operating conditions, like pressure, flow velocity, and temperature, and solution properties, like oil concentration (cutting oil, diesel, kerosene), pH, and salt concentration (CaCl2 and NaCl)) in the ultrafiltration of oily water, simultaneously and in a systematic way using an experimental design approach. A hypothesis is developed to describe the interaction between the oil drops, salt and the membrane surface. The optimum conditions for ultrafiltration and the contribution of each factor in the ultrafiltration of oily water are evaluated. It is found that the effect on permeate flux of the various factors studied strongly depended on the type of oil, the type of membrane and the amount of salts. The thesis demonstrates that a system containing oil is very complex, and that fouling and flux decline can be observed even at very low pressures. This means that only the weak form of the critical flux exists for such systems. The cleaning of the fouled membranes and the influence of different parameters (flow velocity, temperature, time, pressure, and chemical concentration (SDS, NaOH)) were evaluated in this study. It was observed that fouling, and consequently cleaning, behaved differently for the studied membranes. Of the membranes studied, the membrane with the lowest propensity for fouling and the most easily cleaned was the regenerated cellulose membrane (C100H). In order to get more information about the interaction between the membrane and the components of the emulsion, a streaming potential study was performed on the membrane. The experiments were carried out at different pH and oil concentration. It was seen that oily water changed the surface charge of the membrane significantly. The surface charge and the streaming potential during different stages of filtration were measured and analysed being a new method for fouling of oil in this thesis. The surface charge varied in different stages of filtration. It was found that the surface charge of a cleaned membrane was not the same as initially; however, the permeability was equal to that of a virgin membrane. The effect of filtration mode was studied by performing the filtration in both cross-flow and deadend mode. The effect of salt on performance was considered in both studies. It was found that salt decreased the permeate flux even at low concentration. To test the effect of hydrophilicity change, the commercial membranes used in this thesis were modified by grafting (PNIPAAm) on their surfaces. A new technique (corona treatment) was used for this modification. The effect of modification on permeate flux and retention was evaluated. The modified membranes changed their pore size around 33oC resulting in different retention and permeability. The obtained results in this thesis can be applied to optimise the operation of a membrane plant under normal or shock conditions or to modify the process such that it becomes more efficient or effective.
Interest in recovery of valuable components from process streams has increased in recent years. Purpose of biorefinery is to utilize components that otherwise would go to waste. Hemicelluloses, for example, could be utilized in production of many valuable products. One possible way to separate and fractionate hemicelluloses is membrane filtration. In the literature part of this work membrane fouling in filtration processes of pulp and paper process- and wastewaters was investigated. Especially purpose was to find out the possible fouling compounds, after which facilities to remove or modify such components less harmful were studied. In the experimental part different pretreatment methods, mainly to remove or degrade lignin from wood hydrolysate, were studied. In addition, concentration of hemicelluloses and separation from lignin were examined with two ultrafiltration membranes; UFX5 and RC70PP. Changes in feed solution, filtration capacity and fouling of membranes were used to evaluate the effects of pretreatment methods. Changes in hydrolysate composition were observed with different analysis methods. Filtration of hydrolysate proved to be challenging, especially with the UFX5 membrane. The more hydrophilic RC70PP membrane did not seem to be fouled as severely as the UFX5 membrane, according to pure water flux measurements. The UFX5 membrane retained hemicelluloses rather well, but problems arose from rapid flux decline resulting from concentration polarization and fouling of membrane. Most effective pretreatment methods in the case with the UFX5 membrane proved to be prefiltration with the RC70PP membrane, activated carbon adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation using titanium dioxide and UV radiation. An additional experiment with PHW extract showed that pulsed corona discharge treatment degraded lignin quite efficiently and thus improved filtration capacity remarkably, even over six times compared to the filtration with untreated extract.
Hydroksihapoille on olemassa useita käyttömahdollisuuksia teollisuudessa, joten niiden hyödyntäminen sellunvalmistuksen sivuvirrasta eli mustalipeästä on suuren kiinnostuksen kohteena. Tässä työssä selvitettiin, onko hydroksihappojen erotus ja puhdistus mustalipeästä mahdollista nanosuodatuksella. Kokeellisessa osassa suodatettiin emäksisen mustalipeän lisäksi hapotettua ja jäähdytyskiteytettyä mustalipeää, johon oli lisätty liuotinta. Mustalipeäsuodatuksissa käytettiin viittä erilaista nanosuodatusmembraania (Microdyn Nadir® NP010 ja NP030, Dow Chemical Company NF-90, Woongjin Chemical NE-70 sekä Ge-Osmonics Desal 5 DK). Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin puun sisältämien yhdisteiden kemiallista koostumusta, sellun valmistuksen pääperiaatteita, mustalipeän ja hydroksihappojen ominaisuuksia sekä hydroksihappojen käyttömahdollisuuksia. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin erilaisia hydroksihappojen erotusmenetelmiä, nanosuodatuksen teoriaa ja prosessiin sopivan membraanin valintakriteerejä. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin emäksisen mustalipeän monivaiheisen nanosuodatuksen tehokkuutta hydroksihappojen erotuksessa. Hapotetun ja jäähdytyskiteytetyn mustalipeän suodatuskokeissa tutkittiin erityyppisten membraanien erotuskykyä sekä syötön liuotinlisäyksen vaikutusta hydroksihappojen erottumiseen. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin membraanien kestävyyttä ja foulaantumista suodatusolosuhteissa. Työn tulokset osoittivat, että hydroksihappoja voidaan fraktioida mustalipeästä nanosuodatuksella. Hydroksihappojen fraktiointiin vaikuttaa merkittävästi mustalipeässä käytetyn liuottimen läsnäolo sekä suodatuspaine. Lisäksi koetulosten perusteella havaittiin, että monivaiheisella nanosuodatuksella hydroksihapot läpäisevät membraanin ja permeaattiin saavutetaan puhtaampi happojae.
There are several filtration applications in the pulp and paper industry where the capacity and cost-effectiveness of processes are of importance. Ultrafiltration is used to clean process water. Ultrafiltration is a membrane process that separates a certain component or compound from a liquid stream. The pressure difference across the membrane sieves macromolecules smaller than 0.001-0.02 μm through the membrane. When optimizing the filtration process capacity, online information about the conditions of the membrane is needed. Fouling and compaction of the membrane both affect the capacity of the filtration process. In fouling a “cake” layer starts to build on the surface of the membrane. This layer blocks the molecules from sieving through the membrane thereby decreasing the yield of the process. In compaction of the membrane the structure is flattened out because of the high pressure applied. The higher pressure increases the capacity but may damage the structure of the membrane permanently. Information about the compaction is needed to effectively operate the filters. The objective of this study was to develop an accurate system for online monitoring of the condition of the membrane using ultrasound reflectometry. Measurements of ultrafiltration membrane compaction were made successfully utilizing ultrasound. The results were confirmed by permeate flux decline, measurements of compaction with a micrometer, mechanical compaction using a hydraulic piston and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The scientific contribution of this thesis is to introduce a secondary ultrasound transducer to determine the speed of sound in the fluid used. The speed of sound is highly dependent on the temperature and pressure used in the filters. When the exact speed of sound is obtained by the reference transducer, the effect of temperature and pressure is eliminated. This speed is then used to calculate the distances with a higher accuracy. As the accuracy or the resolution of the ultrasound measurement is increased, the method can be applied to a higher amount of applications especially for processes where fouling layers are thinner because of smaller macromolecules. With the help of the transducer, membrane compaction of 13 μm was measured in the pressure of 5 bars. The results were verified with the permeate flux decline, which indicated that compaction had taken place. The measurements of compaction with a micrometer showed compaction of 23–26 μm. The results are in the same range and confirm the compaction. Mechanical compaction measurements were made using a hydraulic piston, and the result was the same 13 μm as obtained by applying the ultrasound time domain reflectometry (UTDR). A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to study the structure of the samples before and after the compaction.
Työssä tutkittiin lämpötilan vaikutusta kalvon likaantumiseen mustalipeällä ja puuperäisellä hydrolysaatilla lämpötiloissa 20, 45 ja 70 °C:tta. Työn tavoitteena oli löytää lämpötila, jossa tutkimuksessa käytetyt puuperäiset liuokset likasivat kalvoja mahdollisimman vähän. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Alfa Lavalin UFX5-ultrasuodatuskalvoa sekä Microdyn-Nadirin ultrasuodatuskalvoa UP010 ja nanosuodatuskalvoa NP010. Ennen puuperäisten liuosten adsorboimista kalvoihin säilöntäaineet poistettiin kalvoista sekä kalvojen toiminta stabiloitiin esikäsittelemällä kalvot. Esikäsittelyssä kalvoja pestiin alkalisella pesuaineella, puristettiin 8 bar:n paineessa sekä huuhdeltiin vedellä ja etikkahapolla. Esikäsitellyt kalvot karakterisoitiin mittaamalla malliaineliuoksen vuo ja malliaineiden retentiot suodattamalla polyetyleeniglykoliliuosta kolmikennosuodattimella paineissa 2, 4 ja 6 bar. Tämän jälkeen kalvot altistettiin lämpötiloissa 20, 45 ja 70 °C:tta mustalipeälle ja hydrolysaatille. Altistuksen jälkeen karakterisointi tehtiin uudelleen, jotta vuoarvoja ja retentioita vertaamalla voitiin arvioida altistuksen aikana tapahtunutta kalvojen likaantumista. Adsorboituneen lian puhdistusta kalvoista tutkittiin pesemällä kalvoja alkalisella pesuliuoksella 20 °C:ssa tehdyn altistuksen jälkeen. Mustalipeälle altistettujen kalvojen likaantuminen oli vähäisintä kokeissa, joissa lämpötila oli 20 °C. Alfa Lavalin UFX5-kalvolla 70 °C:ssa tehdyssä kokeessa kalvon likaantuminen oli myös erittäin vähäistä, sillä permeabiliteetti pieneni mustalipeäaltistuksen seurauksena alle 5 %. Hydrolysaatille altistetut kalvot likaantuivat adsorptiolla vähiten Alfa Laval UFX5-kalvoilla 20 °C:ssa tehdyissä kokeissa ja 45 °C:ssa Microdyn-Nadir NP010-kalvoilla tehdyissä kokeissa. Kokeiden perusteella tutkituista vaihtoehdoista korkein tutkimuksessa käytetty lämpötila 70 °C ja Alfa Lavalin UFX5-kalvo soveltuvatkin parhaiten mustalipeän kalvosuodatukseen adsorptiivisen likaantumisen kannalta.
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli kehittää tutkimuslaite, jolla pystyttäisiin tutkimaan sellumassan syöttötapahtumaa reikäsihdillä ja tarkastelemaan syöttöhetkellä tapahtuvaa kuituhäviötä. Laitteen suunnittelun ja valmistuksen tavoitteena oli myös saada tutkimuslaite mahdollisim-man modifioitavaksi (syöttöaukon koko, muoto ja erityyppiset reikäsihdit ja näiden vaikutukset sellukuitujen hävikkiin). Haluttiin myös mahdollisuus syöttötapahtuman kuvaamiseen esim. suurnopeuskameroin, joka otettiinkin huomioon laiteosia valittaessa (läpinäkyvä akryyli). Tutkimuslaitteen kestävyyttä erilaisissa prosessiolosuhteissa haluttiin korostaa (voidaan operoida laajalla pH ja lämpötila-alueilla, sekä syöttöpainetta voidaan muunnella). Diplomityön kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään kuituvuodon aiheuttamia haittoja, joista tärkein on taloudellinen menetys. Näiden lisäksi kirjallisuusosassa tarkastellaan pääpirteittäin pesume-netelmiä ja käydään läpi kuitusulpun suotautumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Diplomityöhön sisältyi tutkimuslaitteen suunnittelun ja valmistuksen lisäksi myös laitteen toi-mivuuden testaus. Testit suoritettiin pohjoismaisella koivusellulla. Koivusellu otettiin happi-vaiheen jälkeisen pesurin poistosta. Massalle suoritettiin KAPPA-luvun, SR-luvun, viskositee-tin ja syrjäytys -määritykset, sekä kuituanalyysi. Laitteella suoritettiin 7 %, 10 % ja 12 % sakeuksisten massojen koeajotestit. Suodokset otettiin talteen jatkotutkimuksiin, jossa niistä mitattiin kuituvuoto. 10 % suodokselle suoritettiin myös kuituanalyysi. Tuloksista nähtiin, että 7 % sakeuksinen massa antoi lähes nelinkertaisen kuituvuotomäärän 10 % sakeuksiseen massan syöttöön nähden.
As it is known, the major problem of membrane filtration is fouling of membrane during the filtration process. There are a lot of methods to prevent or reduce fouling. One very little studied method is applying of magnetic field in membrane filtration. Magnetic field has such advantages as bulk, contact free, nondestructive impact on the sample, thus it can be combined with different types of processes. In addition, the use of magnetic fields has given positive results in various areas of science and life. So, the present thesis is devoted to the research of influence of magnetic field on performances of nanofiltration. In the literature part of the thesis a short description of membrane process and mechanism of reorientation of nanoparticals in magnetic field is presented. The utilization of magnetic field in different spheres of life, in general, and membrane area, in particular, is represented. In the experimental part the influence of magnetic field created by two permanent magnets on filtration of two solutions (citric acid and sodium dodecyl sulfate) was investigated. Factors, which affect on the impact of magnetic field was estimated. The effect of magnetic field was evaluated by measuring a change of pure water permeability after the filtration of model solution. This work demonstrated that direction of magnetic field and the type of molecules of filtered solution has significant effect to the efficiency of nanofiltration. Utilization of magnetic field might increase retention of membrane and flux through membrane and reduce fouling.
The search for new renewable materials has intensified in recent years. Pulp and paper mill process streams contain a number of potential compounds which could be used in biofuel production and as raw materials in the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries. Prior to utilization, these compounds require separation from other compounds present in the process stream. One feasible separation technique is membrane filtration but to some extent, fouling still limits its implementation in pulp and paper mill applications. To mitigate fouling and its effects, foulants and their fouling mechanisms need to be well understood. This thesis evaluates fouling in filtration of pulp and paper mill process streams by means of polysaccharide model substance filtrations and by development of a procedure to analyze and identify potential foulants, i.e. wood extractives and carbohydrates, from fouled membranes. The model solution filtration results demonstrate that each polysaccharide has its own fouling mechanism, which also depends on the membrane characteristics. Polysaccharides may foul the membranes by adsorption and/or by gel/cake layer formation on the membrane surface. Moreover, the polysaccharides interact, which makes fouling evaluation of certain compound groups very challenging. Novel methods to identify wood extractive and polysaccharide foulants are developed in this thesis. The results show that it is possible to extract and identify wood extractives from membranes fouled in filtration of pulp and paper millstreams. The most effective solvent was found to be acetone:water (9:1 v/v) because it extracted both lipophilic extractives and lignans at high amounts from the fouled membranes and it was also non-destructive for the membrane materials. One hour of extraction was enough to extract wood extractives at high amounts for membrane samples with an area of 0.008 m2. If only qualitative knowledge of wood extractives is needed a simplified extraction procedure can be used. Adsorption was the main fouling mechanism in extractives-induced fouling and dissolved fatty and resin acids were mostly the reason for the fouling; colloidal fouling was negligible. Both process water and membrane characteristics affected extractives-induced fouling. In general, the more hydrophilic regenerated cellulose (RC) membrane fouled less that the more hydrophobic polyethersulfone (PES) and polyamide (PA) membranes independent of the process water used. Monosaccharide and uronic acid units could also be identified from the fouled synthetic polymeric membranes. It was impossible to analyze all monosaccharide units from the RC membrane because the analysis result obtained contained degraded membrane material. One of the fouling mechanisms of carbohydrates was adsorption. Carbohydrates were not potential adsorptive foulants to the sameextent as wood extractives because their amount in the fouled membranes was found to be significantly lower than the amount of wood extractives.