69 resultados para Mickiewicz, Adam
Invocatio: Med Guds wälsignande nåd och wederbörandes tilstånd yttrade tankar.
Invocatio: D.F.G.
Invocatio: Q.B.V.D.T.O.M.
Invocatio: D.D.
Dedicatio: Gabriel Tandefeldt [ransk. pr.], Adam Otto Tandefeldt [ransk. pr.], Tobias Ticcander, Johan Ticcander, Jacob Ticcander.
Invocatio: M.G.H.
Dedicated to: Carl Cronstedt, Carl Gustaf Tessin, Theodor Ankarkrona, Otto Reinhold Wrangel, Olof Sandberg, Jacob von Hökerstedt, Carl von Groot, Carl Friedrich Piper, Olof von Törne, Petter Drufwa, Johan Löwen, Swen Cederström, Johan Maurits Klinkowström, Leonhard Klinkowström, Reinholdt Berndt Hauswolff, Christopher Christopherssen, Johan Williamsson, Olof Malmer, Johan Adam Petersson, Gustaf Kierman, Anders Plomgren.
Dedicated to: Carl Ulner, Adam Ulner, Carolus Bergman.
Bone strain plays a major role as the activation signal for the bone (re)modeling process, which is vital for keeping bones healthy. Maintaining high bone mineral density reduces the chances of fracture in the event of an accident. Numerous studies have shown that bones can be strengthened with physical exercise. Several hypotheses have asserted that a stronger osteogenic (bone producing) effect results from dynamic exercise than from static exercise. These previous studies are based on short-term empirical research, which provide the motivation for justifying the experimental results with a solid mathematical background. The computer simulation techniques utilized in this work allow for non-invasive bone strain estimation during physical activity at any bone site within the human skeleton. All models presented in the study are threedimensional and actuated by muscle models to replicate the real conditions accurately. The objective of this work is to determine and present loading-induced bone strain values resulting from physical activity. It includes a comparison of strain resulting from four different gym exercises (knee flexion, knee extension, leg press, and squat) and walking, with the results reported for walking and jogging obtained from in-vivo measurements described in the literature. The objective is realized primarily by carrying out flexible multibody dynamics computer simulations. The dissertation combines the knowledge of finite element analysis and multibody simulations with experimental data and information available from medical field literature. Measured subject-specific motion data was coupled with forward dynamics simulation to provide natural skeletal movement. Bone geometries were defined using a reverse engineering approach based on medical imaging techniques. Both computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were utilized to explore modeling differences. The predicted tibia bone strains during walking show good agreement with invivo studies found in the literature. Strain measurements were not available for gym exercises; therefore, the strain results could not be validated. However, the values seem reasonable when compared to available walking and running invivo strain measurements. The results can be used for exercise equipment design aimed at strengthening the bones as well as the muscles during workout. Clinical applications in post fracture recovery exercising programs could also be the target. In addition, the methodology introduced in this study, can be applied to investigate the effect of weightlessness on astronauts, who often suffer bone loss after long time spent in the outer space.