34 resultados para Nutrients removal
The objective of this work was to study the effects of partial removal of wood hemicelluloses on the properties of kraft pulp.The work was conducted by extracting hemicelluloses (1) by a softwood chip pretreatment process prior to kraft pulping, (2) by alkaline extraction from bleached birch kraft pulp, and (3) by enzymatic treatment, xylanase treatment in particular, of bleached birch kraft pulp. The qualitative and quantitative changes in fibers and paper properties were evaluated. In addition, the applicability of the extraction concepts and hemicellulose-extracted birch kraft pulp as a raw material in papermaking was evaluated in a pilot-scale papermaking environment. The results showed that each examined hemicellulose extraction method has its characteristic effects on fiber properties, seen as differences in both the physical and chemical nature of the fibers. A prehydrolysis process prior to the kraft pulping process offered reductions in cooking time, bleaching chemical consumption and produced fibers with low hemicellulose content that are more susceptible to mechanically induced damages and dislocations. Softwood chip pretreatment for hemicellulose recovery prior to cooking, whether acidic or alkaline, had an impact on the physical properties of the non-refined and refined pulp. In addition, all the pretreated pulps exhibited slower beating response than the unhydrolyzed reference pulp. Both alkaline extraction and enzymatic (xylanase) treatment of bleached birch kraft pulp fibers indicated very selective hemicellulose removal, particularly xylan removal. Furthermore, these two hemicellulose-extracted birch kraft pulps were utilized in a pilot-scale papermaking environment in order to evaluate the upscalability of the extraction concepts. Investigations made using pilot paper machine trials revealed that some amount of alkalineextracted birch kraft pulp, with a 24.9% reduction in the total amount of xylan, could be used in the papermaking stock as a mixture with non-extracted pulp when producing 75 g/m2 paper. For xylanase-treated fibers there were no reductions in the mechanical properties of the 180 g/m2 paper produced compared to paper made from the control pulp, although there was a 14.2% reduction in the total amount of xylan in the xylanase-treated pulp compared to the control birch kraft pulp. This work emphasized the importance of the hemicellulose extraction method in providing new solutions to create functional fibers and in providing a valuable hemicellulose co-product stream. The hemicellulose removal concept therefore plays an important role in the integrated forest biorefinery scenario, where the target is to the co-production of hemicellulose-extracted pulp and hemicellulose-based chemicals or fuels.
The application of pulp and paper mill (PPM) sludge in agriculture and forestry has been acknowledged as soil amendments and a plant nutrient source. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the total cost of the use of recycled nutrients from PPM sludge in fast growing pulpwood production, and the financial profitability of fast growing pulpwood production with the use of these recycled nutrients. The investment and production costs of fast growing pulpwood plantation were directly acquired from a previous research, while the other data was compiled through different studies. The total cost of the use of PPM sludge was evaluated based on assumed factors. Discounted cash flow method was used to evaluate the financial profitability, using NPV and IRR as indicators. The results of estimated sludge nutrient contents were 16.2 g N, 2.9 g P, and 2.4 g K kg-1 of dry sludge. The sludge application rate was estimated at 1.36 Mg/ha in the first year. The total cost of the use of PPM sludge involved transport and spreading cost of US$49.15/dry ton. The fertilization cost applied in the financial model was designed in 3 different options and their results were as follows: option (1) was taken directly from the reference research (US$97/ha); option (2) was the use of sludge alone (US$66.75/ha); and option (3) was the use of sludge and TSP fertilizer (US$83.80/ha). The average NPV without discounting was US$248,180 while the IRRs ranged between approximately 3-4% with an average of 3.63%. Although option (2) and (3) contributed to higher IRRs compared to option (1), this increase was still not significant as the IRR was not sensitive to the total fertilization cost. The advantages are that this practice can be performed at a lower cost and the application rate can be still increased if necessary. It is better for forest plantations compared to agriculture and consequently supports reforestation program. In addition, it can be similarly applied in wood biomass production. A disadvantage is that the IRRs were not very favorable compared to the criterion of 11%. The sludge high in C:N ratio can cause nitrogen immobilization, and regulatory concerns may restrict and complicate the use of sludge landspreading and contribute to additional costs and processes.
Fertilizer plant’s process waters contain high concentrations of nitrogen compounds, such as ammonium and nitrate. Phosphorus and fluorine, which originate from phosphoric acid and rock phosphate (apatite) used in fertilizer production, are also present. Phosphorus and nitrogen are the primary nutrients causing eutrophication of surface waters. At fertilizer plant process waters are held in closed internal circulation. In a scrubber system process waters are used for washing exhaust gases from fertilizer reactors and dry gases from granulation drums as well as for cooling down the fertilizer slurry in neutralization reactor. Solids in process waters are separated in an inclined plate settler by gravitational sedimentation. However, the operation of inclined plate settler has been inadequate. The aim of this thesis was to intensify the operation of inclined plate settler and thus the solids separation e.g. through coagulation and/or flocculation process. Chemical precipitation was studied to reduce the amount of dissolved species in process waters. Specific interest was in precipitation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluorine containing specimens. Amounts of phosphorus and fluorine were reduced significantly by chemical precipitation. When compared to earlier studies, annual chemical costs were almost eight times lower. Instead, nitrogen compounds are readily dissolved in water, thus being difficult to remove by precipitation. Possible alternative techniques for nitrogen removal are adsorption, ion exchange, and reverse osmosis. Settling velocities of pH adjusted and flocculated process waters were sufficient for the operation of inclined plate settler. Design principles of inclined plate settler are also presented. In continuation studies, flow conditions in inclined plate settler should be modelled with computational fluid dynamics and suitability of adsorbents, ion exchange resins, and membranes should be studied in laboratory scale tests.
Vesistöjen rehevöityminen on maailmanlaajuinen ongelma. ”Effective microorganisms (EM)” -teknologian väitetään mahdollistavan ravinteiden poiston vesistä luonnonmukaisten mikro-organismien avulla. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää kyseistä teknologiaa hyödyntävien EM-mutapallojen soveltuvuutta suomalaisten luonnonvesien sekä jätevesien ravinteiden poistamiseen. Kirjallisuusosassa selitettiin EM-teknologian toimintaperiaate sekä esitettiin EM-mutapallojen koostumus. Tässä osassa selvitettiin myös teknologian käyttökohteita. Lisäksi perehdyttiin Suomen vesistöjen tilanteeseen sekä EM-teknologian mahdollisiin hyödyntämiskohteisiin. Kokeellisessa osassa seurattiin 6 eri vesinäytteen ravinnepitoisuuksien muutosta EM-mutapallon käytön aikana. Osaa näytteistä säilytettiin jääkaapissa, jotta päästiin lähemmäs Suomessa vallitsevia olosuhteita. Analysoidut ravinteet olivat nitraatti, sulfaatti, fosfaatti ja typpi. Tuloksien mukaan EM-mutapallojen käyttö poisti pääsääntöisesti vesinäytteistä nitraatin. Sulfaatin poisto sen sijaan oli huomattavasti heikompaa. Paria näytettä lukuun ottamatta sulfaattipitoisuudet eivät laskeneet lähtökonsentraation alle, vaikka ajoittaista laskua tapahtuikin. Fosfaattipitoisuudet näytteissä olivat yleisesti hyvin pieniä, eivätkä ylittäneet määritysrajaa kokeen aikana ollenkaan. Ainoastaan fosfaattia sisältäneessä synteettisessä näytteessä tapahtui fosfaattipitoisuuden laskua, joka kuitenkin palautui lähes alkuperäiselle tasolle koejakson lopussa. Näytteiden typpipitoisuuksien kasvun aiheutti käymistuotteena muodostuva ammonium, jonka takia myös näytteiden pH nousi. Kokeet vahvistavat aiempia tutkimustuloksia, joiden mukaan EM-mutapallo hajoaa kahden viikon kuluttua niiden lisäämisestä vesinäytteisiin. Aikaisemmista tutkimuksista poiketen tämän kokeen mukaan EM-mutapallot näyttäisivät toimivan paremmin viileämmässä lämpötilassa. Kokeen perusteella EM-teknologian hyödyntäminen voisi olla potentiaalinen vaihtoehto tulevaisuudessa Suomen vesistöjen nitraatin poistoon.