38 resultados para Phantom Borders
Tutkimus käsittelee Yhdysvaltojen Ilmavoimien 1980-luvun hävittäjätaktiikkaa ja sen tarkoi-tuksena on kuvailla Yhdysvaltojen lentokaluston kehityksen myötä muuttunutta taktiikkaa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sekä Vietnamin että Persianlahden sodan aikaisia hävittäjätak-tiikoita, jolloin saadaan kuva taktiikan kehittymisestä. F-15 Eagle ja F-16 Fighting Falcon ovat 1970-luvulla käyttöönotettuja ilmaherruushävittäjiä, jotka korvasivat aikaisemman F-4 Phantom -kaluston. F-117A Nighthawk puolestaan on häiveteknologiaa hyödyntävä lähitulitukikone ja kevyt pommittaja, jonka käyttöönottaminen vuonna 1982 osaltaan vaikutti hävittäjätaktiikan kehittymiseen. Uusien hävittäjien ja ryn-näkkökoneiden lisäksi Yhdysvallat otti 1970-luvun lopulla käyttöönsä AWACS-koneet (Air-borne Warning and Control Systems), jotka toimivat ilmavalvonta- ja taistelunjohtokoneina. AWACS mahdollistaa ilmaoperaatioille välttämättömien elementtien kuten taistelunjohtami-sen ja viestinnän ulottuvuuden moninkertaistamisen. Se on näin ollen erinomainen apuväline ilmaherruuden saavuttamiseen ja säilyttämiseen. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen teoreettinen tutkimus, jonka aineisto koostuu pääasiassa alan artikkeleista ja kirjallisuudesta. Näin ollen työssä pääasiallisesti käytetty tutkimusmenetelmä on asiakirja- ja kirjallisuustutkimus. Päällimmäisenä tiedonhankintamenetelmänä puolestaan on käytetty aiheen historiallisen luonteen vuoksi lähdekritiikkiä, jonka keinoin tutkimuksen rakentaminen on ollut mahdollista luotettaviksi todettujen lähteiden pohjalta.
The fall of 2013 could be characterized as a crossroad in the geopolitics of Eastern Europe, namely Ukraine. Two rivalry geopolitical projects have been developing throughout the post-Cold War years, and it seems that they reached a collision point in Ukraine; a country whose authorities have been for long switching sides between the European Union and the Russian Federation in their foreign policy commitments. The refusal/postponing to sign the Association Agreement with Brussels, an expected event by a large category of the Ukrainian society, by Yanukovich’s government led to the outset of the latter; and brought a pro-Western, anti-Russian government in Kyiv. It seems that Ukraine, after those events, has embarked definitively on the path of integration into the West (European Union and possibly NATO). The Russian Federation, who has been throughout Putin’s years engaged into the re-integration of post-Soviet space, reacted to these developments in an assertive manner by violating borders, agreements and the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Thus, the incorporation of the Crimea into the Russian Federation is the first in its kind in the post-Soviet space, despite the existence of various other conflicts that broke out in the region after the Soviet Union broke up. I will investigate in this thesis the nature of what will be labelled, in this work, the Crimean issue. I argue that the incorporation of the Crimean peninsula into the Russian Federation marks a new era in Russian geopolitical thinking that shapes, to a far extent, Russian foreign policy. Discourse analysis will be the methodological basis for this study, with a special focus on Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge. The innovation that this research brings is the fact that it discusses Russian geopolitical discourse within the scope of Foucault’s ‘discursive tree’, with a reference to the Crimean issue. A wide range of primary sources will be consulted in this study such as presidential addresses to the Federal Assembly (2000-2014), Foreign Policy Concepts of the Russian Federation (2000, 2008), Russian maritime doctrines, as wells as Dugin’s Osnovy Geopolitiki (Foundations of Geopolitics), Mahan’s (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660–1783) and other Eurasianism related literature.
Olkiluodon ja Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksilla syntyvä käytetty ydinpolttoaine tullaan kapseloimaan ja loppusijoittamaan Posiva Oy:n kapselointi- ja loppusijoituslaitoksella, joka rakennetaan Olkiluotoon. Käytetyn polttoaineen käsittelyssä on huomioitava säteilytyöhön liittyviä säteilysuojelunäkökohtia. Kapseloinnissa ja loppusijoituksessa käsitellään vaarallisia säteilylähteitä, joista merkittävimmät ovat käytetty ydinpolttoaine ja täyden loppusijoituskapselin röntgentarkastuslaitteisto. Posivan laitosten käyttötoiminnalle muodostetaan tässä diplomityössä säteilysuojelun vaatimusmäärittely. Kapseloinnin ja loppusijoituksen säteilytyövaiheet käsitellään yksitellen säteilysuojelun näkökulmasta. Työvaiheille määritetään tarpeelliset säteilysuojelutoimenpiteet ja työvaiheiden suorittamisen säteilysuojeluvaatimukset. Molempien laitosten valvonta-aluejärjestelyjä ja säteilyolosuhteiden vyöhykejakoa tarkennetaan. Työssä määritetään vyöhyke- ja aluerajoilla vaadittavat säteilysuojelutoiminnot sekä kontaminaationhallinnan laatuvaatimukset. Työssä käsitellään myös operatiivisen säteilysuojelun toimenpiteiden laatuvaatimuksia ja tarvittavaa säteilysuojelun sisäistä ohjeistoa. Työn tuloksena on kapselointi- ja loppusijoituslaitoksen käyttötoiminnan operatiivisten säteilysuojelutoimenpiteiden kuvaus. Kapselointi- ja loppusijoituslaitosten säteilysuojelua toteutetaan käyttövaiheen työnsuunnittelulla, operatiivisilla säteilysuojelutoimilla ja rakenteellisin keinoin. Työntekijöiden säteilyannokset minimoidaan välttämällä oleskelua kohonneen säteilytason alueilla. Kapselin röntgentarkastuslaitteiston käytön säteilyturvallisuus on varmistettava ja laitosten käyttötoiminta ei saa aiheuttaa työntekijöille sisäistä säteilyannosta. Useista työvaiheista ja käyttötoiminnan poikkeustilanteista on tehtävä jatkoanalyyseja työntekijöiden säteilysuojelun näkökulmasta.
Emerging markets have experienced rapid economic growth, and manufacturing firms have had to face the effects of globalisation. Some of the major emerging economies have been able to create a supportive business environment that fosters innovation, and China is a good example of a country that has been able to increase value-added investments. Conversely, when we look at Russia, another big emerging market, we witness a situation in which domestic firms struggle more with global competitiveness. Innovation has proven to be one of the most essential ingredients for firms aiming to grow and become more competitive. In emerging markets, the business environment sets many constraints for innovation. However, open strategic choices in new product development enable companies in emerging markets to expand their resource base and capability building. Networking and close inter-firm cooperation are essential in this regard. In this dissertation, I argue that technology transfer is one of the key tools for these companies to become internationally networked and to improve their competitiveness. It forces companies to reach outside the company and national borders, which in many cases, is a major challenge for firms in emerging markets. This dissertation focuses on how companies can catch up with competitiveness in emerging markets. The empirical studies included in the dissertation are based on analyses of survey data mainly of firms and their strategies in the Russian manufacturing industry. The dissertation contributes to the current strategic management literature by further investigating technology management strategies in manufacturing firms in emerging markets and the benefits of more open approaches to new product development and innovation.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin magneettikuvauslaitteiden vääristymän korjausalgoritmien toimintaa ja niiden vaikutusta kuvien laatuun. Kuvaukset tehtiin yhteensä kuudella eri magneettikuvauslaitteella ja kuvat analysoitiin käyttäen kahta eri menetelmää. Ensimmäisessä testissä kuvattiin ACR:n (American College of Radiology) valmistama testikappale, eli fantomi, ACR:n suosittelemien kuvausparametrien mukaan. Fantomi kuvatiin vääristymänkorjausalgoritmi päällä ja pois päältä. Molemmat kuvasarjat analysoitiin kahdella tavalla: manuaalisesti ja automaattisesti. ACR on laatinut tarkat ohjeet analyysien tekemiseen. Automaattiseen analysointiin käytettiin kehitysvaiheessa olevaa Automated Analysis Tool for ACR MRI Phantom Measurements (AAT-ACR) -ohjelmaa. Eri laitteiden tuloksia vertailtiin toisiinsa. Toista testiä varten rakennettiin MaxFOV-fantomi niminen testifantomi, joka kuvattiin yhteensä kolmella eri laitteella. Kyseisen fantomin avulla on mahdollista tutkia magneettikuvauslaitteiden todellinen maksimaalinen kuva-ala. Kuvaukset tehtiin vääristymäkorjaus päällä ja pois päältä. Analysointia varten kehitettiin oma automaattinen Matlab-ohjelmisto. Eri laitteiden tuloksia vertailtiin toisiinsa. ACR:n fantomilla tehtyjen testien tulos näyttää, että pienellä kuva-alalla (noin 20 cm ja alle) ei virheenkorjausalgoritmin käyttö tai käyttämättä jättäminen aiheuta suurta virhettä tuloksiin vaan tulokset ovat hyvin lähellä toisiaan. Tämä vastaa hyvin sitä, että magneettikentän ja gradienttien lineaarisuus on kaikkein suurin juuri magneettikuvauslaitteen keskiössä ja sen lähistöllä. Automaattinen ohjelmisto tuotti tuloksiin suurempia vaihteluja kuin manuaalinen analyysi. Automaattinen ohjelmisto on kuitenkin vasta kehitysvaiheessa, joten on selvää, että ohjelmiston antamissa tuloksissa saattaa olla algoritmien toiminnasta aiheutuvia virheitä. MaxFOV-fantomilla tehdyt testit osoittavat, että siirryttäessä suuriin kuva-aloihin (yli 20 cm) on virheenkorjauksella suuri merkitys. Jo 30 cm kuva-alalla erot korjattujen ja korjaamattomien kuvien välillä olivat suuret. Kuvia vertailtaessa on myös selvästi nähtävissä, että virheenkorjausalgoritmi rajoittaa kuva-alan maksimia.
Russia approved ambitious reform plan for the electricity sector in 2001 including privatisation of the country’s huge thermal generation assets. So far the sector had suffered from power shortages, aging infrastructure, substantial electricity losses, and weak productivity and profitability numbers. There was obvious need for foreign investments and technologies. The reform was rather successful; the generation assets were privatised in auctions in 2007-2008 and three European energy companies, E.On, Enel and Fortum, invested in and obtained together over 10% of the Russian production assets. The novelty of these foreign investments serves unique object for the study. The political risk is involved in the FDI due to the industry’s social and economic importance. The research’s objective was to identify and analyse the political risk that foreign investors face in the Russian electricity sector. The research had qualitative study method and the empirical data was collected by interviewing. The research’s theoretical framework was based on the existing political risk theories and it focused to understand the Russian government in relation to the country’s stability and define both macro-level and micro-level sources of political risk for the foreign direct investments in the sector. The research concludes that the centralised and obscure political decision-making, economic constriction, high level of governmental control in economy and corruption form the country’s internal macro-level risk sources for the foreign investors in the sector. Additionally the retribution due to the companies’ home country actions, possible violent confrontations at the Russian borders and the currency instability are externally originated risk sources. In the electricity industry there is risk of tightened governmental control and increased regulation and taxation. Similarly the company-level risk sources link to the unreformed heating sector, bargaining with the authorities, diplomatic stress between host and home countries and to companies and government’s divergent perspective for the profit-making. The research stresses the foreign companies’ ability to cope with the characteristics of Russian political environment. In addition to frequent political and market risk assessment, the companies need to focus on currency protection against rouble’s rate fluctuation and actively build good company-citizenship in the country. Good relationship is needed with the Russian political authorities. The political risk identification and the research’s conclusive framework also enable political risk study assessments for other industries in Russia
The service sector in the global world is constantly growing: in Europe, they account currently approximately for 70 per cent of the total economy. Yet service internationalization is rather a new phenomenon: services have been traditionally seen as local entities, which also explains why research on service internationalization has properly begun only few decades ago. Even though the Single European Market allows free service movement between Member States, services do not move as actively as desired: approximately only one fifth of services are involved in cross-border trade. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the barriers to service-sector SME internationalization in the EU business environment. To address the research purpose, the internationalization of service-sector SMEs in the EU area is first described and thereafter, the barriers to service-sector SME internationalization in the European context are mapped and analyzed from intra- and extra-firm perspectives. In order to understand the topic area and the phenomenon, a short glance is first taken into Europe as a business environment for service industries: the market characteristics and benefits of the common free trade area for service industries are described. Also earlier literature on service internationalization and barriers to international service trade are discussed. Due to low previous research activity on barriers specifically to international service trade, the discussion is improved by presenting general findings of barriers to SME internationalization. This research is conducted with qualitative methods: there is only a limited amount of previous research and qualitative methods provide a way of gathering in-depth information and reaching understanding from respondents’ perspectives. The evidence presented in the study was collected through six semi-structured interviews with six different small or medium sized international service firm representatives that all had the first-hand knowledge regarding their company’s process of delivering services from home market to other European countries. The results of the study provide a detailed description and analysis of intra- and extra-firm barriers to service-sector SME internationalization in the context of EU and indicate that in general, internal firm-specific barriers have a greater impact in determining firm’s possibilities to be engaged in cross-border service trade – external barriers played a smaller role. What might explain these results is that first of all, the study has full focus on service firms of smaller size and internal barriers tend to be particularly effective to SMEs as their resources, skills and capabilities are often limited, which limits internationalization possibilities. Second, the results may indicate that EU’s internal market and the free trade concept function quite well from service firms’ perspective, and the low service movement rate may be rather caused by firm’s own competences and resource-related difficulties than directly by flaws in the market. The results complete earlier literature and provide new and more detailed knowledge of barriers to cross-border service trade in the context of Europe. They also indicate that service internationalization should be observed separately from internationalization of traditional manufacturing firms due to unique service-specific characteristics. The findings of this study are particularly beneficial for small or medium sized service firm managers as it provides knowledge of delivering services across borders in Europe and of barriers that relate to that process.
Today’s international business in highly related to crossing national, cultural and linguistic borders making communication and linguistic skills a vital part of the trade. The purpose of the study is to understand the role of linguistic skills in trust creation in international business relationships. Subobjectives are to discuss the importance of linguistic skills in international business context, to evaluate the strategic value of trust in business relationships and to analyze the extent to which linguistic skills affect trust formation. The scope is restricted to business-to-business markets. The theoretical background consists of different theories and previous studies related to trust and linguistic skills. Based on the theory a new LTS-framework is created to demonstrate a process model of linguistic skills affecting trust creation in international B2B relationships. This study is qualitative using interviews as a data collection method. Altogether eleven interviews were conducted between October 2014 and February 2015. All of the interviewees worked for organizations operating in the field of international business in B2B markets, spoke multiple languages and had a lot of experience in sales and negotiations. This study confirms that linguistic skills are an important part of international business. In many organizations English is used as lingua franca. However, there are several benefits of speaking the mother tongue of the customer. It makes people feel more relaxed and it makes the relationship more intimate and allows to continue developing it at a more personal level. From the strategic point of view trust creates competitive advantage to a company adding strategic value to the business. The data also supported the view that linguistic skills definitely impact the trust formation process. Quickness and easiness could be stated as the main benefits. It was seen that trust forms faster because both parties understand each other better and they become more open about information sharing within a shorter period of time. These findings and the importance of linguistic skills in trust creation should be acknowledged by organizations, especially regarding the human resource management. Boundary spanners are in key positions so special attention should be put into hiring and educating employees which then take care of company’s relationships. Eventually, these benefits are economical and affect to the profitability of the organization